FAK819-Frank the Salt Guy

  1. Oswald Mosley – Wikipedia
  2. ADRIEN ARCAND 1962 – Unique entrevue – English interview – YouTube
  3. Academic Agent Retrospective #17: Sensibly Centred – YouTube
  4. [email protected]

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richard benedict
8 months ago

@Frank You were right. Here is the clip you referred to where Bob Dylan says he made his “bargain” with”the Chief Commander”. As you mentioned in the show, if people listen to the full interview, Dylan explains that his lyrics were “magically” written.
Thank you clarifying. I had forgotten the context.


full interview

Last edited 8 months ago by Willard
8 months ago

Have you checked out Dirty Benny’s work on this at the Fakeo Forums?



Max Martin is a channeler to produce some of the hottest pop songs:

“I’m a human fax machine.” Spirits telling artists what to write


These aren’t just about actors channeling spirits but there are different musicians disclosing they channel spirits too

richard benedict
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Thank you for providing these links. No,I am unfamiliar with the DB. After perusing his posts, yes, you both understand the questions I have. Thanks again for posting the links as the clarify the my question and are on target, imho.

8 months ago

Secret “Sykes-Picot Agreement” negotiated between British and French, divided up the remnant of the old, defeated Ottoman Empire in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Arabia and what we now call “Iraq”. After “World War I”. “Lawrence of Arabia” protested that it was betrayal and perfidy by the amoral British Empire against the honorable Arabs (Hashemites) who had shed their blood to tie down the Turks in that region. Put this together with the “Balfour Declaration” which was a promise from one British lord to another, that a “Jewish homeland” would be awarded by the victorious Empire. In exchange for critical support from… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

Just as nobody can account for the fact that Mussolini’s “revolution” (in government and culture) was praised and admired as the path of the future for Europe (and the “civilized” world) in the years between 1922 and the middle 1930s. He made the cover of “TIME” magazine several times. https://www.britannica.com/event/March-on-Rome ============== Many Zionists (and especially the.followers of Zev Jabotinsky) were passionate admirers and emulators of Mussolini, Giovanni Gentile, Julius Evola, Gabriel D’Annunzio and the fascist philosophy (essentialism and historicism); with its amazing successes, almost overnight, in purging corruption, new infrastructure, sanitation, modernization. Italian Jews came to overwhelmingly support Mussolni’s “progressive”… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by lynnertell
8 months ago
Reply to  lynnertell

I can account for it…..and everything else you might want to feign concern for.

Lifetime spoiler alert: it’s all simply scripted.



War is a hoax it is controlled demolition and strategic relocation as is so-called news,space etc so forth

8 months ago

@58 mins

Willard, don’t believe a word of it, about smj being “sensitive”. What an unfair and self serving characterization that is.

It’s long story, but Ab decided to give his admin wildtimes free reign over his discord server, and that meant sanctioning getting rid of old voices to clear room for new voices, or wildtimes friends. You can read about it, from my perspective, as it played out, here:

But no, smj is not oversensitive.

Last edited 8 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
8 months ago
Reply to  realalex

I just wish SMJ would come back to the Fakeologist Discord to do a tell all on why he left so people don’t gossip or spread rumors about why he left. This way we can have SMJ’s side of the story on record. I like SMJ. He tells it like it is and he has been around for almost the entire duration of Fakeologist. There is a lot of speculation on who Wild Times is and his behavior. A lot of theories out there. Whether it’s Napoleon’s Mason and Houseclown theory, Faye’s Intelligence operative theory or the petition for Velocet… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Smj is the best for destroying stories from within, using their own terms to show up the incoherence. Why would you let WT boot him? Let’s not forget, that WT was only on the server for a few weeks before he took over either, even if he says he was listening for years. I actually would have a bit of time for what he says, it’s quite interesting to hear what the conspiracy world thinks is real, but as a moderator he is a jumped up tyrant. I’m still deeply unimpressed that so few people call him out, unimpressed with… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by YouCanCallMeAl
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

i say let ab set up a discord of his own

and if you wanna use the audio which dozens do you gotta be a fakeologist first and read the blog ,oh and if you dont agree with me you gotta explain why

8 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

I don’t see how me or anyone else would figure that out since Armunn is already under that name Armunn Righ on the Fakeologist Discord. It did come across like who is this person that’s the new Fakeo Mod in town like when Brian installed Curvy Sexret Lady ( who eventually became a Fakeologist Donor) to moderator in one day. So that was an instance of Rookie Fakeologist to Fakeo Discord Moderator in 24 hours. I think Al took issue with that in 2022 when he was on the Discord before he got banned and Brian went apeshit because he… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Grand Illusion
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

cmon play the game gil
it’s all hands on deck for me and my spaceship ,what would happen if the only honest 911 website going gets the exact solution to 911

enough people lose their gigs in other honeypots 911 gets solved and ab’s honest website prevails

ergo send them into fakeologist the site in question

remember im gonna take the rainbow back for men like you and me x

Last edited 8 months ago by napoleon wilson
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

Because they’re spiritual and in some cases physical f*** all the way down.

The Antichrist spirit is homosexual by nature.

8 months ago

Let me be the first to say that that last caller was very good Now then to the cheap shot which Tim you made I understand and when I heard it I almost dropped my jaybird….. I quickly recovered and wondered why you would say such a thing so then let me explain why I said what I said first and then you can explain your words after or not no worries Frank is under the impression that he is currently living in the kingdom of God who is in his case what he calls the father and in truth… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  fakeologist

Thank you Tim.

8 months ago
Reply to  Davej

The bud is indeed biblical. I wonder what you would make of this Davej. She says:”We’re in the “belly of the beast (hell). Hel is the goddess of the underworld, aka MOTHER.

Matrix translates to “womb”. The MAtrix is Mother’s womb. And Mother is a MAchine. We feed Mother/MAchine (“god is a man-eater”).”

8 months ago
Reply to  flatsoh

i was reading today about therapeutics with thc cbd and marijuana in reference to diabetes and it helping some diabetics with day to day activities in reference to abs beautiful daughter ,its only in year four or five study

some good stories and results

but impossible for me suggest as i dont know the circumstances ,but i have a friend that i will inform also

i still chuckle at the effects people percieve to happen ,but the medical advantages of that plant are amazing

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

There’s a saying ‘If one man isn’t free, then no man is’. While the weed is under lock and key, we ain’t free. As the story goes it used to be expected of a farmstead to grow it, for the hemp fibre as well as the medicinal properties of the leaves, the Mayflower’s sails were made of hemp fibre. I’m sure I’ve read that diabetes can be reversed and it wouldn’t surprise me if the herb happened to be part of the process, there must be a way, poor Ab’s daughter. I caught junior on an audio and she’s a… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  flatsoh

that sounds like a bob marley lyric ,

i dont think we have heard abs daughter in question yet ,the spitfire we got was catch 22 abs other pride n joy,
spitfire means confident intelligent young woman .
yes the hemp story leads into media fakery and with a sidestep into marketng and boom weve hit pharmaceutical propogander ,then its full steam ahead for 70 years

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Yes for sure. It can be taken in many different ways it does not have to be smoked it can be Vaped it can also be extracted into butter or any other natural fatty substance milk eggs etc there are many ways to infuse it into one’s diet oil being the easiest that can go into breads cookies cakes anything really.

I was in the business a long time and still have videos on how to do these different processes and can explain it as well it is quite simple

8 months ago
Reply to  Davej

good to know dave thanks ,

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

spitfire, that’s sweet. i heard her with Viking Helga who’s also a spitfire, be nice to hear them again. Yeh, reefer madness, they really treat us like fools. The junk they had my gran on the family had to fight to get her off as she was in a home, she had dementia and the last thing you need is something making you more confused. Psych meds and psychiatry are a crime against mankind, but then just about all that’s going down is, bahhh

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

We did hear from Miss Junior Fakeologist (not Catch 22) back in the Summer of 2022. It was on an Uncle Odd Broadcast where Odd rushed her off the show because he had major major big time Epic Not Cash News to tell everyone


Also Ab recorded this one between him and his daughter about CONvid


Last edited 8 months ago by Grand Illusion
8 months ago
Reply to  grandillusion

yes i remember now thanks ,what a sweetheart too

8 months ago
Reply to  napoleon

Cheers yes indeed

8 months ago
Reply to  flatsoh

Yes this(world)(idea of) is (hell). Now then listen to the shows coming up and listen for the different voices you will hear the blatant spiritual homosexual . When you hear the feminine voice in a so-called man asks them and they will admit to you in rage that they are in fact and in deed Antichrist, You will hear that they speak through their nose or they speak literally like a feminine woman Thank you for the video cheers Also within the Bible it states that all those who escape the matrix are blessed it’s the idea of the firstborn… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Davej

Yes the 2020 or ZoZo viZION assimilation has harvested many souls I fear. The Lucifirean pact they talked about everyone taking, to partake in the so called NWO, is you gotta be gay to play. The Timelord’s gone Gaylord, which was always going to be the case as it’s science = zionce, the test-tube babies of the brave new world, the freemasonic G.O.A.T. ride into the underworld. The parties over I’m afraid. The destruction of masculinity, and so femininity, no ying without yang, game on.   And yes you can’t ‘come as you are’ into the Kingdom, but have to be… Read more »