FAK1011-Frankologist cast

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5 days ago

Extinctions – Low birth rates; NO civilization has come back after reaching <1.9. They were completely decimated or conquered.
Growing civilizations in the 2ndphase of Exploration have a TFR of 6 or above (4 phases of civilization). Korea had a TFR of 6.5+ in 1950, now S Korea is 0.6 TFR. Healthy stable civilization have a TFR of 4.5+ and dying civilizations have a TFR of <3. Most of Europe has a TFR hovering around 1.1 to 1.7 for the last 70-100 years which is currently inflated with immigrant births, in reality the white population is probably around 0.7 to 1.1. Same in US and canada which have been below 2.1 since 1968 when it was over 90% white. Only National fertility matters, whether the people around you all have 2 – 10 children is irrelevant. How population shrinkage works is partly correct not accounting for modern / post industrial civilization, 1/3 less per generation doesn’t sound bad until you compound it, there is a psychological component to declining TFR where the citizens are subconsciously begging to be pastured which is why TFR will hit close to 0, they dont stay fixed or linear but the decline is hyperbolic and you can feel it in the air. Read how hated children are in S korea by single adults, they hate the noise, they restrict children in the parks, you can read about it. The Skoreans psychologically become inhuman. They want to be extinct. You are also forgetting that declining populations means deconstructing infrastructure which is not required in feudal or agrarian civilizations, you have to essentially rip out the roads and sewage pipes and electric lines, demolish the abandoned homes and schools, read what detroit had to do to collapse the city by 40+ square miles, big problem with ever decreasing young labor pool. Its like the partially fake mouse utopia experiments, the mice will do everything so they are wiped from existence and make sure their genes dont pollute other mice or even other organism heaven forbid. Not having children which is 1 of the 3 components of life turns you into a literal death cult recognizing you are infected and wanting to eliminate it. This is never discussed.

4 days ago
Reply to  klatery

Thoughtful comment, thank you.

What was partially faked with mouse utopia experiments though?

3 days ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

The mouse utopia experiment is MADE FAMOUS , just like the Stanford prison experiment and Milgram experiment – by the way both of these jews are related- they are fake and made famous to stick white people with guilt (fake holohoax) and sell / program more Jew books like Authoritarian Personality. As far as fake experiments, the mouse utopia was done several times with null value, meaning nothing happened, they didnt all die every time, beside humans arent mice which people forget cause they are so used to monkey or mice behavioral or medical experiments that they automatically in their mind subconsciously equate it to exactly applicable on humans 100%. While i understand the the medical mice, especially bred with specific gene defects can be applicable somewhat, its not 100%. The mouse utopia is inconclusive in many regards, different rats resulted in different behavior not all ending in total death, infact most survived but that wont be splashy in medical journals funded by eugenicists concerned with over population. Most ADVERTISED or FAMOUS experiments and findings are total jew frauds. Most people cant read through entire white papers or have the technical /intelligence capabilities to even understand the white paper let alone whether the methodologies utilized are valid or not for the hypothesis being tested.

5 days ago

Regarding populations; humans arent widgets just because you have more births than deaths means nothing, first are these births 100% White Australians in Victoria or 100% Japanese in Japan or are they just brown and black immigrants having most of the babies. 2nd, Populations vs demographics, you need to study healthy demographics especially related to population pyramids. Healthy populations have an inverted pyramid shape which doesnt exist in any western nation, Very many young and almost negligible amount old people. 3. more births and deaths mean nothing the total TFR of the civilization is all that matters and thats below 2.1 for atleast 60 to 100 years depending on which country.

8 days ago

Why would you put a link we have to pay for JLB?

8 days ago
Reply to  maggie

“Tim” (fakeologist), IPS and JLB .. make up what is called the dark matter Network….. It’s all inside baseball in crossbreeding……

Antichrist minds and those that follow antichrist minds do not have much of a choice.

They will also get circled back on meaning that they them will lead you back into the LIE before the truth can begin.

You know that you’re just still rebellious in your own right.

I’ve told anyone who will listen over a decade now about these characters.

And I tell people not so much for the mouthy… They will babble endlessly… I speak out loud so that the silence listens.

Last edited 8 days ago by Davej
7 days ago
Reply to  Davej

Ooooo. 9ne judgemental decision down. Two more to go

I am that I am
9 days ago

Is that Frank without a beard..selling insurance or something?

9 days ago

First, who is that a picture of? If you are purposely misleading I suggest you stop.

Second, it was nice that Frank spent the time to deliver life to the room, unfortunately for the room however the “spiritual Cat ladies” had to call in and try to resurrect death…… Fear and loathing…..

For example the complete arrogance and ignorance of the one woman calling into talk about toilet paper only to find out she was promoting a commercial product.

Let none of these cowards steal your peace for any reason.

The wickedness(preachers of earthly concern) of these spiritual hobgoblins(collars) know no bounds…..

Last edited 9 days ago by Davej
7 days ago
Reply to  Davej

Second. Why would you act like you encourage freedom andntruth?

7 days ago

Third and Last, why would you “act” like you make sense. r4m Muppet.

you are a failure “period” always have been always will be. I would ask you how you “feel” butt face it dum dum IT does not matter.

Last edited 7 days ago by davej
6 days ago
Reply to  davej

“Butt face it dum dum”

Sounds just like a demon raging

Cheers. Be blessed

6 days ago

18,1,7,5 /4/13,5….4

Last edited 6 days ago by Davej
3 days ago
Reply to  Davej

The Four 4 (door/window/(i)en-trance)

The Four is that Point in Invested time (seconds, minutes, hours, months, years, lifetime) In Truth (reality) or Lie (So-called reality),

Wasted “Time” is for the “Dead minded”, therefore those Minds stuck in “time” are within the fallen existence (the Cube 6/88/6), “news” (North, East, West, South).

“Directions” Given to you and that ONE(1)(concern) lets the “doorway” the “Window” the “Dalet” to your Mind, your SOUL(beliefs) is caused to claim OWNERSHIP of said IDEA/light, truth and or fiction.

The Four (4) is the Ides, SHOWING you “it” at that “door/window”.

Presented, as a Flat offering, a squared circle (34/437) of “reason” that with “details” will expand and Form the Set, or Structure of that Idol’s(9/nine).

The “One’s” future existence within the MIND (propelled along by the body) of the Casted upon wo(Man). All minds are controlled period. Are you of the fallen Light or the Truth and Life of the true “Christ” Light of your Creator:

The question is, Are you ONE of or ONE with.

This IDEA/Light will grow regardless of its Truth or Fiction as long as the Casted upon Participate in the active and continued Casting,

LEAVE the Liars and Unprofitable to themselves separate yourself/First Mind, the body will follow.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

I’m not frightened. Dismayed?

Only about the thought of the next person quitting whilee trying to find what they are looking for. Quitting because of the attitude of the people that have the information. The information that might make them less scared to die at the end of their life.

Dismayed “experiencing or showing feelings of alarmed concern or dismay : upset, worried, or agitated because of some unwelcome situation or occurrence”

2 days ago
Reply to  davej


i made them this.
htt ps:// youtube .com/ shorts/Hs7YHus_2L0?feature=shared
And this one is for you. Because I value your time
ht tps:// youtube. com/shorts /9t6kbYCOTvo?feature=shared
And yes. Vespa. I cooked dinner and didn’t clean up. It’s a mess. Boo hoo.

Cheers. Be blessed

2 days ago

i will “lay off” for if nothing other than to give you time to relax and …..dare i say…Clean up before Vespa gets there.

Be Blessed Nigel