FAC1509-Three wise women

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The female fakeologists talk without the males (for a while).

  1. fakeologistv8
  2. anounceofsaltperday
  3. rollo1649
  4. gregshantz
  5. soozie0937
  6. farcevalue
  7. anna_28423
  8. lindac33andcounting
  9. pumpkinpie321
  10. hode0590
  11. janerik9385
  12. poopaids_copy
  13. dwrex_
  14. clockwork113
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Reverend Black Dog
38 minutes ago

‘Man-made’ global destruction’ versus ‘everything’s fine, what are you talking about?’ This can unfold in different ways too. I don’t think it’s as simple as the usual two-sided argument we make, which is no doubt given to us. Yeah, what a tactic. Hide a real something by giving two opposing scenarios of which neither are true. I don’t think everything’s fine and I don’t think the most responsible man is the common man. So I think it is man-made – ‘problem – reaction – solution’ – all of it, but is it permanent damage? Maybe not.. (not to the earth anyway) like if someone comes in your house and messes things up in all the ways they could..like an exterminator (?) .. (And) all this always goes back to ‘Why would They do it to themselves, their families?’ .. Well, who’s to say where ‘They’ are?! We know the real power is hidden from us and no one seems to have an affirmative grasp on the size and scope of this world we’re in, so..yeah. – Thanks for the talk. Keep thinking!

Lynn Ertell
16 days ago

The only reason this quote resonates is because it was the lyric of a pop radio hit back in the 1980s.
Your memories aren’t so good.

Reverend Black Dog
39 minutes ago
Reply to  Lynn Ertell

No, it goes back before that .. ‘if you don’t stand for something you’re gonna fall for anything.’ As okay as that album was. – Much truth in the saying, for most.

16 days ago

I will wait to listen to this, until it’s confirmed that at least One Recipe was Shared worth Preparing.

Last edited 16 days ago by davej
16 days ago

I was thinking Charlie’s Angels, Ab playing Bosley.