Rob Ford death hoax

The Ford matriarch, who died this week, spilled the beans on the long term plan for her boys’ power play back in 2012. The order of offices may be wrong, but I am sure that the mayorship and Premiership were all up for dealing between the boys and Tory. From Maclean’s 2012 As for that […]

FAC582-Ab on the Rob Ford DCP Play in new window | DownloadPodcast Feeds: Android | RSS Rob Ford is NOT Chris Farley Rob Ford faked his death, to facilitate his brother Doug doing a power deal with John Tory, Mayor of Toronto Doug was “given” the leadership of the PC party in a palace coup ousting Patrick Brown, supported by […]

Rob Ford was not Chris Farley

This channel has lots of nonsense, but if you buy into the DCP, there isn’t much to choose from on YouTube and elsewhere. Worth a listen. Does anyone know who this IPS/Tim guy is or where he’s based? He is well spoken and has many good callers. Rob Ford is a real Toronto man, part […]

More evidence of the Rob Ford death hoax

Doug Ford may become Premier today. I think the whole Ford family feud is an act. They don’t even bother to put his house on MLS. They don’t even do a good sign job, and the family business is a label company! Read all the media around his “death” and be satisfied with yourself that […]

RIP, Rob Ford persona

Whether you believe Rob Ford really died on 3/22 or not, this video ends the whole psyop that brought in our latest mayor,  John Tory, who, while competent, was previously unelectable.  The sharp contrast between the two shoehorned him into office.  I suspect the same theater is being played out with Trump/Hitlery.  If this is […]

Rob Ford cancer lie Play in new window | DownloadPodcast Feeds: Android | RSSStill trying to determine the mechanics of this lie. How could you execute it with a real hospital going along? Is there a key member in the hospital willing to dupe, or is the doctor being interviewed even associated with the hospital at all? Is […]

Who is Rob Ford?

The bergs of Toronto want to know if they are watching an act out of a play or if something real is going on. The question was asked in my email box, Can take a look at what Ford is wearing….is this a masonic thing? That is just the Chain of Office. But if […]