FAK774-Lynn Ertell

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  1. Greater Israel – Wikipedia
  2. The Mystery of Israel Explained, Oct 10, 2023
  3. Thirty Years’ War – Wikipedia
  4. Updates
  5. Piece of Mindful – How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again! (Mark Twain)
  6. México vs USA: Ignorant Mexicans chanting “Osama” – YouTube
  7. Al Udeid Air Base – Wikipedia
  8. https://youtu.be/yBumTNZvVvk Shahid Bolsen


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1 year ago

I’m trying to locate the new law against those expressing opinions that undermine the government spin. can someone direct me to this?

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  justlittleeva

think it’s jude law

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

Be demanding be judgmental except only the best sound bites.

Your daily consumption should if you are serious and if you are not up should be copious amounts of Dave J=42 audio sustenance.

Leave the bland leave the tiresome

Except only true living water

Lynn’s useful idiocy is found 2 B not 2 B.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

i am not familliar with history ,so lyns different back stories and explanations are welcomed and appreciated ,the fucked up filter i use whether it’s realology or fakeology relies on others being well read and able to draw comparrisons ,like i say pelmanism for me just matching stories and seeing what possibilities are on the table

i’m sure some well read fellas can show me both sides of the story if they have the alternatives i will read them ,i read slow, but i always follow the links posted

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

lyn the muslims didn’t have anything to do with 911 ,its the masons from all cults ,and you get high enough your a jew a jesuit a rosicrucian a catholic ,muslim etc etc ,the only way out of 911 being perpetuated to it’s conclusion is explaining what it was not what it wasn’t

the same lockstep the artistocrats use to familiarise yourself with the plan ,christskis allan watt etc etc is ignored for 911 ,by now you lot of pussies should have the names of the stuntmen used as jumpers and singled out the gatekeepers and their childlike narrative ,and starved them with ignorance ,you lot are a fucking joke when it comes to 911,and stop swearing(anyone any ideas who shmi begelson was in reference to 911) answer needed!!

footbal fans are ruthless lyn
VICTORIA Beckham has told how a woman offered her a Polo mint as 75,000 footie fans bellowed out a crude sex chant about her.

75,000 footie fans that means home and away were at it ,RUTHLESS !!

no chanting on the video just wanted to show you murican cranks what using your foot to kick a ball spawned
i do like your quartebacks they are skilled as fuck

mr g illusion i bet ab has crypto in his wallet sitting there for in a decade when it possibly will pay off (maybe)and pays everything with his hard earned wages

so please donate …………

also i don’t believe a word out anyones mouth ,and for a chap to say my daddy was a big ceo banking is just a backstory to me of one of many characters ,just like you pet

my paths sett

oh and ab said he didn’t have netflix ,can one of you netflix members give ab the key so he can be a member ,think you only need his email,im popping that in because one sniff of football has put me back in it and i am going to watch beckhams biography on netflix ,i am not a member but i got included by a relative.

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

Dorothy (Lynn) needs to start at square’d One

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

id rather her on my side with a mouth like that ,but since the experiment started all has happened is poor excuses for not reading the blog ,and vagueries that to a lehman are conciliatory

to steal a george michael line ,you gotta have faith!
i do

Grand Illusion
1 year ago

What a snooze fest. I don’t listen to these audios to fall asleep but the Realology coming out of Lynn on this show. Damn I wanted to go to sleep. Lynn runs the Fakeologist Facebook? Is this Realology she spews on there too?

At 43 minutes in, Ab mentions the founder of Epic Cash (not really cash, digital currency) Max Freeman (real name?) stood up Ab for a Live broadcast that was supposed to take place last Sunday. I think this speaks volumes as to what has happened to Epic. Bad signs. It has become Epic Crash. Uncle Odd and his boy Max Freeman were on top of the Crypto Currency World a year ago and now they are fighting amongst themselves. Division within the Epic community on top of Epic’s value being on a downward spiral. Where has Uncle Odd been since Epic has been in the toilet? Not on Fakeologist. No more interviews. Why? Because Epic could be over? So abandon Ab or flake out on him?

Crypto currency is a bad idea because it tracks and traces your spending. Cash doesn’t. Why is Odd promoting a cashless society? He’s told us his father was Banking Big Wig CEO. Is that why Odd is about tracking and tracing with Epic? Because his dad was heavily involved with banking which wants people giving their money over to them and using debit and credit cards to track transactions.

I get Epic sponsors Ab’s FakeoTube and therefore that makes Ab play ball with Odd and Freeman’s yo yo behavior but I think it’s time for Ab to cut ties with these guys. Get Rollo to sponsor FakeoTube. He’s a rich bitch and I’m sure he will have no trouble sending money to Ab for FakeoTube.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

Re epic cash, the sponsorship, the weekly show, it was clear, I thought, that this was just a grift from the start.

The thing is, this stuff (radio, epic, etc) is all just entertainment. Some people believe this stuff and invest their time and money in their beliefs. That’s fine. I honour peoples’ right to choose things for themselves, and undertake their lives as they like (if it is without harm to others).

My objection to epic et al, is that to flog this or that in the name of truth is dishonest. Its fine not to know, but to say you do know and have this or that answer, to speak with conviction as you benefit from people’s belief investment, is, not ‘spiritual murder’ but something like ‘spiritual theft’. I got some flak for raising objections about the commercialisation that came with Todd and epic (and before that when he was doing the legal thing) – but now it seems plain that it was just a grift, he is nowhere and isn’t interested to answer any perceived obligations.

And that’s entertainment! Totally different to attempting to uncover truth though.

John le Bon
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

What’s the issue here? Epic offered Ab a fat grand to sponsor his video hosting service, Ab took the money, and now he gives Epic preferential treatment. Welcome to the real world. People have bills to pay. Sponsorship is a valid form of revenue raising (not that I personally engage in it, but I don’t begrudge those who do).

A more realistic criticism of Ab when it comes to money / grifting is how he promoted — for months and months — Thiago / ‘died suddenly’ which turned out to be a brazen and shameless scam, built upon a spiritual (attempted) murder premise i.e. a mass die off due to muh jibbies (which of course never happened, but you won’t hear any apologies from the clowns who were pushing it).

At sporadic intervals during his livestreams, Ab will throw in random criticisms, completely unprovoked, about paywalls and membership models, for no apparent reason. That’s his prerogative. It does open him up to criticisms of his own model, though. Who knows how many people were led astray by the Thiago (and Frank) ‘died suddenly’ / ‘mass die off’ bullshit? What a shemozzle.

Then you have the people on the sidelines who neither produce their own research / content, nor support those who do take the time to produce research / content, but enjoy criticising those who do produce the research and content. I’d say these people are the worst of the lot. They know who they are, some are reading these words right now.

The ‘truth’ scene is full of spiritual parasites and one of the primary benefits of paywalls and membership models is that it weeds these people out. Parasites will not spend a dime supporting independent content creation. Their money is for hollywood, unilever, yum brands food, anheuser-busch, mindgeek, etc. These guys consider themselves ‘against the system’ but they are the biggest promoters and supporters of it.

As they say in the classics, ‘don’t get me started’.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

who’s your favourite character that ab has encountered thus far

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

NW don’t let him fool you no matter what he tells you the real and true answer is yours truly dave j = 42 simple gematria and the answer to everything..

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

that number is fun and the different representaions of it

i find the hitchikers guide to the galaxy answer strangely satisfying

the Earth was the giant computer built to work out exactly what the Ultimate Question was;

you are correct the answer is 42
and if you see deep thought was a green pyramid with light beams coming out of it.

After seven and a half million years, the super computer Deep Thought finally reveals the ultimate answer to the Universe, the question of life and everything else. What is slightly more challenging however is, what is the ultimate question?

Taken From The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

The Ancient Egyptians believed that 42 demons were present at the judgment of the soul; 42 is also a perfect score in the International Mathematics Olympiad. But in modern maths its main significance is the fun it provides by popping up in strange places. 42424242 that occurs 242,422 places after the decimal point in the number pi.
The optimum angle for white light to refract through water and thus form a rainbow is between 40.89 and 42 degrees.
What is Order 42 in Star Wars?
Order 42: Figure out life, the universe, and everything. Order 43: Make sure Palpatine gets pilot position on Smuggler’s Run. Order 44: Stay away from Anakin on Mother’s Day. Order 45: Find out who offers the best bulk price on Death Stars – Costco or Sam’s Club

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

Yes the idea of 42 is simply represented by the idea of what stands next to each other the four being the da’let or the mind lets and the two being the idea of concern so therefore the mind lets in what concern 4 + 2 = 6 and or present the idea of six sides plus eight corners making the cube or the dice that each one rolls upon and that inside and internal formation is what makes up by the seven 7/\7again being the Zion ( c the 2 7’s in there. That is representation of motion or time 7 + 7 = 14 1 + 4 = 5 5 senses or the idea of one’s senses becoming present 1 + 5 = 6) spelled with a z or an s the idea of the z or the 26 or the outside edge or corners six sides again and eight corners the eight making the outside limits of what is called that wonderful thing by Dr Wayne Carver for example during the Sandy hoax . Anyways the idea of s sion is the idea of the 19 or the one before idol meaning the metronic cycle think of the Sun and Moon the idea of coming together to once again go apart the idea of the Cross or the crossing me tonic also the idea of me and what one takes in as well as what one drinks as being a truth.

Anyways all this is played out through all the different scriptures whether it be the Bible whether it be 2001 A space Odyssey whether it be psycho whether it be bugs Bunny it is all a version of the same truth or fiction the fact of the matter is this that one in this place this realm can do one of two things tell a truth and that is of God or tell a lie and that is of man.

Period really and as they say in the Navy that’s a no s******

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

i think the shining references of 42 mirror rainbow and the oz narrative aaswell as jupiter 24 being a tin giant etc etc ,
room 237 has the melting witch and oz decor 2x3x7=42

1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

There’s all sorts of advertising – your standard tv/radio advert, sponsorship (Epic), product placement, paying influencers, to sponsoring shows to discuss the content you want (Epic), to paying out across whole industries (like Bill and Melinda Gates). Is there anything wrong with this? No. Does it have anything to do with truth, or, in reverse, uncovering fakery? No. It is also something that would cause me to be wary about what is being promoted. Anyway – when the money directs, we can say it is not the truth that is directing – you can’t serve 2 masters.

And yes, I do think Ab is open to criticism. It is not a just value-for-value model, there is also the sponsorship and sponsored shows.

My point would be, wouldn’t it be nice if there was somewhere with no grifting or commercialisation? I think lots of people think or believe that there is such a place, but there is not – as this Epic stuff makes clear. As I’ve pointed out before too, even Frank is selling salt (and God). In fact, Lynn is perhaps the only regular that does not have a commercial tie-in.

John le Bon
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

wouldn’t it be nice if there was somewhere with no grifting or commercialisation?

Sounds terrific, when are you putting in your own time and money to create it? Let me know so I can come and enjoy the fruits of your labor while giving you back nothing. Also let everybody else know so you can enjoy having the cretins come and throw shit at you from the sidelines for trying to do something positive.

1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

So, you think the answer must be that I start a platform, along the lines that you and fako have? Why?

Do I have the truth, that I can tell people about this or that? I know I do not.

And if I did have a platform, why wouldn’t I also succumb to producing whatever content ‘my clients/consumers/fans’ required of me? I love gaining a better understanding, and helping others if they are genuine. I don’t love entertaining others or making money from their confusion.

In any case, I have given away ‘my content’ for free for years. I do this in comments, on your site, on other sites. So, I don’t give ‘back nothing’. I also try to take the time to respond to anyone personally while we are engaged in a constructive conversation.

In short, I’m not a brand, just an individual.

John le Bon
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Forgive me if I have misunderstood you. You want commercial-free and ‘brand’-free platforms, but you don’t want to build one yourself, however you are happy to criticise (implicitly or otherwise) the platforms which do exist with commercials / ‘branding’?

Is that the gist of it?

1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

That’s one way of putting it!

I will give you a personal answer.

I think what happened to me, is that initially I laboured under the misunderstanding that some of “us” (fakeologists) were trying to get to the truth of the matter, rather than money or fame or something. As if, truth is something that can be uncovered as a group effort, on an online forum. I hadn’t considered that my efforts would in part be harnessed towards improving the price of Epic or whatever. As I’ve gone on, I have come to realise that what I want (truth) does not exist on a platform, no one can give it to you. And finally, I am happy to criticise this or that as I think truth is found at the end of a destructive process – truth would be what’s left once you’ve pointed out all the fakery.

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

i had a chat years ago with a fakeologist i wont say his name ,but he said to me i cant go in the audio and talk about the things you do models miniatures etc etc incase i wanna work for government radio again

thats why unless you get impartial non masons and lose cointel from gatekeeping websites and the neverending sock accounts and avatars ,the stories will always need a gimmick or titilation

sad really but true

John le Bon
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I think what happened to me, is that initially I laboured under the misunderstanding that some of “us” (fakeologists) were trying to get to the truth of the matter

I made the same rookie error when I first got involved in the ACT realm. That’s why I spent so much time producing real research and producing (relatively) high production value content. I did this for over two years before launching johnlebon dot com and the Membership section. In that time I published close to 100 podcasts and well over 100 videos, most of which were scripted and edited, sometimes with multiple takes to get it right.

Eventually I came to realise that only a small minority of the people in this scene have any genuine interest in deprogramming and improving their thinking (as I was trying to do).

There’s nothing inherently wrong with conspiratainment, imo. It would have been beneficial had I realised sooner how things really were, but it is better late than never and, as you can attest, it is easy to get into all of this with a naive and flawed understanding of what is going on here.

Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Frank is selling salt (and God). In fact, Lynn is perhaps the only regular that does not have a commercial tie-in.

Very True. I used to have more trust in Frank and his ideas but I think his weekly FAK spot on Fakeologist for over a year has lifted the veil on what he’s really about.

Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

At sporadic intervals during his livestreams, Ab will throw in random criticisms, completely unprovoked, about paywalls and membership models, for no apparent reason. That’s his prerogative. It does open him up to criticisms of his own model, though

Look JLB, Ab has a working model for 11+ years. It’s called the value for value model. People donate to Ab based off of what they feel his content is worth. When Ab criticizes paywalls, it’s because he doesn’t like dealing with them to get content. It’s because of the aggravation that Ab is experiencing from these paywalls as to where the criticisms come from. Ab is saying micropayments or donations are better than paywalls but you’re presenting his position like he thinks Fuck Paywalls, everything should be free. No. Ab thinks no paywalls, Yes to donations and micropayments. Of course you get offended like Ab is talking about johnlebon.com membership but he’s talking about all websites that have paywalls.

one of the primary benefits of paywalls and membership models is that it weeds these people out.

Maybe you’re also weeding out good people who would donate to you.

A more realistic criticism of Ab when it comes to money / grifting is how he promoted — for months and months — Thiago / ‘died suddenly’ which turned out to be a brazen and shameless scam, built upon a spiritual (attempted) murder premise i.e. a mass die off due to muh jibbies (which of course never happened, but you won’t hear any apologies from the clowns who were pushing it).

That was a sad incident because it did lead to Velocet aka Joel leaving Fakeologist (for good?). Velo being Ab’s tech guy. Velo did a great job here cleaning up the look of Fakeologist and adding cool new features and hipping Ab to tech stuff Ab needed for Fakeologist. So a big loss.

The question becomes did Ab get taken by Tiago and had no idea? It’s hard to answer like chemtrails in Toronto or is Ab right about chemtrails being nonexistent there?

Who knows how many people were led astray by the Thiago (and Frank) ‘died suddenly’ / ‘mass die off’ bullshit? What a shemozzle.

Are you talking about Frank the Salt guy being involved with Tiago and his Died Suddenly Crew?

John le Bon
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

When Ab criticizes paywalls, it’s because he doesn’t like dealing with them to get content.

Of course, We all prefer to get things for free. I’m sure Ab’s customers would prefer he deliver their goods for free, too. But he doesn’t. Why do you think that is?

You won’t hear me (or any sane person) criticise Ab for charging money for his time and work.

you’re presenting his position like he thinks Fuck Paywalls, everything should be free.

I’m pretty sure that is exactly his position.

Maybe you’re also weeding out good people who would donate to you.

A price I am more than willing to pay.

That was a sad incident because it did lead to Velocet aka Joel leaving Fakeologist (for good?). Velo being Ab’s tech guy. Velo did a great job here cleaning up the look of Fakeologist and adding cool new features and hipping Ab to tech stuff Ab needed for Fakeologist. So a big loss.


Are you talking about Frank the Salt guy being involved with Tiago and his Died Suddenly Crew?

Last year they had a weekly show with Markus Allen, Frank, Thiago, and Ab. Apart from their ‘died suddenly’ doompr0n, it was an enjoyable show, and it was sad when it all came to an end. Frank would often cite statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (and /or elsewhere) which he claimed showed a concerning uptick in deaths, and suggested that this was part of the jibby mass die off which he and Thiago were pushing at the time.

The mass die off never happened. I am yet to hear anybody on this site recant their mass die off prognostications. Maybe you can see why this is a significant matter to some of us, maybe you cannot, that is up to you.

Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Of course, We all prefer to get things for free. I’m sure Ab’s customers would prefer he deliver their goods for free, too. But he doesn’t. Why do you think that is?

You won’t hear me (or any sane person) criticise Ab for charging money for his time and work.

I don’t want to speak more for Ab than I already have. I’m just going by what I’ve heard Ab say over the years on audios. He can obviously respond here.

You’re talking about Ab being a truck driver making deliveries. That’s an apples to oranges comparison to what we are talking about here. Ab curates content here mostly and produces shows and audio chats. How is that the same as truck driving? I don’t see it. I think Ab’s job is much more difficult and he spends a lot of energy and takes a lot of risk driving in the dangerous highways of Toronto.

I feel you keep making this about paywalls or free content when I’ve already pointed out how Ab has said he thinks there should micropayments or donations for content. Whatever value you think it’s worth, then that’s what you give. Ab gives money to No Agenda. They don’t have a paywall and tons of people donate money to them. Adam Curry and John C. Divorak are proof that the donation model works. Do you see how Ab will criticize paywalls not like a freeloader but because he donates to the person based off of what he thinks the value of the content is worth. Ab does spend money on content even though he’s against your paywall. I’m sure he would give you donations for your paywall content but he can’t see it. Like that Markus Allen audio you did back in the Summer. Ab kept asking you how much to get that audio and you kept sidestepping the answer but it’s behind a paywall. Maybe if you made stuff like that available for free, people like Ab who do the value for value model would donate to you for that Markus audio. Ab isn’t against paying for content he thinks is valuable, he’s against the paywall idea of paying for content.

I notice over the years you keep wanting Ab to do a paywall. You occasionally mention it. Why? Is that because you feel it will validate how you have a paywall for your content? Because Ab does go with donations and you realize this but you think he should put up a paywall. Again I don’t think Ab buys into paywalls at all and he doesn’t want to go full time Fakeologist and quit his day job. I think that’s what he would have to do in order to justify the paywall.

Last year they had a weekly show with Markus Allen, Frank, Thiago, and Ab. Apart from their ‘died suddenly’ doompr0n, it was an enjoyable show, and it was sad when it all came to an end. Frank would often cite statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (and /or elsewhere) which he claimed showed a concerning uptick in deaths, and suggested that this was part of the jibby mass die off which he and Thiago were pushing at the time.

The mass die off never happened. I am yet to hear anybody on this site recant their mass die off prognostications. Maybe you can see why this is a significant matter to some of us, maybe you cannot, that is up to you.

Now I see where you are coming from. Frank does like to cite those (hoax?) death stats and in an indirect way he was supporting Tiago’s Died Suddenly Group and their narrative on those Roundtable Shows in 2022. I think it’s time for Frank to address what his position was/is on dying suddenly from the CONvid jab and why he buys into government death stats when they could be fabricated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

I can’t answer for Frank, but I think I recollect him explaining his position as: the legal and financial systems require that some stats are true to function, and therefore he believes that these stats are real.

My issue with that would be why are the legal or financial systems real, as opposed to being just another form of mindcontrol? Frank would then say the legal system is based on the bible and is therefore true. Which I disagree with.

John le Bon
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

You’re talking about Ab being a truck driver making deliveries.

That’s what he spends the bulk of his time doing, it is how he makes his money. That’s the service he offers to people who want it. Why should he do it for free?

Ab gives money to No Agenda.

Yes, he has given over $1,000 to people who promote / defend the moon landing being real, viruses being real, you name it. It’s his money, he can spend it how he likes.

I’m sure he would give you donations for your paywall content but he can’t see it.

He never sent me a cent in the two years I published all of my material for free. Once again, you are making assumptions based on zero evidence. He has however sent me some epic coins in the past, and I have sent him some dollars in the past. Why are you commenting on things you don’t know anything about? Serious question, why are you doing that?

I notice over the years you keep wanting Ab to do a paywall.

In the past I thought this was a good idea for him, to weed out the cretins and spiritual parasites on the site. After the changes here over the past year or so, I have changed my mind, Ab’s current model may be the best for him, he seems to like it the way it is, he likes the kind of audience he has attracted, so fair enough, I wish him well with this model. If he ever did create a Membership section I would still be among the first to sign up, though.

Btw, wtf has happened to this blog? Why does the page keep jumping around when I am trying to read comments? It is an absolute shemozzle. I can’t be bothered with it. If you reply to me but don’t get a reply back, don’t take it personally. Not worth the effort. Surely Ab can fix this, or get somebody in who can. Am I the only one with this problem? The page keeps jumping up and down, takes ages to load, and there’s some bullshit livechat which keeps popping up even after I have clicked it away. It is as though Ab is trying to drive people away from here, that’s how bad it is.

Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

He never sent me a cent in the two years I published all of my material for free. Once again, you are making assumptions based on zero evidence. He has however sent me some epic coins in the past, and I have sent him some dollars in the past. Why are you commenting on things you don’t know anything about? Serious question, why are you doing that?

I was talking about your paywall content as far as Ab being willing to donate. You had 2 years of free content? When was this? Also it might have been when Ab didn’t buy into the value for value model. I think he started it in 2017?? Others too, like Chris Kendall. Before that I remember Ab spelled Markus like Marku$ to mock the Truth in 7 Minutes paywall. Since then Ab has changed his position.

I have a feeling that if you made the paywall content available, then Ab would donate to you. I gave an example with the Markus Allen audio you did from the Summer. Ab has expressed multiple times he wants to hear it. The thing is you have to ask that people donate to you like Ab does and others do. If people realize you want donations for your work based on the value they think they are receiving, then people would respond to that. I guess you think donations won’t work but that might be because you have to make sure to advertise you want donations when you’re putting out the content.

Btw, wtf has happened to this blog? Why does the page keep jumping around when I am trying to read comments? It is an absolute shemozzle. I can’t be bothered with it. If you reply to me but don’t get a reply back, don’t take it personally. Not worth the effort. Surely Ab can fix this, or get somebody in who can. Am I the only one with this problem? The page keeps jumping up and down, takes ages to load, and there’s some bullshit livechat which keeps popping up even after I have clicked it away. It is as though Ab is trying to drive people away from here, that’s how bad it is.

The page jumping happens to me when I use Firefox. If I use the Brave Browser, there is no page jumping. Ab should still fix the issue.

I agree that the Live chat popping up is annoying. Sometimes it feels like there is too much noise on the blog and that Velocet, if he ever comes back could simplify the website again because it’s reverting back to the way it was before Velo’s improvements.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

The browser jumping about thing is awful.

Here’s stats on browser usage in 2023:

Brave doesn’t register as a popular browser.

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  John le Bon

Is there possibly a place maybe a digital thrift shop that might house your work. In other words is it still available.

Grand Illusion
1 year ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

Well said. You hit the nail right on the head. Odd was pumped full of Epic energy last year because Epic was rocking and rolling. Now with the status of Epic and Max Freeman, Odd is being sketchy, dodgy and obviously that is not a good look for Epic.

Also I was always bothered by Odd’s frequent name changes. HeRose>Uncle Odd>Uncle Vigilante>Uncle E>Todd Pitner now at the Fakeo Discord of course coming after the Epic Collapse.

I really wanted to trust him after his Fakeo debut in 2017 (https://fakeologist.com/blog/2017/09/21/fac361-delcroix-herose-notsofreemason/) and his cool story about lending a hand to teenagers in trouble. Unfortunately over the years, Odd hasn’t really been about fakeology but more about how to get himself over using this platform. Like in 2020 he returned during CONvid to be Uncle Odd the crusader against masks and he was going to sue Costco taking them all the way to the Supreme Court. Then it was onto Epic after CONvid died down. Now that Epic could be on it’s last legs, where will Odd’s next grifting opportunity be?

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

theres no money truth thats for sure ,so stay away from solving any kind of riddle

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago

I get a kick out of everyone pretending that I didn’t tell them from the get-go that it was an epic C(r)ash… I even left long comments on the discord and even within here on one of his videos on all the problems with epic c (r)ash

And the toad stool of a mouthpiece Todd

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

i wanna get along ,but i can’t dave

iv’e heard that many sly digs at me over the years from socalled goodmen ,playground shit none that bothers me as the millenium fall-con retires them all ,more dissapointed in the honest men

i am literally waiting for an innocent to stumble onto fakeologist ,and revitalise my faith in the truth community

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

ye you have to get your kicks dave they do ,they are predictable though

it is easier to predict that a percentage of trumans town will get behind an idea ,usually the friends of truman will ease the way and the voices of disdain are never eloquent or friendly in the first place

im guessing the fakeologist would never invest anything he could not lose in a snap of the fingers and not lose a nights sleep over

as i said in the current crisis it is prudent to safeguard the value of things and crypto is no different to most ,they wont remove cash

aeon aton explains it well and he can sing and play

napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave j

remember i am superconfident that most of the chaps in here are houseclowns as i solved 911 years and years ago

it’s the masonic temple of solomon solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con

americas favourite spaceship toy is all three temple felled on 911 ,and until an innocent comes along we will get 4years 9 months more of shit to distract

and don’t worry
theres always a techy that will assist ,play the game

you know the rules ,one rentboy leaves buthurt another one comes in ,truman show provides all my entertainment ,same writers for all characters even special guest appearnces have to adhere to the rules

look ab likes the numbers game the views etc etc ,reaching more people ,and he never pushes anything that he cannot explain logically ,reasonably,frank delivered the figures which were what i would expect in a mass injection period

and lets not forget since the age of demoralistion went into stealth mode and recalled their brightest and best he’s not given any frauds any ammo

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

some no marks with pretend masonic members call him names woo hoo

still the only website in the world with me and my spaceship

napoleon wilson
1 year ago

im nearly at 40000 views for shit you houseclowns can’t touch because of your fears

told ya not to play with masons ,all they do is make grown men look like fucking retards


it is not hard to work out really houseclowns follow set lines of discussion and have a limit ,,this limit is set by their bosses

ergo they are controlled ,controlled fucks cannot read the millenium fall-con as it solves 911 psimple

cant have the holiest of holies divulged by some lowlevel tinternet truther especially one they pay

the lads ignore because its true the controlled truthers who get masonic money do also,the gatekeeping websites that regularly visit the place all ignore it,and yes it will retire them ,but so what they were not legit to start

we used to have an architect and a hypnotist a mason the lot ,now all we got is …………lets get it straight normies

and yet again these are all ideas new ideas or should i say new applications to an event everyone was so sure they knew

i dont need this aggro i feel fucking frodo

Dave j
Dave j
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

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napoleon wilson
1 year ago
Reply to  Grand Illusion

why don’t you call into the fakeologist and give us all some foof for thought ,rollos just another character to me with no interest in anything conspiracy apart from pushing the 15 year old narrative of ,”we can all agree there no planes right”,then a quick plug of september clues then its back to being toad of toad hall fast car and drinking,like arthur with dudley moore

as i say the cats that were spinning plates when i arrived all stick to the narrative they were handed out before they got to fakeologist,shit before fakeologist was around

this expalins the lack of progression when explaining 911 .the reluctance to engagae in any masonic or movie making explanation that the houseclowns do not have an antithesis for

between you and me the interacting name calling and grudges of the same kabal of a dozen men and women who should know better is old

and i t was old when i left