Daily Archives: August 11, 2014

Save on actors

If you believe that the Trayvon Martin trial was nothing more than a made-for-TV white-on-black psyOp hoax, then you’ll have to question the latest conflict to headline the news based on this story:

Trayvon Martin family attorney to represent slain Missouri teen

Surely there’s a more local attorney available for this case? Who would pay to bring an attorney cross-country to represent them? A logical fakeologist view would be that it’s more sensible to use an already established liar-for-hire actor who is familiar with psyOp hoaxes.

via Trayvon Martin family attorney to represent slain Missouri teen.

I have read nothing about this case nor do I intend to. Since I rarely believe in coincidences, I am more likely to accept this is nothing more than a fake story that will recycle memes and actors like a traveling circus.


A real collapse

…or staged? It’s no building 7, but it sure is quite the coincidence. I wonder what Richard Gage would have to say about it.

Local news station KCTV-5 was on the scene of a partial collapse of the Rios De Agua Viva Church in Kansas City Thursday.

via WATCH: Building collapse caught on camera during TV interview – National | Globalnews.ca.

h/t Banazir