Since Jim is stuck on Judy. I’ll create a post for him to get unstuck. Jim’s a pleasant but stubborn guy, and I hate to see him suffer like this.
From Simon:
2. Why it is downright absurd to think that… the towers were “dustified / pulverized” mid-air (as shown in the various WTC collapse videos) and that “DEW” or “NUKE” weapons must have been used :
For the same reason as above, and because “DEW” and “NUKE” weapons are no more than scare-mongering make-believe propaganda contrivances used for mass control. The recently-revived “DEW” fearporn (see Maui events) was started years ago by a woman named Judy Wood, a popular 9/11 gatekeeper whose specific role is / was to try and ‘justify’ the bogus 9/11 imagery, what with the apparent mid-air ‘dustification’ of the Twin Towers. Her ‘key psyop assignment’ is to try and convince people that magic DEW weapons from space actually exist – and therefore, that the absurd / unphysical WTC collapse videos may actually be legit / authentic. To be sure, if the towers truly turned into dust mid-air, this would then completely fail to explain why as many as seven other buildings were mortally wounded by the Twin Tower debris and were eventually all brought down.
Sadly though (if you listen to the entire 3-hour show), you will hear someone supporting Judy Wood’s silly “DEW-dustification” theory which, as we all know here at Cluesforum, was obviously meant to try and “justify” what we all saw on 9/11 on TV (and in the subsequent, higher-resolution fake imagery released in… 2010!). Judy Wood’s role was – and still is – to try and uphold in peoples’ minds the ‘reality’ of that bizarre CGI imagery depicting the utterly unphysical top-down collapses of the twin towers, “dustifying in mid-air”…). In her presentations, Judy keeps using this fake CGI imagery to make her case that some secret, ultra-sophisticated “DEW technology” was used to bring down the towers. Her $50-dollar, richly-illustrated book “WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?” (which was lent to me by a Swedish friend who had bought it) is chock-full of bogus 9/11 imagery, including roasted cars and a bunch of assorted, photoshopped crap. Judy Wood is the quintessential gatekeeper for the true weapon of mass distraction of 9/11: fake CGI imagery.
As far as I can tell, you are a most sincere person – let me just make this sincere statement – and get this out of the way.
The thing is, regarding Judy Wood / Dimitri Khalezov and their purported ‘scientific methods’, neither of them are claiming to have been analyzing samples of the WTC rubble – or anything of the sort. The two of them are only basing their claims on the ‘strength’ of what is depicted in the 9/11 imagery – (and, more specifically, in the WTC collapse videos).
Let us now imagine that you, as a geologist, were asked to make a scientific assessment of some volcano eruption in a remote island – and ALL YOU HAD were a few videos of the alleged event. Would you not first make sure that the videos you were presented with were real and legit? Would this not be the very first step you would take – before even starting to use your scientific background to make ANY sort of assessment with regards to that volcano eruption?
I notice that there is an ongoing / and intensifying effort by the Nutwork to lend credence to the Judy Wood clown and her “DEW /dustification” theories meant to ‘scientifically explain’ the absurd (entirely computer-crafted ) imagery of the tower collapses. Her expensive, glossy book “Where Did The Towers Go?” (chock-full of fake “9/11” photos) is nothing but a desperate effort to try and reinstate some credibility to the utterly bogus 9/11 image-pool created for global / mass consumption.