Making lottery winners secret

I’m still quite sure big lottery winners are fake since the numbers just don’t come up frequently enough to keep people interested. This story gives a plausible deniability explanation as to why the media can keep the fake names secret and not make up a sim. Once more, the best advice to future suckers is […]

33 the magic lottery number

As the consumers of the west lick their post-Xmas wallet wounds, we have lottery story after lottery story (some true, some fake) to distract people from the tanking economy. This one flaunts the occult 33 right in your face. Most BIG lotteries are fake, staged, or out right frauds. I’m sure the next super duper […]

Rigged lottery rigging story

Here’s a likely fake story about rigging the lotteries. Lots of occult numerology, an incoherent story,  and other nonsense to obscure the google search of the growing realisation that the lottery is fixed and there are (statistically) no big winners of any frequency. If you want to gamble, it’s probably better to do it privately. […]

Hide lottery winners: perfect for perps

What would make it even easier for the hoaxsters that run the lotteries to get away with making it even easier to lie about winners? Make them anonymous. As usual, they’ve created the perfect problem, reaction, solution to make this happen. They’ve created the problem with fakery, offered up some very weak reactions, and then […]

Advanced Lottery Hoaxing

I’m not sure how long the Chinese have being doing lotteries, but it looks like they’ve taken their lottery fakery an extra step: using the Michael Jackson mask of deception trick to disguise their “winners”. How anyone can accept this as being transparent and open is beyond me. I don’t bet, but if I did, […]

Lottery for the county

I can’t tell if this story is fake – I can only guess. I still read the story carefully, and I ask – who says that their lottery winnings will be good for their county? Who thinks/talks like that other than someone trying to deliver propaganda or PR? I’m glad they’re not calling it a […]