Daily Archives: April 3, 2015

Ep141-Anne Sono

When? Friday,  April 3, 2015 4:11pm EDT

Who? Anne Sono of the AIDS movie I Won’t Go Quietly.com – Order the DVD here.




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Goldbug tool?

I’ll post this to open up debate. Is using an alias a way to avoid legal consequences in passing laws or participating in psyops?

I have stated many times that I believe psyops hoaxes are all done within the law. Add some fundraising and I’m sure it is easy to sign people up.

I quickly looked at the Florida oath and it required a voter registration number. I don’t know if you need ID to get this registration number.

The tool to out the FAKERS.:

H/T Frank in chat.fakeologist.com

Disclaimer: Posting this video doesn’t change my opinion on Goldbug’s misleading “models”. They will always be disinfo to me.