Holocaust Story

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Nazionism Series
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History Nazionism
Basel massacre (1349)
Holocaust Story (1800s-)
Cairo Genizah (1890s)
Dreyfus affair (1894)
First Zionist Congress (1897)
Second Zionist Congress (1898)
The Protocols (1905?)
Balfour Declaration (1917)
Beer Hall "Putsch" (1923)
Coudenhove-Kalergi plan (1923)
World War II (1939-45)
Wannsee Conference (1942)
Bombing of Dresden (1944)
Liberation of Auschwitz (1945)
"Suicide" of Adolf Hitler (1945)
Operation Paperclip (USA) (1946+)
Ratlines (South America) (1946+)
Diary "of Anne Frank" (1947)
Foundation of Israel (1948-?)
Present &
Israel 2.0 (1860+)
Fakeologist [ab 1]
Cluesforum [CF 1]

The Holocaust Story is a term used to described the holocaust psyop, deliberately avoiding the term "Holohoax", because people died after they were taken against their will (kidnapping) due to diseases and starvation. It however refers to the obvious notion that the "mass murder" story is false. The study of his-story in general providing alternative viewpoints is called revisionism, a term especially used in the context of the Holocaust Story.

"If I met Hitler, I'd give him a hug. Man, those stories they told about you with the 6 million gassed to death, are all lies. - Rollo, July 13, 2019"[RV 1]

Revisionist researchers

Many revisionists have been studying the Holocaust Story, an organization is the Institute for Historical Review, founded in 1978. IHR's Mark Weber described the Holocaust Story as follows:

"If by the 'Holocaust' you mean the political persecution of Jews, some scattered killings, if you mean a cruel thing that happened, no one denies that. But if one says that the 'Holocaust' means the systematic extermination of six to eight million Jews in concentration camps, that's what we think there's not evidence for."

Name Nationality Known for Revisionism MSM Other
David Irving (disputed)[RV 2] UK Auschwitz [1] [MSM 1] [2]
Fred Leuchter US Leuchter Report [MSM 2]
Ernst Zündel DE Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last [MSM 3]
Robert Faurisson FR Auschwitz, Diary of Anne Frank [RV 3] [MSM 4]
Jürgen Graf CH Auschwitz, Sobibór, Treblinka, Majdanek [RV 4] [MSM 5]
Carlo Mattogno IT Auschwitz, Belzec, Sobibór, Treblinka, Majdanek [RV 5] [MSM 6]
Germar Rudolf DE Auschwitz, chemical proof against the story [RV 6] [MSM 7]
Thomas Kues DE Sobibór [RV 7]
Thomas Dalton US Treblinka, Auschwitz [RV 8]
David Cole US David Cole in Auschwitz [ab 1]

Holocaust Story

The official story of the Holocaust is that at the Wannsee Conference, the Nazi party leaders decided to mass murder the jews of Europe. They started the construction of various new camps in addition to their already functional labor and POW camps to exterminate the jews, hence the name extermination camps. Jews from all over Europe were kidnapped from their homes, transported as cattle in trains to be "exterminated", using various types of methods (gas, electrocution) and in various designs.

Overview images

  • the numbers that don't add up[RV 9]

One third of the Holocaust

More likely, of course, is that the three camps were delousing facilities and transit camps. They would have been built to temporarily house and disinfest Jews and other forced-labor conscripts who were on their way to resettlement camps or ghettos in the captured Soviet territory further east. The “gas chambers” cited by witnesses would have been either real showers, or delousing chambers for clothing and linens. Only a small number of incidental deaths would be expected, and thus no need to plan for high-volume body disposal—though the actual number may well have exceeded expectations.

Just as at Auschwitz, the Aktion Reinhardt camps had an incredible over-capacity of “gas chambers,” and an incredible under-capacity of crematoria (or other suitable disposal plans). No one would have consciously planned such a scheme. Thus, all the more reason to suspect that something is seriously wrong with the conventional story.[RV 10]

Death data according to the Holocaust Story
Camp Months Min deaths Max deaths Min deaths/month Max deaths/month Methods[RV 11] Revisionism MSM
Treblinka 15 700,000 900,000 46,667 60,000 Gas chambers (CO)
Mobile gas chamber moving along mass graves
Hot steam
Suffocation by evacuation of death chamber with vacuum pumps
[RV 12][RV 13] [MSM 8]
Belzec 15 430,000 600,000 28,667 40,000 Gas chambers (CO)
Electrocution in shower baths
[RV 14] [MSM 9]
[MSM 10]
Auschwitz 41 1,100,000 4,000,000
26,829 97,561 Gas chambers (HCN) [RV 15][RV 16][RV 17] [MSM 11]
Sobibór 17 200,000 250,000 11,765 14,706 Gas chambers (CO) [RV 18][RV 19] [MSM 12]
Majdanek 33 78,000 230,000 2364 6969 Gas chambers (CO)
Gas chambers (HCN)
[RV 20] [MSM 13]
Chelmno 37 152,000 340,000 4108 9189 Gas vans (CO) [RV 21] [MSM 14]

Note: according to the Red Cross (Arolsen, 1983) the total number of deaths for all months and camps, including Chelmno and Plaszow, was around 65,000

The so-called "extermination camps", with Treblinka, Sobibór and Belzec the Reinhard camps, with their death data according to the Holocaust Story.[RV 22]

Holocaust "denial"

Consider the term ‘Holocaust denier.’ This is, in fact, a nearly meaningless phrase. What, after all, can it mean to ‘deny’ the Holocaust? In order to deny something, we first need to know what it is. By general consensus, this event has three central elements: (1) roughly 6 million Jewish deaths, (2) homicidal gas chambers, and (3) systematic intentionality on the part of the Nazis. Therefore, we require all three conditions to exist, if we are to have a “Holocaust.” In theory, if someone were to refute any one of these three points, he would be a “Holocaust denier.”

But what does it mean to deny, for example, 6 million Jewish deaths? Is a claim of 5 million “denial”? Hardly, since that figure has been long supported by prominent Holocaust historian Raul Hilberg. What about 4 million? Doubtful; Gerald Reitlinger (1987) argued for 4.2 million Jewish deaths, and no one has called him a denier. 3 million? 1 million? We can see the difficulty here.[RV 23]

The magical 6,000,000

One of the biggest of the big-picture questions is this: Where did the infamous figure of 6 million come from in the first place? One would naturally presume it to be impossible to calculate the death toll in the midst of a raging world war. Even in the immediate aftermath, we would know little for certain. Surely we would not take, for example, the Nazis’ word for it; they would be inclined to either minimize the death toll or, if coerced, exaggerate it. The many camp survivors—and there were many, even discounting “free riders” who were never near any camp—would clearly not be of much help; as prisoners, they would have been in no position to know such things as overall death tolls. Therefore, one would expect a dependable answer to come only from a detailed investigation of all the death sites, including forensic data, mass grave exhumations, autopsies, and so on. This would then be compared with surviving Nazi documentation, photographs, and other evidence. A proper investigation would clearly take months, if not years. Only then could we be confident of an estimate of 6 million.

Oddly, this is not what has been done. Far from it. In fact, nearly the opposite of the above has occurred. The victorious Americans relied heavily on biased Jewish and Soviet sources, and on captured and abused Nazis. They conducted no forensic investigations, no autopsies, and no unearthing of mass graves. The Americans thus relied strictly on hearsay evidence to establish the all-important Jewish death toll. And they never took a single action to confirm the number. Their position seemed to be: If the Jews say 6 million, 6 million it is.

All this would be bad enough, but the story gets much stranger still. It turns out that the world was told of 6 million Jewish victims not only in the immediate aftermath of the war, but during the war, at the start of the war, and even before the war—in fact, decades before the war. The seemingly-impossible history of the ‘6 million’ constitutes a fascinating subtext to the larger Holocaust narrative.

Perhaps the earliest published connection between Jews and ‘6 million’ dates all the way back to 1850. The newspaper Christian Spectator (Jan 16; p. 496) printed a short article on “Spiritual statistics of the world.” They list the global population as 1 billion, of which “6,000,000 are Jews.” Two decades later, the New York Times reported similarly: “there are now living about 6,000,000 Israelites, nearly one half of whom live in Europe” (12 Sep 1869; p. 8). One may speculate that it was around this time that the number ‘6 million’ came to represent ‘all the Jews.’ Henceforth, whenever ‘all the Jews’ were under threat, the standard figure came up—as we shall see.

Just a few years later, there were already signs of trouble. The NYT reported in 1872 on the “persecution of Jews in Roumania” (Mar 23; p. 4). Gentile mobs were attacking them, and it appeared that “the blood-thirsty assailants would stop short of nothing but Jewish extermination”—an early precursor of claims of German extermination that would come some 70 years hence.

Or perhaps just eight years hence. In 1880 we read a striking report on “pleas for German Jews” (Dec 20; p. 2). The article examines a speech by German philosopher Eugen Dühring, and his “effrontery to demand the extermination of the entire [Jewish] race, in the name of humanity.” The writer then speaks of petitions before the German parliament, whose purpose is “extermination—the annihilation of the Jewish race.”

But back to the subject at hand. The first mention of 6 million suffering Jews comes already in 1889. In a short article, the NYT asks “How many Jews are there?” The low estimate of “the ubiquitous race” is 6,000,000. “With the exception of half a million,” it adds, “they are all in a state of political bondage.” Two years later, in 1891, we read about the sorry state of “Russia’s population of 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 Jews,” and of “the fact that about six millions persecuted and miserable wretches” still cling to their religion, against all odds. Thus began a multi-year string of stories about the “6 million suffering Jews of Russia.”

Such stories would prove useful to the nascent Zionist movement, which had only recently come into being. Its mission was (and is) to encourage world Jewry to settle in Palestine. The early Zionists were thus eager to play up Jewish suffering, in order to promote mass emigration from Europe. Referring to the Jews of Russia, noted activist Stephen Wise said this in 1900: “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism” (Jun 11; p. 7). In 1901, the Chicago Daily Tribune reported on the “hopeless condition” of the “six million Jews in Russia” (Dec 22; p. 13). In 1905, Zionists began to fret that “Russia, with its 6,000,000 Jews,” wasn’t promoting emigration (Jan 29; p. 2).

Periodic and often minor anti-Jewish actions were always portrayed in the most dramatic terms; the NYT despaired over “our 6,000,000 cringing brothers in Russia” (Mar 23; p. 7). Later in 1905 came a polemic against a Russian leader who “caused 6,000,000 Jewish families to be expelled” (Nov 1; p. 2)—which is impossible, incidentally, since that would have involved some 25 million Jews. In 1906 we read of “startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews”; it is a “horrifying picture” of “renewed massacres” and “systematic and murderous extermination” (Mar 25; p. SM6). (One is tempted to ask, What it is about the Jews, such that they are subject to repeated threats of “extermination”?) In 1910, we find “Russian Jews in sad plight,” and we are saddened over “the systematic, relentless, quiet grinding down of a people of more than 6,000,000 souls” (Apr 11; p. 18). In 1911 the NYT reported that “the 6,000,000 Jews of Russia are singled out for systematic oppression and for persecution by due process of law” (Oct 31; p. 5). “6 million”; “systematic”; “extermination”—a clear trend is forming.

Soon thereafter, World War I began. We then begin to read of the plight of “more than 6,000,000 Jews who live within the war zone” (2 Dec 1914). The next month carried more reports of the eternally damned, “of whom more than 6,000,000 are in the very heart of the war zone”; they are consequently “subjected to every manner of suffering and sorrow,” and all Americans are called upon to help (Jan 14; p. 3). In 1916, we read that “the world is silent” despite the fact that “nearly six million Jews are ruined, in the greatest moral and material misery” (Feb 28; p. 8). A year later, Rabbi Samuel Schulman exclaims that “six millions of Jews are living in lands where they are oppressed, exploited, crushed, and robbed of every inalienable human right” (Jan 22; p. 6). In May of 1917, we hear that “six million Jews—half the Jews of the world—are calling to you for help” (May 21; p. 1). By September, the situation was being described in the strongest possible terms; women and infant Jews must be saved, we are told, “if the Jewish race is to survive the terrible holocaust of the world war” (Sep 24; p. 20). Few seem to realize that a Jewish “holocaust” is said to have occurred in both world wars.

By late 1918, the war was nearing its end. Did we have 6 million Jewish fatalities? No. Somehow they all managed to survive. Instead of attending their funerals, we were then called upon to aid their recovery: “Six million souls will need help to resume normal life when war is ended,” writes the NYT (Oct 18; p. 12).

One might have thought that this would have been the end of the stories of the 6 million. Sadly, no. The famed number simply shifted to a new region. In September of 1919, we find that it is now the Ukrainian and Polish Jews who are subject to misery; “6,000,000 are in peril” (Sep 8; p. 6). We are further horrified to read that “the population of 6,000,000 souls in Ukrania and in Poland…are going to be completely exterminated.” Naturally, this is “the paramount issue of the present day.” Once again, 6 million Jews under threat of extermination.

The trend continued for years, too numerous to elaborate. References include the following:

  • “unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease [for] about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth” (12 Nov 1919).
  • “typhus menaced 6,000,000 Jews of Europe” (12 Apr 1920).
  • “hunger, cold rags, desolation, disease, death—six million human beings without food, shelter, clothing” (2 May 1920).
  • “Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews are facing extermination by massacre”—again! (20 Jul 1921).
  • “over 6,000,000” Russian Jews “neglected” (16 Sep 1924).

This brings us to the Nazi era, where the ‘6 million’ appears once again—and long before World War II. The first reference comes just two months after Hitler assumed power in January 1933. The NYT reports on a “Hitler protest” vote by some local New York government officials. Rabbi Stephen Wise issued an appeal: “We in America have taken the lead in a battle for the preservation of German Jewry,” adding that his group “is now active in relief and reconstruction work in Eastern Europe where 6,000,000 Jews are involved” (Mar 29; p. 9).

Crucifixion of Jews must stop. This 1919 article by Martin Glynn refers to a catastrophe in which "six million human beings are being whirled toward the grave." It also refers to a "threatened holocaust of human life."

Three years later, we read in the London Times of “6,000,000 unwanted unfortunate” Jews, and of “these 6,000,000 people without a future” (26 Nov 1936; p. 15). On that same day, the NYT reported on a speech by British Zionist Chaim Weizmann, who “dwelt first on the tragedy of at least 6,000,000 ‘superfluous’ Jews in Poland, Germany, Austria.” In February 1937, we hear that “five to six million Jews in Europe are facing expulsion or direst poverty” (Feb 26; p. 12).

In 1938, the NYT ran an article headlined “Persecuted Jews Seen on Increase” (Jan 9; p. 12). “6,000,000 victims noted,” they said—referring to a combined total in Germany, Poland, and Romania. The very next month we hear about “a depressing picture of 6,000,000 Jews in Central Europe, deprived of protection or economic opportunities, slowly dying of starvation, all hope gone…” (Feb 23; p. 23). By May, it was the “rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe today which has deprived more than 6,000,000 Jews and non-Aryans of a birthright” (May 2; p. 18). Later that year, the London Times printed an account of the “treatment of German Jews”; “the problem now involved some 6,000,000 Jews,” they wrote (Nov 22; p. 11). Bear in mind: the start of World War II was still nearly a year away.

Into early 1939, the London Times continued to report on Weizmann’s view that “the fate of 6,000,000 people was in the balance” (Feb 14; p. 9). War began in September of that year, and anti-Nazi propaganda accelerated. In mid-1940, the NYT quoted Nahum Goldmann: “Six million Jews are doomed to destruction if the victory of the Nazis should be final” (Jun 25; p. 4). This was still at least one full year before Hitler allegedly decided to begin his program of Jewish mass murder—according to our experts.[12] How could Goldmann have known what was to come?

In January of 1942, we read that Heinrich Himmler “has uprooted approximately 6,000,000 human beings” and shipped them into occupied Poland, “where they necessarily starve and freeze to death and die of disease” (Jan 18; p. SM10). By mid-1942, it was “a vast slaughterhouse for Jews” in Europe; one million were reported dead, and the remainder of the “6,000,000 to 7,000,000” at risk (Jun 30; p. 7). By December the Jewish death toll was reported as 2 million, representing one third of the 6,000,000 “in Hitler’s domain.” It was, said the NYT, “a holocaust without parallel” (Dec 13; p. 21).

The sad tale continued throughout the war years:

  • Hitler intends “the extermination of some 6,000,000 [Jewish] persons in the territories over which [his] rule has been extended” (London Times, 25 Jan 1943).
  • “Save doomed Jews,” says Rabbi Hertz; the world “has done very little to secure even the freedom to live for 6,000,000 of their Jewish fellow men” (Mar 2; p. 1).
  • Two million are dead, “and the four million left to kill are being killed, according to plan” (Mar 10; p. 12).
  • “Five and a half million Jews in Europe are reported to have been put to death” (10 May 1944; p. 5)—still one full year before the end of the European conflict.
  • And again later: “Dr. A. Leon Kubowitzki…reported that 5,500,000 Jews had been killed in Nazi controlled countries” (Nov 27; p. 14).

Then the first definitive claim—in January of 1945, four months before the end of the war: “6,000,000 Jews Dead,” blares the headline (Jan 8; p. 17). Jacob Lestchinsky claimed that the prewar population of 9.5 million had been reduced to 3.5 million. No mention of how he came to this figure, amidst the chaos of an ongoing war. In April, the NYT headlined a story: “5,000,000 Reported Slain at Oswiecim [Auschwitz]”—an incredible miscalculation, even assuming the correctness of the present-day figure of 1 million. In May we read something of an official declaration from Lord Wright of the UN War Crimes commission: “It has, however, been calculated that in all about six million Jews were deliberately slaughtered in [gas chambers] and other ways” (May 13; p. SM4). Calculated by whom? On what basis? And using what hard evidence? He does not say.

Thus is the story of the ‘6 million.’ It has an impressive legacy. Traditional historians often emphasize that the figure came from the Germans at the Nuremberg trial that began in November 1945—which is true. A minor functionary, Wilhelm Höttl, testified to this number early in the proceedings. Historians like to portray this as a kind of dramatic revelation, and as “official confirmation” of the number—which is a ridiculous claim. As we have seen, the number had been known, discussed, and anticipated for decades. And even then, in late 1945, no one had taken the smallest of steps to actually confirm such an estimate. It was pure hearsay, based on decades of propaganda.

Incredibly, even to the present day, we are no better off. We still have no hard data to confirm the ‘6 million’—and good evidentiary reason to doubt it, as we will see.[RV 23]

The Jewish soap stories

But the Oscar for Best Comedy in Heresy Suppression goes to France, whose Holocaust denial law makes it a crime to contradict the findings of the Nuremberg tribunal. At Nuremberg it was claimed that soap was made from the fat of Jewish corpses, but Peter Black, senior historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum, says "It didn't happen…. even experimentally." He'd better not say that in Gay Paree or he could be accused of contradicting what Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone called a "high-grade lynching party" and end up in jail.[RV 24]

The morbid tales of Nazi soap manufactured from Jewish cadavers, while long discredited are repeated today for example on Wikianswers:[RV 25]

Evidence has been found by allied investigators that fat from the corpses of dead Jews were indeed used to make soap in Stutthof, a concentration camp. The experiments to convert human fat into soap were conducted by a Nazi officer called Dr. Rudolf Spanner. The soap was often used to clean autopsy rooms of Nazi experimentation morgues. It is true about the buttons too. The Nazis made buttons, bowls, goblets and so on out of human bone. They also used human skin to create lampshades, handbags and leather for chair coverings and book covers.


See also: Liberation of Auschwitz

Auschwitz has become the Disneyland of the Holocaust Story and attracts many visitors every year. Many authors have focused on this camp, known as Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Reported killing methods
Method Date Notes
Zyklon B gas chamber producing HCN [RV 26]

The observations on how the story changed over time as noted by revisionist researcher Carlo Mattogno:

Mainstream historians claim that the very first gassing of 850 human beings at Auschwitz occurred on Sept. 3, 1941, in the basement of building no. 11 of the Auschwitz main camp. It is supposed to have lasted 15 hours, followed by another two days of ventilation and removal of the corpses.

But when analyzing all available testimonies, which are the archetypes for all later gassing accounts, Mattogno comes to a quite different image in this study:

According to this, it happened either:

  • in spring 1941
  • or on August 14, 1941
  • or on August 15, 1941
  • or on September 3-5, 1941
  • or on September 5-6, 1941
  • or on September 5-8, 1941
  • or on October 9, 1941
  • or in November 1941
  • or in December of 1942

The location was either:

  • the old crematorium
  • or one room...
  • or all rooms...
  • or even all rooms plus the hallway of the basement of building 11
  • or somewhere at Birkenau

The victims were either:

  • Russian POWs
  • or partisans
  • or political commissars
  • or Poles
  • or Russian POWs and sick Polish detainees

There were either:

  • 200, or 300, or 500, or 696, or 800, or 850, or 980, or 1,000, or 1,400, or 1,663 victims

The poison gas was administered either by:

  • SS-man Palitzsch
  • or by Tom Mix
  • or by "the strangler"
  • or by Breitwieser

Either into the corridor or into the cells, a total of three cans or perhaps two cans into each cell either:

  • through the door
  • or through a ventilation flap
  • or through openings above the doors to the cells

The victims died immediately or perhaps stayed alive for 15 hours. The corpses were removed either:

  • the following day
  • or the following night
  • or one to two days later
  • or three days later
  • or on the 4th day
  • or the 6th day

The work took either:

  • a whole day
  • or a whole night
  • or two nights
  • or three nights

The bodies of the victims were either:

  • cremated
  • or buried in mass graves
  • or partly cremated and partly buried

In short, it is evident that those giving the accounts of the first gassing at Auschwitz were either not there, lying or mistaken—and Mattogno exposes their obvious fabrications. This total chaos of claims regarding the very first gassing at Auschwitz is typical for all other accounts of homicidal gassings during the Third Reich. It makes it impossible to extract a consistent story. Using original wartime documents, Auschwitz: The First Gassing by Carlo Mattogno inflicts a final blow to the tale of the first homicidal gassing.[RV 27]

One of the most usual punishments was 50 blows with a stick on the loins. They were administered with a machine which I saw, a swinging apparatus manipulated by an SS. There were also endless roll calls day and night, or gymnastics; flat on the belly, get up, lie down, up, down, for hours, and anyone who fell was beaten unmercifully and taken to Block 25.[MSM 15]

Zyklon B

Already during the Nuremberg postwar trials, the huge amount of Zyklon-B deliveries to the infamous Auschwitz Camp were seen as evidence for homicidal activities on a large scale in that camp. Revisionists, on the other hand, have maintained that this insecticide was used only to combat vermin in the struggle against epidemics. In a 2011 article, Piotr Setkiewicz, currently the research director of the Auschwitz Museum, tried to dismiss this revisionist claim as a myth by attempting to prove that the amount of Zyklon B delivered cannot be explained merely by its use for fumigations. The following paper, which is an excerpt from an upcoming book, analyzes the Auschwitz Museum's hypothesis and juxtaposes it with the documented facts. It shows not only that Setkiewicz grossly miscalculated the a mount of Zyklon B delivered, but also misrepresented the amount of Zyklon B the camp would have needed to suppress the typhus epidemic raging inside the Auschwitz camp for some two years.

The best mainstream treatment on the issue of coke, firewood and Zyklon B deliveries to Auschwitz is thus totally inconsistent and utterly unable to even scratch the surface of revisionist critiques.[RV 28]


We know from documents that more than 700,000 – probably around 800,000 – Jewish deportees were sent to Treblinka II during its period of operation 1942-43. According to established historiography – which in the case is based almost exclusively on eyewitness testimony – this was a "pure extermination camp" where all Jews who arrived to the camp were killed in homicidal gas chambers within only a few hours, except for a handful of Jews selected to carry out work related to the killing process. The victims were initially buried, but starting March 1943 – or possibly on smaller scale in November 1942 – they were instead burned on cremation pyres. The buried victims were then exhumed and incinerated on the same pyres. This work was supposedly completed by the end of July 1943. The Treblinka II camp was completely dismantled in September 1943.

The witness Richard Glazar claims that the wood used to fuel the pyres was taken from "the woods around the perimeter of the camp." Using real-life data from experiences with open-air incineration we can estimate with a high degree of certainty the amount of firewood that would be needed to incinerate the alleged number of corpses. This corresponds to approximately 3 square kilometers of forest. Realistically, however, this area would be much larger, as it follows from the chronology of Glazar's testimony as well as established historiography that there would have been no time to season the wood. The cremation pyres would therefore have had to use "green" wood as fuel, which is less efficient than seasoned wood due to its higher moisture content.

By comparing a detailed 1936 map of the Treblinka area with air photos taken by the Luftwaffe in May and November 1944 we are able to estimate the scope of contemporary deforestation in the area. If 870,000 bodies had really been burned at Treblinka, then the procurement of the required fuel would have denuded the entire wooded area north of the camp site. The air photos show that this is clearly not the case. Rather, the visible possibly deforested areas – amounting to less than 10 hectares – indicate the cremation of at most some ten thousands of bodies.

The argument that perhaps the witnesses are wrong, and only a fraction of the corpses were burned, does not hold up, since the Soviet and Polish forensic examinations carried out in the period 1944-1945 would then have discovered hundreds of thousands of unincinerated corpses at the former camp site and subsequently announced their findings to the world as the ultimate proof of "German-Fascist" barbarism. Needless to say, they didn't. There only remains the conclusion that a small percentage of the Jewish deportees died en route to the camp and that the remainder where sent somewhere else, most of them likely to occupied USSR territory. The witness Richard Glazar has thus inadvertently helped confirm the revisionist hypothesis that Treblinka II was a transit camp.[RV 13]

Starting in August of 1942, the Polish-Jewish underground press reported about mass exterminations in Treblinka, although not a Diesel engine was mentioned as the murder weapon (this version was sanctioned by mainstream historiography only some years after the war), but entirely different methods, like for instance a mobile gas chamber moving along the mass graves, a delayed-action gas conveniently permitting the victims to walk from the gas chamber to the mass graves, where they would faint and fall into the graves, or scalding with hot steam.[RV 29]

Reported killing methods
Method Date Notes
Diesel fumes in gas chamber producing CO >February 1946 [RV 29][RV 30][RV 26]
Mobile gas chamber moving along the mass graves [RV 29]
Hot steam 1943, Dec 1945 [RV 29][RV 30]
Suffocation by evacuation of the death chamber by means of vacuum pumps [RV 31]

More on Treblinka


Reported killing methods
Method Date Notes
Diesel fumes in gas chamber producing CO [RV 30][RV 26]

Our conclusions are absolutely clear: Sobibór was not an extermination camp; it had no “gassing building” and hence no homicidal gas chambers. Some 10,000 people may have died there; such a figure would amount to one twenty-fifth of the figure of 250,000 victims widely quoted in the literature, or to one seventeenth of the figure of 170,000 given by J. Schelvis in the revised edition of his book, or to one fifteenth of the “minimum number” of 150,000 victims assumed by the Hagen court in 1966. If our thesis is correct – and we are convinced that it is – and if Sobibór was a transit camp for Jews being moved into areas further east, we must obviously reassess the moral responsibility of the camp personnel, from the commanding officer on down to the Ukrainian guards who constituted the lowest echelon of the chain of command. It goes without saying that even in such a case the personnel involved did execute orders that constituted a gross violation of human rights, for no-one can argue against the fact that the deportation and expropriation of people on the sole basis of them being members of an ethnic or religious group and not for any individual wrongdoing is indeed a most serious transgression against human rights. On the other hand, these people were acting under orders, the execution of which they could not refuse without possibly endangering their own lives. It was not up to them to decide whether such orders were lawful or not, but the manner in which they executed them certainly was. Thus, the moral responsibility of the camp personnel hinges on the question as to whether or not they treated the detainees – during their short stay in the camp – as humanely as was possible under the prevailing circumstances, or whether they humiliated them; whether they made things bearable for the working Jews, or whether they did their part to create a little hell of their own for these people.[RV 32]

For a naïve observe it would be possible to argue as follows: The Hagen court has accepted a figure of “at least 150,000” for the number of victims at Sobibór, the leading specialist on the camp, Jules Schelvis, opted for 170,000 victims. This figure of 150,000 to 170,000 amounts to a mere 2.5 to 3% of the infamous figure of “six million” and is not really needed to maintain the thesis of the Holocaust. Could not the orthodox historians under the circumstances give up the claim of the Sobibór gas chambers and concede this point to the revisionists? They cannot. First of all, the existence of gas chambers at Sobibór has been “proved” at three trials in Germany – Berlin in 1950, Frankfurt upon Main in 1950, and Hagen in 1965/66 – and is thus judicially notorious. At these trials, eight men were condemned to prison terms ranging from three years to life imprisonment. Of the latter, one (Erich Bauer) died in prison after 31 years, another (Hubert Gomerski) spent 22 years behind bars before he was pardoned, and the third (Karl Frenzel) remained in prison for 16 years. If the German judiciary were to admit that blatant miscarriage of justice had taken place at all three Sobibór trials, all other cases of such “Nazi crimes” would be up for review, because all trials of camp personnel had followed the same route as these trials: “We have sworn witness testimonies, why do we need forensic or documentary proof?”

Let us take this a step further: If the judiciary and the historians have “made a mistake” on Sobibór, what reason is there to believe the claims made in connection with the other camps of Aktion Reinhardt? If Sobibór falls, then so does Belzec, where professor Kola has also carried out investigations leading to the same conclusions. Who will then believe the claims for Treblinka?

The Majdanek camp – which was attributed 1.5 million victims at Nuremberg – can no longer be called an “extermination camp”: the head of the history department of the Majdanek Museum, Tomasz Kranz, brought the number of victims down to 78,000 in 2005 – a figure which is still too high by at least 28,000. The smallest and least well known of the six “extermination camps,” Chelmno, where 150,000 Jews were allegedly killed in “gas vans,” cannot in any way fill the void caused by the loss of the “Reinhardt camps.” Thus, only Auschwitz remains, the flagship of Holocaust propaganda and its weakest point, its Achilles heel, if there ever was one. In the face of the wide-ranging investigations of the revisionists, which have demonstrated time and again the complete lack of credibility of the official Auschwitz story, these “Holocaust” historians would in any kind of open debate find themselves beating a dead horse.

No, Sobibór cannot be given up, because that would cause a chain reaction bringing down the whole mendacious structure of the Holocaust like a house of cards. Hence, these historians cannot but close their eyes to the results of the archeological diggings and soundings and act like the crowd that praised the emperor’s new clothes in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, even though everyone who was able to see saw that his Majesty was naked.[RV 33]

More on Sobibór


Reported killing methods
Method Date Notes
Diesel fumes in gas chamber producing CO [RV 26]
Electrocution in shower baths 1945 [MSM 10]

In this study, I have described, first of all, the literary formation of the thesis, presently upheld by official historiography, of mass exterminations at Belzec by means of diesel engine exhaust gas; I have shown that it represents the culmination of the propaganda legends spread during the Second World War by professionals in atrocity propaganda like Jan Karski. I have exhaustively demonstrated how this version came to prevail over the other two versions – just as untrue – of extermination by means of electrocution and by means of “trains of death.” I have further shown that the two principal testimonies on which the extermination thesis has been tendentiously constructed – those of Rudolf Reder and of Kurt Gerstein – are not only in irreconcilable disagreement with each other over the type of engine used for the alleged murder of the victims (diesel for one, gasoline for the other), but even with respect to its very use as an instrument of murder: Whereas Gerstein attributed the death of the victims in the alleged gas chambers to the exhaust gases from his diesel engine, Reder asserted that the exhaust gases of his gasoline engine were released into the open air instead of into the gas chambers! The official thesis, based on the so-called ‘Gerstein report,’ has therefore been openly denied ever since the immediate postwar period. Once the murder method had been selected – exhaust gases from a diesel engine – the judiciary quickly entered the fray on the side of historiography, to give it its official blessing and to disseminate it worldwide through the farcical trial testimonies as a worthy epilogue to the black propaganda of the war years.

The thesis of mass extermination at Belzec not only collapses under the weight of its own principal main witnesses, it also runs up against insurmountable material impossibilities, especially those concerning the cremation of the alleged victims. Polish archeological research has dealt the final deathblow to the official thesis: Its findings categorically disprove the possibility of burying 600,000 (or several hundred thousand), corpses, and the quantity of bodies, bones, and ashes that was discovered are absolutely incompatible with such an enormous massacre. Moreover, the total absence of archeological evidence of the alleged extermination installations completely refutes the conflicting testimonies that are the basis for the extermination claims, testimonies Tregenza has already qualified “as not reliable” (rendering them thus doubly unreliable). The excavations at Belzec have therefore contributed greatly to revealing the truth – but not the official truth! Now that the hypothesis of mass extermination has been ruled out, there remains only one alternative: Belzec was a transit camp for the transfer of Jews to the east.[RV 34]

More on Belzec


Reported killing methods
Method Date Notes
Diesel fumes in gas chamber producing CO [RV 26]
Zyklon B gas chamber producing HCN [RV 26]
Shooting [RV 26]

The reports of Poles who had fled to allied or neutral countries abroad were another source of information. A report published in Geneva on November 1, 1943, by a young Polish doctor deserves mention here. About Majdanek, this report states:

"The camp Majdanek, guarded by the Gestapo and uniformed Ukrainians and Lithuanians, is located in the vicinity of Lublin. Since early 1941, all Jews who were rooted out of the various towns of Lublin District were sent to the Majdanek camp, where the Lithuanians and the Ukrainians learned the hangman’s trade on the Jews. The German masters taught their students various methods of hanging, roasting alive, or otherwise torturing people. The technique of extorting ‘confessions’ with needles shoved under the fingernails – this technique, which later was used throughout Poland, was invented in the Majdanek camp! Camp Majdanek had its attractions: in the depths of winter the Jews were dressed in paper clothing; then they were soaked in cold water and left to stand outside until they were frozen all over! Then the character of the Majdanek camp changed, and presently it is a concentration camp for political prisoners, the second after Oświęcim [Auschwitz]. Of those who are taken there, 100% die. Lublin was a ‘reservoir’ for the German, Austrian, Czech etc. Jews. In late 1941 primarily Jews from Slovakia were there. Foreign Jews considered themselves superior to the Polish Jews, and even the Germans granted them better quarters and lighter work. Yes, the Germans even knew to exploit the differences between these two kinds of Jews and to place foreign Jews into 'guard' positions over the Polish ones."

As we can see, this report is rife with imaginative accounts of German atrocities – but its author knows nothing of gassings, even though these are said to have already been going on there for more than a year at the time of this article's publication.[RV 35]

Even though they had two real hydrogen cyanide gas chambers which could have been converted to homicidal execution gas chambers merely by adding ceiling openings for the introduction of the Zyklon B, the SS allegedly hurried to install a method of gassing with CO – whatever for? If, as we are told, homicidal gassing with Zyklon B worked perfectly in Auschwitz, then why should the would-be murderers in Majdanek need to resort to CO?[RV 36]

Simonov gives an exact description of the alleged execution gas chambers in the Delousing Facility in Barrack 41, but he knows nothing of Chamber IV, which the inmates obviously did not yet at that time consider a homicidal gas chamber. We have already quoted the beginning of this description in Chapter VI; let us now continue it:

"Where does the window lead to? To answer this question, we open the door and leave the room. Next to it there is another small chamber of concrete; that’s where the window leads to. Here there is electric light as well as a power outlet. From here, looking through the window, one can observe anything that happens in the first room. On the floor there are a few round, air-tight, sealed cans labeled ‘Zyklon’; ‘for special use in the eastern regions’ is added in smaller letters. The contents of the cans were introduced through the pipes into the adjoining room when it was full of people. The naked, tightly crowded people did not take up much room. More than 250 people were packed into the 40m² room. They were forced in and then the steel door was closed; the cracks were sealed with clay to make it even more air-tight, and a special unit wearing gas masks introduced the ‘Zyklon’ from the cans through the pipes from the adjoining room. The ‘Zyklon’ consisted of small blue crystals that looked perfectly innocent but, once exposed to oxygen, gave off poisonous gases that simultaneously affect all the body’s vital functions. The ‘Zyklon’ was introduced through the pipes; the SS-man leading the operation supervised the asphyxiation process which, according to different eyewitness accounts, took between two and ten minutes. He could safely observe everything through the window; the horrible faces of the dying people and the gradual effect of the gas; the peephole was just at eye level. When the people died the observer did not need to look down; they did not fall down as they died – the gas chamber was so crowded that the dead remained standing. It must be pointed out that the ‘Zyklon’ really was a disinfestant and really was used in the neighboring rooms to disinfest clothing. Quite properly and as per regulations! The difference was merely to know which dosage of the ‘Zyklon’ to introduce into the chamber."

This tale, which describes a technically utterly impossible murder method, proves that the former inmates of Majdanek had never attended or observed any homicidal gassings at all. None of the witnesses told Simonov that he had seen an SS-man wearing a gas mask or holding a can of Zyklon B on the roof of the alleged execution gas chamber; none told him that in the areas where the pipes are installed, the victims were gassed with bottled CO. As Pressac has emphasized, the Zyklon B cans which Simonov observed had been planted in the small room outside Chambers I and III to create the impression that their contents might have been poured into the pipes. This little stage production that was no doubt the doing of the former inmates proves a fortiori that these had never seen people being gassed. There can be no doubt that rumors of homicidal gassings were circulating in the camp, and the ex-inmates tried to make these seem credible by means of the stage production described. But these rumors were devoid of all factual basis.[RV 37]

More on Majdanek


Reported killing methods
Method Date Notes
Diesel fumes in gas vans producing CO [RV 26]
  1. The establishment of Chelmno camp fits perfectly into the National Socialist policy of deporting the Jews to the east.
  2. No documentary or material trace exists for the use of “gas vans” in this camp. The truck photographed by the Commission of Inquiry into the German crimes in Poland in the courtyard of the Ostrowski factory was used to disinfest clothing or to carry passengers.
  3. There is no evidence for the first alleged systematic extermination of Jews in the Warthegau, and no one can specify when or how it was perpetrated.
  4. The first witness account about the alleged extermination at Chelmno, the “Szlamek Report,” is completely unreliable. Similarly unreliable and even contradictory are the witnesses of the postwar era.
  5. Only one cremation oven has been confirmed archeologically in the Chelmno camp. It would have taken almost nine years to cremate all the bodies of the alleged victims of homicidal gassings in that oven. There are no material traces of the alleged mass cremation.
  6. Rudolf Höss’s visit to the “field ovens Aktion Reinhardt” had nothing to do with Chelmno.
  7. The camp’s claimed death toll number is not based on any documentation. It was set to 1,300,000 by the Commission of Inquiry into the German Crimes in Poland, but later reduced to 340,000 by Judge Bednarz. Polish historiography today assumes a figure of about 152,000 victims, which in practice coincides with the number of Jews who, according to the Korherr Report, were led “through the camps of the Warthegau… 145,301,” plus some 7,000 additional victims for the camp’s claimed second extermination phase in 1944.
  8. The transports of Jews sent to the Lódz ghetto included a high percentage of people unable to work (elderly and children), only some of whom were evacuated to make room for Jews fit for work.
  9. The Chelmno camp ceased operations in April 1943, which would be inexplicable if it really had been an extermination camp for the Jews in the Warthegau, especially for the Jews of the Lódz ghetto. This is all the more inexplicable because on 1 March 1944 4,495 children under 8 years of age and 392 elderly persons aged over 70 years were still alive in the ghetto.
  10. Even more inexplicable, from the perspective of orthodox Holocaust historiography, is the reopening of the camp in April 1944. The claim that it had to exterminate the Jews of the Lódz ghetto has no documentary support, and there is no evidence that the 10 Jewish transports evacuated from the ghetto “for labor” between June and July 1944 went to, or were gassed at, Chelmno. In fact, the analysis of name lists of the deportations permits us to exclude this possibility.
  11. No documentary evidence exists for the alleged extermination at Chelmno of gypsies from the Lódz ghetto.
  12. No documentary evidence exists either for the alleged extermination at Chelmno of the children of Lidice.
  13. The ultimate destiny of the Jews who passed through the Chelmno camp was not the alleged “gas vans,” but the region of Pinsk, in particular the area of the Pripyat Marshes, and partly also the Baltic countries.[RV 38]

More on Chelmno


On the 2nd day of May 1945, there was captured in Berlin a member of the SS, Paul Ludwig Gottlieb Waldmann …

He testified personally to facts known to him regarding the mass extermination of Soviet prisoners of war. He witnessed these exterminations while working as a driver in different camps and himself participated in the mass killings. His testimony is on Page 9 of Exhibit Number USSR-52 (Document Number USSR-52), entitled “Camp Auschwitz.” He provides more detailed information on the murders in the camp at Sachsenhausen.

Towards the end of summer 1941, the Sonderkommando of the Security Police in this camp exterminated Russian prisoners of war daily for a whole month. Paul Ludwig Gottlieb Waldmann testified — you will find the excerpt I am quoting on Page 82 — that:

“One room was reserved for undressing and another for waiting; in one of them a radio played rather loudly. It was done purposely so that the prisoners could not guess that death awaited them. From the second room they went, one by one, through a passage into a small fenced-in room with an iron grid let into the floor. Under the grid was a drain. As soon as a prisoner of war was killed, the corpse was carried out by two German prisoners while the blood was washed off the grid.


“In this small room there was a slot in the wall, approximately 50 centimeters in length. The prisoner of war stood with the back of his head against the slot and a sniper shot at him from behind the slot. In practice this arrangement did not prove satisfactory, since the sniper often missed the prisoner. After 8 days a new arrangement was made. The prisoner, as before, was placed against the wall; an iron plate was then slowly lowered onto his head. The prisoner was under the impression that he was being measured for height. The iron plate contained a ramrod which shot out suddenly and poleaxed the prisoner with a blow on the back of the head. He dropped dead. The iron plate was operated by a foot lever in a corner of the room. The personnel working in the room belonged to the above-mentioned Sonderkommando.

“By request of the execution squad. I was also forced to work this apparatus. I shall refer to the subject later. The bodies of prisoners thus murdered were burned in four mobile crematories transported in trailers and attached to motor cars. I had to ride constantly from the inner camp to the execution yard. I had to make 10 trips a night with 10 minutes’ interval between trips. It was during these intervals that I witnessed the executions …”

It is a long way from these individual murders to the death factories of Treblinka, Dachau, and Auschwitz, but the tendency, the line of action are identical. Methods and extent of the killings varied …

Source: Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal. Volume VII. Nuremberg: IMT, 1947. pp. 376-377. 13 Feb. 1946[RV 39]

Other camps

Elie Wiesel's "Geysers of blood" and Filip Müller's "Jumping buckets of flesh:[RV 40]

"After their execution the chosen bodies were laid on a table. The doctors proceeded to cut pieces of still warm flesh from thighs and calves and threw them into waiting receptacles. The muscles of those who had been shot were still working and contracting, making the bucket jump about."





Bad Rabka

Witness testimony from Bad Rabka:[RV 41][MSM 16]

Me and a Jewish American (a watchmaker, passport from the USA) were subjected to medical experiments. SS German Shepherd dogs, belonging to the commander of the SS Obersturmfuehrer Rosenbaum, with a special poison on their teeth … we had to run [and] the dogs had to chase us. Afterwards they examined our wounds, the blood. A doctor … ripped the flesh of my legs and examined it. After some time I was able to escape. First to a peasant in a village—afterwards to friends of mine in Krakow. There my wounded legs started healing. As a result of this experiment (the dog bite and the poison) my whole left foot was ripped apart and during the course of the years I developed wounds and cancer. During August 1962 and November 1962 I was operated [on] in the cancer institute and was treated in Gliwice in Poland.


The SS officer [who] was probably a doctor, dressed in white robe, shoved an iron stick, which had a handle on its end, right into my rectum. He then turned the stick and caused an involuntary ejaculation of sperm. A female SS officer [who] worked with the other officer held two pieces of glass underneath my genitals in order to collect a sample of my sperm for the lab. They then made me stand up on a special machine that gave electric waves to both sides of my genitals until again a sperm was ejaculated.


See also



  1. FART 36 - Frenetic
  2. David Irving and the "Aktion Reinhardt Camps", by Jürgen Graf - Inconvenient History
  3. Robert Faurrison - Inconvenient History
  4. Jürgen Graf - Inconvenient History
  5. Carlo Mattogno - Inconvenient History
  6. Germar Rudolf - Inconvenient History
  7. Thomas Kues - Inconvenient History
  8. Thomas Dalton - Inconvenient History
  9. The Holocaust Story debunked - Gaia
  10. Gassing, Burning, and Burying - Relative Capacities Reported for the Aktion Reinhardt Camps, by Thomas Dalton - Inconvenient History
  11. The Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth Within A Myth - Friedrich Paul Berg
  12. Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? - Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf
  13. 13.0 13.1 Tree-felling at Treblinka, by Thomas Kues - Inconvenient History
  14. Belzec: Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research and History - Carlo Mattogno
  15. Auschwitz - The Surprising Hidden Truth - Dean Irebodd
  16. Auschwitz: Plain Facts—A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac - Germar Rudolf
  17. Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations - Carlo Mattogno
  18. Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality - Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, Carlo Mattogno
  19. The "Nazi Extermination Camp" of Sobibor in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case - Paul Grubach
  20. Concentration Camp Majdanek - A Historical & Technical Study - Jürgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno
  21. Chelmno, a German camp in history and propaganda - Carlo Mattogno]
  22. Overview of Holocaust Story camps monthly death toll - Gaia
  23. 23.0 23.1 The Great Holocaust Mystery - Reconsidering the Evidence - Inconvenient History
  24. Holocaust Howlers, by Ken Meyercord - Inconvenient History
  25. Historical Revisionism and Popular Opinion, by Richard A. Widmann - Inconvenient History
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 Diesel gas chambers: ideal for torture, absurd for murder, p.437 - F.P. Berg
  27. Auschwitz: The First Gassing—Rumor and Reality - Carlo Mattogno
  28. Zyklon-B Deliveries to Auschwitz - Neither Proof nor Trace, by Carlo Mattogno - Inconvenient History
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality, p.362 - Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, Carlo Mattogno
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, p.42 - Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf
  31. Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, p.23 - Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf
  32. Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality, p.391 - Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, Carlo Mattogno
  33. Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality, pp.394-95 - Jürgen Graf, Thomas Kues, Carlo Mattogno
  34. Belzec: Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research and History, p.109 - Carlo Mattogno
  35. Concentration Camp Majdanek - A Historical & Technical Study, p.173 - Jürgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno
  36. Concentration Camp Majdanek - A Historical & Technical Study, p.145 - Jürgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno
  37. Concentration Camp Majdanek - A Historical & Technical Study, pp.178-79 - Jürgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno
  38. Chelmno, a German camp in history and propaganda, pp.147-48 - Carlo Mattogno
  39. Pedal-actuated brain-bashing machine at Sachsenhausen
  40. B'Man's Revolt - Sonderkommando
  41. CODOH forum - Most laughable claims





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