Daily Archives: March 21, 2015

Miracle stories can be fake too

What a coincidence that someone I know was told in their recent CPR course that the longest one can/should reasonably do sustained CPR is 10 (not 11) minutes. After that, it’s likely to do more harm than good (ie. broken ribs, perforate lungs and heart)

Gardell Martin has suffered virtually no lingering effects after his lifeless body was pulled from an icy creek and given CPR for 101 minutes. His doctors said he has made a full recovery. β€œThe stars and moon aligned, and he had an angel on his shoulder.”

In a survival story his doctors call extraordinary, a 22-month-old Pennsylvania boy whose lifeless body was pulled from an icy creek was revived after an hour and 41 minutes of CPR and has suffered virtually no lingering effects.

Gardell and two of his brothers had gone outside to play on March 11

via Toddler, found in creek with no pulse, revived after 101 straight minutes of CPR | Toronto Star.