Category Archives: Crisis Actors

The Musk construct with Alan sparring with Chat GPT

Great post with even better comments.

The title of Allan’s epistle is, “Who or what is Elon Musk?” It’s an excellent question.

Let’s start with the “who” part of the question. IMO, Elon Musk is almost certainly a construct of the U.S. national security state. By construct I mean that his proffered professional identity, e.g. brilliant, science savvy, captain of industry, entrepreneurial titan, and, richest man in the world, is utter hokum. Musk is, in effect, an actor who’s been cast to portray this very grand and extraordinary character. What are his qualifications to play this part? What are any of these very public fakes’ qualifications? Start with a willingness to do play the role for life. That’s at least half the battle. Are you willing to live the part, because that’s what’s required. It’s not the role of a lifetime, it’s a lifetime role. It strikes me that it’s permanent undercover work, except it’s all, or mostly all, taking place in the public purview.

Quality crisis acting in Maui

From the Gene Rosen school of acting we have this guy. I don’t know what’s happening in Maui but if this guy is real then we have real problems.

Notice how his “son”‘s name is Christian ie. Jesus Christ.

More from Jake.


[@whatsherface on Odysee] BlackRock BUYING houses?! Disney INSANITY! + More! #whatsherfaceOnOdysee via @PodcastAddict

Recycled crisis actors

There’s a fine for this type of speech in the USA?

Since the public expression of any doubt about mass shooting stories is now punishable by a $3 billion fine in the land of free speech, let me hasten to say that I absolutely 100-percent believe that Miss Matthews survived the Sandy Hook mass shooting, the Michigan State mass shooting, the Holocaust, the sinking of the Titanic, and the Permian-Triassic mass extinction event.

Source: Well, Darn the Luck! – Vox Popoli

Dummy district courts

Miles says they are in all major cities. Add a few dedicated judges and prosecutors, and you have TV courts running inside real court houses.

More proof is that, as we have seen many times before, Blake was being prosecuted by the Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney. Why was a junior prosecutor like Samuels prosecuting this high profile case? All the DA’s had more important cases than this murder trial making national headlines? Well, we have seen this in LA many times, most memorably with the OJ trial, where Marcia Clark was a Deputy DA inserted by the CIA out of actors equity. I have recently proposed (in my papers on Alex
Jones’ fake trials) that all major cities have dummy district courts where the CIA can run their fake trials, and LA provides us with the earliest and easiest evidence of this. These things are filmed right out of Television City or somewhere, so Blake living in Studio City is yet another clue. He could walk to work during the trials.

Click to access blake.pdf