FAK665-Chester Brown

You never know who’s out there looking at fakeologist. Chester is quite the interesting character.

  1. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1399719.The_AIDS_War
  2. https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/product/9782922585964-item.html?ref=item_page:richrel:rr_carousel:json1
  3. https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/contributor/author/chester-brown/
  4. https://fakeotube.com/?search=duesberg
  5. fake11.com/11
  6. https://www.patreon.com/chesterbrown
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCkxbInE4kA

31 thoughts on “FAK665-Chester Brown

  1. Lai Choi San

    The way that the Fakeologist line of thinking will quickly go with Mr. Brown… is that many will conclude that he is a compromised figure… whose morally corrosive content has been substantially funded and promoted by the Canada Council for the Arts… for years… because his views align with the Canadian government’s commitment to erode traditional values and institutions. Serious blasphemy against traditional Christianity, criticism of the institution of marraige, and the devaluing of the individual through the promotion of casual prostiution… all align with the globalist agendas criticized in this community. Brown’s books have been heavilly promoted in Canadian government funded media and press. His books openly acknowledge the government funded support that they receive and depend on for their creation and publication. All that said, he is probably the most talented Canadian living cartoonist (alongside Seth). But all of the above should be noted and considered. This would be the way that a “Fakeologist” would naturally approach his work. And this might be an entry point into interesting conversations with Brown…. This approach could potentially shed light on flaws in the Fakeology way of thinking as well… when a subject of such a line of thinking gets to comment on such knee jerk, damning conclusions… which don’t often take into account individual agency.

    1. napoleonnapoleon

      taxing hookers ,and taking the unsanctioned organised crime out of vice is what the government does .

      as soon as something has laws and tax codes it’s normal .

      but i do agree it’s not about the money

    2. Lai Choi San

      I personally like Chester Brown’s work… but also find it very problematic living in a country where taxpayer money is going towards paying for the creation of books like “Paying For It”… and especially “Mary Wept…” The Canada Council for the Arts holds far too control over what content gets funded in Canada. As a result, our libraries are filled with books that nobody wants to read, and children’s books that most parents (twenty years ago at least…) wouldn’t want their kids to see. Without those arts grants, comics would be being created on a level playing field… and publisher’s like Drawn and Quarterly wouldn’t be monopolizing the art form… while by prioritizing content that pushes transgressive ideas. As a result of this type of funding, in Canada our most mainstream filmmaker is David Cronenburg. You know… for the kids.

      1. napoleonnapoleon


        David Cronenberg once again showcases his mastery over the ghastly and the gruesome in his latest body-horror picture “Crimes of the Future”.

        Set in a reality where human bodies are evolving in a way that humanity can’t control or understand, Viggo Mortenson and Léa Seydoux play performance artists who perform disturbing, surgery-based, exhibition art by cutting out these newly evolved organs before a live audience.

        In this world where humans have inexplicably evolved beyond feeling pain; themes of fear, pleasure, repulsion, and sexuality are woven expertly throughout the narrative via erotic mutilation, sexual exhibition, and clandestine acts of “art” that celebrate the grotesque anatomical changes that human bodies are experiencing.

        Perverse and provocative, it’s easy to understand how it might not be most people’s cup of tea, however, fans of Cronenberg and his penchant for the grisly will delighted.

            1. Lai Choi San

              At any rate, my hat’s off to Mr. Brown here for coming out as a skeptic…. Hopefully this isn’t just him starting a new autobiographical comic: Chester Brown’s “My Year as a Junior Hoaxbuster: An Unflinching First Person Expose of Ontario’s Seamy Underground Conspiracy Culture”.

                1. Lai Choi San

                  well, I’ll forever hold it against fakeologist.com for the John Adams debacle… but Chris was the best. Seriously, like losing a family member… even though I was only a listener. Fakeologist has done well to make up for it these past two plus years, though…

                  1. grandillusiongrandillusion

                    I think John Adams is partially responsible for the Annette Carrion alleged death he offloaded to the Fakeologist community in April 2018. It was in the Fakeologist Discord chatroom that John Adams for no good reason told everyone that his wife’s friend Annnette Carrion was killed in a motorcycle accident.


                    Okay, so why did we need to know that? Very strange for John Adams to randomly tell people who don’t care about some Instagram celebrity that allegedlly died.

                    Then you had the likes of Dave J who loves to fight people, start problems with John Adams over Annette Carrion’s alleged death. Then John Adams mocked Dave J by posting selfies of himself in front of masonic gravestones at the alleged funeral/burial of Annette Carrion. I think that provoked Dave J even more.

                    Is this Fakeologist Forum topic taking it too far or did John Adams bring this on himself?


                    Then the story is John Adams had to go away for good (even not coming back for Chris Kendall’s permanent exit) because his family was being affected by the whole Annette Carrion Fakeologist Fallout.

                    1. dave j

                      Annette Carrion was a Net Carry On .

                      Nobody Died and Nobody Got Hurt.

                      THEY got caught in a LIE and “booked”.

                      SO then one might reconsider the “worth” of all of those Contributions.

                      I never did this there was any worth to those shows as I see no Worth in the Words of a Liar, especially the words of a False witness of Death.

                      i am not the bad guy. never have been period

  2. Lai Choi San

    Honestly, this seems like something of a strange historic moment. Other than Jay Dyer inching more and more into mainstream circles… the fakeology crowd hasn’t seen much in the way of open dialogue with many well known celebrities. But… if any underground cartoonist was going to be the guy to break down that wall…. 

    As Mr. Brown sounds relatively new to this bizarro corner of the internet, I’d like to take the opportunity to offer an unsolicited recommendation: Hoaxbusterscall hosted by Chris Kendall… particularly the “Afternoon Commute” episodes with past friend of this show John Adams. For long format, humourous dialogues on possible media fakery, they are a gift to anyone working with their hands all day… with open ears to listen to audio. Very, very funny content… that you don’t need to agree with at all to enjoy.

    One more recommendation for Mr. Brown: Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Seraphim Rose… and the rest of his works. Having read a number of Brown’s graphic novels… I think Rose’s books could potentially add some fuel to the creative fire.

        1. napoleonnapoleon

          how about this one

          if the earth is flat then a thinking man or a man that is aware of the tree of knowldege or kaballah ,will understand that the earthly sciences (or ancient truth)held in said tree ,don’t touch this observation,and that said tree of knowledge cannot explain why gods only sun was sent to the individual ,ergo gods magic is unexplainable.are you special enough to have your own sun ,course you are ,you can see it.

          i don’t even try and explain the world much anymore .the flat earth is self evident ,buut that will lead you to trying to figure out whats going on ,and all it does it give you a crash course in assuming, i do think the allegories and metaphors of the past are far better than any philosophy ,for my brain any way.


          1. napoleonnapoleon

            that local sun still batters my head

            i wonder how much knowledge of the sun we have missed ,i often think about that particular riddle, and yet i do accept it as true ,funny ,when you see magic i reckon you accept it,but legerdemain leaves a funny taste

              1. napoleonnapoleon

                i had a vision of a lost woman or group emerging from russia with echoes of the royals thatr were foisted during the revolution , not white not asian but all these things ,only from piecing together clues from future industrial breakthroughs and trends , that no doubt will elevate and revitalise that part of the world .

                all fairystories ofcourse, interpretation is everything

                i dont know how else they would unite that part of the world ,but the bolshis had a good run

      1. Lai Choi San

        Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t trying to trigger any paranoia or delusions of self-importance. Granted, there’s no reason to believe any old anonymous person at the other end of a keyboard… but for my conscience I just need to state for the record that I’m just an occasional, casual listener (and a civilian). I don’t consider myself a “fakeologist” but do enjoy listening to some of the folks on here (Rick), for the sake of considering other points of view. Name deconstruction nonsense, and folks in various states of prelest don’t do it for me, however. Having said all that… cheerio to you all. Keep on saving the world! I’ll disappear back into the ether.

        1. napoleonnapoleon

          it makes no difference if your anonymous or not ,if you write something it will get read ,this is fakeologist ,the new place to be ,now in it’s 11 wonderful year

          and its a name with history behind it now ,

          youl”be back

          1. napoleonnapoleon

            and in horton hears a who just before the dna activation scene with jo jo and the spinny thing with covid handles,,, polymer cycle test ,how many cycles jojo ,and its about a virus particle no one can see,well close eonough anyway

            and the bad guy is jacinda ahern

            The 2009–2011 Icelandic financial crisis protests, also referred to as the Kitchenware, Kitchen Implement or Pots and Pans … Oslo, Norway.

            whoville saved their asses thiis way,and it was repeated apparently in 2020 for lockdown lifting or vaccine mandates,

            predictable arent we,or easily led

        1. napoleonnapoleon

          i’m gonna be dead honest ,i never found john adams not to be really interesting,i did see his limitations but i thought that was because he was safeguarding a future in the conspiracy world like jay dyer is was and is still doing,

          and the synarchy i heard a few times i put down as my fertile imagination.

          i did however still want to show the hoaxbusters lot that no one died on 911 ,and that was the main thrust with my disaecting of 911 ,. using giants by the way to start ,and once you have spoke and talked to folks who know all the stories behind 911 ,and some still believe or say people died ,,,,well then theres the where the problems arise

          not altruistic by the way just wanted to show it’s all tricks. using the 911 videos we all know well . i fell in deep deep

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