Bill Cooper: the president is selected and it is in the Constitution

The FEDERAL election is fake: just take the time to read Article 2, Section 1, (Clause 3) of the constitution and find out that the states elect the President and NOT the people.

The election is akin to American Idol telephone voting – insecure and irrelevant to who the producers ultimately chose to win.

Smart idol viewers figured this out after a few seasons – when will the American population read the constitution and learn the same thing?

Source: Bill Cooper: the president is selected and it is in the Constitution

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1 year ago

The Electoral College is there to safeguard against an election outcome not going as the powers that be planned. Because if the election went by popular vote, then it would be harder to coordinate the result. Having certain states have a certain number of electoral votes allows for a CONtrol mechanism of the Presidential election that isn’t there with the popular vote. The American people are given two bad choices every four years. I think the powers that be want a certain bad choice over the other bad choice for President. With the electoral college, it is better then the… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  grandillusion

mind energy eh !,not the force ? i’m joking ,the illusion from trump was phenomenol though ,you must admit that. i have known it’s a selection for a long time ,as we all have but the people chose trump ,he was gonna be president all the culture creation department did their jobs right in lowering the bars ,so the when the choice was given ,they chose the entertainer and you’re americans who apparently tell the truth ,are all under a spell which was cast . that spell is expecting cowardly men to fight for your freedom i see it… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by napoleon wilson
1 year ago

No shit – this isn’t some secret conspiracy (likely the only thing in this country that isn’t). You literally learn this in school. If people don’t know it by graduation, they weren’t listening for the last 12 years. The founders hated democracy & looked at it as the lowest, most primitive form of government because the majority decides for the minority. Jim Crowe laws were an example of democracy—not exactly great, huh? There’s a reason every democracy in history has failed. When you vote for the president in a Constitutional Republic, an elector represents the votes from your state. How… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  BlueAgate27

The electoral college is worse than going by the popular vote, ASSuming there are legitimate people me or you can vote for that won’t screw us over. California had 55 electoral votes for the 2020 election and New York had 29. You don’t think those state are doing more to determine an election verses the smaller electoral voting states? I’d say Cali and New York are determining outcomes of the Presidential election for America. Government is a whopper of a lie. We don’t need to elect people we will never meet to rule over us or “represent” us. If you… Read more »

dave j
dave j
1 year ago

This was literally taught in schools within the so-called United States at least when I went.

Most simply did not listen.

One should always listen if you are taking the time to hear.