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Nazionism Series
File:JNF KKL Stamp Moses Hess (1916) OeNB 15758299.jpg
History Nazionism
Basel massacre (1349)
Holocaust Story (1800s-)
Cairo Genizah (1890s)
Dreyfus affair (1894)
First Zionist Congress (1897)
Second Zionist Congress (1898)
The Protocols (1905?)
Balfour Declaration (1917)
Beer Hall "Putsch" (1923)
Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (1923)
World War II (1939-45)
Wannsee Conference (1942)
Bombing of Dresden (1944)
Liberation of Auschwitz (1945)
"Suicide" of Adolf Hitler (1945)
Operation Paperclip (USA) (1946+)
Ratlines (South America) (1946+)
Diary "of Anne Frank" (1947)
Foundation of Israel (1948-?)
Present &
Israel 2.0 (1860+)

File:Moses Hess.jpg
Moses Hess, German-Jewish philosopher
Father of:
1 - National Socialism
2 - Marxism
3 - Zionism

This article describes the term NaZionism or Nazionism, a theory that the Nazis were just as controlled by the same Zionists as were the communists. Research and points below are based on the work of Gaia.[NZ 1] The term has been used by various researchers through time. An example is Jim Condit Jr. whose video is linked at the bottom. Other researchers into this question are Canadian revisionist Henri Makow,[NZ 2][NZ 3] Dutch researcher Anthony Migchels,[NZ 4][NZ 5] US American of Danish jewish descent Christopher Jon Bjerknes,[NZ 6] Dieter Bonder,[NZ 7] and Miles Mathis.[MM 1]

The term "national socialism", abbreviated to Nazism, was introduced by a Zionist called Moses Hess (think Rudolf Hess, see below):[NZ 8]

"Moses Hess coined the term national socialism, commonly shortened to nazism, which he intended to use for Jewish nationalism - and this as early as 1862."

In order to understand Nazionism, one must first understand the fakery in the Holocaust Story. Lots of material has been published about that, see for some good introductory links below. Major revisionists are Carlo Mattogno, Thomas Kues, Jürgen Graf, Thomas Dalton, Germar Rudolf and others.[1][2][3][4][5]

The racial Nuremberg Laws were racial laws founded based on Zionist Laws.[NZ 8] The Nazis used a lot of Freemasonry symbology, including handshakes.[NZ 9] After the war, every effort was taken to acquit the Nazis, because the Allies knew they were controlled by the same Zionist Hand in the world. The kicker is Otto Skorzeny, Hitler himself called him his "favorite", who became a Mossad agent after WWII![NZ 10] The Nuremberg Trials were show trials from both sides.[NZ 11]

The evil Nazi meme was one of the main ways to drive the jews from Europe to Israel and other places. Most normal working class jews in pre-war Europe were well integrated and spoke the local language as native speakers. The Zionists didn't like that and needed a "push" to drive the jews out of Europe and into the "Holy" Land.[MSM 1]


Points that support this thesis (see below for sources and more):[NZ 1]
Jewish Nazis

  • Many powerful people within the NSDAP and related organisations, such as the SA, were jews themselves, either partially (1 jewish parent) or fully (2 jewish parents), this includes famous "Nazis" as Goering, Goebbels, Hess, Heydrich, Schacht, Frank, von Stauffenberg, Riefenstahl, Streicher and even Hitler himself (see below).[MM 1]
  • Adolf Hitler was the son of Alois Schicklgruber who was the bastard son of Rothschild, this hypothesis is disputed.
  • Adolph himself was possibly trained by British Intelligence (speculatively at the Tavistock Institute) in the years even leading up to WWI (1912/1913).[NZ 12][6]
  • Later that same year, 1913, Hitler was living together in Vienna with Sigmund Freud, Leon Trotsky, Josif Stalin and Josip Tito[MSM 2]
  • The racial Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany, themselves based on racial Zionist Laws, were not consistently applied and high-ranking officials who were jewish were made Aryan by powerful Nazis, when they saw fit for them.[NZ 8]
  • It is commonly accepted by revisionists that the Nuremberg Trials were show trials. But, as with so many "conspiracy theorists" only half-truths are presented; the show trials were not show trials because the Nazis were duped. They were hoaxed; the trials and punishments were faked because the Nazis themselves were part of the act.[NZ 11]
  • According to the stories the Nazis arrested ONE Rothschild. But, while "in jail", Himmler personally freed him again[NZ 13]
  • One of the main sources, first for the mainstream historians and then for half-truth "revisionists" is David Irving, himself a jew. His record is compromised and his findings should be taken with great care. He has backed out in the infamous Lipstadt "trial" (Zal rule: Denial (2016)) on his former claims and now claims that jews were gassed.[MM 2]
  • Famous "German" industrialists, like Hugo Boss were jews or Mischlinge, working for and in collaboration with the Nazis
  • Mein Kampf, allegedly the master piece and outline supposedly written by Adolf Hitler, was a work of Intelligence, like Das Kapital allegedly written by Karl Marx, not less of a zionist plant.[MM 3]
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  • The main weapon of the Nazis was propaganda. Propaganda is deliberately twisting truths so they become half-truths or telling outright lies (full untruths). Propaganda has been used by jewish leaders all around; before WWII, during WWII and to this day. The Soviets and Nazis were the more obvious propagandizers, with even a Ministry of Propaganda, led by "Edward Bernays' best student" Jewseph Goebbels, while Allied propaganda is more subtle and therefore even more dangerous till today
  • Instead of incarcerating the Powerful Elitist Jews, the policy of the NSDAP was to enslave the working class jews from Germany and import the working class jews from the occupied countries. Those jews were imprisoned in forced labor camps throughout Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and minor camps outside of that in France, the Netherlands and Lithuania while Powerful Zionists were not receiving the same treatment.
  • The Nazi propaganda sold and sells Adolph Rothschild as "pro-German" and "nationalist". In fact, what the Nazis failed to do, was to protect 61 (!) cities from Allied bombings. Instead of following a defensive policy with defensive weaponry, they invaded a dozen other countries, occupied them and replaced the former governments with Nazi puppets.
  • The Soviets were one of the propagandized enemies of the Nazis, but at the same time allies (Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact)
  • Modern pro-Nazi propaganda (e.g. The Greatest Story Never Told by Dennis Wise) sells the idea that Hitler did everything to escape war. While in words (propaganda) that may be "true", his actions speak otherwise; the build-up of a huge army, the invasion and occupation of surrounding countries and the expenses on the "jewish question" which was in background the ultimate victimization of jews; the Zionist and Nazi policies aligned
  • The same modern Nazi propaganda sells the idea that Hitler made an agreement with the Zionists to first import jews from other countries and then those jews would be exported to Palestine. This idea is chronologically false; even before the whole operation of the kidnappings of jews began, that contract was broken and thus nullified.
  • The mainstream version of his-story says that the Allies were the "good guys" and the Nazis were the "bad guys". Nazi supporters invert this saying the Nazis were the "good guys" and the Allies the "bad guys". Whichever of these two extreme opposites goes wrong looking at what happened in the post-war period, where General John J. McCloy,[MSM 3] was actively trying to acquit, free and reduce sentences of Nazis and many Nazis found influential positions in so-called anti- and post-Nazi West and East Germany.[NZ 10]
  • Hitler's war records from WWI were faked, so were the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923 and the Burning of the Reichstag in 1933, by half-blind retarded Dutch "communist" Marinus van der Lubbe; "A character like van der Lubbe, so described as an arsonist who likes to see the world burn, would not be countenanced within proper party circles".[MM 4][7][ab 1]
  • The "death" of Adolf Hitler is surrounded by mystery and as could be expected the "official story" doesn't make any sense; he is supposed to have been burnt using gasoline after his alleged suicide, but the photos released of "his" body do not show any burning. Various hypotheses exist; probably he was transferred from the War Zone Soviet-occupied Berlin was in late April 1945. Possible locations suggested are South America (Argentina or Brazil) and the US.
  • Photo fakery of the Bombing of Dresden (February 1944)[MM 5]


  • The funding of the immense war machine that was used by Hitler from September 1939 to May 1945 was done by powerful Zionist bankers inside Germany and outside, among others in London and the US, see Anthony Sutton's Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (1976)[NZ 14][NZ 15]
  • In spite of what his propaganda says, Hitler did not reform the banking system in Nazi Germany on crucial points; he left the usury-economy intact. What he did was putting the economy under State control, but not to the full elimination of private property, like communism.[NZ 3][NZ 4]
File:Adolf Hitler and Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (1870-1950).jpg
Adolf Hitler and Gustav Krupp (1940)


  • In words (propaganda), Freemasonry was one of the main targets of the Nazis, just like in words (propaganda), the rich were the main target in communism. In practice, however, the Nazis installed Freemasons in their highest ranks, most notably in their Economy Ministry.
  • Later the Zionists have done everything in their power to suppress information of their co-operation with the Nazis in the years before the Second World War. It turned out that it was the Jewish masonic lodge B'nai B'rith, in co-operation with the Zionist organization, LICA (Ligue International contre l'Antisemitisme) in Paris that was behind the so called Kristallnacht on 9 November 1938. The aim of the LICA provocation was to encourage the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. B'nai B'rith had previously infiltrated the Nazi movement's vital parts: the SS, the SA and the party. The Nazi leadership took no legal action against B'nai B'rith.[NZ 7]
  • Prominent Nazionists using Freemasonry symbolism; handshakes, gestures, the non-German swastika, showing their real colors.[NZ 9][NZ 16]
  • Not only were the Nazis fans of Freemasonry, in practice, not in propaganda, but also the Freemasons supported the NSDAP[NZ 17]


I think there are multiple angles:[NZ 13]

  • the psychological angle:
    • paint Germany as the most evil empire ever
    • make sure Israel will be "morally" correct because the jews -the ordinary ones, the masses- did suffer[NZ 2]
  • the military angle:
    • create a split within Europe; weaken the central power in the continent
    • invade West Germany with US bases and give East Germany to the Soviets
    • create a huge war machine where a lot of technological advancements are made; the real motive behind Project Paperclip; first let them grow as "evil" Nazis and then import that brainpower into the US (and start the space hoaxes)
  • the financial angle:
    • loan a lot of money to the Third Reich and make sure the German people have to pay it off
    • make the Nazi economy look good to the inside and bad to the outside ("those human soap producers have an interest-free monetary system" = BAAD)
    • investments and gains, a LOT of them, from all side (the typical Rothschild "support all sides of the war" Ponzi scheme where some small Elites made shitloads of money)
  • the "educational" angle
    • create a Holocaust Industry of Lies and Half-Truths to "educate" people in the future (after 1945 that is)
  • the "build-up" angle
    • seen today "live" in the Middle East; first bomb the shit out of a country and then come in as "the good guys" to build it up again in the Marshall Plan. Same with the Twin Towers, etc.
  • In all these schemes there are a few winners:
    • the banksters
    • the big industrialists
    • the big media
    • the big science (getting technological development and inventions from war)
    • the big political bodies (Volkenbund, UN, EU)
  • and a LOT of losers:
    • the normal, ordinary people
    • of whatever race, religion, nationality or nose size
    • real advancement and development
    • real economic growth
    • real science (space hoaxes again)
  • The Powers now want to play out the people against each other and that's where this TGSNT angle is coming from. It spreads disinfo and outright lies to shield off the real powers; the industrialists that funded the whole scam and the political powers that executed it.
  • The Propaganda of the Nazis was so strong (and unfortunately seeing here it still is) that the people of back then are impossible to blame. They didn't know any better. They actually believed that Hitler would "save" Germany and "make it stronger".
  • While obviously the complete opposite is true; a highly advanced young nation of the start of the 20th century has been stabbed twice in a "world" "war" and painted as the bad guy. While all the time the only bad guys were the Zionists, the Elitist Jews, the banksters, industrialists, the psychopaths thus, and the good guys were all the innocent victims, both back then and today.

The "person" Adolf Hitler

File:Bundesarchiv Bild 102-13774, Adolf Hitler.jpg
Adolf Hitler (?) rehearsing his acting skills
  • Adolf Hitler was a set of actors who played a combined role, with specialized "Hitlers" for every task; speeching, parading, planning, meeting foreign leaders, etc., see this excellent analysis by Tyrone McCloskey at Piece of Mindful[8][9][10]
  • his "suicide" was a joke. According to the mainstream story, the body was burned with gasoline, but the pictures shown to us show an unburnt "body". Theories about "Hitler" (or the characters playing that role) are that he was shipped by the US American Intelligence Agencies to Brazil or Argentina. A theory is that he lived in Bariloche, Argentina after the war (until 1965, when he allegedly moved to Córdoba, Argentina).[NZ 18]
  • He has also been seen (validity hard to assess) in Bogotá, Paipa and Tunja, Colombia in 1954.[MSM 4][MSM 5][MSM 6]

The Hitler project was Freemason

The Hitler project was billionaires

Hitler was a billionaire:

After Hitler purged the socialist elements from the Nazi Party in 1934, and smashed labor unions, the Reich Association of German Industrialists set up the "Adolf Hitler Endowment" to which every employer contributed quarterly. The tax deductible contribution went directly to Hitler and he did not have to account for it.

"Based on reliable estimates, this bogus endowment received 100 million marks annually, all of which was available to the Fuhrer "privately and personally." This is equivalent to $40 million a year in 1935, or roughly $640 million today.

Hitler knew that "as long as German industry was making money, [thanks to rearmament] his private money sources would be inexhaustible... broken down to each individual was a modest contribution, one he was entitled to as the savior of German industry from Bolshevism..."

Whenever Hitler wanted money for anything, Bormann paid, regardless of whether it was a house for a meritorious party member or a gift for Eva Braun, commissions for artists and sculptors or renovations for theatres. "Controlling the purse strings enabled Hitler to determine the living standards of his paladins and to reward them with money and gifts, like an absolute monarch, or punish them by withholding funds. Having inexhaustible funds provided an almost erotic stimulation for Hitler."

According to estimates, more than a billion marks passed through the private donation account managed by Bormann. "By present-day standards, and given the purchasing power of the era, Hitler was a billionaire several times over."[NZ 19][ab 2]


File:KarlHaushofer RudolfHess.jpg
Karl Haushofer (left) with his student Rudolf Hess (right), circa 1920

The terms "Geopolitik" (geopolitics) and Lebensraum (living space) were invented by another Nazi jew, Karl Haushofer. Haushofer belonged to a family of artists and scholars. He was born in Munich to Max Haushofer, a professor of economics, and Frau Adele Haushofer (née Fraas). On the night of 10–11 March [03/11 = 33] 1946, he and his wife committed suicide in a secluded hollow on their Hartschimmelhof estate at Pähl/Ammersee. Both drank arsenic and his wife then hanged herself while Haushofer was "obviously" too weak to do so.

Haushofer was an occultist and member of various secret societies.[MSM 7]

By World War I, he had attained the rank of General, and commanded a brigade on the western front. He became disillusioned after Germany's loss and severe sanctioning; he retired with the rank of major general in 1919. At this time, he forged a friendship with the young Rudolf Hess, who would become his scientific assistant. After the establishment of the Nazi regime, Haushofer remained friendly with Hess, who protected Haushofer and his wife from the racial laws of the Nazis, which deemed her a "half-Jew". Actually she was a full jew, descendant from the Lehman family, with grandparents Rudolf Lehmann Mayer and Louise Meyer.[MSM 8]

During the prewar years, Haushofer was instrumental in linking Japan to the Axis powers, acting in accordance with the theories of his book Geopolitics of the Pacific Ocean. Haushofer and the Munich school of geopolitik would eventually expand their conception of lebensraum and autarky well past the borders of 1914 and "a place in the sun" to a New European Order, then to a New Afro-European Order, and eventually to a Eurasian Order. That concept became known as a pan-region, taken from the American Monroe Doctrine, and the idea of national and continental self-sufficiency.[MSM 9]


The second-oldest airline in the world (after Dutch KLM) was founded in Colombia by German-Jewish immigrants together with Colombian jews in Barranquilla.[MSM 10][11]

Colombia was extremely important for the Axis powers, as the country was the main source of platinum.[MSM 11]

The Boycott

World War W Series
File:Pwanchir Pitu, Shaman et chef spirituel du peuple Achuar.jpg
History Plan Patagonia (1860s+)
Nazionism (1860s+)
Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (1923+)
World War II (1938-1948)
Kristallnacht (November 9, 1938)
United Nations (June 24, 1945)
Marshall Plan (April 3, 1948)
World Health Organization (April 7, 1948)
Foundation of Israel (May 14, 1948)
South Korea (August 15, 1948)
Anthropogenic Global Warming (1989+)
Bart To The Future (March 19, 2000)
World War W
Present Corona Craze (March 11, 2020)
Agenda 21 (1992+)
Smart Cities (2000+)
Agenda 2030 (2015+)
What to do? Agenda 2020 (2019+)
  • Much has been said about "The Boycott" famously headlined in the mainstream newspaper The Daily Express on March 24, 1933
  • But as always, reality was much more complex and nuanced than those pushed narratives. An interesting analysis follows below:

"[I]n early 1933, Hitler was not the undisputed leader of Germany, nor did he have full command of the armed forces. Hitler was a major figure in a coalition government, but he was far from being the government himself. That was the result of a process of consolidation which evolved later.

Even Germany's Jewish Central Association, known as the Verein, contested the suggestion (made by some Jewish leaders outside Germany) that the new government was deliberately provoking anti-Jewish uprisings.

The Verein issued a statement that "the responsible government authorities [i.e. the Hitler regime] are unaware of the threatening situation," saying, "we do not believe our German fellow citizens will let themselves be carried away into committing excesses against the Jews."

Despite this, Jewish leaders in the United States and Britain determined on their own that it was necessary to launch a war against the Hitler government."[RV 1]

"On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens for March 27. At that time the commander in chief of the Jewish War Veterans called for an American boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on March 23, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall as rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New York City.

According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and her elected government. The headline read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World Unite - Boycott of German Goods - Mass Demonstrations." The article described a forthcoming "holy war" and went on to implore Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in mass demonstrations against German economic interests.

According to the Express:

The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life. Fourteen million Jews scattered over the entire world are tight to each other as if one man, in order to declare war against the German persecutors of their fellow believers.

The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler's people.

The Express said that Germany was "now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry.... In London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade."

"[RV 1]

"However, note well that the Zionist Association of Germany put out a telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made against the National Socialists as "propaganda," "mendacious" and "sensational."

In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies ("The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941"; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine.

This little-known factor would ultimately come to play a pivotal part in the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Jews."[RV 1]

"In the meantime, though, German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath complained of the "vilification campaign" and said:

As concerns Jews, I can only say that their propagandists abroad are rendering their co-religionists in Germany no service by giving the German public, through their distorted and untruthful news about persecution and torture of Jews, the impression that they actually halt at nothing, not even at lies and calumny, to fight the present German government.

The fledgling Hitler government itself was clearly trying to contain the growing tension - both within Germany and without. In the United States, even U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull wired Rabbi Stephen Wise of the American Jewish Congress and urged caution:

Whereas there was for a short time considerable physical mistreatment of Jews, this phase may be considered virtually terminated.... A stabilization appears to have been reached in the field of personal mistreatment.... I feel hopeful that the situation which has caused such widespread concern throughout this country will soon revert to normal.

Despite all this, the leaders of the Jewish community refused to relent. On March 27 there were simultaneous protest rallies at Madison Square Garden, in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland and 70 other locations. The New York rally was broadcast worldwide. The bottom line is that "the New Germany" was declared to be an enemy of Jewish interests and thus needed to be economically strangled. This was before Hitler decided to boycott Jewish goods.'"[RV 1]

"Thus, the fact - one conveniently left out of nearly all history on the subject - is that Hitler's March 28, 1933 boycott order was in direct response to the declaration of war on Germany by the worldwide Jewish leadership just four days earlier. Today, Hitler's boycott order is described as a naked act of aggression, yet the full circumstances leading up to his order are seldom described in even the most ponderous and detailed histories of "the Holocaust".

Not even Saul Friedlander in his otherwise comprehensive overview of German policy, Nazi Germany and the Jews, mentions the fact that the Jewish declaration of war and boycott preceded Hitler's speech of March 28, 1933. Discerning readers would be wise to ask why Friedlander felt this item of history so irrelevant.

The simple fact is that it was organized Jewry as a political entity - and not even the German Jewish community per se - that actually initiated the first shot in the war with Germany."[RV 1]

"The Jewish leaders were not bluffing. The boycott was an act of war not solely in metaphor: it was a means, well crafted, to destroy Germany as a political, social and economic entity. The long term purpose of the Jewish boycott against Germany was to bankrupt her with respect to the reparation payments imposed on Germany after World War I and to keep Germany demilitarized and vulnerable.

The boycott, in fact, was quite crippling to Germany. Jewish scholars such as Edwin Black have reported that, in response to the boycott, German exports were cut by 10 percent, and that many were demanding seizing German assets in foreign countries (Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement - The Untold Story of the Secret Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, New York, 1984).

The attacks on Germany did not cease. The worldwide Jewish leadership became ever the more belligerent and worked itself into a frenzy. An International Jewish Boycott Conference was held in Amsterdam to coordinate the ongoing boycott campaign. It was held under the auspices of the self-styled World Jewish Economic Federation, of which famous New York City attorney and longtime political power broker, Samuel Untermyer, was elected president."[RV 1]

"However, during this same period there were some unusual developments at work: The spring of 1933 also witnessed the beginning of a period of private cooperation between the German government and the Zionist movement in Germany and Palestine (and actually worldwide) to increase the flow of German-Jewish immigrants and capital to Palestine.

The modern-day supporters of Zionist Israel and many historians have succeeded in keeping this Nazi-Zionist pact a secret to the general public for decades and while most Americans have no concept of the possibility that there could have been outright collaboration between the Nazi leadership and the founders of what became the state of Israel, the truth has begun to emerge.

Dissident Jewish writer Lenni Brennar's Zionism In the Age of the Dictators, published by a small press and not given the publicity it deserves by the so-called "mainstream" media (which is otherwise obsessed with the Holocaust era), was perhaps the first major endeavor in this realm.

In response to Brennar and others, the Zionist reaction has usually consisted of declarations that their collaboration with Nazi Germany was undertaken solely to save the lives of Jews. But the collaboration was all the more remarkable because it took place at a time when many Jews and Jewish organizations demanded a boycott of Germany.

To the Zionist leaders, Hitler's assumption of power held out the possibility of a flow of immigrants to Palestine. Previously, the majority of German Jews, who identified themselves as Germans, had little sympathy with the Zionist cause of promoting the in gathering of world Jewry to Palestine. But the Zionists saw that only the anti-Semitic Hitler was likely to push the anti-Zionist German Jews into the arms of Zionism.

For all the modern-day wailing by worldwide supporters of Israel (not to mention the Israelis themselves) about "the Holocaust", they neglect to mention that making the situation in Germany as uncomfortable for the Jews as possible - in cooperation with German National Socialism - was part of the plan.

Note to readers of this article who can also read German: a booklet discussing the emigration of Jews from Third Reich Germany, and the Transfer Agreement that facilitated their emigration, may be found here! This was the genesis of the so-called Transfer Agreement, the agreement between Zionist Jews and the National Socialist government to transfer German Jewry to Palestine.

According to Jewish historian Walter Laqueur and many others, German Jews were far from convinced that immigration to Palestine was the answer. Furthermore, although the majority of German Jews refused to consider the Zionists as their political leaders, it is clear that Hitler protected and cooperated with the Zionists for the purposes of implementing the final solution: the mass transfer of Jews to the Middle East.

Edwin Black, in his massive tome The Transfer Agreement (Macmillan, 1984), stated that although most Jews did not want to flee to Palestine at all, due to the Zionist movement's influence within Nazi Germany a Jew's best chance of getting out of Germany was by emigrating to Palestine. In other words, the Transfer Agreement itself mandated that Jewish capital could only to go Palestine.

Thus, according to the Zionists, a Jew could leave Germany only if he went to the Levant."[RV 1]

The strategic "mistakes" of the Nazi military

Battle of River Plate (1939)

File:HMSO Graf Spee battle map.jpg
Battle map of the Battle of the River Plate (December 1939)

After the fall of France, The Kriegsmarine now had access to the French ports. This was advantageous for a number of reasons.

  • Safer access without having to run the gauntlet of the English Channel.
  • Convenience to the Atlantic shipping lanes.
  • Easier to repair and supply their naval vessels.

However, the policy of raiding and submarine warfare was a controversial one. Erich Raeder, a veteran of the First World War, was a detractor, believing it to be a flawed strategy, which of course it was. In 1939 he approved a change in the German shipbuilding schedule, abandoning capital ships for submarines. In conflict with his earlier beliefs. The problems with such a strategy were as follows. Any ” Happy Times”, would most likely be short-lived. Once convoying began, it would turn into a war of attrition, one the Kriegsmarine was bound to lose.

  1. The vessels would have to operate in the North Atlantic, giving England the chance of deploying her superior naval assets to the full advantage.
  2. The German ships would have to operate without land based air cover, a not insignificant disadvantage. They would also have to operate alone, making any engagement far more risky.
  3. They would also be trading their valuable capital ships for merchant tonnage. Playing into the hands of the British.

Operation Barbarossa (1941-43)

Regarding the Russian campaign, Hitler's army was supposed to be vastly superior and to have great successes at the beginning, and very soon after, to stop winning. As the result couldn't be left to chance, Hitler the Jewish agent (and his generals) had to make voluntary mistakes in order to lose at the end. Same thing for Stalin.[NZ 20]

The Great Escape (1944)

Curious story about an escape of British and other POWs from Stalag Luft III in Zagan, occupied Poland. This story was popularized (Zal Rule) in the blockbuster movie The Great Escape (1963). See the detailed analysis of this peculiar plot at Piece of Mindful.[POM 1]

D-Day (1944)

D-Day was in many aspects the 9/11 of World War II. An excellent breakdown of this for the Nazis fatal day can be read here (part 1) and here (part 2).[NZ 21][NZ 22]

Reading the analysis brings up memories of 9/11. On that equally "fatal" day in September, the vastly superior military forces of the US against "19 hijackers with box cutters" were told to stand down. The Pentagon, the world's best defended building, the former office of McCloy, apparently didn't have working anti-air missiles against incoming planes. Dabya Bush was in Florida, undisturbed. The attack on the WTC was "a complete surprise", according to the storytellers, while that exact scenario was even played out that day in a wargame exercise.

Other "mistakes" and "failures"

  • The inexplicable strategic choices in shipbuilding pre-war
  • The failures and battle decisions by the Graf Spee[MSM 12] captained by Hans Langsdorff[MSM 13]
  • The reconnaissance aircraft of the Graf Spee was out of service[MSM 14]
  • Prisoners captured at merchant ships the Spee conquered and later sank were taken on board the Altmark, of which is said "Altmark was a floating base whose supplies were vital to the panzerschiffe’s continued success. For that reason, Dau exercised the utmost caution, even going so far as to disguise the tanker’s true identity. The Altmark had been painted light yellow from stem to stern, and large letters proclaimed the ship to be the Sogne whose home port was Oslo."[MSM 15]
  • The inexplicable suicide, suggested to be a faked death, of captain Langsdorff at the mouth of the River Plate, after the eponymous Battle of the River Plate, the first naval battle in WWII[MSM 14]
  • The Nazis failed to capture the British at Dunkirk (Zal rule: Dunkirk (2017))[NZ 23][NZ 24]
  • The Nazis foolishly started their Soviet campaign in summer to arrive in winter, no lessons learned from Napoleon Bonaparte
  • The Nazis failed to occupy Gibraltar, and thus creating complete dominance over the Mediterranean (and via the Suez Canal important shipping routes to and from Asia)[NZ 23][NZ 25]
  • The completely crazy "declaration of war" against the United States, just at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor[NZ 23]

Other Nazis

  • contrary to the "official story" of being anti-gay, many Nazis were actually gay and used a gay bar in Munich, Bratwurstglockl (an example of TRIOMF) to meet and plan their tactics.[NZ 26]

Jewish Nazis

The list of jewish Nazis, especially the high-ranking ones, is virtually endless.[NZ 27] Some notable examples:[NZ 28][NZ 29]

  • Adolf Hitler, Hüttler or Hiller (according to Miles Mathis)[MM 1]
  • Hjalmar Schacht - the most important man in the Third Reich, the economy minister who was responsible for the relations of the industrialists with the NSDAP. Was a banker, a Freemason and spoke Hebrew (!!)[NZ 5]
  • Gaia: "Putting a jewish Freemason banker in charge of the economy is like making a drug addict head of the pharmacy"
  • Otto Skorzenzy - Hitler's favorite", became a Mossad agent after the war[NZ 10][NZ 30]
  • Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski (1899-1972) - one of Hitlers few friends[NZ 8]
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Abraham Goldberg, known as Julius Streicher
  • Julius Streicher - editor of Nazi propaganda rag Der Stürmer, another Jewish homosexual. His real name was Abraham Goldberg. During the Nuremberg trials, Streicher admitted: "Our model was the Jewish law".[NZ 8]
  • Hans Frank - think Otto/Anne Frank[NZ 11]
  • Joseph Goebbels - minister of Propaganda (!), married to Magda Goebbels, ex-wife of the Quandt family member[13]
  • Rudolf Hess - the one who "fled" to Britain in a plane, born in Egypt by a Jewish mother. In the homosexual circles in Munich, he was known as "Fraulein Anna".[NZ 8][MM 1]
  • Rudolf Höss - commander of Auschwitz
  • Reinhard Heydrich - organizer of the Wannsee Conference, was jewish on his mother's side. His father (Bruno Ziiss) was also jewish, and Heydrich himself was a homosexual. Hitler had a good impression of Heydrich, and believed that his non-Aryan roots would guarantee his obedience.[NZ 8]
  • Alfred Rosenberg - think of Ethel Rosenberg... - Alfred Rosenberg developed the national socialist ideology using as models the Talmud and Bulwer-Lytton's "The Coming Race" (1871)[NZ 8][NZ 31]
  • Herschel Chaim Steinschneider, better known under his fake name Erik Jan Hanussen, Hitler's psychic[POM 2]
  • Hugo Boss - the designer of the Nazi uniforms, from a jewish mother (so by definition making him jewish)[NZ 32][POM 3]
  • Robert Ley - Labour Minister[NZ 8]
  • Odilo Globocnik (1904-1945)[NZ 8]
  • Walther Funk - minister of Economy (!) after Schacht
  • Eva Braun[MM 1]
  • Heinrich Himmler[MM 1]
  • Adolf Eichmann[MM 1]
  • Klaus Barbie[NZ 33]
  • Fritz Mandl[NZ 34]
  • Albert Kesselring[NZ 35]
  • Fritz Lenz[MM 1]
  • Hermann Goering
  • Karl Doenitz
  • Ernst Röhm
  • Erwin Rommel
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Max Simon
  • Albert Speer
  • Gregor Strasser
  • Heinz Guderian
  • Alfred Jodl
  • Ernst Kaltenbrunner
  • Ilse Koch
  • Wilhelm Keitl - probably related to Harvey Keitel
  • Josef Mengele - the so-called Doctor of Death, performing (fake) experiments on people in Auschwitz
  • Leni Riefenstahl - major propaganda figure, her movies are praised by Nazis and mainstream alike
  • Claus von Stauffenberg - of the fake "assassination attempt on Hitler", Zal rule: Tom Cruise played him
  • Horst Wessel - composer of the Nazi Germany hymn
  • Emile Maurice - Hitlers personal driver
  • Max Simon - if the name doesn't convince you, check out his photo (!!)

The post-war period: how hard were the Nazis punished?

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John J. McCloy

This period is an interesting time to understand how the whole scam was done. Of course the Holocaust Story was pushed and polished after the war, but what actually happened to all those Nazis "responsible" for those "horrors"? They were en masse acquitted (Denazifizierung = "Denazification") and many of them took office in influential positions in the West and East Germany governments. Famous is of course Project Paperclip, where thousands of Nazi scientists were imported into the United States to later work on the Space Hoax and other spooky projects, with of course Wernher von Braun as main actor for the Disney show of Space Travel.

The main spindoctor of the fake Nuremberg Trials, only the most famous of many show trials held after the war, was a spook with the name John J. McCloy. He and Konrad Adenauer, West Germany's Bundeskanzler actively made sure to reduce the sentences (like there were ones) for the main Nazis. Most of them were freed officially, even if they spent time in jail. Read his ultra spooky Wikipedia page:[MSM 3]

  • American lawyer and banker
  • Served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II
  • After the war he served as president of the World Bank
  • U.S. High Commissioner for Germany
  • Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank
  • Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
  • He later became a prominent United States presidential adviser
  • Served on the Warren Commission
  • Was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men"
Gaia: "If this doesn't convince you of the spooky nature of this creep, I don't know what does..."

Ex-Nazi politicians

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Theodor Oberländer (1952)

There were numerous Nazis who became politicians in West and East Germany. According to the mainstream version of his-story where the Allies were the "good guys" and the Nazis the "bad guys", this is very illogical. According to the alternative pro-Nazi stance where the Nazis were the "good guys" and the Allies the "bad guys" this also doesn't make sense. In the idea of NaZionism it does make sense; it always was a fake opposition force. Examples of ex-Nazis who became politicians:[MSM 16]

A lesser known US American operation was Operation Bloodstone, started by Wisner. It was a covert operation whereby the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sought out Nazis and collaborators living in Soviet-controlled areas, to work undercover for U.S. intelligence inside of the Soviet Union, Latin America, and Canada, as well as domestically within the United States.[MSM 17] This secret operation involved recruiting former German officers and diplomats who could be used in the covert war against the Soviet Union. This included former members of the Nazi Party such as Gustav Hilger,[MSM 18] and Hans von Bittenfield (Hans von Herwarth, see below).[MSM 19]

  • Kurt Georg Kiesinger [Kissinger?] (CDU) - former West German Chancellor[MSM 20]
  • "Oberländer had participated in Adolf Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, Bavaria, in 1923 during the Weimar Republic era, already at the age of 18."
  • "Adenauer stated that Oberländer was a Nazi but "never did anything dishonourable"."
  • "German SS-Hauptsturmführer in the Nazi Sicherheitsdienst (SD), Hitler's SS intelligence agency. After World War II von Bolschwing became a spy and worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Europe and later in California"
  • "The United States did not begin investigating von Bolschwing's activities in Nazi Germany until 1979"
  • Günter Guillaume (SPD) - spy for the Stasi, secretary of Willy Brandt[MSM 23]
  • Hans-Dietrich Genscher (FDP) - Vice Chancellor[MSM 24]
  • Richard Jaeger (CSU) - president of the European Documentation and Information Centre (CEDI)[MSM 25]
  • Richard Stücklen (CSU) - president of the Bundestag[MSM 26]
  • Siegfried Buback - attorney general of Germany, assassinated by the RAF (?)[MSM 27]
  • Gerhard Schröder (CDU) - not Gerhard Schröder (SPD), former Chancellor, but foreign, interior and defence Minister[MSM 28]
  • Walter Scheel (FDP)[MSM 29]
  • (((Hans von Herwarth))) - his paternal grandmother, Julia von Herwarth (née Haber), was Jewish. Herwarth condemned the appeasement of the Munich Agreement, predicted a Soviet-German commitment to non-aggression (which came to pass as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact), and saw ahead to what he called "the destruction of Germany". After 1939, he worked at the German Army Headquarters (OKW), in the Abwehr department. By marriage was a cousin of Claus von Stauffenberg. Allegedly "opposed to the Nazis", but worked at the German Army Headquarters.[MSM 30]
  • March 5, 1946: Winston Churchill introduces the phrase Iron Curtain into the English language (the term was originally coined by Joseph Goebbels) during his famous Cold War speech at Fulton, Missouri.[MSM 31]

Operation Paperclip

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Group of 104 German rocket scientists including Wernher von Braun, Ludwig Roth and Arthur Rudolph, at Fort Bliss, Texas (1946)

Operation Paperclip, until March 13, 1946 called Operation Overcast,[MSM 31] was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were recruited in post-Nazi Germany and taken to the U.S. for government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959; many were former members and some were former leaders of the Nazi Party.[MSM 32] Other such project were among others Operation Epsilon,[MSM 33] and Operation Big.[MSM 34]

Other members of the Nazi scientist group stayed and continued working in (West-)Germany, among them Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Johannes Stark, Horst Korsching,[MSM 35] Werner Heisenberg and Kurt Diebner.[MSM 36]

Part of these projects was the establishment by the CIA of MKNAOMI, the code name for a joint Department of Defense/CIA research program lasting from the 1950s through the 1970s. Unclassified information about the MKNAOMI program and the related Special Operations Division is scarce. It is generally reported to be a successor to the MKULTRA project and to have focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents—specifically, to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices for the diffusion of such materials.[MSM 37]

Kurt Blome
  • High-ranking Nazi scientist before and during World War II. He was the Deputy Reich Health Leader (Reichsgesundheitsführer) and Plenipotentiary for Cancer Research in the Reich Research Council. In 1942 he became director of a unit affiliated with the Central Cancer Institute at the University of Posen (Poznań). As early as September 1940, Wolfram Sievers, director of the S.S. Ahnenerbe Institute, had warned Blome of the need to expand the production of insecticides. This led Blome to experiment with the dispersal of insecticides, fungicides and nerve gas from aircraft, especially after Hitler had ordered a "drastic increase" in the production of Tabun and Sarin at I.G. Farben's Dyhernfurth factory in eastern Germany. It is believed that American intervention saved Blome from the gallows in exchange for information about biological warfare, nerve gas, and providing advice on to the American chemical and biological weapons programs. In 1951, he was hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps under Project 63, one of the successors to Operation Paperclip, to work on chemical warfare. Denied a visa by the U.S. Consul in Frankfurt, he was employed at European Command Intelligence Center at Oberursel, West Germany. He worked there on an never declassified top secret project labeled in Blome's foreign scientist case file as "Army, 1952, Project 1975". He was not arrested or charged with war crimes again after his acquittal at the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial in 1947. He also continued to practice medicine in West Germany, and was active in politics as a member of the right-wing Germany Party.[MSM 38]
Wernher von Braun
  • The leading figure in the development of rocket technology in Germany and the father of rocket technology and space psience in the United States. He helped design and develop the V-2 rocket at Peenemünde during World War II. He worked for the United States Army on an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) program and he developed the rockets that launched the United States' first space satellite Explorer 1. His group was assimilated into NASA, where he served as director of the newly formed Marshall Space Flight Center and as the chief architect of the Saturn V super heavy-lift launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon.[MSM 39]
Kurt Debus
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  • German V-2 rocket scientist during World War II who became the first director of NASA's Kennedy Space Center in 1962. During World War II, Debus was a member of the Nazi Party, a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA) and Himmler's SS (since 1940). Debus was appointed by Hitler as the V-weapons flight test director and was actively engaged in the rocket research program at Peenemünde and the development of the V-2 rocket. In late 1945, Debus was transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas under contract as a “special employee” of the U.S. Army, as were the other German rocket specialists. He was deputy director at the Guidance and Control Branch through December 1948, when he was promoted to assistant technical director to von Braun at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. Under Debus' leadership, NASA and its team of contractors built as well as tested and launched the Saturn family of rockets for the Apollo and Skylab programs.[MSM 40]
  • Kurt Heinrich Debus was the first director of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in 1962. Debus directed the design, development, construction and operation of NASA’s Saturn launch facilities at the north end of Cape Canaveral and adjacent Merritt Island in Florida. Under him, NASA conducted 150 launches of military missiles and space vehicles, including 13 Saturn V rockets, the booster for the Apollo manned moon landings. Under Debus’ leadership, NASA and its team of contractors built what was hailed as the Free World’s Moonport—KSC’s Launch Complex 39—as well as tested and launched the Saturn family of rockets for the Apollo and Skylab programs. Debus retired as KSC director in November 1974. A small lunar crater on the far side of the Moon to the east-southeast of the crater Ganskiy, past the eastern limb, is named for Debus; as is The Kurt Debus Conference Center at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Debus was inducted into the National Space Hall of Fame in 1969.[MSM 41]
  • Death notice in Der Spiegel

"Kurt Debus, 74. Zusammen mit Wernher von Braun arbeitete er während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in der Heeresversuchsstelle Peenemünde - zuletzt als Cheftester der von den Nazis als Wunderwaffe angekündigten V 2. Gemeinsam mit anderen Raketenspezialisten trat Debus nach dem Krieg in die Dienste der Amerikaner - zunächst bei der US-Army in New Mexico, später im Raumfahrtzentrum Cape Canaveral.

Dort startete Debus 1958 den von Wernher von Braun entwickelten ersten amerikanischen Erdsatelliten Explorer 1. Die Präzision des deutschen Ingenieurs beeindruckte die Weltraumbehörde Nasa. 1960 übertrugen sie Debus die Verantwortung für sämtliche Starts. Drei Jahre später wurde er (bis 1974) Direktor des Kennedy-Raumfahrt-Zentrums. Nach seiner Pensionierung ließ sich der Wissenschaftler für die private Billigraketen-Firma Otrag des Deutschen Lutz Kayser einspannen und stand (von 1975 bis 1980) dem Aufsichtsrat des umstrittenen Unternehmens vor, weil es ihm "ohne Raketen keinen Spaß" machte.

Vorigen Montag starb Debus in Cocca (Florida) an den Folgen eines Herzanfalls. [heart attack][MSM 42]

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Abraham Esau (circa 1930)
(((Abraham Esau)))
  • German physicist. During World War II, Esau was one of the most powerful physicists in Germany. In October 1933, Esau became a Staatsrat (State Councilor) in Thuringia, a position he held until the end of World War II. This role gave him direct access to Adolf Hitler. On the initiative of Erich Schumann, the Reichsforschungsrat (RFR, Reich Research Council) was inaugurated on 16 March 1937 by Reich Minister Bernhard Rust of the Reichserziehungsministerium (REM, Reich Education Ministry). The RFR was set up to centralize planning for all basic and applied research in Germany, with the exception of aeronautical research, which was under the supervision of Reich Marshal Hermann Göring. Support for research was decided by the heads of 13 special sections of the RFR (Fachspatenleiter). Esau was a member of the RFR from its inception, and he was head of the physics section (Fachspatenleiter für Physik), which included mathematics, astronomy, and meteorology. From this position in the RFR, he would play major roles in the German nuclear energy project. From 1939 to 1945, Esau was ordinarius professor at the University of Berlin and president of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (PTR, Reich Physical and Technical Institute; today, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt). Even after Esau left his position as plenipotentiary for nuclear physics and head of the physics section at the RFR at the end of 1942, he continued to have significant authority and influence as president of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt. After the war, the Americans turned Esau over to the Dutch to stand trial for his involvement in the plunder of research facilities of the electronics firm Philips. He was acquitted and expelled in 1948. Later, he was tried and convicted in absentia; without a conviction, the Dutch could not make a legal claim for damages from Germany. Thanks to support from Leo Brandt, a science policy-maker of North Rhine-Westphalia, Esau was able to establish himself back into the German scientific community. From 1949, Esau was a visiting professor of short-wave technology at the RWTH Aachen University. From 1953, he was also head of the Institute of High-Frequency Engineering of the German Aeronautical Research Institute in Mülheim an der Ruhr.[MSM 43]
Otto Hahn
  • German chemist and pioneer in the fields of radioactivity and radiochemistry. He is referred to as the father of nuclear chemistry. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1944 for the discovery and the radiochemical proof of nuclear fission. He was the founding President of the Max Planck Society (MPG) from 1948 to 1960. Allegedly opposed to National Socialism, he worked in Berlin, the heart of Nazi Germany, from 1938 to 1944 on nuclear fission. On 13 July 1938, with the help and support of Hahn, Lise Meitner – born into a Jewish family – escaped to the Netherlands; before she left, Hahn gave her a diamond ring he had inherited from his mother, to be used to bribe the frontier guards if required. During the war, Hahn – together with his assistants Hans-Joachim Born, Siegfried Flügge, Hans Götte, Walter Seelmann-Eggebert, and Strassmann – worked on uranium fission reactions. By 1945, he had drawn up a list of 25 elements and about 100 isotopes whose existence he had demonstrated.[MSM 44]
Paul Harteck
  • German physical chemist. In 1933, Harteck went to do research with Ernest Rutherford at the University of Cambridge. During this time, Rutherford was working on accelerator-driven nuclear fusion, and Harteck was credited in the 1934 paper on the topic. In April 1939, along with his teaching assistant Wilhelm Groth, Harteck made contact with the Reichskriegsministerium (RKM, Reich Ministry of War) to alert them to the potential of military applications of nuclear chain reactions. From that year, his department as a whole did research for the HWA, with emphasis on uranium isotope separation. From 1940, with Hans Suess, his focus was on the use of heavy water as a neutron moderator. In 1951, Harteck became a resident professor at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, where he taught until 1968. In 1937 and 1952, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.[MSM 45]
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Werner Heisenberg (1933)
Werner Heisenberg
  • German theoretical physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics. He was a principal scientist in the Nazi German nuclear weapon project during World War II. From 17 September 1924 to 1 May 1925, under an International Education Board Rockefeller Foundation fellowship, Heisenberg went to do research with Niels Bohr, director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen. After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Heisenberg was attacked in the press as a "White Jew" by elements of the Deutsche Physik (German Physics) movement for his insistence on teaching about the roles of Jewish scientists. As a result, he came under investigation by the SS. This was over an attempt to appoint Heisenberg as successor to Arnold Sommerfeld at the University of Munich. The issue was resolved in 1938 by Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS. While Heisenberg was not chosen as Sommerfeld's successor, he was rehabilitated to the physics community during the Third Reich. Nevertheless, supporters of Deutsche Physik launched vicious attacks against leading theoretical physicists, including Arnold Sommerfeld and Heisenberg. On 29 June 1936, a Nazi Party newspaper published a column attacking Heisenberg. On 15 July 1937, he was attacked in a journal of the SS. This was the beginning of what is called the Heisenberg Affair. Heisenberg's mother visited Himmler's mother. The two women knew each other, as Heisenberg's maternal grandfather and Himmler's father were rectors and members of a Bavarian hiking club. Eventually, Himmler settled the Heisenberg affair by sending two letters, one to SS Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich and one to Heisenberg, both on 21 July 1938. In the letter to Heydrich, Himmler said Germany could not afford to lose or silence Heisenberg, as he would be useful for teaching a generation of scientists. To Heisenberg, Himmler said the letter came on recommendation of his family and he cautioned Heisenberg to make a distinction between professional physics research results and the personal and political attitudes of the involved scientists. The letter to Heisenberg was signed under the closing "Mit freundlichem Gruß und, Heil Hitler!" (With friendly greetings, Heil Hitler!"). Yet also he worked freely in Nazi Germany and Copenhagen. He also traveled to the United States in June and July 1939, visiting Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. However, Heisenberg refused an invitation to emigrate to the United States.[MSM 46]
Johannes Juilfs
  • German theoretical and experimental physicist. He was a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA) and then, in 1933, of the Schutzstaffel (SS). Prior to World War II, he was one of three SS staff physicists who investigated the physicist Werner Heisenberg during the Heisenberg Affair. He was also a leader in the Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (NSDStB, National Socialist German Student League). In the SS, he rose to the rank of Obersturmführer. In November 1942, as a follow-on to the 1940 Münchner Religionsgespräche, 30 scientists met at Seefeld in the Austrian Tyrol to establish guidelines for the teaching of physics. Among those in attendance were Werner Heisenberg, Carl Ramsauer, Wolfgang Finkelnburg, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Juilfs, as well as supporters of the declining deutsche Physik movement. Juilfs clearly expressed the side the SS had taken against the movement. The deutsche Physik supporters were sufficiently cowed and the program of the 1940 Münchner Religionsgespräche was adopted, i.e., quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity were accepted as essential parts of German physics. The denazification process in Germany after World War II barred Juilfs from returning to a university career. However, with the founding of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Federal Republic of Germany) in 1949, and with the help of some influential individuals, the fortunes of Juilfs began to change. In 1950 he became head of the physics department at the Textilforschungsanstalt (Textile Research Institute) at Kerfeld. The Minister of Lower Saxony intervened and helped Juilfs obtain a temporary position as lecturer on theoretical physics at the Technische Hochschule Hanover (today, the Leibniz Universität Hanover. By 1958, he was an ordentlicher Professor (ordinarius professor) there. After World War II, many academicians lost their jobs through the denazificaion process, but by or shortly after the formation of the new Federal Republic of Germany, most of them were again found in academic positions.[MSM 47]
Siegfried Knemeyer
  • German aeronautical engineer, aviator and the Head of Technical Development at the Reich Ministry of Aviation of Nazi Germany during World War II. In April 1943, Knemeyer was appointed the technical officer of General Dietrich Peltz, who was responsible for the air war against England. Knemeyer conceived a plan to develop a long-range bomber that would drop a radioactive "dirty bomb" on New York City, in hopes of intimidating the United States out of the war. This idea was embraced and Knemeyer set up and personally supervised a competition between the three most promising technologies: Wernher von Braun’s Aggregat A-9 rocket missile and A-10 booster rocket; Eugen Sänger’s Silbervogel, and the Horten brothers' Horten Ho 229 turbojet-powered flying wing fighter. In June 1948 he was awarded a permanent contract of employment with the United States Air Force, Air Material Command. His family was then able to join him in America. Knemeyer began with the United States War Department on 1 July 1947. As acknowledgement of his contributions, in 1966 he received the highest civilian award granted by the U.S. military.[MSM 48]
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Johannes Stark (before 1919)
Johannes Stark
  • German physicist and Physics Nobel Prize laureate. He is known for identifying the Stark effect. During the Nazi regime, Stark attempted to become the Führer of German physics through the Deutsche Physik ("German physics") movement (along with fellow Nobel laureate Philipp Lenard) against the "Jewish physics" of Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg (who was not Jewish). After Werner Heisenberg defended Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, Stark wrote an angry article in the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps, calling Heisenberg a "White Jew". But also, it was Stark who, as the editor of Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik, asked in 1907, then still rather unknown, Albert Einstein to write a review article on the principle of relativity. Stark seemed impressed by relativity and Einstein's earlier work when he quoted "the principle of relativity formulated by H. A. Lorentz and A. Einstein" and "Planck's relationship M0 = E0/c2" in his 1907 paper in Physikalische Zeitschrift, where he used the equation e0 = m0c2 to calculate an "elementary quantum of energy".[MSM 49]
Erich Traub
  • Studied on a fellowship at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in Princeton, New Jersey mentored by Richard Shope, performing research on vaccines and viruses, including pseudorabies virus and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCM), member of the Nazi NSKK, a motorist corps, from 1938 to 1942. From 1942 to 1948, Traub worked as lab-chief at the Reich Research Institute for Virus Diseases of Animals (German: Reichsforschungsanstalt für Viruskrankheiten der Tiere) on Riems Island, a German animal virus research institute in the Baltic Sea. In July 1948, the British evacuated Erich Traub from Riems Island as a "high priority Intelligence target". Traub was brought to the United States in 1949 under the auspices of the United States government program Operation Paperclip. As a noted German authority on viruses he was asked to consult on their animal disease program from a Biological Warfare perspective.[MSM 50]
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
  • German physicist and philosopher. He was the longest-living member of the team which performed nuclear research in Germany during the Second World War, under Werner Heisenberg's leadership. A member of the prominent Weizsäcker family, he was son of the diplomat Ernst von Weizsäcker, elder brother of the former German President Richard von Weizsäcker, father of the physicist and environmental researcher Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker and father-in-law of the former General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Konrad Raiser. Between 1929 and 1933 Weizsäcker studied physics, mathematics and astronomy in Berlin, Göttingen and Leipzig, supervised by and working with Heisenberg and Niels Bohr, among others. In 1938, Weizsäcker developed a theory on the formation of the Solar System, based on considerations regarding the unequal share of lighter and heavier elements in the Sun and the Solar System's terrestrial planets. His views were later generally acknowledged and refined by a large number of other physicists and astronomers.[MSM 51]
Antonio Ferri

Antonio Ferri, Italian scientist who worked on supersonic flight, sonic boom reduction and more. He ended up contributing on the X-15 program which was flown by Neil Armstrong.

Morgenthau Plan

Listen also: Tim Kelly and Joe about the Morgenthau Plan The Morgenthau Plan was a plan used after World War II to strip down the German industry.[MSM 52] The plan was named after jew Henry Morgenthau.[MSM 53] A big player in this plan was Frederick Lindemann.[MSM 54]


Symbol of Haganah

The Haganah was the underground military organization of the jews in Palestine from 1920 to 1948. The Arab riots in 1920 and 1921 strengthened the view that it was impossible to depend upon the British authorities and that the jews needed to create an independent defense force completely free of foreign authority. In June 1920, the Haganah was founded.

During the first nine years of its existence, the Haganah was a loose organization of local defense groups in the large towns and in several of the settlements. The Arab riots in 1929 brought about a complete change in the Haganah's status.

  • It became a large organization encompassing nearly all the youth and adults in the settlements, as well as several thousand members from each of the cities.
  • It initiated a comprehensive training program for its members, ran officers' training courses;
  • Established central arms depots into which a continuous stream of light arms flowed from Europe.
  • Simultaneously, the basis was laid for the underground production of arms.

During 1936-1939, the years of the Arab Revolt, were the years in which the Haganah matured and developed from a militia into a military body. Although the British administration did not officially recognize the organization, the British Security Forces cooperated with it by establishing civilian militia.

The Haganah did not function only in Palestine. It had branches in other parts of the world, including the United States, Poland, Germany, Italy, France, and Morocco. Officers trained tens of thousands of new immigrant recruits in training camps in Europe and North Africa, even before they immigrated to Israel, including many Holocaust survivors. Haganah branches were also established at Jewish D.P. [displaced person] camps in Europe. Officers also recruited thousands of volunteers from Western Europe, North America and South Africa.

Haganah operatives purchased large quantities of arms from the United States, Western Europe, and Czechoslovakia, and sent them to Palestine. The group also founded a weapons industry, TAAS. On the eve of independence, TAAS owned 46 factories manufacturing submachine guns, mortars, grenades, bullets and explosives.

In the spring of 1947, David Ben-Gurion took it upon himself to direct the general policy of the Haganah, especially in preparation for impending Arab attack. On May 26, 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel decided to transform the Haganah into the regular army of the State, to be called "Zeva Haganah Le-Yisrael"— the Israel Defense Forces.[MSM 55]

A Haganah agent, Feivel Polkes, arrived in Berlin on 26 February 1937 and was assigned Adolf Eichmann as his negotiating partner. Eichmann had been a protege of the pro-Zionist von Mildenstein and, like his mentor, had studied Hebrew, read Herzl and was the SD's specialist on Zionism. The Eichmann-Polkes conversations were recorded in a report prepared by Eichmann’s superior, Franz-Albert Six, which was found in the SS files captured by the American Army at the end of the Second World War:

"Polkes is a national-Zionist He is against all Jews who are opposed to the erection of a Jewish state in Palestine. As a Haganah man he fights against Communism and all aims of Arab-British friendship ... He noted that the Haganah’s goal is to reach, as soon as possible, a Jewish majority in Palestine. Therefore he worked, as this objective required, with or against the British Intelligence Service, the Sureté Generale, with England and Italy ... He declared himself willing to work for Germany in the form of providing intelligence as long as this does not oppose his own political goals. Among other things he would support German foreign policy in the Near East. He would try to find oil sources for the German Reich without affecting British spheres of interest if the German monetary regulations were eased for Jewish emigrants to Palestine."

Six definitely thought that a working alliance with the Haganah would be in the Nazis’ interest. They still needed the latest inside information on the various Jewish boycott groups and on Jewish plots against the lives of prominent Nazis. He was eager to allow the SS to help the Zionists in return.[14]

"Pressure can be put on the Reich Representation of Jews in Germany in such a way that those Jews emigrating from Germany go exclusively to Palestine and not go to other countries. Such measures lie entirely in the German interest and is already prepared through measures of the Gestapo. Polkes’ plans to create a Jewish majority in Palestine would be aided at the same time through these measures."

What happened to the jews?

To understand this question, one must first analyze the Holocaust Story for what it is not; a mass annihilation of "6 million" jews. To do this, the best sources are (still?) available on the internet:

  • the numbers that don't add up[15]


Listen also: Fakeologist Audiochat 421 - January 29, 2018

Knowing that the Holocaust Story is a lie, a valid question begs answers: "What happened to all those jews, if they were not gassed to death?". It is well documented that many jews who were rich enough left Europe before the war and settled in places as the US, Canada, Britain, South Africa, Australia and South America. It is also well documented that many "Nazis" after the war fled to South America, mainly Argentina and Brazil.

The so-called "extermination camps", with Treblinka, Sobibór and Belzec the Reinhard camps, with their death data according to the Holocaust Story.[16]
Note: according to the Red Cross (Arolsen, 1983) the total number of deaths for all months and camps, including Chelmno and Plaszow, was around 65,000

Death data according to the Holocaust Story
Camp Months Min deaths Max deaths Min deaths/month Max deaths/month Methods[RV 2] Revisionism MSM
Treblinka 15 700,000 900,000 46,667 60,000 Gas chambers (CO)
Mobile gas chamber moving along mass graves
Hot steam
Suffocation by evacuation of death chamber with vacuum pumps
[RV 3][RV 4] [MSM 56]
Belzec 15 430,000 600,000 28,667 40,000 Gas chambers (CO)
Electrocution in shower baths
[RV 5] [MSM 57]
[MSM 58]
Auschwitz 41 1,100,000 4,000,000
26,829 97,561 Gas chambers (HCN) [RV 6][RV 7][RV 8] [MSM 59]
Sobibór 17 200,000 250,000 11,765 14,706 Gas chambers (CO) [RV 9][RV 10] [MSM 60]
Majdanek 33 78,000 230,000 2364 6969 Gas chambers (CO)
Gas chambers (HCN)
[RV 11] [MSM 61]
Chelmno 37 152,000 340,000 4108 9189 Gas vans (CO) [RV 12] [MSM 62]

Note: according to the Red Cross (Arolsen, 1983) the total number of deaths for all months and camps, including Chelmno and Plaszow, was around 65,000

The so-called "extermination camps", with Treblinka, Sobibór and Belzec the Reinhard camps, with their death data according to the Holocaust Story.[RV 13]

These camps were not used for "annihilation" (mass murder) of the kidnapped jews, but as transit camps to transport them to other places. People have suggested that they were sent to the Soviet Union.[17][18][19] That may or may not be true, but would not be much of an improvement; having to live under the bloody boots of communism is just as much torture as "gassing" them.

My hypothesis is that most jews were brought to harbors and from there shipped to other parts of the world, including but not limited to Israel (Palestine still at the time). How then? Well, we have a lot of "sunken ships" at the end of the war (last months of 1944 and first months of 1945) where allegedly many thousands of people "died". What if, just like the many faked boat incidents of today and in the past (think SS Ironic (1893) and of course its post-programming bigger sister Titanic (1912)), those end-of-war boat incidents were also faked (truth is the first victim of war) and secretly used to ship the jews out of Europe to other places?

Latin American Polish jews:[20]

"In Bergen-Belsen 350 Polish Jews with Latin American passports or Palestine Certificates who remained after the Auschwitz transfers"

Jewish emigration

Several organizations and projects were put in place to transfer jewish "holocaust" survivors to Palestine, called Aliyah Bet[MSM 63] Important was the White Paper of 1939, where the British reduced the legal immigration of jews to British-occupied Palestine.[MSM 64]

Even though the Mossad LeAliyah Bet was officially founded on 29 April 1939, it had begun operating during 1938. Headed by Shaul Avigur,[4] the Mossad LeAliyah Bet was founded on the basis of the Ha'apala movement. Its activity was initially centred in Athens and later on its centre moved to Paris. The movement's leadership was drawn from both revisionist and mainstream Zionist activists. Avigur was followed at the helm of the organisation by Meir Sapir.

In the first years after it was created, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet achieved a certain measure of success. Operating primarily through the sea, in 50 cruises it was able to bring as many as 20,000 Jewish immigrants to Palestine. When World War II broke, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet became virtually paralyzed and its activities were only renewed by August 1945.

Since that time and until the founding of Israel, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet was able to bring an additional 64 ships with over 70,000 Jewish immigrants (many of whom were Holocaust survivors). In addition to the sea, although on a much smaller scale, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet also brought immigrants via land, from the Arab world. Overall, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet was able to bring about 100,000 Jews into what was to become the State of Israel.

The most famous ship used by the Mossad LeAliyah Bet was Exodus, which brought 4,554 Holocaust survivors. With the founding of Israel, the Mossad LeAliyah Bet served as a basis for the agency Lishkat Hakesher (Liaison Bureau), codenamed Nativ (נתיב "Path"), created in 1953 and also headed by Meirov, which brought Jews from Soviet bloc, the Arab world, and other countries.

the underground organized effort that helped Jewish Holocaust survivors escape post–World War II Europe to the British Mandate for Palestine in violation of the White Paper of 1939. It ended when Israel declared independence and annulled the White Paper.

The movement of Jewish refugees from the Displaced Persons camp in which they were held (one million persons classified as "not repatriable" remained in Germany and Austria) to Palestine was illegal on both sides, as Jews were not officially allowed to leave the countries of Central and Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union and its allies, nor were they permitted to settle in Palestine by the British.

In late 1944 and early 1945, Jewish members of the Polish resistance met up with Warsaw ghetto fighters in Lubin to form Bricha as a way of escaping the antisemitism of Europe, where they were convinced that another Holocaust would occur. After the liberation of Rivne, Eliezer and Abraham Lidovsky, and Pasha (Isaac) Rajchmann, concluded that there was no future for Jews in Poland. They formed an artisan guild to cover their covert activities, and they sent a group to Cernăuţi, Romania to seek out escape routes. It was only after Abba Kovner, and his group from Vilna joined, along with Icchak Cukierman, who had headed the Jewish Combat Organization of the Polish uprising of August 1944, in January 1945, that the organization took shape. They soon joined up with a similar effort led by the Jewish Brigade and eventually the Haganah (the Jewish clandestine army in Palestine).

Officers of the Jewish Brigade of the British army assumed control of the operation, along with operatives from the Haganah who hoped to smuggle as many displaced persons as possible into Palestine through Italy. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee funded the operation.

Almost immediately, the explicitly Zionist Berihah became the main conduit for Jews coming to Palestine, especially from the displaced person camps, and it initially had to turn people away due to too much demand.

After the Kielce pogrom of 1946, the flight of Jews accelerated, with 100,000 Jews leaving Eastern Europe in three months. Operating in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia through 1948, Berihah transferred approximately 250,000 survivors into Austria, Germany, and Italy through elaborate smuggling networks. Using ships supplied at great cost by the Mossad Le'aliyah Bet, then the immigration arm of the Yishuv, these refugees were then smuggled through the British cordon around Palestine. Bricha was part of the larger operation known as Aliyah Bet.

The TTG Brigade was created by Israel Carmi, who was an officer of the Jewish Brigade while concurrently acting as a senior representative of the then-underground Haganah. Carmi was initially engaged in revenge operations against those believed to have been responsible, at least in part, for the Shoah. Along with certain of his fellow soldiers in the Jewish Brigade, he was responsible for executing hundreds of Germans, Austrians, and Italians. Most of these were identified by Carmi and his men as having been active members of the SS or otherwise as having assisted in the deportation or extermination of Jews within the Nazi sphere of influence. The TTG Brigade came into existence when Carmi falsely identified himself at a checkpoint to confuse a sentry and allow him and his companions to have unhindered passage. It led to the creation of fictional paperwork, seals, passes, orders, requisition forms, and even unit uniforms and insignia.


MS St. Louis (1939)
  • MS St. Louis
  • Before the war began, on June 6th (6-6), 1939, the MS St. Louis was leaving Europe with 900 jewish refugees. The MS St. Louis was a German ocean liner. In 1939, it set off on a voyage in which its captain, Gustav Schröder, tried to find homes for over 900 Jewish refugees from Germany. After they were denied entry to Cuba, the United States, and Canada, the refugees were finally accepted in various European countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, and France. Historians have estimated that approximately a quarter of them died in death camps during World War II. The event was the subject of a 1974 book, Voyage of the Damned, by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts. Zal rule: It was adapted for a 1976 U.S. film of the same title and a 1994 opera titled "St. Louis Blues" by Chiel Meijering. The St. Louis set sail from Hamburg to Cuba on May 13, 1939. The vessel under command of Captain Gustav Schröder was carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution. Captain Schröder was a non-Jewish German who went to great lengths to ensure dignified treatment for his passengers. In the end, only 29 passengers were allowed to disembark in Cuba. 22 of them were Jewish and had valid US visas; of the others, four were Spanish citizens and two were Cuban nationals, all with valid entry documents. The last was a medical evacuee who, after attempting to commit suicide, was taken to a hospital in Havana.
  • Prohibited from landing in Cuba, the St. Louis and the remaining 907 refugees headed towards the United States. Captain Schröder circled off the coast of Florida, hoping for permission to enter the United States. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, advised Roosevelt not to accept the Jews, however. Captain Schröder considered running aground along the coast to allow the refugees to escape, but, acting on Cordell Hull's instructions, US Coast Guard vessels shadowed the ship and prevented such a move. After the St. Louis was turned away from the United States, a group of academics and clergy in Canada tried to persuade Canada's Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, to provide sanctuary to the ship's passengers, as it was only two days from Halifax, Nova Scotia. But Canadian immigration official Frederick Blair, hostile to Jewish immigration, persuaded King on June 9 not to intervene. In 2000, Blair's nephew apologized to the Jewish people for his uncle's action.[MSM 68]
  • The ship MS St. Louis, carrying 907 Jewish refugees from Europe, begins sailing back to the continent after it was refused entry into America. Approximately a quarter of those on board would perish in the Holocaust.[MSM 69]

Operation Hannibal: over a period of 15 weeks, somewhere between 494 and 1,080 merchant vessels of all types, including fishing boats and other craft, and utilizing Germany's largest remaining naval units, carried between 800,000 and 900,000 German civilians and 350,000 soldiers.[MSM 70]

File:Cap Arcona 1.JPG
Cap Arcona (1927)
  • SS Cap Arcona
  • In 1942 Cap Arcona was used as a stand-in for RMS Titanic, to supply outside locations for the filming of the Nazi film version of the disaster in the harbour of Gotenhafen. The production was completed, although the first director, Herbert Selpin, was arrested for disparaging remarks he made about Kriegsmarine sailors. His later self-destructive interrogation at the hands of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels all but sealed his fate. He was found the next day hanged in his cell by his suspenders, after he had complained about German military personnel molesting the actresses and made disparaging remarks about the German war effort. In 1945 she evacuated almost 26,000 German soldiers and civilians from East Prussia before the advance of the Red Army.
  • Cap Arcona's final use was as a prison ship. In May 1945 she was heavily laden with prisoners from Nazi concentration camps when the Royal Air Force sank her, killing about 5,000 people[MSM 71]
File:German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin during September 1945 at Stettin.jpg
Graf Zeppelin (September 1945)
  • German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin
  • The carrier's history and fate after Germany's surrender was unknown outside the Soviet Union for decades after the war. The Soviets could not repair the ship in the length of time specified by the terms of the Allied Tripartite Commission, so she was designated a "Category C" ship. This classification required that she would be destroyed or sunk in deep water by 15 August 1946. Instead, the Soviets decided to salvage the damaged ship and it was refloated in March 1946. A number of speculations from Western historians about the ship's fate arose in the decades after the end of the war. According to German historian Erich Gröner, after the Soviets raised the scuttled ship, they towed her to Leningrad. While en route, she reportedly struck a mine off Finland during a storm. After arriving in Leningrad, Graf Zeppelin was broken up for scrap in 1948–1949. Naval historians Robert Gardiner and Roger Chesneau state that the ship was towed out of Stettin in September 1947, but she never arrived in Leningrad; they speculated that a mine sank the ship while she was under tow.[MSM 72]
  • German cruiser Köln
  • On 30 March, B-24 Liberators from the Eighth Air Force attacked the harbor; Köln was hit and sank on an even keel. Since her guns remained above water, the ship was used as an artillery battery to defend the city from advancing Allied forces. She served in this capacity until the end of the war in May.[MSM 73]
  • German cruiser Deutschland
  • On 13 April 1945, twenty-four Avro Lancaster bombers attacked Lützow and Prinz Eugen without success due to cloud cover. The RAF made another failed attack two days later, but on 16 April, a force of eighteen Lancasters scored a single hit and several near misses on Lützow with Tallboy bombs in the Kaiserfahrt. The water was shallow enough that her main deck was still 2 m (6 ft 7 in) above water, permitting her use as a stationary gun battery against advancing Soviet forces under control of Task Force Thiele. She continued in this role until 4 May.[MSM 74]
  • German cruiser Prinz Eugen
  • Towed to Kwajalein Atoll after nuclear weapons test, capsized December 1946.[MSM 75]
  • German cruiser Seydlitz
  • On 29 January 1945, the ship was scuttled before the advancing Soviet Red Army could seize her. The Soviet Navy nevertheless considered using the wreck for parts to complete the cruiser Lützow, a sister-ship of Seydlitz the Soviets had purchased unfinished before the outbreak of war. This was not carried out, however, and the ship was broken up for scrap.[MSM 76]
  • HDMS Niels Juel
  • On 3 May 1945, she was sunk during allied air raids in the Eckernførde inlet. The wreck was later salvaged and on 19 March 1952 was sold for scrap.[MSM 77]
  • SMS Schlesien
  • In April 1945, Schlesien was moved to Swinemünde to restock her ammunition supply as well as to evacuate 1,000 wounded soldiers from the front. On 3 May she struck a mine at Zinnowitz outside Swinemünde and beached in shallow water. Much of the ship remained above water, including her main armament; she was able to provide artillery support for retreating German units. Between 1949 and 1956, the wreck was demolished and then scrapped in situ by an East German company. However, some remains from the ship were still visible in 1970.[MSM 78]
  • You must be kidding, no, it really says so...
  • SMS Arcona
  • In closing days of the war in Europe, her crew scuttled the ship to prevent her from being captured, on 3 May 1945. Nevertheless, the Royal Navy took control of the naval installation at Brunsbüttel on 7 May, after the German surrender. Arcona was among the warships that were seized, including four U-boats and the badly damaged destroyer Z31. Their German crews unloaded ammunition and removed weapons from the ships under British supervision. She was subsequently broken up for scrap in 1948–1949.[MSM 79]
  • German cruiser Emden
  • The Germans then blew her up on 3 May to prevent the Allies from capturing the ship. The wreck was ultimately broken up for scrap in 1949. Her bow ornament is currently on display in the Deutsches Museum in Munich.[MSM 80]
  • Auxiliary cruiser Orion
  • On her way to Copenhagen on 4 May 1945, after she had picked up the crew of the old battleship Schlesien, the ship was hit by two bombs (51st mine-torpedo Aviation Regiment of the USSR) off Swinemünde. The crew managed to beach the fiercely burning ship on a sandbank. Of the more than 4,000 people on board, only 150 were lost. The hulk was scrapped in 1952.[MSM 81]
  • SS Dettifoss - 29 survivors (18 crew, 11 passengers)[MSM 82]
  • MV Wilhelm Gustloff - Biggest "loss"[MSM 83]
  • German battleship Gneisenau & SS Scharnhorst - Scharnhorst had some boiler difficulty, which reduced her speed to 29 knots (54 km/h; 33 mph).[MSM 84]
  • SS Donau - Zal rule: Max Manus (2008)[MSM 85]
  • SMS Möwe - Disguised as a neutral cargo ship.[MSM 86]

More examples:

Extra 1: the FIB

The "FBI" of Nazi Germany, main actors:

  • Reinhard Gehlen ("died" at 77 years old)[MSM 97]
  • Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, 77, Hitler's chief anti-Soviet spy in World War II who later became a Soviet expert for the United States and the first head of West Germany's secret service, died Friday at his home near Munich. Gen. Gehlen was head of West Germany's "Bundesnachrichtendienst" (BND) from the time the secret service was officially recognized in 1956 until he retired in 1968. He had set up its forerunner, known as the "Gehlen Organization," at the request of the U.S. occupation forces in Europe after World War II. It has been estimated that he and the thousands whom he employed in his counterespionage organization provided this country's Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon with 70 percent of its intelligence on the U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe. Gen. Gehlen was born at Erfurt (now in East Germany), the son of a publishing house director. He joined the German army in 1920 and served as a cavalry and artillery officer. Following Hitler's rise to power, Gen. Gehlen was given secret service training and became an officer on the general staff. He was considered brilliant at desk work.[MSM 98]
  • Gerhard Wessel ("died" at 88 years old)[MSM 99]
  • Gerhard Wessel, a spy for Nazi Germany who went on to head West Germany's espionage agency, died on July 28 at his home in Pullach, a suburb of Munich. He was 88. General Wessel's death was announced (??) by Germany's Federal Intelligence Service, and reported by The Associated Press. He is regarded as the founder of West Germany's counterintelligence service, which he headed for seven years. As the successor to Reinhard Gehlen as chief of the agency -- known as the BND, for Bundesnachrichtendienst -- he is credited with modernizing German intelligence gathering and curbing some abuses. He hired academic analysts and electronics experts to serve alongside agents, and ordered spies to stop shadowing Germans inside Germany. His demand for greater openness was reflected in orders for agents to stop wearing the dark glasses favored under General Gehlen's leadership. He listed the BND in the phone book. General Wessel's agency had many successes. It informed the government three months in advance of the Soviet Union's plans to invade Czechoslovakia in 1968. It also gathered early information about dissatisfaction among shipyard workers in Gdansk, which eventually led to upheaval in Poland in the 1980's.[MSM 100]
Gaia: "So that "invasion" of the Soviets in Czechoslovakia was not "investigated" but hoaxed by those clowns, as always."

Extra 2: Spooky island Fehmarn

Fehmarn was the location of Jimi Hendrix's final concert, at the Open Air Love & Peace Festival, on September 6, 1970. The concert was held at Flügge Beach in the southwest. There is a memorial stone there and since 1995, the Jimi-Hendrix-Revival-Festival has been celebrated every year in September.

Lina Heydrich and her husband Reinhard Heydrich had a summer home here, which after the war Lina ran with her second husband Mauno Manninen, as a restaurant and inn until it burned down in February 1969.[MSM 101]


In the table below you can read why NaZionism is a better alternative explanation for what "happened" and happened in WWII than the mainstream story and the alternative disinformation "Hitler was the good goy" story.

Topic Question Mainstream
Good goy Hitler
Wannsee Conference What was planned at the Wannsee Conference, basically the start of the Holocaust Story? The mass annihilation of jews The mass evacuation of jews from Europe into the Soviet Union The mass relocations of jews from Europe, following the long-scripted Zionist plans.
Gaia: "French-owned "Madagascar" was just a code-word for Palestine"
Holocaust Story Why would the Nazis go through so much effort, money, logistics and reassignment of military personnel to kidnap jews from their homes and put them in camps? To mass murder them To get them out of the Reich To create the State of Israel
Why did the Allies, knowing where the alleged extermination camps were located not bomb them and stop the "massacre"? ... ... Allies and Nazis were in bed with each other and the story needed to be told to the end
Allied Bombings Allegedly 61 cities in Germany were bombed by the Allies, why didn't the Nazis prevent that and protected their so-called Aryan Volk? ... The cunning RAF flew at night, the Nazis were "70 years ahead" in technology but were completely surprised by that plan. 61 times in a row... One of the reasons was to put the Marshall Plan in place and rebuilt Europe from the ashes
Nuremberg Trials Allegedly some Nazis were convicted, some were hanged, many were acquitted and freed in a series of trials [not based on physical evidence], how can that be? Evil mass murderers
no explanation why acquitted
Trials based on no crimes, trials still real, poor Nazis
no explanation why acquitted
Trials were show, Nazis were in on it and not killed/sentenced
Operation Barbarossa How come the "technologically and strategically so advanced" Nazis didn't conquer the Soviet Union? ... Their supply lines were cut off and winter was harsh To set the stage for the planned and fake Cold "War"
Politics Why did Germany and Italy develop fascism and how does it relate to the other -isms? Fascism bad, communism a bit bad, democracy good Fascism good, communism and democracy bad Fascism, communism and democracy are just fronts; don't mean anything
Post-war Nazis Why Operation Paperclip and the many Nazi politicians in so-called "Nazi free" East and West Germany? ... ... Nazis were not "the enemy", just a puppet front



  1. 1.0 1.1 Summary of NaZionism - Gaia
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hitler was a godsend for Israel - Henri Makow
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Myth of Hitler as Monetary Reformer - Henri Makow
  4. 4.0 4.1 Hitler’s Finances and the Myth of Nazi Anti-Usury Activism - Anthony Migchels
  5. 5.0 5.1 Hitler’s Finances, Schacht in his Own Words - Anthony Migchels
  6. The Rothschilds, Hitler, Holocaust, Israel & Zionist World Government - Jim Condit Jr. & Christopher Jon Bjerknes
  7. 7.0 7.1 Bevor Hitler Kam - Dietrich Bonder
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Nazism
  9. 9.0 9.1 Adolph Rothschild and the Masonic Hand - Gaia
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Post-war Nazis employed in various governments and by the Mossad and CIA - Gaia
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Hans Frank after the Nuremberg show "trials" - Gaia
  12. Was Adolf Hitler an Illuminati Agent? - Henri Makow
  13. 13.0 13.1 Angles of NaZionism - Gaia
  14. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (1976) - Anthony Sutton
  15. Hitler's American Business Partners
  16. Adolph Rothschild and the Masonic Hand 2 - Gaia
  17. Freemasonry on Nazism
  18. Adolf Hitler's Life in Argentina (1945-1965) - Harry Cooper
  19. Henry Makow - Hitler Was a Billionaire
  20. Hitler's strategic mistakes between 1941 and 1942 in Russia were made on purpose - Hexzane257 blog
  21. D-Day was staged too (part 1/2) - Hexzane257 blog
  22. D-Day was staged too (part 2/2) - Hexzane257 blog
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Adolf Hitler - the Ultimate Zionist, by Jim Condit Jr.
  24. Hitler and Dunkirk: it was not a mistake - Hexzane257 blog
  25. Why was the strait of Gibraltar crucial for Hitler? - Hexzane257 blog
  26. Ernst Rohm and other gay Nazis
  27. Jewish Nazis
  28. 150,000 jews in Hitler's army - Bryan Mark Rigg
  29. Nazism Was a Jewish Operation - Birdman Bryant
  30. Skorzeny, Madrid, Peron, PLO, and Mossad
  31. Alfred Rosenberg - Gaia
  32. Hugo Boss Münzenmayer, Nazi jew - Gaia
  33. Klaus Barbie, Nazi, triple agent and founder of Pablo Escobar's cocaine empire - Gaia
  34. Fritz Mandl - Gaia
  35. Albert Kesselring - Gaia



Miles Mathis

Piece of Mindful

Other links

Mainstream links

  1. Nahum Sokolow says it outright
  2. BBC - 1913: When Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in the same place
  3. 3.0 3.1 Wikipedia - John J. McCloy
  4. El Tiempo - Periodista argentino dice que Hitler estuvo en las termales de Paipa (es)
  5. El Tiempo - Hitler en Tunja (es)
  6. El Colombiano - Un archivo desclasificado de la CIA probaría que Hitler estuvo en Tunja (es)
  7. 2004 - Farrell - Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend, p.178
  8. Geni - Rudolf Lehmann Mayer
  9. Wikipedia - Karl Haushofer
  10. Wikipedia - SCADTA
  11. Wikipedia - Colombia during World War II
  12. Wikipedia - Graf Spee
  13. Wikipedia - Hans Langsdorff
  14. 14.0 14.1 Wikipedia - Battle of the River Plate
  15. Warfare History Network - Locating the Altmark: An RAF Rescue Mission Beyond Compare
  16. Ex-Nazis who became politicians and related positions in post-war Germany
  17. Wikipedia - Operation Bloodstone
  18. Wikipedia - Gustav Hilger (de)
  19. Spartacus - Frank Wisner
  20. Wikipedia - Kurt Georg Kiesinger
  21. Wikipedia - Theodor Oberländer
  22. Wikipedia - Otto von Bolschwing
  23. Wikipedia - Günter Guillaume
  24. Wikipedia - Hans-Dietrich Genscher
  25. Wikipedia - Richard Jaeger
  26. Wikipedia - Richard Stücklen
  27. Wikipedia - Siegfried Buback
  28. Wikipedia - Gerhard Schröder (CDU)
  29. Wikipedia - Walter Scheel
  30. Wikipedia - Hans von Herwarth
  31. 31.0 31.1 Wunderwaffen
  32. Wikipedia - Operation Paperclip
  33. Wikipedia - Operation Epsilon
  34. Wikipedia - Operation Big
  35. Wikipedia - Horst Korsching
  36. Wikipedia - Kurt Diebner
  37. Wikipedia - MKNAOMI
  38. Wikipedia - Kurt Blome
  39. Wikipedia - Wernher von Braun
  40. Wikipedia - Kurt Debus
  41. Snippet of History - Kurt Debus
  42. 1983-10-17 - Der Spiegel - Gestorben: Kurt Debus
  43. Wikipedia - Abraham Esau
  44. Wikipedia - Otto Hahn
  45. Wikipedia - Paul Harteck
  46. Wikipedia - Werner Heisenberg
  47. Wikipedia - Johannes Juilfs
  48. Wikipedia - Siegfried Knemeyer
  49. Wikipedia - Johannes Stark
  50. Wikipedia - Erich Traub
  51. Wikipedia - Carl Friedrich von Weiszsäcker
  52. Wikipedia - Morgenthau Plan
  53. Wikipedia - Henry Morgenthau
  54. Wikipedia - Frederick Lindemann
  55. Jewish Virtual Library - The Haganah
  56. Wikipedia - Treblinka
  57. Wikipedia - Belzec
  58. 1945 - SHAEF - Concentration Camp Handbook, p.167
  59. Wikipedia - Auschwitz
  60. Wikipedia - Sobibór
  61. Wikipedia - Majdanek
  62. Wikipedia - Chelmno
  63. Wikipedia - Aliyah Bet
  64. Wikipedia - White Paper of 1939
  65. Wikipedia - MossadLeAliyahBet
  66. Wikipedia - Bricha
  67. Wikipedia - Tilhas Tizig Gesheften
  68. Wikipedia - MS St. Louis
  69. On This Day - June 6th
  70. Wikipedia - Operation Hannibal
  71. Wikipedia - SS Cap Arcona
  72. Wikipedia - Graf Zeppelin
  73. Wikipedia - Köln
  74. Wikipedia - Deutschland
  75. Wikipedia - Prinz Eugen
  76. Wikipedia - Seydlitz
  77. Wikipedia - Niels Juel
  78. Wikipedia - Schlesien
  79. Wikipedia - SMS Arcona
  80. Wikipedia - Emden
  81. Wikipedia - Orion
  82. Wikipedia - SS Dettifoss
  83. Wikipedia - MV Wilhelm Gustloff
  84. Wikipedia - Gneisenau
  85. Wikipedia - SS Donau
  86. Wikipedia - SMS Möwe
  87. Wikipedia - SS Albert Ballin
  88. Wikipedia - HNoMS
  89. Wikipedia - SS Admiral Nakhimov
  90. Wikipedia - Christian Radich (de)
  91. Wikipedia - SS Claus Rickmers
  92. Wikipedia - SS General von Steuben
  93. Wikipedia - Hugo Zeye
  94. Wikipedia - MV Goya
  95. Wikipedia - SS Thielbek
  96. Wikipedia - Admiral Scheer
  97. Wikipedia - Reinhard Gehlen
  98. Washington Post - Reinhard Gehlen, spy for Hitler
  99. Wikipedia - Gerhard Wessel
  100. New York Times - Gerhard Wessel
  101. Wikipedia - Fehmarn

Further reading

External links