Immoderate Discord

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Immoderate Discord

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

I'm not sure what's going on with fakeologist discord, but I'm not a happy camper!

Earlier today, I was kicked off fako's discord. My crime was to draw attention the fact that wild times had added a new moderator - 'curvysexylady' (CSL).

I have no objections to CSL personally. (FWIW I have been told they are male.) I think I have interacted with CSL on John Le Bon's subreddit - conspiracyNoPol - I've no issues with CSL at all. CSL and WildTimes (WT) are admins on conspiracyNOPOL - and you can see this on the right hand side side bar here:

However, I do object to someone who only joined the server yesterday (ie they have zero knowledge of the group) being made a moderator so soon. They don't know anything about fakeology or the people here - so I said so. Wildtimes (WT) himself - the current head discord moderator - is only a recent addition to the fakeologist group. He is also the person who 'promoted' CSL to moderator. I'm sure (but don't know) that WT must have asked CSL to join fako in order to become a moderator.

Re WT + discord - initially I was thankful for WT stepping into the breach, and helping revive the fako discord. I know its not everyone's thing, but Discord seemed livelier again after so little attention for the past year. I also joined WT's server - and he seemed like a very cool chap. But to my surprise, after a couple of weeks, I was muted there with no ability to type. I don't think this was because I was rude or something. Rather it was because I questioned Ken Wheeler, alt. science, alt. history, the soul trap, amongst other ideas - I think I made people on his server uncomfortable. He is fine to mute me of course, and kick me off his server - it is his server - and he can run whatever conspiracy content and ideas he likes and remove or delete the ones he doesn't. I even offered to leave rather than inflict myself somewhere where I was not wanted, but I was muted. While I may be a skeptic of what I hear, this isn't everyone's cup of tea. Whatever.

However, I really don't get why questioning moderators is a banning offence on fako. I thought I was going to be reinstated - but this hasn't happened yet.

I can't help wondering that if there was a widespread disinformation campaign, what would it look like; what would we see? Would one tactic be swarming of the server with non-fakeologists? Would we lose a valued place to deconstruct the BS in real time?

I'm certainly not feeling more comfortable on the outside, with all the changes that have happened.
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

On reflection, I think I should have called this thread:
Moderate Discord
- as we are now "avoiding extremes of expression". Where it is extreme to criticise the policy of moderators in promoting people into the moderation role after just 1 day!

moderate - 1 of 3 - adjective

1a: avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits
a moderate drinker
b: calm, temperate
Though very much in favor of the measure, he expressed himself in moderate language.
2a: tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension
a family of moderate income
b: having average or less than average quality : mediocre
wrote moderate poetry to the end of his life - Carl Van Doren
3: not violent, severe, or intense
a moderate climate
moderate winters
cook over moderate heat
4: professing or characterized by political or social beliefs that are not extreme
had left-wing, moderate, and right-wing candidates vying for the nomination
5: limited in scope or effect
His new wealth had only a moderate effect on his way of life.
6: not expensive : reasonable or low in price
a moderate price for a new house
7of a color : of medium lightness and medium chroma
a moderate red

moderate - 2 of 3 - verb
moderated; moderating - transitive verb

1: to lessen the intensity or extremeness of
the sun moderated the chill
2: to preside over or act as chairman of
moderated the board of directors meeting
moderated the debate

intransitive verb
1: to act as a moderator
He moderated on a weekly panel show.
2: to become less violent, severe, or intense
the wind began to moderate

moderate - 3 of 3 - noun
: one who holds moderate views or who belongs to a group favoring a moderate course or program
I'm not moderate. I think I am polite, not rude - but not moderate. My ideas and conversations are challenging - I do take a contrary position on many things.

I guess you do need professional moderators if you want everyone to tend to the mean or average. Which, IMO, is the antithesis to fakeology, but who am I to have an opinion? If moderate thinking is the aim, it is quite right that I be moderated. I'm glad it has already happened - after 4 years contributing on fakeologist, I don't want to waste more time expressing my immoderate views where they are not welcome.

Luckily we have a professional moderator now, who moderates on several (seven?) servers to help - he knows his way around moderation.

What's the Oscar Wilde quote again?
Everything in moderation except moderation
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by napoleon »

let them play with each other ,the alternate truth system and houseclowns will never assimilate my gullible ass or the millenium fall-con

i,d like to know what your post was ,for my own interest as i dont believe theres anything more dangerous to the fortune and gloryhole hunters than me
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by napoleon »

yes as much info you can garner would be great
i love fake offence ,and it does seem your opinion offended so be kind rewind ,,,,tell us everything

and keep up the good work
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

The discord post was really just that I thought it shouldn't be the case that someone who knows nothing about fakeologist should be made a moderator after just one day. It shouldn't be the case that chums are ushered in. This is surely a basic when it comes to keeping control of your 'community' (I'm not a fan of that word). In best case, all that will happen is that you tend towards conspiracy homogeneity.

On wildtimes server, I posted that I don't have that much time for Ken Wheeler's science (he believes in black holes and space), that mark from forever conscious research channel posted dodgy 'lunar wave' footage. I also said I wasn't Mandela effected. Apparently these (and other similar conspiracy heresy positions I hold) meant I was riding the line, and for that I was muted, then deleted.

I was deleted at the same time as I was deleted from fako, which in itself goes to show the danger of having a professional moderator who manages several discord servers and subreddits - heaven forbid you say something unpopular on one, because it does carry over to the others!
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by napoleon »

astrology is a 5000 year old very skilled and labourious speculative way of making sense of this wonderful home we have, mr wheeler should welcome the interest although....

he seems like a combatative kind of guy,and thoruoughly ignorant basing his arguments for a globe on whats above his head , anyone using him as a template for thinking might have assimilated the ignorant bit by mistake .

thanks for shedding some light on the situation

officially they don,t exist

Scientists can't directly observe black holes with telescopes that detect x-rays, light, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. We can, however, infer the presence of black holes and study them by detecting their effect on other matter nearby.

oh and don,t worry about the word community with me ,i dont think your trying to n.l.p me ,although yesterday i heard dorothy and E.T using it on ab claiming they are all on the same page with reagrds to the miniatures collapsing,or whatever kind of psi-nema magic was used.
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

A few days have passed since I was banned on discord. The time is long enough for me to know that if my banning was deemed an unfortunate accident in the heat of the moment it could have been overturned by Ab, the mod team, or whoever is running things by now. It has not been overturned. This says to me that the prevailing view is that I should be hung out to dry.

The facts are that I criticised the moderator who promoted his friend into a moderator position after only just joining the server. That criticism was deemed unacceptable so I was banned. That banning is endorsed by the mod team.

Sure, it's just a trivial ban of a 'difficult' user on some crappy chat platform, and yes it's personal to me as I am the one who was banned. But the principle ('principles' - remember those?) is greater - apparently it is perfectly fine to exclude people for the heinous crime of merely questioning a moderator's authority! Imagine that. And there's me thinking questioning authority should be encouraged!

The mod team - there's no 'I' in team - have shown themselves up to be gutless. They have waved through a vengeful, capricious, unjust decision. Impressive towing of the party line.

Ab has confused me and let me down. I was messaging him at the same time I was banned, and he even said I would be back on - see screenshot. He even sent me a friend request just after I was banned (though that was possibly so he could speak to me). But since then nothing - I've heard nothing from any of the mods or Ab.

I am amazed at the passive acceptance of what I think is a simple, textbook example of injustice from "the community". I would have laid money that amongst such a disparate group of outsiders that there would have been some sort of response. But apart from one or 2 exceptions (eg Napoleon on this thread) silence carries the day.

For me it brings into question whether "fakeologists" can really consider themselves part of the solution? In what way are you 'independent minded', able to follow up thoughts with action, if you do not stand up for my right to speak? What exactly is the difference between you and normies who went along with any of the elite narratives? No difference, is the answer. How can it be possible to discuss the issues of deplatforming, misinformation, the immorality of the elites, etc, etc AND stand silently by when there is a textbook example going on under your noses?! It's hypocrisy.

It seems all that is actually going on around here nowadays is a conspiritainment talking shop. How should 'the board' best leverage and grow the fakeologist brand and promote the fakeologist product to the masses.. But what is it fakeologist is offering? I had thought it was about getting closer to truth by breaking down the illusions! Now I think it is self-serving - the brand itself has become the end.
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by napoleon »

there not mods
are they

there the backroom staff of all the pretend truthers i pointed out years ago, the aussie whore conclaves ,the ips fanny,s including his callers!!! and members,the thc groupies, masons that pretend crypto is fucking acceptable ,

oh and if you think im arguing the toss with a bunch of new cocksuckers your wrong ,and until some cunt reads the blog regularly .no one is safe

theres 3 who talk on the blog that i trust
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by YouCanCallMeAl »

theres 3 who talk on the blog that i trust
I don't think trust is an 'on off' thing - I have more or less trust, depending on each individual's actions. But yes, my 'trust' or comfort about this site took a knock, given the actions that were taken against me.
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Re: Immoderate Discord

Unread post by dirtybenny »

Hey Al,

Did you appeal to the Board of DIrectors? Perhaps that is the solution. hah!

I despise authority of all sorts. It is in my nature. I remember when we had a group of about 20 or so listeners in the daily fakeologist show chat on Youtube. Ab started to hand out wrenches. You could not type fast enough to say NOT ME. I think it was revealing of our nature. Napoleon was there for that.

I don't want to belong to that club. I am happy sitting on the outside as a "ne'er do well."



@YouCanCallMeAl @napoleon
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