Daily Archives: April 10, 2015

Boston bombing trial joke

The Boston bombing trial was in no way a real trial. That doesn’t stop the media from reporting the fiction as fact. Adam and John treat it as fact but joke around about the fictional qualities of the fake trial. All this does is confuse the whole issue of media fakery.  Aware of all this, the fictional characters and their silly script is amusing to listen to. Start at 2:36h


* Show Notes: http://711.noagendanotes.com/

* Episode Feed: No Agenda – http://feed.nashownotes.com/rss.xml

Moon hoax propaganda clip fest

Cool podcast full of clips.

January 18th 2015 In this episode of the Max Ratt Deconstruction Zone Max breaks down the Moon Landing Hoax.  In part 1 of a series Max takes a look at the Proof.  Max aggregates loads of evidence and explanations clearly showing that NASA presents Fraudulent Records of the Apollo Moon Missions. In his usual […]


* Show Notes: http://maxratt.com/blog/2015/01/1-18-15-dz29-the-moon-landing-hoax-pt-1/

* Episode Feed: The Max Ratt Deconstruction Zone – http://maxratt.com/blog/feed/

H/T Critical Mass



Good clip in here of Bill Cooper saying the weight of the LEM (LM) was, you guessed it, 33 thousand lbs!