FAC1432-Hot summer daze

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New voice Chaser and returning new voice Idea Factory.

esoterick_, livingman1, fakeologistv8, gnoskognh3sketigignosknobilior, verilicious, dtrain0852, .typoerror, anna_28423, johnlebon, calmcardken4383, lindac33andcounting, farcevalue, idea_factory, chaser115, dwrex_, buzzingfrets


it’s the dews — Today at 4:40 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/se6czbB6NU6N COPPER PYRAMID HACK – Cultivate Elevate mirrored from rumble Note: watch this to learn the truth about statue of liberty here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/snNNAXBkrbbp/ Image Image it’s the dews — Today at 5:06 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/XRjdKowPRPuz Tucker Carlson on Nicotine… BitChute is a video service that prioritizes creators and champions users’ freedoms and privacy. Image Image Franny23 — Today at 5:15 AM regarding sean hross work Image Fakeologistv8 — Today at 5:20 AM @aiode play https://fakeotubecomcdnstorage.cdn.ypt.me/video_240704085821_vb90f/video_240704085821_vb90f_HD.mp4?download=1&title=MilkBarTV+-+”IF+YOU’RE+UNVACCINATED+THE+VIRUS+WILL+FIND+YOU!”_mp4_HD_.mp4 JohnleBon — Today at 5:27 AM The Dan Andrews story always sounded like a load of bullshit to me I remember Rollo going on about it back in the day as though it were true No evidence, just rumour and speculation @Fakeologistv8 wildtimes3 — Today at 5:27 AM Can you give me the TLDR? I’m not listening to the audio chat at the moment and I don’t know what story it is. He is the Australian Prime Minister. Is that right? Was it a sex scandal or the jab stuff? Please @JohnleBon Dtrain — Today at 5:31 AM https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/jun/11/daniel-andrews-injury-inside-the-conspiracy-theory-around-the-premiers-fall the Guardian Dan Andrews’ injury: inside the conspiracy theory around the premie… Unfounded claims about the Victorian premier’s hospitalisation were first aired by an obscure blog which pushes conspiracy theories Dan Andrews’ injury: inside the conspiracy theory around the premie… JohnleBon — Today at 5:32 AM Dan Andrews was the premier of Victoria during the scamdemic Victoria is a populous state in Aus, capital is Melbourne, massive city Andrews was basically like the governor / supreme leader of Melbourne/Victoria in 2020 – 2022 One day during the scamdemic, maybe 2 or so years ago, news came through he was in hospital, hurt his back falling down stairs Conspiracy theorists began spreading a story that actually Dan Andrews was attacked by a billionaire for fiddling with his daughter Rollo loved the story, he kept going on and on about it There was a bullshit artist youtuber called Aussie Cossack who was spreading the story, Rollo ran with it Lots of people were spreading it I never believed it, there was zero evidence That’s the story it’s the dews — Today at 5:34 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/W7ZaF0OAvaJR Judaism is the worship of Saturn – Jordan Maxwell BitChute is a video service that prioritizes creators and champions users’ freedoms and privacy. Image Image wildtimes3 — Today at 5:41 AM ??? Thank you @JohnleBon I think I remember the Aussie Cossack guy I saw some stuff from There is another event during the pandemic in Australia. I think it was, maybe it was Zealand that was suss to me. It was a protest / riot type thing and there was a dude who was a rugby player that decked two or three officers as the rioters ran through a courtyard or something. And they were reporting how they broke the police line, etc. etc. At first, I thought it was awesome. Then I watched it three times. I was like wait a second that camera work is too good for this to not be coordinated. Dtrain — Today at 5:45 AM I talked about that tool last week on the chat. Aussie Cossack. He defected to Russia and is apparently living Assange style in the Russian embassy atm wildtimes3 — Today at 5:45 AM And I think I’m correct about that. He had a small field of view because of the angle and was able to perfectly track the guy running over the cops. it’s the dews — Today at 5:48 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/kOh512Urn8ug Pay Attention America mirrored from rumble NOTE: I am unable to access the “NEW” bitchute. I keep getting an error message. This began yesterday… Thankfully I figured out how to access the ”old bitchute”. I have emailed bitchute but they have not replied to my email yet. I was so frustrated yesterday trying to log on to here, so I gave up. I’m not sure if anyon… Image Image Dtrain — Today at 5:48 AM https://images.app.goo.gl/Nx3ZCyu8Qwr1ua3h9 www.google.com Wellcamp quarantine hub near Toowoomba to take travellers by … Found on Google from abc.net.au Wellcamp quarantine hub near Toowoomba to take travellers by … https://images.app.goo.gl/7oFu26HFKHD4H5ft5 www.google.com Queensland government’s decision-making process around $223m … Found on Google from abc.net.au Queensland government’s decision-making process around $223m … Toowoomba well camp still operational and empty at a cost of $300000 a day @esoterick_ ?? it’s the dews — Today at 6:28 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/e1HVpZJ1R9H2 hard to live a normal life when you’re awake Image Image JohnleBon — Today at 6:34 AM @Fakeologistv8 You are correct, dtrain is confused There’s a difference between stepping down as leader of the party, and stepping down from an elected seat If you step down from a seat, there’s a byelection There is no news that I can see of Rushi Sunak leaving his seat it’s the dews — Today at 6:37 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/VkyJ6gXi6h4k Andrew Bridgen cant remember whether he got Pfizer or Astra Zeneca Astra Zeneca or Pfizer? – jack d – https://t.me/TPRlobby/365690 Image Image esoterick_ — Today at 6:40 AM OK I heard thru ex army security types but obvious I could be wrong I also would not let Dan give me advice on feeding my fish Marfer — Today at 6:47 AM Sunak has stepped down as conservative leader but won his seat in Richmond, North Yorkshire. I wonder if Boris will make a bid for tory leadership it’s the dews — Today at 6:54 AM https://www.bitchute.com/video/MMVHh186Hrpq Trannies and Tate ‘I’m so much smarter than the average human’ Image Image wildtimes3 — Today at 6:55 AM Is this the impersonator? Dtrain — Today at 7:55 AM Image Image Image Roland 303, 606, 909 machines. Most of the electronic music in the 90s used these analogue sequencers LindaC33andcounting — Today at 8:14 AM Our calendars are way off too. benoit 3.0 — Today at 8:32 AM fuck yeah ,i remember that too Fakeologistv8 — Today at 8:44 AM Check out these search results: https://x.com/hashtag/NationalBikiniDay?t=mYgbS3HlKBw2w2H_8kp1iA&s=33 @Verilicious Idea_Factory — Today at 12:11 PM Great mic https://samsontech.com/products/microphones/usb-microphones/q2u/ Fakeologistv8 — Today at 12:40 PM @aiode play https://www.speakpipe.com/msg/vzsv98hgnhaa47ma/an9z82cqw008z83k Idea_Factory — Today at 12:47 PM Rabbi Michoel Green – https://westbororabbi.blogspot.com/ https://westbororabbi.substack.com/ https://rumble.com/user/michoelgreen telegram: @rabbimichoelgreenchannel @farcevalue mentioned – Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Fakeologistv8 — Today at 1:04 PM @aiode play https://www.speakpipe.com/msg/vzsv98hgnhaa47ma/om0b85nai1djeiu1 @aiode play https://www.speakpipe.com/msg/vzsv98hgnhaa47ma/cb3wira1dy14lob3 @aiode play https://www.speakpipe.com/msg/vzsv98hgnhaa47ma/8ty1wwljgzu0oup2 Fakeologistv8 — Today at 1:21 PM @aiode play https://www.speakpipe.com/msg/vzsv98hgnhaa47ma/jtmxewjspqzul73j buzzingfrets — Today at 1:29 PM How about the Dave J & IPS Supershow> ? LindaC33andcounting — Today at 2:11 PM https://www.flocksafety.com/book-a-demo-paid Book a Demo Flock Safety helps thousands of cities eliminate crime with devices that detect objective evidence, while protecting privacy and mitigating bias. Book a Demo LindaC33andcounting — Today at 2:40 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roundhay_Garden_Scene Roundhay Garden Scene Roundhay Garden Scene is a short silent motion picture filmed by French inventor Louis Le Prince at Oakwood Grange in Roundhay, Leeds, in Northern England on 14 October 1888. It is believed to be the oldest surviving film. The camera used was patented in the United Kingdom on 16 November 1888. Roundhay Garden Scene buzzingfrets — Today at 2:41 PM Queen’s video for Radio Ga Ga using Metropolis https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6730110/ IMDb Queen: Radio Ga Ga (Music Video 1984) ? 7.7 | Music, Sci-Fi 6m Queen: Radio Ga Ga (Music Video 1984) ? 7.7 | Music, Sci-Fi LindaC33andcounting — Today at 2:52 PM https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3841499/ PubMed Central (PMC) Neem oil poisoning: Case report of an adult with toxic encephalopathy Neem oil has widespread use in Indian subcontinent due to its many bioactive properties. Azadirachtin, an active ingredient, is implicated in causing the effects seen in neem oil poisoning. Neem oil poisoning is rare in adults. This report highlights … Neem oil poisoning: Case report of an adult with toxic encephalopathy Verilicious — Today at 4:12 PM You might like this too…? National Cleavage Day ? Image

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5 months ago


7:45:00 (or about) Derick schools Ab and Linda on questionable airplane traffic (QAT). Thank you Derick. Also mentioned was Zero-one’s departure, claiming Fakeologist is a psy-op.. 

Derick does a good objective analysis of QAT. 

If Fakeologist.com is a psyop I’ll venture to say most participants here are not in on it .. if QAT is the biggest thing we should be concerned about then maybe.

The QAT topic is a parameter and the use of closed rhetoric, again Derick rebutted this closed/captured mindedness quite well.

I also liked the mentions at the end of the ‘saying hi to strangers’ weirdness.. Yeah it seems since COVID people are even more standoffish/in their own world then they already were.

Another part of this is how there are so many strangers we encounter in the first place, that itself is a newer phenomenon in the grand scale of things.. 

The Dog Whisperer explained how dogs are in one of four states, fight, flight, avoidance or submission and I’d say submission may be sub-categorized as fearful/yet ready to fight and joyful/yet ready to fight .. Deep stuff and I think this is not just about dogs.

What state of mind are we in? We’re a scattered bunch of submissive captives feigning and pretending normalcy to me. Things dogs would never do, or do they? Weird stuff.

It seems like a lot of people have fears they just cover up with a tough persona .. No one wants to admit defeat? .. or end up in a mental institution? The homeless are usually more honorable in this, more like a pack of wild dogs just reverting back to the basics, the instincts, unencumbered by so much acquiescing to any master figure or structure.

Our lives are as slaves really. Captured. But I don’t think anyone is as enslaved as a Hollywood movie might depict.. Even those twisting their psyches to make large amounts of money are enslaved.

Ron, long time listener. Thanks for thinking and inspiring my thoughts.
– God knows I need it!

6 months ago

Rick promotes Germ Theory then in hour 2 he denies it. Here we are a couple of years after COVID and what have we learned? It seems’ a game, a trap waiting for everyone if they don’t take responsibility for their own health. It’s tricky ‘sure and there is so much misinformation out there. – I listen to my doctor – and so should you! – Anthony Chaffee MD (YouTube). https://www.youtube.com/@anthonychaffeemd/video
Thanks for sharing Rick, no disrespect intended.