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At around 1 hour and 13 minutes, Rick brought up people who come and go on the Fakeo Discord and if these people are going to return then why leave in the first place? A pattern that I see go on is that people get mad at Ab because he didn’t ban someone and they decide to leave the Fakeo Discord almost like a protest or to make a statement to Ab like they are fed up and they’re not going to take it anymore. That never works and those people end up returning. Also I think Ab’s mentoned that someone left the Fakeo Discord and then that person kicked Ab out of their Discord. Like I’m going to spite Ab because he didn’t ban someone I wanted banned. Just complete nonsense. It’s like normies who have been programmed to be hypersenitive and get offended easily by someone.
Thank you Bibleologists An Ounce of Salt Per Day and Dave J for filling the comments with bible chatter for fakeologists to read. You guys apply your fakeology selectively. The Bible cannot be questioned according to you two. Media fakery, 9/11, mass casualty Psyops are fakeologist topics for Dave J and Salt but not the bible. The bible is totally off limits as far as fakery. Maybe the day will come when Salt and Dave J can see fakery within the bible. For now these guys are spellbound by that Holy Book.
the sooner you get off your high horse dummy and KNOW for a Fact that “the bible” is in fact the SCRIPT of this Place you will stop fighting that Truth and Learn how to Read the tone tune of this place you are so arrOgANT you think you are the Superior mind you are a work less babbler. IF you can not see that the SCRIPT is SURE playing out…you might be so wicked to notice. you are of your father
The Book of Revelation has some relation to the script that is playing out before us. If you know this and know the bible is referred to as SCRIPTture, why are you acting like different parts of the bible should be taken literally like it’s the word of creator God?
The bible is laced with allegory about what goes on in the sky. If you and Salt want to interpret the bible literally and not realize the astrological allegory in the bible, then go ahead. You two aren’t true critical thinkers because you guys are blind to the truth of what the bible is really saying.
The bible has put a spell on Dave J and Salt despite fakeologists showing Mr. J and Salt this is the case. They rather be spellbound. We can only do so much for these two.
Frank you are a false teacher there is NO dishonor in turning the other Cheek and saying “NO” “I DO NOT AGREE”.
I pray that NO one follow your false and fallen light “(idea) rabbi and Sell thier Soul “at a cost”.
what cost?
What is(does) the balance sheet say here on the FORM YOUR SIGNED???
What does it Profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his SOUL(blood)
Thank you for the comment Dave. Your words apply to “living men and women” or souls as described in Genesis 2:7. The predicament that most of the worlds population is in is that they are presumed to be under the control of the Pope (i.e. The Roman system of legal) and that they are “persons” i.e. corpses.
Hence the first step is “to come out of this world” by establishing that you are indeed a living soul that is ruled by Christ and that your kingdom is the Heavenly Jerusalem above. This can be done by using the four doors as discussed, where the system is placed in dishonour by it’s failure to answer the simple question “Am I a living soul (or man or woman)”.
My intention is to sign no forms but to rebut such offers while continuing to be able to work for my living as the Creator requires of me. https://www.openbible.info/topics/he_who_will_not_work_shall_not_eat
When you are contracting, you can respond in either one of four ways:
1) Full Acceptance
2) Conditional Acceptance (Counter-offer)
3) Remain Silent
4) Argue/Discuss/Fight/Make Statements
With the first two categories you remain “In Honor” with the offeree and with the last two options you put yourself “In Dishonor”.
When you stay In Honor you set yourself up to follow Gods law instead of being bound by Mans law. You will find yourself being able to handle your own affairs often without needs to seek help from an attorney or anybody else for that matter. You will become empowered knowing that you can nullify or counter-offer any offer – letter, phone call, or in-person visit with any official or officers.
In the Bible at Matthew 5:25 it tells us: “Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.”, and another translation says it as “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.”
Never here does it say to argue, fight, or plead your case. In order to win you must “Conditionally Accept” and stay In Honor.
whatever is good for business (G)ew(S)ay…right ?
That is the definition of man Made Legit Babble .
there is NO truth and IN fact No “POWER” in that gibberish.
Produce this Power of Honer and dishonor before me SO that it might Speak for IT self as you are simply a messenger boy for this GOD of 4 gates you claim power that it even decide honer and dishonor PRODUCE it before me.? WHAT is the Powers “name”
I think I have provided sufficient biblical support for the conditional acceptance model. Matthew 5:25 is particularly applicable. Nonetheless, i look forward to you providing biblical references which contraindicate the CA model so that other readers of this thread can benefit from your insights.
No actually what you’re going to do first is tell me what power what messenger I am talking to right now as you have subscribed powers that I do not agree with and I do not even recognize so you will answer me this who is your God and who are you speaking for when you put these yolks on men do it or be silent
Oh and be careful sport I know that you are more of a scribe than a Pharisee however know this that these corpses do not like to be called out as Corpses when I tell them that they get mad and rage so again what you’re going to do for me is tell me the name of your God that is behind this power that you are telling people about that’s what you’re going to go ahead and do you’re going to tell me who you are a messenger for
What powers are you suggesting i proclaim? Any power that I have comes from our Heavenly Father. My experience has been that he provides everything that I ask for in the Lord’s Prayer. My view is that we are not privy to his name. The Tetragrammaton is variously transliterated and the one I think is correct is Yahavaha, which translates as “creator of all”. For the second time, what is the name of your god?
and for your answer of Me so you stop repeated yourself like and ignorant bird, being you missed to the HUNDREDS of times you must have-in the years knowing me having said. that my “God” is the glory of God the Father ‘JESUS CHRIST IS MY LORD! Now then IF you be a JEW then you Be a JEW and worship the Fallen Moloch of your people.
ARE you an Antichrist, DO you deny that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way out of this Realm. Area called (death)(hell)
DO you deny The Jesus Christ as your Lord?
before you deflect or say something stupid you have this one last chance as no more time will be wasted on you.