Category Archives: Chats

Gaia grills Nik

It’s been a while since I’ve saved a chat, but this one is worth it. Gaia takes no prisoners. Nik left the server after this exchange.

It’s impossible to believe that AA would engrave their initials on even the smallest plane part. We’ve had many come to fakeologist claiming they were there in NYC on 9/11, and none has lasted more than a few days here. Are we too smart here?

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I’m with Evil on this one

New layers of propaganda don’t constitute new evidence. I agree with EE on this theme in this thread.

Wed Feb 3, 4:22:45pm

anon4580: Zal1an, I’ve chatted with you here beofre and it was great to hear you on the chats. Looking forward to hearing more of your viewpoints and am particularly impressed by your need to get to the truth! It’s damn frustrating, right!?

Wed Feb 3, 4:26:40pm

anon4580: I’d like to see more people pull themselves out of the ‘anus’, so to speak, and hear them talk.

Wed Feb 3, 4:35:14pm

anon4580: I’ve recently been revisting Charlie Hebdo and there’s a mainstream documentary out now which explores the victims in that massacre who worked as cartoonists at the company. Here’s the link in case anybody wants it: Anyway, I’d like to ask what pieces of evidence people saw that made them sure that there were no actual murders because although I certainly believe that the so called terrorists were hired and the whole thing was contrived, I am not wholly secure that the cartoonists didn’t die.

Wed Feb 3, 4:42:39pm

anon5790: I’m with Tom and Zal1an in that a lot of time, I am reluctant to jump wildly into the ‘everything was faked’ camp which I’m quite sure is exactly what we are baited to do a lot of the time. For example, the video where the cartoonist guy is laughing with friends on camera the day after his chums die at Charlie Hebdo – it might be to cover that incident but that documentary shows that those people working there had a dark humour and went through the whole gamut of emotions and reactinos after the event. I get the impressino that many French people do have a dark humour that perhaps a lot of Americans can’t comprehend. I’m really not sure but I’d like to hear opinions.

Wed Feb 3, 4:43:37pm

anon5790: Either way, sometimes one video can sway us even though we might be takig it out of context.

Wed Feb 3, 5:00:34pm

EvilEdna: An emerging theme here.. “It’s not completely fake; maybe a couple hundred people really did die on 9/11.” No honest, they maybe did! Now real murders happened in Paris too?! And as for Sandy Hook.. Hoax? What hoax?! A general dilution of what this site actually stands for.

Wed Feb 3, 5:06:10pm

EvilEdna: “did perhaps some random guys die [on 911]?” — good grief1 For someone who says he’s been lurking on this for 18 months, that’s pretty flaky thinking.

Wed Feb 3, 5:06:36pm

anon6055: This site, I’m sure Ab will agree, is about finding the truth, not claiming everything is absolutely fake and sticking with that if new evidence shows otherwise!

Wed Feb 3, 5:09:53pm

anon6055: I’m asknig questions about evidence, so if you’d like to help me out, I want to listen. Please convince me!

Wed Feb 3, 5:09:55pm

EvilEdna: Maybe get on air yourself, anon6055, and point us to all this “new evidence” which corroborates these claims that 200 random people did die on 9/11. We can explore how they supposedly died. Were they in the fictitious planes? Or in the towers that evacuated and derelict since the staged “Al-Qaeda” 1993 bombing?

Wed Feb 3, 5:11:27pm

anon6055: I’ve never mentioned anything about 9/11 Edna. I have doubts about Charlie Hebdo and they are only doubts.

Wed Feb 3, 5:12:40pm

EvilEdna: Ahh, so you’re also anon4580, who reckons the Hebdo cartoonists were assassinated? Talk us through the logic on that line of thinking.

Wed Feb 3, 5:14:18pm

EvilEdna: And the Batalan “attack”? The “dead” there, were the real deal too?

Wed Feb 3, 5:14:35pm

anon6055: yes, you know how the anon numbers change in this place. Perhaps it’s the case that I haven’t explored the evidence for total hoax enough, but after watching a documentary about the people working at Charlie Hebdo, I admit to asking if perhaps they were assassinated.

Wed Feb 3, 5:15:36pm

EvilEdna: Talk us through your line of thinking, if you reckon they were really murdered.. then… And why stop at Charlie Hebdo? If you’re going murder people in one psyop, then surely you may as well murder them in all the others…

Wed Feb 3, 5:16:44pm

anon6055: Haven’t done enough research there. It seems that you want to go with everythign’s fake rather than going with the possibility that there may be cases where they actually kill people.

Wed Feb 3, 5:17:48pm

anon6055: Edna, I think you are too smart to think that these groups never murder people.

Wed Feb 3, 5:21:33pm

EvilEdna: Who are “these groups”, and who have they murdered?

Wed Feb 3, 5:22:11pm

EvilEdna: [You’re the one making these murder claims; your obligation to provide the evidence]

Wed Feb 3, 5:22:42pm

anon7253: Jesuits, Zionists, CIA, MI5, MI6, Mossad..all the usual suspects and a hundred other groups that they never reveal actually exist

Wed Feb 3, 5:23:47pm

anon7253: No, I’m asking what people here are using as evidence that takes them as far as ‘everything was haoxed’. I really don’t know for sure.

Wed Feb 3, 5:24:22pm

EvilEdna: Who’ve they murdered then? “you are too smark to think that these groups never murder people”…. come on then — name the murder victims.

Wed Feb 3, 5:28:06pm

anon7253: I can’t think of individuals right now, but for sure, they have killed millions through the health services in all countries thanks to big pharma etc

Wed Feb 3, 5:28:40pm

anon7253: Of course there are casualties in war or is no one dying in Palestine?

Wed Feb 3, 5:30:05pm

anon7253: But instead of thinking that I’m trying to destroy the sanctity of this site, why don’t you help me with Charlie Hebdo!?

Wed Feb 3, 5:31:13pm

EvilEdna: You reckon the cartoonists were assassinated; then so be it

Wed Feb 3, 5:32:20pm

EvilEdna: Guess the Bataclan massacre was contrived but real enough too? Genuine terrorists; co-opted but very real, with real guns?

Wed Feb 3, 5:32:38pm

anon7253: No, I’m saying that after watching that documentary, it made me doubt and now I’d like to discuss with other people what they saw which led them to think the murders were definitely faked.

Wed Feb 3, 5:33:38pm

EvilEdna: That’s terrible. If mainstream propaganda so easily sways your mind, then it’s time to make a choice. Either ignore it, or swallow it wholesale.

Wed Feb 3, 5:34:12pm

anon7253: EE, have you ever thought that maybe they fake some but then make others partially real so that it confuses people like us and makes us look stupid if we are crying ‘fake’ when some part was actually real?

Wed Feb 3, 5:35:48pm

EvilEdna: The victims on 911 (at least 200 of them) were real? charlie hebdo was a hoax,except for the cartoonists who were really assassinated, by real tewwowists? What about 7/7 in London? Real too? If so, Ab may as well shut down this site.

Wed Feb 3, 5:36:20pm

anon7253: Mainstream propaganda was saying it was ISIS which is absurd, so why would I believe that? Are you saygin that in every big event, everything to the minutae is always faked?

Wed Feb 3, 5:37:19pm

EvilEdna: Which parts of 911 do you reckon were real? The planes? The victims? The tower collapse footage? The eyewitnesses? “”…come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side…and then I
both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to
structural failure because the fire was just too intense.”

Wed Feb 3, 5:38:03pm

anon7253: Are you trying to mix up things on purpose? I recall you once linked to a motorist crash and said that was fake when there was really no reason to think it was at all. So there are no real news stories anymore that can be used in a ‘shock doctrine’ manner?

Wed Feb 3, 5:38:41pm

anon7253: Actually, at the moment I’m all for Simon Shack’s thesis there.

Wed Feb 3, 5:38:49pm

EvilEdna: It’s not about me,anon, it’s about you, and your speculation that Charlie Hebdo was partly real – with the cartoonists really murdered.

Wed Feb 3, 5:39:18pm

anon7253: It’s about you being a guard dog of the ‘everything is fake’ idea I think.

Wed Feb 3, 5:39:52pm

EvilEdna: Tell us why you think the Hebdo murders were real.. In your own time.. No hurry, you’ve been hear 45 minutes now…

Wed Feb 3, 5:40:15pm

anon9468: I’m asking for help and you seem to be mixing the one event I’m asking about with 9/11 and Baclavan etc

Wed Feb 3, 5:41:05pm

EvilEdna: Charlie Hebdo — In your own words.. Don’t refer us to some dodgy gatekeeping video.. What makes you think the “murders” were real?

Wed Feb 3, 5:42:30pm

anon9468: Look, I may be wrong for sure, but the video I watched showed a history of the cartoon company that the victims worked for and how they had been together for decades – if those victims never died, they would have to be very deep agents or paid off very well maybe?

Wed Feb 3, 5:43:19pm

anon9468: It may be gatekeeping, but there are times when people looking for the truth have to step back and think again so as not to jump to conclusions on everything.

Wed Feb 3, 5:44:24pm

EvilEdna: Anyway,great chatting. Hopefully Zalian will be along in a bit, and you can share notes on these “real” psyop murders.

Wed Feb 3, 5:44:45pm

anon9468: Ok Edna, thanks.

Wed Feb 3, 5:45:12pm

anon9468: If you want to enlighten me on the proof, I’m open to hear it.

Wed Feb 3, 5:45:18pm

anon9468: in the future

Wed Feb 3, 6:22:24pm

Zal1an: thats abit unfair eviledna, i have stated a million times my main gripe is with the footage and that some shots are close to impossible to do on a computer, that doesnt leave much for the “totally generated” camp, unless it was done in another manner you want to share?, Now as far as deaths are concerned i honestly dont know but i have no problem seeing it either way. what will decide it for me will as always be evidence, provide me evidence of how the moving camera demolition shots was achived and you gain my vote, i dont subscribe to any agenda, and i would like to know as much as the next guy what actually happened that day

Wed Feb 3, 6:23:14pm

Zal1an: and to clarify, photos and still cameras is 100% fakeable

Wed Feb 3, 6:23:57pm

Zal1an: the hard shots are always the moving camera ones where for instance the smoke wraps around buildings and people, that is where compositing starts failing

Wed Feb 3, 6:24:36pm

Zal1an: military smoke machines though might be a valid theory, and i can certainly get behind that untill someone proposes something better

Wed Feb 3, 6:30:04pm

Zal1an: wish there was a database with all the footage split into seperate files every time a camera cut happens

Wed Feb 3, 6:31:12pm

Zal1an: that way effects guys could go over it all and deconstruct it on a per shot basis like hollywood would do when they set up movies

Wed Feb 3, 6:32:03pm

Zal1an: who knows, maybe with all the info, we could make a better decision and maybe that would prove fakeologist view beyond any doubt even to the average guy

Wed Feb 3, 6:32:35pm

Zal1an: sorta like a vicsim report for the footage

Wed Feb 3, 6:45:50pm

abirato: I’m with @EvilEdna on the above chat. @anon9468 , login with a name so you’re not a moving target
Wed Feb 3, 5:22:11pm

EvilEdna: [You’re the one making these murder claims; your obligation to provide the evidence]

Wed Feb 3, 5:22:42pm

anon7253: Jesuits, Zionists, CIA, MI5, MI6, Mossad..all the usual suspects and a hundred other groups that they never reveal actually exist

Wed Feb 3, 5:23:47pm

anon7253: No, I’m asking what people here are using as evidence that takes them as far as ‘everything was haoxed’. I really don’t know for sure.

Wed Feb 3, 5:24:22pm

EvilEdna: Who’ve they murdered then? “you are too smark to think that these groups never murder people”…. come on then — name the murder victims.

Wed Feb 3, 5:28:06pm

anon7253: I can’t think of individuals right now, but for sure, they have killed millions through the health services in all countries thanks to big pharma etc

Wed Feb 3, 5:28:40pm

anon7253: Of course there are casualties in war or is no one dying in Palestine?

Wed Feb 3, 5:30:05pm

anon7253: But instead of thinking that I’m trying to destroy the sanctity of this site, why don’t you help me with Charlie Hebdo!?

Wed Feb 3, 5:31:13pm

EvilEdna: You reckon the cartoonists were assassinated; then so be it

Wed Feb 3, 5:32:20pm

EvilEdna: Guess the Bataclan massacre was contrived but real enough too? Genuine terrorists; co-opted but very real, with real guns?

Wed Feb 3, 5:32:38pm

anon7253: No, I’m saying that after watching that documentary, it made me doubt and now I’d like to discuss with other people what they saw which led them to think the murders were definitely faked.

Wed Feb 3, 5:33:38pm

EvilEdna: That’s terrible. If mainstream propaganda so easily sways your mind, then it’s time to make a choice. Either ignore it, or swallow it wholesale.

Wed Feb 3, 5:34:12pm

anon7253: EE, have you ever thought that maybe they fake some but then make others partially real so that it confuses people like us and makes us look stupid if we are crying ‘fake’ when some part was actually real?

Wed Feb 3, 5:35:48pm

EvilEdna: The victims on 911 (at least 200 of them) were real? charlie hebdo was a hoax,except for the cartoonists who were really assassinated, by real tewwowists? What about 7/7 in London? Real too? If so, Ab may as well shut down this site.

Wed Feb 3, 5:36:20pm

anon7253: Mainstream propaganda was saying it was ISIS which is absurd, so why would I believe that? Are you saygin that in every big event, everything to the minutae is always faked?

Wed Feb 3, 5:37:19pm

EvilEdna: Which parts of 911 do you reckon were real? The planes? The victims? The tower collapse footage? The eyewitnesses? “”…come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side…and then I
both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to
structural failure because the fire was just too intense.”

Wed Feb 3, 5:38:03pm

anon7253: Are you trying to mix up things on purpose? I recall you once linked to a motorist crash and said that was fake when there was really no reason to think it was at all. So there are no real news stories anymore that can be used in a ‘shock doctrine’ manner?

Wed Feb 3, 5:38:41pm

anon7253: Actually, at the moment I’m all for Simon Shack’s thesis there.

Wed Feb 3, 5:38:49pm

EvilEdna: It’s not about me,anon, it’s about you, and your speculation that Charlie Hebdo was partly real – with the cartoonists really murdered.

Wed Feb 3, 5:39:18pm

anon7253: It’s about you being a guard dog of the ‘everything is fake’ idea I think.

Wed Feb 3, 5:39:52pm

EvilEdna: Tell us why you think the Hebdo murders were real.. In your own time.. No hurry, you’ve been hear 45 minutes now…

Wed Feb 3, 5:40:15pm

anon9468: I’m asking for help and you seem to be mixing the one event I’m asking about with 9/11 and Baclavan etc

Wed Feb 3, 5:41:05pm

EvilEdna: Charlie Hebdo — In your own words.. Don’t refer us to some dodgy gatekeeping video.. What makes you think the “murders” were real?

Wed Feb 3, 5:42:30pm

anon9468: Look, I may be wrong for sure, but the video I watched showed a history of the cartoon company that the victims worked for and how they had been together for decades – if those victims never died, they would have to be very deep agents or paid off very well maybe?

Wed Feb 3, 5:43:19pm

anon9468: It may be gatekeeping, but there are times when people looking for the truth have to step back and think again so as not to jump to conclusions on everything.

Wed Feb 3, 5:44:24pm

EvilEdna: Anyway,great chatting. Hopefully Zalian will be along in a bit, and you can share notes on these “real” psyop murders.

Wed Feb 3, 5:44:45pm

anon9468: Ok Edna, thanks.

Wed Feb 3, 5:45:12pm

anon9468: If you want to enlighten me on the proof, I’m open to hear it.

Wed Feb 3, 5:45:18pm

anon9468: in the future

Wed Feb 3, 6:22:24pm

Zal1an: thats abit unfair eviledna, i have stated a million times my main gripe is with the footage and that some shots are close to impossible to do on a computer, that doesnt leave much for the “totally generated” camp, unless it was done in another manner you want to share?, Now as far as deaths are concerned i honestly dont know but i have no problem seeing it either way. what will decide it for me will as always be evidence, provide me evidence of how the moving camera demolition shots was achived and you gain my vote, i dont subscribe to any agenda, and i would like to know as much as the next guy what actually happened that day

Wed Feb 3, 6:23:14pm

Zal1an: and to clarify, photos and still cameras is 100% fakeable

Wed Feb 3, 6:23:57pm

Zal1an: the hard shots are always the moving camera ones where for instance the smoke wraps around buildings and people, that is where compositing starts failing

Wed Feb 3, 6:24:36pm

Zal1an: military smoke machines though might be a valid theory, and i can certainly get behind that untill someone proposes something better

Wed Feb 3, 6:30:04pm

Zal1an: wish there was a database with all the footage split into seperate files every time a camera cut happens

Wed Feb 3, 6:31:12pm

Zal1an: that way effects guys could go over it all and deconstruct it on a per shot basis like hollywood would do when they set up movies

Wed Feb 3, 6:32:03pm

Zal1an: who knows, maybe with all the info, we could make a better decision and maybe that would prove fakeologist view beyond any doubt even to the average guy

Wed Feb 3, 6:32:35pm

Zal1an: sorta like a vicsim report for the footage

Wed Feb 3, 6:45:50pm

abirato: I’m with @EvilEdna on the above chat.

Noagendaplayer won’t call it a hoax

John and Adam just won’t call or avoid calling the Paris Shooting event a hoax.

It’s impossible at this point to avoid the research unless you simply refuse to look.

This makes them gatekeepers or worried that they would be relegated to fringe and lose their donations.


* Show Notes:

* Episode Feed: No Agenda –