A couple of J channels

For every 9 people that say the “jews” run the world, there’s only 1 that points out the “jesuits” – when the jesuits and their trainees are in every single nexus of power worldwide.

Here are two more channels to follow.

Eric 777 – YouTube



7 thoughts on “A couple of J channels

  1. UNrealUNreal

    The undertone on this blog about the jewish community not being a big part of the ruling Elite is really annoying.

    The jewish community IS a big part of the Elite and in very important positions. Its just plain deceptive to try pretend this is not the case. Stop it already…

    Who runs Hollywood? C’mon
    Joel Stein classic article from 2008 – still worthwhile today – a jewish journalist spelling out Hollywood as it is and will always be

    Many will have heard about converso’s which are jews who converted over to Catholicism in the 14/15th century – the same same time the Jesuit order was created in the midst of the Catholic church.

    In other words, there are many jewish catholics and many jewish jesuits. So trying to focus only on Jesuits doesn’t solve the jewish question – at all. Quite the contrary i would say.

    The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews
    Book by RA Maryks, Brill 2010

    An obvious fact is that we all discuss occult religions such as satanism when it comes to the Elite and even pertaining to the Catholic church and the Jesuit order – Satanism is of jewish origin.

    1. napoleonnapoleon

      the way i always look at things ,over a period of time the wolves end up running the business ,alot of the time starting the business ,but essentially the ones who want to control it take it over.

      overlap that with literally any of the hustlers of the past two hundred years

      oil.diamonds,disney,kennedy,nasa,nukes ,so every hustle gets taken over by businessmen ,these usually are as unreal points out jewish .

      so it’s always about controlling first and foremost ,and making up the enemy is a common habit ,and magic.

      is ra el

      1. UNrealUNreal

        Israel – Is Real – Ra Lies

        There are multiple levels of meaning and spelling to the country name “Israel”.

        First and foremost, the battle to create Israel as a country made the name very sensitive, and by enforcing the illusion that Israel is a true entity, “real” is very important as a mantra.

        We all understand intuitively “rael” as “real” without being consciously aware, which then sinks into our subconscient. Spelling is just that, using words to influence us without our consent or knowledge.

        The opposite of truth is course “lies” and its therefore a very important concept for misleading the general population that they incorporate as many falsehoods as possible as this will make them inherently incapable of recognizing truth.

        Lies build our “Plato’s Cave” which is why the Elite are so adamant about lying to the public whenever they have the opportunity. The jewish culture is very much build around lying to and deceiving the non-jewish public.

        EliteTe Lie
        Levy – We Lie
        Stein – Seit-n
        Cohen – Con (or e/a Con)
        Berg – Be Ra (g=a mirrored)

        1. napoleonnapoleon

          gemini took this apparently,the poster is kubricks 2001 nose out ,above sudan ,where ozma trained ,and planet of the apes came out same day as 2001 ,and ozma was in charge of al qa eda, whos barabarism and look is from planet of the apes, aswell as the name being an inversion .of
          ape a planet

          i reckon jews jesuits and masons are all on the same side for this little mystery

          1. UNrealUNreal

            Just like dinosaurs, there never have been any “great apes” – both these creatures were invented at approximately the same time around the The Great Exhibition at Crystal Palace in 1851.

            Ape – A bee
            (p=b mirrored)

            “The first Gorilla with which I had to do came into my hands whilst I was engaged at the Crystal Palace in 1858. It was sent to the British Museum in a barrel of spirits,,, ” 

            1. napoleonnapoleon

              The Hominidae, whose members are known as the great apes or hominids, are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo; Gorilla; Pan; and Homo, of which only modern humans remain.

              thats great story a fantastic site ,

              Due to the close genetic relationship between humans and the other great apes, certain animal rights organizations, such as the Great Ape Project, argue that nonhuman great apes are persons and should be given basic human rights. Twenty-nine countries have instituted research bans to protect great apes from any kind of scientific testing.[9]

               Hominidae,keeps the doctors away

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