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STING ?#2670
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STING ?#2670
Ok, it sounded bad at the time, you missed a few shows I think too.
At 20 mins you mention freemartins. HistoryBuried was talking about this 2 years ago on the discord. And there’s another type too, the name escapes me…
Anyway this is to say all this was discussed. You could have pulled this and lots more info into your audios if you had wanted – you literally had people mining gold all day. But none of that works if you don’t follow your own discord. Which is to say, why complain about discord, why try to fix it, boot long standing members off it, etc, when the only issue was lack of care on your part.
I guess it’s easier to have wild times hand you today’s exec summary of things to talk about.
once your info in the blog and is ignored by the audio for three or four years ,then you put it in the forums for a couple of years to be ignored ,that way you won’t embarrass the current audio chatters that never read the blog in the first place ,and thus the cycle continues
lot invested in the audio chat. i fucking love it
no objection from me,everytime they send a muppet in i ruin their beliefs too
not publicly ofcourse
it’s tin not cold
remember folks ,the father of is the most efficient way of figuring out who’s hustling ,this advice is easily transferable , to any problem
now i have said since day one you read the blog and pass an opinion on it ,not hardline is it ,
i think that would make all of us try a little harder ,well not some ,some try their hardest all the time ,that must be tiring ,but i hope some of the audio chatters take up this challenge as it would be nice to hear the other fakeologists opinions and fantastic posts discussed live
now unfortunately for some if this rule ever does hit the mainstream ,then the shills will have to analyse my millenium fall-con
if anyone is interested in 911 star wars crowley ,myths and magic ,or who filmed 911 ,then head in ,we even have a spaceship for the kids
Thelemic analysis of Star Wars
Old usenet post. Subject: George Lucas a disciple of Aleister Crowley? From: Cavalorn – Newsgroups: alt.gothic – (source). Thelemic references in the Star Wars trilogy:
Crowley’s secret name in the OTO was supposed to have been ‘Phoenix’ and the symbol of the Rebel Alliance is a stylised phoenix.
Crowley was OHO of the Order of Oriental Templars (OTO) and Lucas’ original name for the Jedi Knights was the Jedi Templars.From the Book of the Law, dictated to Crowley: ‘the obeah and the wanga, the work of the wand and the work of the sword, these he shall learn and teach.’ Obeah = Obi. Wanga = Wan. Thus, Obi-Wan. And what device is a wand one moment and a sword the next? A lightsaber, of course; and the relevance of ‘learn and teach’ is obvious, since Obi-Wan is the teacher.
Vader’s sabre is red, the colour of the sphere of Geburah, or Severity: Obi-Wan’s is blue, the colour of its opposing sphere, Chesed or Mercy.
Crowley makes references to ‘the dwarf insane yet crafty’ who is the source of true Wisdom, obviously a reference to Yoda.
The greatest ordeal in Crowley’s A.’.A.’. system is the ‘crossing of the abyss’. One reaches the brink of a great gulf and must either surrender everything one is and jump, or remain behind to become a ‘black brother’ or ‘brother of the left hand path’. The ‘crossing of the abyss’ is foreshadowed in A New Hope, at the point at which Luke and Leia swing over the chasm, but is actually achieved in full in Empire Strikes Back, at the climax of the film.
In the climax of Empire, Luke’s right hand is severed at the wrist, implying that he must take the left hand path and turn to the Dark Side, i.e. become a ‘black brother’. Faced with the choice of crossing the Abyss or turning to the ‘Left Hand Path’, Luke chooses to jump, which is the act that redeems him from a future of corruption.
or mk ultra mind control and how to tease
or you just wanna talk about something relevant to the imagery on 911 ,and the construct of ozama bin laden mirroring luke sky walker ,
freeish to join
can we have more from the afghan please he was very pleasant ,
Childhood’s End Chapters 19–21 Summary & Analysishttps://www.sparknotes.com › childhoodsend › section9
No children are spared: “humanity had lost its future, for the heart of any race is destroyed…when its children are taken from it.” Finally, Karellen speaks .. correlian or karellan , dont matter both took the children both were voluntary on your part
written by arthur c clarke sri lankan pedo .sattelite inventor ,
Product Info
Manufacturer Kenner
Scale 3¾ inches
MN 39110 (39110)Asst None
Ship (1) Millennium Falcon
Model YT-1300
Maker Corellian Engineering Corporation
Collection 1
Star Wars
trouble is this is non negotiiable ladies ,i aint a mason and i aint adhering to any of their secrets ,they aint secret now girls ,i aint getting money to talk about some bullshit ,and the masons aint gonna sanction some houseclown to tell you the truth , i did say that was it for the audio chat livestream
,and the truth you lot spout is nearly a decade old and in some cases older like sep clues and the vicsims and lets be honest the audio chat don’t even address them . and i’m being polite ,basically you have an elephant in the room ,but i have the cow at home
fucking love blue milk aswell
and if i was corruptible you would have worked out by now what my achilles is
pride ?nah
nope if you make it through into the audio and the following month your still not reading the blog i am doing a fantastic job
Saddam has, on numerous occasions, called himself the “successor” to two of the most famous figures from Iraq’s history: the Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezza
Nebuchadnezzar occupies a prominent place in the Hebrew Bible as the … In 586 BCE, he laid the city waste, destroyed Solomon’s Temple,
or in this case blamed for the towers destruction ergo nebudchadnezzar destroyed solomons temple again!
that why invade iraq
oh and they found yellow brick roads ,or yellow cake
doesnt matter anymore does it
big shout to the masons xx love the spaceship
The Niger uranium forgeries were forged documents initially released in 2001 by SISMI (the former military intelligence agency of Italy), which seem to depict an attempt made by Saddam Hussein in Iraq to purchase yellowcake uranium powder from Niger during the Iraq disarmament crisis.
no ones running shit ,
but the downfall is based on following the scripts
and you do like being told your special
grow the fuck up
moderation means judge by the way
as always the psi-nematic version of invading afghanistan legally is a work of art,after the twins demise and trip to cloud city our sadam hussein lookalike (land-of-oz calrissian)
would double cross our heroes to ensure the mining rights of be-spin (oz schema) for the tibana gas company(taliban) play on the word taliban
the geopolitics of afghanistan were established during the days of t,e,lawrence ,
it does seem however the church is babylon and the great land of russia has been targetted for destruction.
theres some ancient bullshit running the world ,the past 100 years has just been the set up ,
either way the khyber crystals power for light sabers or the khyber pass will be crucial , start whistling…and lithium is pretty name ,i reckon whatever they say is valuable is by definition valuable
The Bridge on the River Kwai is a 1957 epic war film directed by David Lean and based on the 1952 novel written by Pierre Boulle.
Pierre François Marie Louis Boulle (20 February 1912 – 30 January 1994) was a French novelist best known for two works, The Bridge over the River Kwai (1952) and Planet of the Apes (1963), that were both made into award-winning films.[1]
remember they needed to invent terra-ism to get access to afghanistan
it’s all made up bullshit
Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The mujahideen were also supported by Britain’s MI6, who conducted separate covert actions. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups,
Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken.[2] Funding officially began with $695,000 in mid-1979,[3] was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980, and rose to $630 million per year in 1987,[1][4][5] described as the “biggest bequest to any Third World insurgency”
oz schema for the osmosis used to sell terra-ism its fucking embarrasing
Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone)
Operation Cyclone
1979 to 1989 CIA programme
On April 3, 1968, two all-time greats of the science fiction genre, Planet of the Apes and 2001: A Space Odyssey, hit U.S. theaters
liber oz
At 4 hours and 6 minutes in, Ab brought up catalytic converters possibly being a scam. It sounds plausible. Cars can function without catalytic converters.
I think a lot of people are hip to this and if you search what people are saying on different websites, people are awake to the scam. Where I live (and I’m sure elsewhere), I always see news stories for Police warning residents to look out for catalytic converter thefts that keep happening. The news stories say to listen for metal being cut outside by your car at night and call the police.
The alleged reason for stealing catalytic converters is because they are made of “precious” metals platinum, palladium and rhodium that can allegedly sell for $20,000 per ounce.
What if these alleged cataylitic converter thefts are totally fabricated fear porn stories but also to sell catalytic converters as a legit necessity for your car. So then mass media script writers make up stories to show how valuable the catalyitic converters are because they’re being cut out of cars and stolen by thieves.
At around 2 hours and 39 minutes in, Wild Times and Purple Play were talking about minimalist phones/flip phones that don’t have apps and emit low radiation. I think it’s a good idea to own one of those phones versus the smart phone or black mirrors that most people carry around. Black mirrors hypnotize people to be in the virtual world. People are addicted to the dopamine hits they get by staring at their black mirror smart phones. Black mirrors are known to be portals for demonic beings in occult practices. So why posses these black mirrors if it’s possible that they conjure up dark energy and possibly spell bad things to happen?
Also about cell phones, at around 4 hours and 43 minutes in, Ab and Amiry97 were talking about the war in Afghanistan and the American military being there after 9/11 to secure the Afghani naturally occurring resources such as lithium. How important is lithium for lithium-ion batteries used in cell phones? Is lithium one of the reasons the U.S decided to occupy Afghanistan after 9/11 instead of Saudi Arabia where the allged 19 hijackers were from? The U.S. started occupying Afghanistan in November 2001 and I rememeber everyone started getting cell phones like late 2002, early 2003. I guess that was just a coincidence…
a speculum or small balck stone was used as a device to mark the stars or celestial gods movements constellations etc ,i have searched all over for this information ,and for the life of me i can’t find it ,it was very close to a negative of some celestial bodies from different parts of the world ,collect them all free binder with part 1 !
i never made that up ,and it’s dissappeared
heres the closest thing i found
Speculum maius (greater Mirror) was a major encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, written by Vincent de Beauvais in the 13th century. It was a great compendium of all knowledge of the time. The work seems to have consisted of three parts: the Speculum Naturale, Speculum Doctrinale and Speculum Historiale. However, all the printed editions include a fourth part, the Speculum Morale, added in the 14th century and mainly compiled from Thomas Aquinas, Stephen de Bourbon, and a few other contemporary writers.[1][2]
anyway the idea of a hand held monolith with the secrets of the universe on it doesnt seem far fetched