Daily Archives: August 15, 2013

Ep55-Raw Egypt Talk


ep55-Raw Egypt Talk

Rawtalk:Thursday, August 15, 2013

We talk about the Egypt Cairo media event with Sami and Sanfoora

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US War College



Nuclear tree

What do cockroaches and bonsai trees have in common? Apparently they’re both atomic bomb proof.

Not to mention the tree has the mushroom cloud coiffure to it … what a coincidence! Boy they feck with our minds, don’t they?

The 388-Year-Old Bonsai that Survived Hiroshima

On display at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum at the United States National Arboretum is this remarkable Japanese White Pine (Pinus parviflora ‘Miyajima’) bonsai sometimes known as Hiroshima Survivor. According to the tree’s display placard, it has been in training since 1625 making it 388-years-old. Oh and it survived the atomic blast in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

via The 388-Year-Old Bonsai that Survived Hiroshima «TwistedSifter.

h/t Banazir

Nuke scare in the morning

My morning listen was the second half of this audio with Christopher Busby.

Why do we listen to those with British accents and consider their talks so highly? Is it our genetic subconscious of our former British rule?

After listening to his contradictions and nuclear doubletalk, I’m more convinced than ever that nuclear radiation is a hoax, along with everything else connected to it.

The Fukushima hoax sealed it for me.
