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Acoinomy is the Newspeech term coined in early 2024 to refer to our own alternative add-on economy (ecos nomos - "the subsistence of our dwellings"), using and based on aCOIN.

what is acoinomy, what is the novelty

  • acoinomy is a way to invest in Future value that is organically, naturally created by 3 main factors and one underlying principle:
  1. the System-induced inflation AND price modifications throughout a year and our lives - "everything becomes more expensive, but not everything the same"
  2. the intrinsic value of common, storable, tradeable and desirable goods & services -
  3. our combined power of generating and multiplying social profit - "reverse the usury, taxing and interests into fairtile social profit for all involved"
  • if there is no greed, there is no way to be greedy. the strength of acoinomy is years of maturation, like good wines and cheeses, of aSHIFT. - "oothenticity generates fairtility"

I am still confused

what is aCOIN

  • aCOIN. is a virtual currency
  • "oh, a crypto currency"
  • no, please let go of your established associations, this is novel, this is a VIRTUAL currency
what does this concretely mean
BLACK BOX fiat curr. ; banks many ATMs around still access to bank accounts,
bank runs, 3rd parties by def.
online wallets your wallet is 3rd parties still
your wallet is cryptopia ;
allegedly, their UTP
curr. stability; see #ANXIETY levels
OPEN BANK principles mentalversity NOVEL; acoinomy - "fairtility" by disueño; only YOU
aiducation - let me help you design !

how do I compare aCOIN to other investments

  • ANXIETY - HIGH with ;
  1. fiat currency speculation - "the stock market" - in all its aspects (if your pension is there, Future you (?! ; acoinomy) is losing in the casino)
  2. cryptocurrencies
  • SERENITY - HIGH with ;
    • trust
  1. visible evidence in The Palace
  2. audible evidence at "Money Walks" subcast at Eye AM Eye Radio
    • eternal growth
  1. the investment is your extra, that would you would not miss per month
  2. the profit is infinite because of continuing inflation, stock diversity and growth ; "LIFE = Growth = LIFE"

what is the value of aCOIN

good question, because the multiple meanings require a manyfold answer
  1. the intrinsic, objective value of aCOIN. is growth ; is the base of the currency, and how the general world economy always goes, no stopping ; generating kinflation instead of suffering from inflation
  2. the human value ; muisca somos, value of aCOIN and acoinomy is a meaningful extra investment in only those areas you like and the gains also come from those
  3. by actively participating, i.e. trading in aCOIN. ; from all sides, as well as the impersonal, never exhausting BANK and all the aCOINomists, the aCOIN. holders gain ; "social profit by disueño"
  4. the currency value of aCOIN. depends of the world currency market you are in, but the value of that is fixed to:
  • the smallest coin (or banknote) in circulation that has legal payment status, see examples below
  • in cryptocurrency speech, I am not connecting with cryptopia, but for those to have an image ; the smallest Ethereum or Bitcoin or EpicCash or any denomination you can sent over, pay with, use

Acoinomy vs other economies

see also aCHANGE. & aSHIFT.