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9 months ago

leproboscis 1 week ago So Winston Peters claims of the media being bribed ring very true. But no one is mentioning that the bribes were to keep your mouth shut over the safety and efficacy of the vaccine and excess deaths. As if we didnt know the media are entirely compromised and corrupt. 250 likes Reply › Show 5 replies Georgiecane 1 week ago I am sp proud & eternally Grateful to you & Winston for being this to the fore-front.. This knowledge will hopefully save millions of more live’s in the future.. These corrupt Politicians are hiding the truth.. I did… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Just to avoid any confusion. Winston Peters is a long time self styled maveric MP, with his own Political Party (New Zealand First)
The whistle blower was referred to as Winston, is because Winston Smith was his chosen pseudonym, before having his real name (Barry Young) released to the public.

9 months ago
Reply to  antipodean

thanks for the specifics,i grabbed the comments and replies for anyone to see ,thankyou

9 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

My thought exactly after listening to the first ten seconds of this Barry/Winston entity’s presentation.

9 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

NZ has 2 degrees of seperation. The excess deaths are there. Someone has said they’ll send me the data, I want to know when these jabs were given & if it was after 2021 because they’ll be the boosters. Liz Gunn has always been a bit emotional. I think Barry is racked with guilt. “I’ve just read Steve Kisch’s substack, not sure I’m on board with his provocative humour. But this quote below interests me. Because I couldn’t understand why the ERA (Employment Relations Authority) were involved with preventing the data from being released. “When Health New Zealand’s (HNZ) Oracle… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

I’ve just rceived the data, the extent of it is mind boggling. One person received up to 11 doses.

9 months ago

Can’t disagree with any of the above.^^^^

9 months ago
Reply to  xileffilex

Watch from 7 minutes.
It does need to go into more detail eg : did it follow on from the booster, first or second jab. I know someone in Christchurch who knows quite a few people who have died.
It’s the clusters that are the big concern, those individual jab centres named, have yet to make a statement. If he goes to trial on Monday I’m going to try & be there.

9 months ago

Plunkett is triple jabbed and has had recent heart issues, he hates anti vaxers.