FAK764-Mother Trucker

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1 year ago

why are so mant able to see out of one eye but blind in the other….This flat-earth psyop has a strong hold over their discernment …yes sacee trabel is a complete hoax, but not space itself…the natural eye alone will confirm this truth….why is the FACT that moon’s features are seen as upside down in Austrailia compared to being seen in Canada???????? Why can one see an Arizona sunset whereas the sun is shining UNDER the clouds creating the happening as the sum is vanishing away, yet one can call a relative in Hawaii and confirm the sun is still over head and shimming down on them….how simple can it get?

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Willybob

The Earth is flat with deviations called depth in elevation from sea level see. The universe is the shape of the human eye. Looking up 90°, Man land animal plant water makeup what is called the iris.

Nothing you say nothing you do nothing you think and most especially and might I add deliciously nothing you feel changes this fact.

You are a babbler Willie boy

1 year ago

here is another simple deduction

the earth’s circumference is about 24K miles. This means the curvature is eight inches per mile squared. This means at 10 miles there’s 66 feet behind the curve and at 20 miles there’s 266 feet behind the curve and at 50 miles there’s 1,667 feet behind the curve. So what does this mean? At 10 miles you would see 4 feet of a 70 foot building (70-66=4).

The way the tides work in opposite directions also prove the earth is round…. Also , the largest tides observed in the Great Lakes are barely five centimetres in height. Clearly, if the size of the tide for a lake system as big as the Great Lakes is so minuscule, you can safely assume that smaller lakes would have tides on an even smaller order, making them too insignificant to be called tides.

again; its easily determined by the natural eye that the moon is a spherical shape object by observing its shadows, light, and perspective….. its easy to see this fact………

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Willybob

The Earth is a plane with deviations called depth and elevation the universe is the shape of the human eyeball man land animal plant exist on what’s called the iris or the colored part.. you are as bad as a demon with your lies.

1 year ago

Flat earth is a cult religion….here is another simple example of globe earth..

There are NO flat earth navigational charts found or used anywhere in the world. They all use global  navigational charts to plot a course and make an arrival ,, They produce global earth aeronautical, maritime, commercial and military charts for the whole world to use to navigate. They have used the stars to navigate the oceans for centuries…. Nobody even makes navigational charts for a flat earth. However, there are thousands of globe earth charts and where to buy them……..willybob

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Willybob

You big dummy lay that map out on the surface and what can that surface now be described as…… That’s right flat.

There is in fact no engineering whatsoever that takes anything into account but a flat stationary plane. All them that is left to take into account is depth and elevation.

You do not know what you are talking about you are as bad as the liars the frauds and the demons that infest this plane you are of your father Satan say10… No you are not just wrong you are out to mislead and that makes you a liar and a demon.

Willie Bob you have been placed in the balance and found wanting.

1 year ago

another simple test anyone can do

Take 3 locations of cities on the earth….measure their distances in total….the ones below and above the equator will be shorter in distance than those on the equator….Example: the distance from Vancouver Canada to London is 4709 miles> from London to Moscow Russia is 1554 miles> from Moscow to Magadan Russian is 3680 miles> from Magadan Russia to Vancouver Canada is 3280 miles. This is a total of 13, 623 miles in circumference. While at the equator the DISTANCE is 24,000 miles.. The distance from from Quito Equador to Nairobi Kenya is 8000 miles, > from Nairobi Kenya to Borneo is 4800 miles, > from the country of Borneo to Ecuador is miles 10,400 miles, for a total distance of 24,000 miles across the equator. The same test can be done in the southern hemisphere locations from east to west on the tropic of Capricorn and the result will be approx 13,000 miles ………..willybob

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Willybob

You are a babbler.

you tested nothing

You did not do anything but read numbers off of a screen.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

the flat earth syndrome is a gov. psyop. designed to make its followers look stupid , thus what ever else they say is fake such as 911 truths will be considered to be crackpot analyses from flattards….

here is another simple observation one can make……

Take 3 locations of cities on the earth….measure their distances in total….the ones below and above the equator will be shorter in distance than those on the equator….

Example: the distance from Vancouver Canada to London is 4709 miles> from London to Moscow Russia is 1554 miles> from Moscow to Magadan Russian is 3680 miles> from Magadan Russia to Vancouver Canada is 3280 miles. This is a total of 13, 623 miles in circumference.

The same process can be applied to the southern hemisphere in the vicinity of the tropic of Capricorn which is about 14,000 miles in circumference .

However while at the equator the DISTANCE is 24,000 miles.. The distance from from Quito Equador to Nairobi Kenya is 8000 miles, > from Nairobi Kenya to Borneo is 4800 miles, > from the country of Borneo to Ecuador is miles 10,400 miles, for a total distance of 24,000 miles across the equator…..simple tests and observations willybob

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Willybob

willybob you wanna be clever go do something noone has done yet !! read the millenium fall-con on air

i gaurantee legendary status

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

what a pleasant back and forth ,stay away from crypto whilst theres so many cowboys involved is my advice

but really loved the chat ,dont worry about the connection issues didnt’ stagger or slow down much ,and once again thank you to the fakeologist for his amazing amount of work

legend sells you short
