Conspiracy theory

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The term conspiracy theory refers to a strategy of deception used for the Narrative management of PsyOps, in order to obfuscate the true deeds and actions, the real motivation, reasons and consequences as well as the real responsibles of a Military Psychological Operation, by targeting and discriminating the individual mental integrity and the bonds of social integrity. Conspiracy theories are designed and implemented by professional resources of the Military Intelligence Apparatus.


Although conspiring and conspiracies can be viewed as an anthropological constant and widely occuring phenomanon in all historical periods, the term conspiracy theory was used for the first time in its current meaning as part of the hoax management of the Psychological Operation of the JFK assassination.
The term was conceptualiszed and implemened to prevent, inhibit and prohibit the identification of what really happended on November, 22 1963; to expand the impact of the JFK assassination PsyOp in society ; to transform institutions within society and the state, e.g. laws, rights, education, etc.; and to create new conditions for the Dispositif of Power that resulted as consequence of the PsyOp.


  1. Event Conspiracy theories, which are conceptualized for a single event.
  2. Discours Conspiracy theories which are conceptualized to dominate the discours in a particular field of knowledge.

See also




