FAC1498-Final flat Earth experiment discussion

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George Orwell
1 month ago

Long comments, thanks, I will compile these for my new book.

1 month ago
Reply to  George Orwell

If you’re going to make a book based on the comments here, I would rather gently suggest, that it might not be on the bestseller list. LOL
Nobody reads books anymore anyway. heh

1 month ago
Reply to  RealitySceptic

Audiobooks are good 😉

1 month ago

“Earth” (the part that concerns each man woman) is a plane(T)- with deviations from sea(See)cc level called depth and elevation.

The UNIverse is the shape of the human eye (electromagnetic envelopment) looking up 90°.(Find any mirror for self observation of the universe model.

Now with that thought in mind,

man, animal, plant, (earth)land and Sea(water) make up the (IRIS) or the colored part of God’s eye.

If you travel South at a point the electromagnetic field will in fact not let you proceed no matter the method.

This is the idea of realms sometimes called firmament.

The moon the Sun the stars are lights within the circuit and thus moving between nodes are to be used for time and season.

They are not and will never be destinations.

(U) cannot exist in the lights realm.

(U) Are an apple on God’s eye.

The idea of the balance what makes the T,

Where is it and who is it from that you decide a truth from a fiction by what balance do you test your own observation.

If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you,
‘Give ME a drink,’
you would have asked him,
and he would have given you living water.”
john 4:10

Now then to the idea of the Apple and the balance of the Apple the idea of the 50/50 the choice.

If someone tells you that they cannot know and that they do not know and they confuse the me with we and then condemn (Us) by your illogical choice of company.

One that tells you that they know nothing one that tells you you cannot know nothing one that tells you that they know no way of gaining any knowledge that character is one to avoid.

What then is the balance what is that apple or idea offered what is that so-called sin(e)wave
APPLE =50 SimSpell (G)
5 is balance IT is 1/2 of the io(10) input=Output
same as
ONE Chooses company
Job 30
“I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.”
Life in the 9/11(2+9=11=2) circuit called “death”
the Daily CONcern
The LIGHT(cern) one follows(da/let)?

So then you decide the company you choose and you decide if you are going to know for a matter and fact where you place your foot on the ground that supports absolutely every endeavor throughout your existence you might decide today to be serious about creation.

Or simply sync back into the abyss of ignorance, re/7\brood with vipers.

If U follow the darkness of ignorance the ignorance of darkness follows U

Choose life

1 month ago
Reply to  Davej

Ta(ke) your (I) deas and Fuck OFF you absolute halfwit….. Military intelligence personified

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

Apples and owls

That seals the deal then

1 month ago

1 month ago

“Earth is not a spinning object in some vacuum space (and space itself is not a tangible thing either), but it also isn’t a flat plane.

Ok, but you’ll need to explain what Earth is to make sense of your argument. Simply rejecting the major duality of Earth’s nature contributes nothing. Its just as much of a dead end as the “paid actors” and “truthers” involved in the flat Earth psyop you (RealitySceptic) mention.

Nobody can seriously NOT have an opinion about what construct they live in or on if they have an interested in discovering truthfulness in their lives. Even beauty can not be fully experienced without understanding – meaning you can’t actually appreciate a sunset or sunset to its full extent unless you have an understanding of what you are witnessing with your own eyes.

If Earth is neither flat, round, nor concave, then what are we left with? Claiming it exists only in a kind of virtual matrix is even more absurd. Our reality is undeniably governed by the material laws of nature, although we seem to be deliberately misled about these laws.

So what is a subject or event that wee have NOT bee misinformed and PSYOP’ed about ?

Truth is, we’re lied to at every opportunity, especially when the lie serves a critical purpose. The more significant the lie, the greater the effort to make it stick. This is why it’s actually worth delving into topics like JFK, 9/11, and NASA. These lies are bolstered by psyops precisely because of their importance — just like the true nature of Earth, which warrants its very own Psyop.

It’s not enough to dismiss Earth’s true nature as unworthy of investigation simply because of the disinformation agents and psyops surrounding it. This is the case with every major lie we’re told.

The false construct of Earth has been covered up for so long that it should be clear: it’s one of the essential deceptions we all are deceived by. And definately a worthwhile conspiracy topic.

(And no – NASA is not the forerunner here at all, FE has been a psyop since long before space travel was invented out of fictional vacums)

Last edited 1 month ago by Unreal
1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

Not sure why editing a post makes a double post – or a triple as it seems here with a post & 2 edits.

1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

Yeah, sorry I thought you were repeating stuff to mock or something like that or to answer your own questions.
When I was replying I got distracted and didn’t fully grasp this comment structure.
Apologies for that.

1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

The psyop of FE is clear by now. Since NASA and Scientism priests are lying to people about the genesis of this world, and humans place in it, truth seekers were given a laughably false alternative, a false cosmology of the Earth being flat, so that everyone, who sees the lies, can be put in a box with all this garbage repeated again and again by ‘flerfs’, for the sheeple to mock and ridicule, for people to be divided, for the so called truth community to spend countless of hours arguing over nonsense, etc.
What is so surprising about that?
Because space travel is a joke, because big bang theory is nonsense, because general relativity with it’s theory of gravity is trash, and so on, doesn’t mean the Earth is flat.
All these debates ‘flat vs. spinning globe’ are a distraction from asking the real questions.
The shape of the Earth is only a valuable pursuit if it comes from a place of trying to understand the fundamental laws of nature, when proper questions are asked, where no assumptions are made.
But FE turned into a cult, it’s religious fanaticism (in majority of cases). Where is the truth in that? Religion, with all its modalities, is untruth.

1 month ago
Reply to  RealitySceptic

When it comes to psyops and gatekeeping, these operations are used to safeguard a lie and to be in charge of the opposition. If the nature of Earth was simply a spinning ball in a void, there would be no reason to safeguard anything. And of course we would be able to build a working model.
In a way, it’s like many have forgotten why the alphabet agencies and freemasons have been onto the construct of the Earth from the earliest times. And the reason is very straightforward—the mainstream model is a BIG lie. 
As it stands, we do not have a large number of choices in terms of the makeup of the Earth construct. This is why they control the opposition themselves, and we therefore have all the gatekeepers – all making big claims, yet still going nowhere. 
Why lie about the Earth construct? Well, in both a convex and concave model, humanity is reduced to a limited and known territory. The world in both these models is finite. It is much easier to control a limited territory than an unlimited one. The bigger the worse (for control).
Here Alex Jones has it straight – we do indeed live on a prison or, more likely, a prison plane. 
The only way to make such a reduced set of alternatives complex (flat, concave, convex, unknown virtual matrix) is by going deep into quantum physics, bending light, and astronomy. On the ground (or better, the sea), we are completely capable of triangulating three distant points (sea-air-sea) with such precision that no doubt need remain. 
But of course why bother with such self evident simple measures. What we get instead is a lot of gatekeeping, infighting, and personal drama to fully confuse us and make things really complex. 

1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

There is plenty of things that we probably agree on, but what you have to remember that technically speaking light wouldn’t bend or that water doesn’t curve around something.
The more correct way of saying that is that everything follows a path of least resistance and everything works out of pressure mediation. So in case of light it will follow a trajectory that other Aetheric perturbations will set-up. So if Earth has a magnetic field (which everything points to that it has), and that magnetic field is toroidal in nature, light will follow that trajectory. So the idea that flatearthers have of light going in straight lines is not correct.
The same with water. Water is level, yes, but in relation to a specific field, magnetic in fact, which is not flat. Just like you can spill some iron filings in the vicinity of a magnet, and from the outside looking in, it will form a toroidal shape around the magnet, but strictly speaking those iron parts will be level to the so called lines of force of a magnet.
So technically speaking, and sorry to disappoint you and all the people believing that we live on a flat plane, the ball model (and I DON’T mean the spinning in space nonsense) makes more sense than a flat plane (especially the AE map with a circling sun). Sunsets and sunrises also show that.
That’s what I meant when talking about fundamental laws of nature. And btw quantum mechanics is fundamentally incorrect. The particle nonsense is just empty mathematics and not truth.
I should have been more specific and clear earlier. Sorry for that.

1 month ago
Reply to  RealitySceptic

Now its more clear – you believe Earth is some sort of a globe.

Regardless of our different points of view – now you explain where you’re at, not just pointing out everything wrong with each model. Because all is not right with everything in any model the Earth construct can be argued to have : convex, concave, plane or virtual matrix.

So, just to synthesize here: Earth isn’t some vague, unknown shape. Its provably a physical construct that is either curving or not put simply. And before anyone is going up into space and arguing astronomy, the ground/sea is the most tangible medium to rely on in order to uncover weather the earth construct curves or not.

Only when this first question is answered would it be logical to get around to trying to understand celestial bodies and workings.

Nobody has astronomy right, because its so vast and hard to verify as it all takes place in heights and at distances we cannot explore. Which is why its so easy to “debunk” any model with some known unknown pretending its known – like in simply how the sun travels or acts. Even how far away or close it is.

The One question we do have the capacity to answer is weather Earth curves or not – and the sea can not be proven to curve. Not visually, nor practically like in for instance large scale construction (ie bridges, roads etc).

KISS is the way to go for making sense of what has become far too complex – mostly because of the efforts needed to deceive us all for so long.

Flat Sea’er (article)

1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

First of all, I don’t believe in that sense of a word. All I’m saying, which you obviously misrepresent, is that the TOTALITY of evidence (experimentation and observation of laws of nature, observation of different phenomena in nature, and all the other stuff) points to some kind of a structure where Earth is in the middle, everything being electromagnetic (which implies two poles, by it’s very nature). You can make of it what you want. Like it, hate it, disregard it. Doesn’t matter.
Belief in a model means that ‘I don’t have enough information, but this model ‘A’ looks and sounds good, and all these people over there sound smart, so I’m going with ‘A”. I was trying to tell you the difference in showing the falsehoods of this type of thinking, but you didn’t want to understand.
For all I know, we might be in a simulated world, where the sun and the environment is rendered in some way to make it function like that, as was pointed by other people. Or simply it was created that way. Got it?
Again I told you that the sea, or more specifically water WOULDN’T curve. It would be level in relation to a field that is ‘curved’ (oversimplifying it for you).
If you can’t see how everything, including your very own body, works entirely because of electromagnetism, nothing I say will help you with that. Even the blood in your veins flows due to electromagnetism (voltage difference in this case), not because of heart being a pump, which is another nonsensical theory.
If you believe it’s a flat plane, go and believe that, it cannot work that way for many reasons, but who cares.

1 month ago
Reply to  RealitySceptic

Ok – so you don’t have a solid standpoint between the Earth being curved – or not. As said earlier, you do not make much sense taking such a moot stance, but hey, if you are happy not having a well-researched opinion, then go ahead. Live life in bliss.

However, you are very incorrect about there being no evidence or logic about each of these models. The very nature of electromagnetics does not make sense on its own, and it isn’t the answer to everything—blood, for instance, also relies upon osmosis and pH, which is another topic altogether.

Just by being pragmatic, there is no way to make a ball work in any laboratory or test site at any scale. So even though you’re weighing in “the proof,” all you are throwing into your reflection is noise that comes after making sense of the measurable levelness and flatness of water over long distances.

The levelness of the Earth is a KNOWN KNOWN, which is being hidden in plain sight with astute tactics of deception and gatekeeping. The curious thing is that, as you clearly believe in an electromagnetic universe, you still seem to consider gravity as though it exists in the floating rocks-in-space universe theory…

So, much less like a belief in how the universe or the planetary system works, my stance on the Earth’s construct being consistent with a flat sea on a topographic plane is not based on unprovable theories but merely on a pragmatic verification of the levelness of large bodies of water over great distances, and the absence of any curvature calculations in real-world engineering—both software and analog geodesic measures.

Anyone who wants to jump before they can walk will be misguided, and herein lies the biggest flaw in your thinking: it’s impossible to measure the supposed curve we are sold, and it’s impossible to make a model of the concept on any scale. In essence, you—or those who favor a globe—make a giant leap of imagination to espouse an impossible model, backed up by just lies like the planets’ orbits, moon rock, and whatnot.

It just doesn’t make sense to discard a proven model of the levelness of the Earth in favor of hypothetical science and lies about the sky and universe. But of course, you are free to not make up your mind and stay in a state of self-imposed confusion.

1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

And just to add one thing, for me it’s clear that the only force present in this reality is electromagnetism, and everything is electromagnetic. There is no separate force of gravity, there is no strong nuclear force by itself, there is no weak nuclear force with all its bosons and some fancy particles.
That is the key to understanding many things, including what this place is (and it also doesn’t mean that we live in some virtual sim game). But since we all as human beings don’t fully understand what life really is and how it all started, there are pieces of the puzzle missing, so to speak.

1 month ago

“Earth is not a spinning object in some vacuum space (and space itself is not a tangible thing either), but it also isn’t a flat plane.

Ok, but you’ll need to explain what Earth is to make sense of your argument. Simply rejecting the major duality of Earth’s nature contributes nothing. Its just as much of a dead end as all the “paid actors” and “truthers” involved in the flat Earth psyop you (RealitySceptic) mention.

Nobody can seriously NOT have an opinion about what construct they live in or on if they have an interested in discovering truthfulness in their lives. Even beauty can not be fully experienced without understanding – meaning you can’t actually appreciate a sunset or sunset to its full extent unless you have an understanding of what you are witnessing with your own eyes.

If Earth is neither flat, round, nor concave, then what are we left with? Claiming it exists only in a kind of virtual matrix is even more absurd. Our reality is undeniably governed by the material laws of nature, although we seem to be deliberately misled about these laws.

So what is a subject or event that wee have NOT bee misinformed and PSYOP’ed about ?

Truth is, we’re lied to at every opportunity, especially when the lie serves a critical purpose. The more significant the lie, the greater the effort to make it stick. This is why it’s actually worth delving into topics like JFK, 9/11, and NASA. These lies are bolstered by psyops precisely because of their importance — just like the true nature of Earth, which warrants its very own Psyop.

It’s not enough to dismiss Earth’s nature and construct as unworthy of investigation simply because of there are disinformation agents and psyops surrounding it. This is the case with every major lie we’re told.

The false construct of Earth has been covered up for so long that it should be clear: it’s one of the essential deceptions we all are deceived by. And definately a worthwhile conspiracy topic.

(And no – NASA is not the forerunner here at all, FE has been a psyop since long before space travel was invented out of fictional vacums)

1 month ago
Reply to  Unreal

First of all I don’t have to give you a model. What you’re basically saying is that if a person ‘A’ is lying to you and a person ‘B’ says the opposite, but he’s still clearly lying to you, you have to give me ‘C’ or else. No, nobody has to do anything. If ‘A’ and ‘B’ are liars, then fuck them, and move on. Seek the truth for yourself.
Both FE and spinning globe Earth are completely false models, shown by the evidence. If something is clearly false, are you gonna stick with one of these because you cannot stand the void in your mind of not knowing? That’s your mental problem to solve, not my.
The fact that the Earth is not a spinning globe doesn’t mean, for example, that it isn’t a stationary globe-like shape, with the sun circling around the Earth. We might be living in an Aetheric (energetical substrate of everything, needed for light to exist) bubble (and bubbles are not flat btw), with Earth in the middle for example.
First understand the laws that govern this place, then go for a ‘model’.
Stop this nonsense of “give me a model, give me an alternative, give me something”. Nobody has to give you anything.
We might be living in a simulated reality, how would you know? Have you tested this for yourself?
Again, if something is clearly false, then that DOESN’T mean that you have to jump, in a knee jerk reaction, to some other alternative, just to fill the emptiness in your head.