May 2016

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  • #670867

    Welcome Maria,

    Hi! I’m American but living in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I paint Muraks so found your podcasts while I was looking up 9-11 and flat earth podcasts to listen to while I paint and then I began binge listening. I’m relatively new to some of these topics but really fascinated. So I’m also into alternative diet/nutrition/health info. Wading through traditional health info can be so confusing and the more I learn about the government the less I trust their nutritional recommendations. I’ve also watched alit of freelee (I know you’re s fan). I wanted to recommend you listen to Dr. John McDougal (author of the “starch solution”). I haven’t read his book fully but he had several long lectures/interviews on YouTube and would LOVE if you could get him on your podcast. But if not, I still think You would enjoy listening to him for an hour. Anyway keep up the great work. Enjoy listening as I work!

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