Dummy district courts

Miles says they are in all major cities. Add a few dedicated judges and prosecutors, and you have TV courts running inside real court houses.

More proof is that, as we have seen many times before, Blake was being prosecuted by the Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney. Why was a junior prosecutor like Samuels prosecuting this high profile case? All the DA’s had more important cases than this murder trial making national headlines? Well, we have seen this in LA many times, most memorably with the OJ trial, where Marcia Clark was a Deputy DA inserted by the CIA out of actors equity. I have recently proposed (in my papers on Alex
Jones’ fake trials) that all major cities have dummy district courts where the CIA can run their fake trials, and LA provides us with the earliest and easiest evidence of this. These things are filmed right out of Television City or somewhere, so Blake living in Studio City is yet another clue. He could walk to work during the trials.

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