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1 month ago

Tim you should be expecting more donations soon. I was asking a roundabout way if it was safe to donate to fakeologist.

You will be happy to hear that what I said was this.

“you will be fine. AB is dumb but he’s not stupid. He’s very good with money and accounting it’s in his blood.”

You are welcome

22 days ago
Reply to  Davej

Replying here because it is neater.

Both goy/goyim and gentiles, from the Latin gentilis, mean nations and not non-Jews. In the Bible it refers to Israelite nations, who are “lost” because they forgot their identity after earlier being deported and spread around by Assyrians and Babylonians. Wild olives that can be grafted on to an olive, not an entirely different species of tree.

From the Maccabbees period on Judea was multi-racial and included Canaanites from neighbouring Edom/Idumea. From the first King Herod on Judea was ruled by Canaanites, with Canaanite Sadduccees in control of the temples and the lucrative offerings. Why going to the river to pray became a thing.

Jesus came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel, the pure blooded descendents of Jacob (Esau married Canaanite wives, the “daughters of Heth”). This message would not have appealed to the Canaanite Judeans. All Israel shall be saved, meaning preserved. All tares/goats/bad fish go into the Lake of Fire which simply means destroyed.

Damning people to hell is incorrect. Salvation/preservation is by birth, not works. Works just determine whether you will suffer eternal shame, if in fact you are an Israelite. It is impossible for Jews to be Israelite because Israelites were not mixed. Synagogue is actually a Greek word. Every aspect of their culture is ripped off except for the Talmud and the Kabbalah.

Note that Edom is often referred to as Esau-Edom. Esau went to Mt Seir to have all his Canaanite offspring. Seir means satyr, half man, half animal, who lived in the forest and were highly libidinous. It was a concept that began in Sumer and went all the way through to Ancient Greece.

22 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

what are you babbling about.
There is only one unforgivable sin and that is the false witness of Death.
I suggest you do not do it. OR you not me Damns yourself.
you and your talmud(blood) are dismissed.

Last edited 22 days ago by davej
21 days ago
Reply to  davej

Blaspheming the holy spirit equates to thinking people died when they didn’t?

You are no authority on Christianity and you do it no service by behaving like one.

As a sidenote, did the relatives who never came back from the wars live out their lives elsewhere, incognito?

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

again DO not false witness death Period. You have been told this now for the last time.
There is only one unforgivable sin and that is the false witness of Death.
I suggest you do not do it. OR You, not me Damn yourself. I will stand as your second witness as you dissipate into nonexistence.
Sidenote, I have all authority.
now r4m in silence

Last edited 21 days ago by davej
21 days ago
Reply to  davej

It is my understanding that relatives who never returned from war died. If I am wrong in that it is a simple error, not a sin. Are you stupid, a propagandist or a subversive?

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

My understanding of the ndngh (no one died no one got hurt) idea is not that people don’t die. They do. It’s that they don’t die in the direct line of fire. They do die in engineering accidents, etc which is what is occurring. The idea is that what is really occurring is a broad territorial change – controlled demolition, strategic relocation – rather than people intentionally killing each other. So the deaths occur on account of workplace accidents, because the workplace environment is so unsafe and changeable. This doesn’t mean that the troops on the ground aren’t deluded though.. they genuinely believe they are ‘at war’.

Last edited 21 days ago by YouCanCallMeAl
21 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Chances are if you were on the Western Front, you didn’t die by accident. I don’t think Americans were quite there and present during the world wars as much as other countries. Virtually every Australian would have lost someone in WW1.

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

With wars, epidemics, anything really, it’s hard to know what really happened if you weren’t there. One can exercise one’s imagination, but that need not relate to the reality of what happened.

However, if you say that someone died but you do not know that to be the case, you are acting against another, putting them into an undue sense of mourning, at the least.

The question then is why say anything at all, if you do not know? Why give testimony that millions died here or there, if you do not know? Why repeat unverified stories as if they are true?

21 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

They didn’t come back so they are presumed dead. My grandmother’s uncles were sent to hospital and returned to the front so often I’m surprised anyone survived. Australians were under British command and I think that much more expendable.

My uncles school was next to a respite home for shell shocked veterans who never recovered. They used to tease them over the fence.

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

It could be as you say. But, knowing that the whole world can be fooled (911, COVID, etc) it’s a leap to say it was war that did it, as opposed to working in a hazardous environment. All sorts of stories are provided. Imo, the start and end of the thing is according to the golden source – personal experience.

21 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

One of my grandmother’s uncles kept a diary throughout WW1. There were letters, eyewitnesses and millions of men who never came back or came back destroyed. What else could they possibly have been doing out there on the Somme.

Cromwell, or William of Orange, let the Jews back into England after a 500 year hiatus and by 1900 most of the English aristocracy had intermarried with them. Possibly relevant when you consider the English Generals, who my grandmother described as wicked, were made up of aristocrats.

20 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

I have far more time for anecdotal accounts, over the idea of millions doing this or that. Have you read the diary? Does it talk about war, engagement?

20 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Australia was a small country back then. Everyone went to World War 1.

I only read a section of it when he was still in Sydney Harbour, before he left. His handwriting was hard to read and it was all about the food. But he didn’t seem at all worried.

19 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

Davej proven correct yet again….

19 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Rest assured War is a HOAX, War is a HOAX controlled Demolition and strategic relocation,(always has been ) even these Hellhounds when Pressed can offer no Proof of their false witness (they are sick sick puppies)
Even when their “grandfathers’ uncles’ best friend’s mother’s stepbrother” ..etc and so forth can’t save their False witness and wickedness from being exposed by “a common sense of purpose”.
Notice when given the chance They fail each and every time. Babblers Phonies and frauds….wicked demons(liars) and storytellers.
to call them Alive is doing too much, they exist only to dissipate as examples of what Not to be.

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

You do seem to have quite an in depth knowledge of Christianity (I do not). I would be interested to know more about your position. I think you are saying that those we call Jews are not the real Jews/Israelites. That everything they believe is actually a rip off.. is that it?

Last edited 21 days ago by YouCanCallMeAl
21 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I think they know they are not Israelite. They never actually call themselves that. They are very sensitive on the subject of Phoenicia, which began as an Israelite colony. They were the same people. The Phoenicians went on to become the Carthaginians and founded Iberia in Spain. Eber means to cross over water in Ancient Hebrew and Car meant city. The Phoenicians mined tin in Britain and found no one else there. Ireland was known as Hibernia and many Welsh place names begin with Car.

Jews only use, or pretend to use, a miniscule portion of the Old Testament and actively hate some of the later chapters. They are Canaanites.

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

This could be the case. Do you have a horse in this race (perhaps you are a Christian)? Do you consider that you yourself have the truth? Or is it more that you think the story we are given about the Jews is incoherent? If so, I agree the story is incoherent.

Last edited 21 days ago by YouCanCallMeAl
21 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

It’s not my scholarship but I’ve read others who have done an immense amount of it. The Bible is extremely old, it shares idioms and concepts with Sumer, and has value purely as an historical document, one which corresponds with Assyrian and Persian inscriptions.

There are mistranslations in the Bible but surprisingly more in the New Testament than the Old even though Koine Greek, which the NT was originally written in being the lingua franca, is fully known and understood. If you learn Ancient Greek you can do your own translation and see the errors yourself.

Which is probably why they don’t teach Ancient Greek in seminaries anymore. You only get a religious tax break in the US if your religion doesn’t discriminate which Christianity does.

With the mistranslations ironed out and the idioms and historical context understood the Bible is consistent throughout. The point of the prophecies was to look back afterwards, see they came true and believe on account of it.

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

And even Wikipedia admits King Herod was Idumean. High Priest John Hyrcanus let the Idumeans in if they converted around 130BC. The population of Judea was too depleted by deportations to defend itself against the Idumeans. It was written about by Josephus and others. It is known fact with wide implications that Judea waa multiracial at the time of Jesus and should be common knowledge.

21 days ago
Reply to  Caroline

Is it possible to you that scholarship itself can be guided towards a predetermined goal? Eg that historical or scientific studies etc will always come down aligned with whatever goal the person funding the scholarship requires? We have lots of studies in support of viruses for example, and at present lots of history is being created to capture the experience of all those ‘subaltern’ voices. Was history written by the victors?

Last edited 21 days ago by YouCanCallMeAl
21 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I’m just saying they are very ancient texts, written on animal skin so they would last. The Assyrians carved their history into rocks. Prophets were writing of contemporary kings, battles and deportations. The Bible has value purely as a very old document, there weren’t many civilisations back then.

1 month ago

Very good idea and use of the seven code to dispel any unlearned belief in the ridiculous South Korean plane crash HOAX.

With regard to your act AB you would do well to stop playing the dummy. You have on many occasions claimed that your memory is not that great. You have claimed not to be able or to have the ability to conceptualize concepts into imagination thought and then thus words.
You have disregarded anyone who has actually listened over the years and has heard your first recordings and know that you are actually pretending to be a dumbbell.
So while you are pretending to be a dumbbell you will be treated as one.

Now then you can do better stop acting and actually tell your listeners who You are.

You are an antichrist just like the rest of them no different you and your God is Mammon.

That’s just the way it is now on with the show.

Replace the idea with fission rods with harmonic rods. (Similar to the idea of superheated water in a microwave using deionized water) And the fact that there is no waste. You quite literally are triggered by a word because you refuse to understand the use of sound you are simply ignorant by your own choice.
(That’s a big time red flag sport. What could you possibly have in it to keep the truth of so-called nuclear power.)
This is now the second time you have raged when I have brought up the truth of this matter the first time was on Truthvegetables.com.

I know who you are and you know who you are it’s time that you stop pretending that they don’t know who you are because you’re not fooling me you’re not fooling yourself and you even you see that it’s harder and harder by the day to fool the goy audience you amass for your spiritual murder ritual and time waste.

Farce value lived up to his name

Linda overtook the “I don’t know” game

The cab driver was faire

The Derek character actually had a syllable or two of positive input to say.

Typo error you were correct to call out the shills the other day, do not retreat and do not cower.

Dr FusterCluck with the rainbow gathering story once again, Viola scratching the air of Peace again

Greg Schantz always a pleasure

Hode I suggest you stop being cow’d succubus female babbler. Stand Up

Linda sells darkness unto dissipation,

There was also a question am I the same in person as I am online……

You bet your ass sweet pea.

The second question was what happens if someone tries to drop off a trailer late….
Makes no difference to me but the boss gets an extra days pay…

As you should know city boy out here in the desert there is no such thing as late it is always just on time.

They know to leave a chalk behind the tire and a note in the box and if it’s “Steve”…. A sample of that flower he picked up should also be dropped.

Note: all flower sample dropped is thoroughly tested for quality usability and relaxability standards to ISO 9001 standard.

So in short AB stop acting like a fool and you will not be treated as one.

And Linda stop acting like…. “I don’t know”….. Succubus.

Farce value continue as you are otherwise you would have to change your name.

Type of stop being a weak need Indian giver the day after giving what is duly need.

Anna, “oral Annie”, Derek,the cabbie guy and Hode continue to do better

There was also a question asked how can someone listen to a 4-Hour long audio cast and then claim it sucked…. Turns out the same way they can listen to a 10 plus hour one.

Do better stop pretending stop acting and start knowing.

Now all you little demons R4M below with your red little minus signs. Do it when I say jump you just start jumping, I did not ask you to ask how high I will let you know if you are not jumping properly.

Now jump

1 month ago
Reply to  Davej

I do love your take on most things but religion is the same as believing in santa clausl

1 month ago
Reply to  maggie

I suggest then you only take the good things those that you love into dissipation.

Be blessed

1 month ago
Reply to  maggie

Sky fairies and flying reindeer.

What don’t you get?

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I will never understand the majority of youtubers now,have switched to a God take on fakeology, it does not compute. There is no way to discuss religion with it’s basis on faith and not proof, it cannot align.

30 days ago
Reply to  maggie

They need a guiding framework to explain reality for them, rather than exploring it directly, personally.

30 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

And yet You, Maggie or even Douglas (and the rest of the antichrist Multitude) seem NOT capable of Posting any Useful notes………ever, (from your belly or wherever you claim to get them from)
With cost cutting you don’t get as much out of the cracker Jack boxes….
SO, you are left to bite the hand of your better.
You could have spent your Comment time posting some of this Knowledge you are “possessed” with.
And if you “don’t know” then why are you talking. Learn Silance….can your EGO handle the Darkness of your empty tomb of a “mind” or is that why it Crys out every time you pop up in Here/Hear.

30 days ago
Reply to  davej

Fuck you and fuck your incessant, incoherent and inconsistent ramblings,

Shill4us ghoul

30 days ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

R4m sport.

30 days ago
Reply to  Davej

It’s not rage me old mucker. You’re a wrong un and you deserve to be called out on your military pension bullshit.

30 days ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

R4m Harder, Sport, btw i would have gotten back to you sooner, I was working…”just sayin”

30 days ago
Reply to  davej

What is the sort of thing you say is ‘knowledge’? What do you think you know?

Last edited 30 days ago by YouCanCallMeAl
30 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Me?….what do “i” Know?…..Only Everything “.”

Now you Scoot…..sport

butt/\face it first…r4m

be blessed

24 days ago
Reply to  davej

Hi Davej, what would you like to know that I have garnered from my life so far, I am sure I have knowledge that you would not have had or experienced from life in England that is echoed now in Canada and America.

24 days ago
Reply to  maggie

If i ever need your experience expertise i will be sure to let you know.

24 days ago
Reply to  davej

From that I take it that you don’t need any experience that you may gain knowledge from is unnecessary

24 days ago
Reply to  maggie

correct I need no offerings from you(or any other man or woman for that matter).
i have been made complete in Christ
you are welcome to leave small talk about this and that….that’s different.
I will read anything you post.

23 days ago
Reply to  davej

It is so cold here not much fun and I am enjoying this uninterrupted back and forth with you, I am getting to know you well NDNGH
My father in law wouldn’t talk about the war only said it was a shame about the teenagers and he never showed off his medals,he just had them.

23 days ago
Reply to  maggie

He should have shown his Medals to the trash can/

21 days ago
Reply to  davej

Absolutely. Rewards for nothing but giving up your life and family, heartbreaking.

1 month ago
Reply to  Vespadouglas

I want to reply but you said it all

30 days ago
Reply to  maggie

You Maggpie, have nothing going on between your ears…..Literally Zero…Nadda. , that is why you do not reply. You at least are a better Dog than most, you know to keep quiet.
1 Keep quiet, Continue Not to false witness death,(you have that right) at least. YOU then will not simply Dissipate in the end.

Last edited 30 days ago by davej
24 days ago
Reply to  davej

I use the words God Bless without knowing what that means. I certainly do have something between my ears and that is why as a child I knew all religions were organized. If you are talking about spirituality then most of us have that and our thoughts and feelings are best served by that.
But you cannot tell anybody that your experience with your God has to be ours.
I didn’t reply because my Christmas with my family is so short.
I respect a lot of your opinions, but I am not going into a closet naked, God Bless you.

24 days ago
Reply to  maggie

This response alone,
“I respect a lot of your opinions, but I am not going into a closet naked, ”
means you have not paid attention. you are still a Fleshly Beast in Mind…Its the Spiritual Encounter.
Get past your “Ego” (flesh) and you just might “get it”
GET past your”self”
the God of this world is (say-10) I then reject your “Gods” blessing.
HINT: as long as you do not false witness Death (THE ONE and ONLY unforgivable “sin”),
YOU can call “GOD”(your creator) an asshole fairy tale, Jesus Christ a Bullshitter and made-up Conman…..and you will be fine.. What you and In fact NO one (that is why only a Remnant gets out of this “hell” into LIFE.

IS that clear. now then the closet you even Heard it when it was posted here and you do not “get” what i said, please relisten https://fakeologist.com/fac1242-je-suis-dodo-davej-frank/

you are choosing to “act” or remain Ignorant> that’s on you alone…YOU in the end stand alone.
Do better maggie.

Last edited 24 days ago by davej
24 days ago
Reply to  davej

I have to ruminate on your response as I don’t always understand what you are saying. I will get back to you sport.

24 days ago
Reply to  maggie

sounds good.

24 days ago
Reply to  davej

I listen to fakeologist for the validation of my realization that all of the media is fake computer generated soap opera scripts, Why do we need religion interjected into it?

24 days ago
Reply to  maggie

you are proving to be a liar. tisk tisk…. YOU have not done what you claimed yet you keep balling.
Learn Silence of contemplating. (3 days idea)
NOW go do what you said out of your own mouth you will do. OR the other option, stop talking to me.( i have zero time for babble)
I am not Debating any of you “animals” i am (in fact) telling you.
I for one do not want any one of these Mindless baboons (you included) to Dissipate on the “last day”.
However, i will be your second witness if you choose to “false witness” death.
Can you do that one thing.
Your move sport
PS dum dum
All of these stories TIe into the SCRIPT call the KJV(bible) regardless of what you say do think or feel. Get past your ego to see this fact and you will be much more entertained by the Whole Charade…..ITS called SCRIPT -SURE…for a reason.
Not the you deserve this last bit, I do not go to any church,(all syn(sin)agogues of ERROR or say-10)(your self admitted “God”) or any other “religious Meetings” (Atheists are a-theist (religious as well)
Learn to be an Observer not a {Participant)

The only way you lose this “game” is by the false witness of death”. Even 1 false witness of death you….lose it all.


Last edited 24 days ago by davej
23 days ago
Reply to  davej

Not the you deserve this last bit, I do not go to any church,(all syn(sin)agogues of ERROR or say-10)(your self admitted “God”) or any other “religious Meetings” (Atheists are a-theist (religious as well)
Learn to be an Observer not a {Participant)

The only way you lose this “game” is by the false witness of death”. Even 1 false witness of death you….lose it all.

We may not deserve this, but this is highly interesting to me – thank you. Language can have at least 2 interpretations – what one person says need not be the same thing as what is heard. For the person listening/reading it is easy to interpret your religious babble as arguments from the pulpit for a church or denomination (and therefore easily dismissed submission to false external authority), as opposed to a personal testimony delivered in the style of a sermon.

23 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

You’re welcome Al

23 days ago
Reply to  davej

I am not a liar, something that has got me in trouble, I don’t lie.I am guilty of going along to not cause problems and divide my family. I find your writings a bit hard to understand sometimes, almost sounds like typo I absolutely believe that war is exactly how you describe it and all the plebs that had to ration and hide from supposed bombs, we are going through that now.

23 days ago
Reply to  maggie

then prove it by doing what you said you would do.

23 days ago
Reply to  davej

baboon that made me laugh out loud. Bless your little heart. I think you might be a comedian in real life.

23 days ago
Reply to  maggie

you are welcome to my no BS discord.. https://discord.gg/W2Hsy7BSgR Add alot of notes for the bongversation shows there as well. I cant get to everything in the hour but i post alot more connections there

24 days ago
Reply to  maggie

Side note fakeologist (tim) is a(charactor) simple minded facilitator (at least that is the Character he Likes to Present.
(angry man), the wizard, the Jester
GO to some of the Older shows He knows more than he pretends,He has pages on Numbers and acts like he has never seen his own webpage and writeup.
HE encourages the “i don’t know” Ignorance”.
He has at least started to “look things up before Babbling” And has asked others to do the same. None of these dimwits that talk on the weekend are NOT Capable of Looking up the Subjects they are talking about. ANY one of them can do it.
I know AB is not a dummy that is however the character he presents; He is trying to resurrect the Ashke-nazi story line because that is HIS “Blood”.
has nothing but Contempt for most of these Drunks and Know nothings he puts up with.
I would suggest before anyone talks on audio because that is going out to many ears that they take the FEW minutes out of there Miserable Drunk Lives to LOOK IT UP.

23 days ago
Reply to  davej

Ab is very respected I have a problem or two with his presentation, especially his medical advice but he is a human and says it like he sees it. It is very insulting when those that are under the influence degrade those that are DRUNK as if being merry on something else is more respectable.

23 days ago
Reply to  maggie

i am sure this made sense to you when you wrote it.

21 days ago
Reply to  davej

Those that are high have a delusion that they are not as under the influence as those that drink. Got it sport?

21 days ago
Reply to  maggie

Oh …… magpie……are you still here…always under foot…

23 days ago
Reply to  davej

you make me chuckle

23 days ago
Reply to  maggie

I do what i can maggie,

21 days ago
Reply to  davej

ha ha.

1 month ago
Reply to  maggie

Thank you, I will not believe in what I cannot see, I will not be a false witness to death and will not bear false witness to a God I cannot see You are an awesome person and most of what you say is sensible, but.you cannot ask someone to not bear false witness when you do.

1 month ago
Reply to  maggie

You can deny God, Jesus Christ…..all that’s fine (and if that is best for you to do, DO it.) What you and No one can do for any reason is..(get away with)…..the “false witness death”
DO that one simple “ask” and you will gain True Life.
be blessed.

Last edited 1 month ago by davej
1 month ago

Eight hours is more time than I have … I do remember writing about a plane crash in Africa, and at that time they were pushing the narrative, started on 9/11 or maybe before, with Roadrunner holes in the side of the twin towers and the plane in Pennsylvania disappearing in a coal mine … that when planes crash their momentum overcomes hard objects like steel girders and … the ground, and just shoot right through. It violates Newton’s third law and is therefore impossible. The plane crash I looked at pulled the same story, that it had crashed and went into the ground.