July 2014

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  • #10544

    Welcome Tal Shiar!

    “There is no such thing as coincidence” – Sigmund Freud Ever since I was little, my grandfather used to say to me, “the media lies!” Also he used to say, “the United States was one of the most corrupt countries in the world, but it still is the best!” As a little kid, it was hard to swallow that we are lied to. If the media lies about little things, then what would stop them from lying about the little things? As I got older, I moved from Coast to Coast, because of job opportunities, and I started to see how easy it was for the media to lie to the people. Out of college, I worked for the government and I would see how they lied about health statistics to pass through legislation. Despite not getting down to the route of the problem, which was generally staring at them in their face. After some time I got out of that government job and moved to the private sector. Over the years, I have worked for one of the largest fortune 500 companies in the world. Once you world for such a large company, you started to see how the big companies work. How most of the internet companies and the media companies are owned by the same people. Regardless, as time went on, I have felt like something didn’t make sense. I have never been afraid to step outside the box, but things didn’t add up. 911, was NOT my awakening moment, because many of the people I went to college with didn’t believe what the media was reporting. In fact, the information that came in was never accurate and people knew that. I remember when the towers fell and all the people in my dorm said, that there were bombs in the building. No one thought that the planes took the buildings down. I have my views on what happened, but even as an ex-New Yorker, who lived in the city for years, what they told us didn’t add up. Also, I met plenty of native New Yorkers who felt the same way. At that time, I didn’t voice my opinion on 911, but it was interesting to hear first hand experiences from people who were downtown on that day. Including, family members. My eye opening experience was in 8th grade. When my History teacher, a World War 2 Historian, was my professor. During one of this classes, he explained that the president Roosevelt lied to the American people about Pearl Harbor. I was shocked that people were not upset about it. According to what I was taught in Middle School, the president knew that the attack was going to happen, and he let it happen so we could enter the world war. I thought that was criminal and it made me lose faith in the government. If the president was ok with allowing people to die, so we could enter a war, what would stop them from doing it again? In 2004, the Vioxx Scandal was another one my eye opening experiences. I was a medical student at a time and when I read what happened with that drug, I was horrified. The FDA covered the whole thing up and over 500,000 people (worldwide) died because of the drug. The FDA knew that they drug should have not been on the market, but they were paid off. It was horrible! Now, I know plenty of people on this board, think that no one died on 911 and the government isn’t interested in killing people. While, this is a possibility, I tend to NOT agree to the extent that I have heard! The government is all about money. Money controls the world and it is how countries use their power over other countries. They wouldn’t think twice about hurting or killing someone in the process, if that meant more money and power. I have plenty more to share and I think I have some great sources to confirm some people’s theories . . .

    Tal ShiarTal Shiar

    Thanks for the post! I hadn’t edited my profile yet . . .


    NB: We don’t judge users necessarily on the “quality” of their introduction, rather, it’s used more to discourage bots and HB Gary and also give others here a sense of the person behind the digital entity.

    Welcome Random:

    There’s not so much I can tell about myself that might justify my registration on Fakeologist, there are things I, like many of us, see around in the plain sight that others don’t, such as incrementalism, such as atrocious media programming, 666 marks in passports, on the tables of tv news studios, like totally obvious agenda of one government playing seemingly opposing dolls and public mindlessly fighting for those dolls; forcing people to accept the “impossibility of privacy”; well, this could go on forever and is just a general description of a guy who would visit and actually see what your site talks about.

    Even if you don’t accept me as a member of Fakeologist, please post my findings regarding the MH-307:

    the whole plot cries 11 via the photos of crash site:
    – the book “tussen de palen” (“between the goal posts”) refers to 1 and 1 being the posts, hinting at duality like wtc did before it was replaced with a symbol of oneness (upward pointing triangles joined with downward pointing);

    – (the most striking to my opinion): a book “Looser” by Het Leven. So, Het Leven is an anagram to “Eleventh” !!!

    – as many already stated, the ape toy, and the “planet of apes II” (11 or pole posts again) coming out on july 11th

    – the very first comment on washington post:

    where someone deliberately takes wrong numbers, incorrectly comparing number of malaysian airlines’ 777 in service with questionable number of passenger planes as whole, JUST IN ORDER TO GET PROBABILITY of 1/11 111 111

    quote: “Therefore the odds of a disaster happening twice to the same type of aircraft from the same airline is (12/40,000) x (12/40,000) = (144/1,600,000,000) or 1 in 11,111,111.11”

    if someone was to calculate correct odds of malaysian 777 getting in trouble twice, she/he should either divide the number of their 777s (13 at the moment of crash) by the total number of 777s built (1212) and square the result, which is clearly not 1/11 111 111.11

    so the first commenter definitely has agenda, given the number of readers of washington post.

    – and finally, the date of crash boils out to 1+7+7+2+1+4 = 22, twice the 11

    that’s it so far.
    have a nice day!


    Welcome Tyrannosaurus Rex!

    Comment: Yo Ab, I would like to register for this Fakeologist shit but it doesn’t work correctly with the iPhone. I can see the registration page but it’s like it’s not aligned correctly or something. You can’t see the left quarter of the page. And you can’t scroll over or anything so it makes registering impossible. I’m a long time listener to all this “conspiracy” stuff. I’ve listened to most all the calls from Chris Kendall’s Hoax Busters, (Can’t stand Marcus Allen, though he has dropped a few good nuggets from time to time) Brian Staveley and Justin Cooke (though they’ve been quiet for some time), you Ab Irato, Dustban, Johnny Clues, Simon Shack, Clues Forum, the whole lot. I’ve never made any posts to any of these sites before or anything except I do consider myself “online” friends with Brian and Justin as we do communicate thru Facebok and their site etc. But I’ve never called in to any shows or anything as I’ve just been a listener to this point. I appreciate the audios much more than having to read thru pages on the iPhone. I can’t listen to any of that mainstream news or the so called patriot shit like Alex Jones and all the other fake-ass co-intel shills from Richard Gage (BAN-A-ZEER) to Judy Woods. They’ve all wasted so much of my time researching and trying to figure this shit out only to discover they’re all just gatekeepers steering the propaganda and actually keeping you away from the truth. MEDIA FAKERY if you will. The TV is they’re weapon of mass destruction.


    Welcome Richard!

    Hi Ab,
    I first came across your site after placing Sandy Hook hoax into a search engine. You were just starting out. You had only 2 or 3 posts. I remember listening to Markus. I had trouble accessing your site but I learned over the years to be a persistent and I returned around the time you did the Tina Foster interview as I know all about replaced celebs. I have been listening to you for about a year. Re: 911. I am 54 years old and have been studying gov ops since 1981. When 9/11 happened I purposely stayed away from it because I knew that it was a gov. op and you will never get to the bottom of one. The same with Columbine, JFK etc. I know all about control op and shills. I learned from John Judge. I am a school teacher and when I arrived home that day of Columbine and turned on the TV I saw it happening in real time but I turned it off because I knew it is a gov. op. I had listen to Fetzer and all of his archived shows on JFK but again I avoided 911. It wasn’t until Sandy Hook and I started listening to you that it all came together. I told myself that if what Ab is saying is true I will go and check the witnesses and see if I see the same thing I saw with fake witnesses and Sandy Hook e.g. fake crying, shilly type “witnesses” Well the first interview I saw was “Harley guy”. ‘nuff said. Then I listened to Todd Beamer’s mother on YT and I just yelped and laughed with a gut bucket howl of gleeful recognition. What a fake! Bam. They were busted. I then watched Sept. Clues. And it all fell into place. You are right about your Logic. That is why I think you are right about JFK. I studied the case inside and out and when I consider your view all the pieces fall into place. Here is another one that is driving me nuts. Trayvon Martin. I live in Florida and followed the case from the get go. I was looking forward to the trial and because I am home during the summer. The minute they showed George Zimmer in the courtroom, I said. “That ain’t the same guy!” If you follow the case you know what I mean. I don’t know how they do it but they do it. That guy in the courtroom was not George Zimmerman. I don’t care how much weight he gained. I couldn’t figure it out until I listened to you. I love how you and your guests pick off these characters that appear in the alt media e.g Fetzer, Smallstrom. I am currently sparring with Dave McGowan on his FB page. Regarding spotting controlled op, as John Judge said, “If you heard about them, they are no good.” I hope this is enough, I could tell you more but I don’t want to be too long. Please let me leave you a great fakeologist moment from the world of rock music. The one and only Eric Clapton

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWGa9TSIcfA Real Clapton

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiY3jH4yr6U Fake Clapton.

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