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Podcast: Play in new window | Download
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lockhome syndrome is so so apt ,top observation
i recently had a talk with boogieman in the telegram,he calls me a turd in the punchbowl ,but that brave fella’s script is tattered and torn now ,
benoit is a computer hacking fraud rick and another shithouse,all ab’s little helpers over the past years are ,
anyway turd punch for all the houseclowns,and as i explained to boogieman the discord posse and shitbag veteran fakeologists that refuse to show what 911 was and retire themselves ,are no different to the cult ufo groups of the 50s60s70s80s and 90s
oh and a child has a chance to see a ufo backing up the stories attached by frauds ,i have yet to be shown any dustification apart from the 911 miniatures,and the only boys in town hoarding the blog for 4 years 3 months years now ,dont address anything i say directly it’s pathetic
but a child will never come into contact with a terrorist or a dusification beam will they? no they will get fed stories from supposedly wise men on things that i have beeen asking for for years
,i dont give two fucks what any of you think about 911 it’s 15 years old at best and fails to explain much past than it’s a movie ,i want to know what you think about me solving 911 ,so earn your danger money and your bones ,live up to the mod status ,and debunk me
by the way the mods and happy masons ,still have not shown me any dustification ,that’s like the mods believing in virusses and contagion,burn the discord.burn it down.burn it now
we may move it to malibu creek park on request and weather permitting……….ha .
dave if i ever get to your part of the world im visiting you
100 percent
heres some fun stuff i was reading ufo cilts ,
so grown men lie about the most absurd things ,then some take off and are kept ,scientology jumps to mind ,mormonism
grown men lie about all kinds of shit,and some get hired to run cults ,they all have deputies
but cult behaviour non the less relies on taking some dickheads word for something an elememt of faith ,magicians use shills to instill that into audiences
not that magicians are cult leaders ,i would not want to offend any magicians in fakeologist that is a nobel profession ,and always interested me
so men will lie ,run clubs cults and societies based on shit we didnt witness ,war stories ,nukes ,bigfoot ,dustification ,think where you settled on 911 and is it acceptable ?
the directed energy beam crew are agents and frauds ,911 was done under a smoke screen
no magic,you see any explanation that is not mine i consider as reputable as a ufo cult idea,they all have the basic infrastructure to them ,and the blase attitude falls flat when i show you can’t even repeat the premise ,to the point of having west side story in the discord for years and all following the cult of 911
ips reckons in his latest video 911 truth failed ,id say ab solved 911 with fakeologist . com don’t you ? muppet
sorry n all that ,i don’t believe in the wizard of oz or his wifes wand ,so goodluck you’ll need it
can we get some new voices that can read the blog cheers
(Lockholm syndrome) is hot !
U win the internet today Rick.
Yes indeed Rick good show so far the 33 (6) new present. the idea of the ? man bad. A bad seed or fruit consumed by the eager masses.
I will have a larger write up later cheers.