FAK994-Lynn Ertell

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George Orwell
1 month ago

Praise for Lynn – ‘Seriously..another drill slash “real event” mainstream news isn’t telling us about?’ .. ‘Isn’t giving us the full details on’?’ ‘Details we only find when we go deep with some real investigative integrity as Lynn does!’

1 month ago

Point of order:
I would like to hear from all of the lurkers and those other so-called men and women who frequent this forum.

(Statement at issue) Tim the so-called fakeologist claims that everyone lies for money.

Going way back to your childhood memory that is what the one kid says who is trying to get away with their own behavior by stacking it upon everyone else as well.

My question then to everyone who frequents this forum what is the price that you are willing to take as an offer to lie to your friend neighbor sister brother mother or father and even that stranger on the street what is your price?

I do not lie for any reason so that statement alone breaks the “everyone”.

Tim the so-called fakeologist…. you by your statement alone witnessed against yourself the act of lying for money

1) what have you lied about for money and what was your price?

if your answer is that you have not then you simply lied against everyone else in existence.

Talk about a mass spiritual murderer.

Answer the question what have you lied about and how much money did you take to do it.

I want to hear answers from the “every-body”.

The so-called owner of this site called every one of you a liar for money…… what say you?

1 month ago
Reply to  Davej

I would say this could be a language issue.

‘Everyone’ can mean the idea of a generic individual, rather than every single person. I would imagine that this is the sense that ab uses it. Ab does not speak for me.

In this case, I would agree that the average person does lie (by choosing to remain ignorant) and complicit to many moral problems on account of money. As I now understand it, I would not want to be ‘a professional’ anything really, not a teacher, doctor/nurse, government official, police man, soldier. I do not want to profess anything (hiring my mouth and morals out) that some external authority requires me to do, for money. I will speak for myself.

And you Dave? Knowing what you know now, would you go into the army again, or do you have some regrets about taking the army’s money and in being complicit in the military shenanigans?

1 month ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

I was never in the army dimbulb.

I ask you answer you do not ask.

1 month ago
Reply to  Davej

Yes, you were in the navy, sorry.

You asked for people to respond, so I did.

But don’t worry if you don’t want to respond about whether you feel complicit about your actions as a professional in the navy. The past is the past, we all make mistakes and hopefully learn to be better people as we go.

1 month ago
Reply to  YouCanCallMeAl

So then you are a liar or did you just make a mistake….

Do not answer

Either way take the time to secure your mouth

Last edited 1 month ago by Davej
1 month ago

If the moderators of the forum were not such cowards this would have been up there for all to see.

It’s unfortunate that true work is called digital graffiti by the very characters that claim to be mad about The silence.

1 month ago

AB… It is actually okay to be ignorant however silence with ignorance is preferable… You literally sound like a buffoon. You call yourself the leading edge (in different forms and fashion)
you don’t even have a sharp point…. It is as sharp as the end of a almost perfectly round watermelon… Speaking of watermelons it is of and simply “farce value”

You have a search engine…..sport…… Right there in front of you genius…. take a silent moment, bring up the story refresh yourself even if you have to read the first few paragraphs out loud…

At no point in fact at 0 point there should be no one who is familiarized themselves with this site or this realm should have to be pulled from the edge of death there should be no one in this room claiming that anybody died or got hurt with these events.

How many of you geniuses have figured out after more than a decade that war is a hoax it is controlled demolition and strategic relocation and if you claim that you know that why is it that you don’t know it every single second of the day why is it that you have to be reminded of it why is it that when you speak it sounds like you don’t get it.

That is one of two things complete and will filled ignorance.

Or you are simply doing the will of your father Satan the devil the liar and thus your mission in life is to bring other men and women into error by your fained ignorance.

That should not be any waste of time what should then happen is you notice the names being used and if you paid attention at all over the last decade plus you should easily be able to put a few clues together you have to be at least one step ahead of your audience as of now you’re not even trying to walk.

Do better.

Now then I did two videos on this abundant Life Christian School hoax nobody died and nobody got hurt the very day it happened even within the hour
I will post both videos I made here they are less than 2 minutes each.

This type of direct proof and evidence is called digital graffiti on the fakeologist forums and such is deleted banned and dismissed.

With that said anyone who would like to actually see the very basic story behind The hoax I offer you these two short videos.



PS don’t let Lynn fool you she does not even answer emails sent to her…… She wants to be right she just does not know how there is no there there.

With repentance will come life and only she can let that happen.

Here is a way that you can get through this without error if you don’t know keep your mouth shut. Do not false witness death for any reason.

Can you get through today as a test to yourself without the false witness of death or bringing some other man or woman into the state of false witness and morning for a story or an event or a care or concern that does not concern them can you do that can you instead of serving your own self an ego can you then and thus turn and share life itself and not death weeping wailing and a state of mourning.

Try today pilgrims stop being a tool of the false lie hoax system stop bringing yourself into the state of mourning by your own ignorance.

Be blessed

Apply as needed,

Last edited 1 month ago by Davej
1 month ago
Reply to  Davej

just a friendly reminder
