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Latest revision as of 14:40, 8 March 2024

File:Apollo 15 flag, rover, LM, Irwin.jpg

The Apollo program is the name given to the "space" missions from Apollo 1 to Apollo 17.


File:Saturn v liberty comparison.jpg

Into The Unknown

  1. Into The Unknown
  2. 09/12, 1962; "We CHOOSE To Go To The Moon"[MSM 1]
  3. Holy Holocaustos
  4. Tour de France
  5. Mapping The Unknown
  6. The Unknown Back
  7. Tha Bumpy Ryde
  8. A Giant Leap
  9. Premature Separation
  10. Fifty Falcons - Feather and Hammer trick
  • Back To The Future: Nov 2016
  • Neil & Buzz on the Moon

Don't Mention the ****

  1. Don't Mention the **** - AS15 Rendezvous
  2. Michael Collins Is Not Lying!
  3. Fame or Shame?
  4. Milky Way or Mars?
  5. 90s Carton Cartoons
  6. Gaia and Selene - AS17 Earth and Flag
  7. Money Money Money
  8. Apollo 13 - The Nightmare
  9. Apollo 13 - Hanks & Hollywood
  10. Apollo 13 - Geris's Thoughts
  • Back To The Future: Jan 2019

Jump Suit Superstar

  1. Rabbit Rovers
  2. Hypersonic Space Needles
  3. Energetic Particles
  4. Cold Feet
  5. Glow In The Dark
  6. Jump Suit Superstar
  7. Selenology 4 Dummies
  8. Chía's Kinesiology
  9. Fisherman's Wisdom
  10. Clownworld 101 - JFK
  • Back To The Future: Sep 2015

True Explorers

  1. True Explorers
  2. 1783
  3. The History of Controlled Flight
  4. "1492"
  5. Can You Hear Me Now?
  6. Mr. Bean & JFK
  7. Claim to Fame
  8. Brands, Bands & Benz
  9. Russki Magic
  10. Exploration of Space
  • Back To The Future: Feb 2016
  • 1542 (FART Fool Moon)

Mountain of Evidence

  1. Rocky Balboa
  2. Propping Up
  3. Mirrors on the Moon
  4. ROFL
  5. Layers of Deception
  6. Heeps of Magic
  7. Act 1 and Act 2
  8. BUSTED!
  9. Blue Marble
  10. Moonwalkers: Kubrick's Holidays
  • Back To The Future: Sep 2017

Apollo 1-10

Apollo 1

File:Apollo1-Crew 01 (square crop).jpg
  • Gus Grissom "died" on Holocaust Remembrance Day in a holocaustos; a sacrifice with fire
  • No mechanical engineer would step into a 100% oxygenated environment.
  • All other Apollo capsules were empty; it was a theater show, why not the first one?
  • Crew[MSM 2][MSM 3]
  1. Gus Grissom
  2. Ed White
  3. Roger Chaffee

Apollo 4-7

Apollo 4[MSM 4]
Apollo 5[MSM 5]
Apollo 6[MSM 6]
Apollo 7[MSM 7]
  • 10/11 (88) 1968
  • Test flight of Block II CSM in Earth orbit; included first live TV broadcast from American spacecraft[MSM 2]
  • 6 months after Apollo 6
  • Crew
  1. Wally Schirra
  2. Donn F. Eisele
  3. Walter Cunningham

Apollo 8

  • 12/21 (33, winter solstice) 1968[MSM 8]
  • First circumlunar flight of CSM, 10 lunar orbits in 20 hours. First crewed flight of Saturn V.[MSM 2]
  • 2 months after Apollo 7
  • Crew
  1. Frank Borman
  2. James Lovell
  3. William Anders

Apollo 9

  • 03/03 (33) 1969[MSM 9]
  • First crewed flight test of Lunar Module; tested propulsion, rendezvous and docking. EVA tested the Portable Life Support System[MSM 2]
  • 2 months after Apollo 8
  • Crew
  1. James McDivitt
  2. David Scott
  3. Rusty Schweickart

Apollo 10

  • 05/18 1969[MSM 10]
  • "Dress rehearsal" for lunar landing. The LM descended to 8.4 nautical miles (15.6 km) from lunar surface.[MSM 2]
  • 2.5 months after Apollo 9
  • 2 months before Apollo 11
  • Crew
  1. Thomas P. Stafford
  2. John Young
  3. Eugene Cernan

Apollo 11-17

  • FA = Featured Article
  • GA = Good Article
  • red = pathetic
# Year Launch Landing Take-off Return Rocks (kg) Wiki Crew Notes Map Refs
11 1969 07/16
(13:32 UTC)
(20:17:40 UTC)
(17:54 UTC)
(16:50 UTC)
21.55 FA Neil Armstrong
Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Michael Collins
First landing on the Moon
Three new minerals were discovered in the rock samples collected by the astronauts: armalcolite, tranquillityite, and pyroxferroite. Armalcolite was named after Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins. All have subsequently been found on Earth.
File:Apollo 11 photo map.svg
[MSM 11]
12 1969 11/14
(16:22 UTC)
(06:54:35 UTC)
(14:25 UTC)
(20:58 UTC)
34.35 • Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr.
• Richard F. Gordon Jr.
Alan L. Bean
Mr. "I don't think we went through the Van Allen Belts" Bean. [MSM 12]
13 1970 04/11
(19:13 UTC)
- - 04/17
(18:07 UTC)
0 Tom Hanks Hollywood Story. Allegedly all the time in the LM. No radiation problems! [MSM 13]
14 1971 01/31
(21:03 UTC)
(09:18:11 UTC)
(18:48 UTC)
(21:05 UTC)
45 Alan B. Shepard Jr.
• Stuart A. Roos
Edgar D. Mitchell
Golf on the Moon.
[MSM 14]
15 1971 07/26
(13:34 UTC)
(22:16:29 UTC)
(14:25 UTC)
(20:45 UTC)
77 FA David R. Scott
Alfred M. Worden
James B. Irwin
First time Lunar Rover. Feather and hammer magic trick. AS15 photos, A15555 rock sample.
[MSM 15]
16 1972 04/16
(17:54 UTC)
(02:23:35 UTC)
(01:25 UTC)
(19:45 UTC)
95.71 GA John W. Young
• Thomas K. Mattingly II
Charles M. Duke Jr.
[MSM 16]
17 1972 12/07
(05:33 UTC)
(19:54:57 UTC)
(22:54 UTC)
(19:24 UTC)
114 Eugene A. Cernan
• Ronald E. Evans
Harrison H. Schmitt
Last and only mission with a geologist. Blue Marble shot.
File:Apollo-17lunar excursions--map.png
[MSM 17]

Apollo 11

File:Apollo 11 lunar module.jpg

Main article: Apollo 11
...Armstrong walked 196 ft (60 m) from the LM to snap photos at the rim of Little West Crater while Aldrin collected two core samples. He used the geologist's hammer to pound in the tubes – the only time the hammer was used on Apollo 11, but was unable to penetrate more than 6" (15 cm) deep. Two types of rocks were found in the geological samples: basalt and breccia.[MSM 11]

Soviets claimed to have tracked the landing of the "Eagle" and the giant leap by Armstrong live from Moscow. This is physically impossible, as these moments were allegedly taking place when Moscow was on the other side of Earth, away from the Moon.[R 1]

  • Apollo 11 "The Eagle" "landed" at 20:17 UTC (=15:17 US CST, 16:17 EST, 13:17 PST, 21:17 BST, 22:17 CEST) on Sunday, so everyone could see it, the whole weekend could be filled with media propaganda and people have something to talk about in the office/on holidays next day, reinforcing the myth...


Apollo 12

Main article: Apollo 12

  • Just 4 months (!!) after Apollo 11
  • Much less attention, "boring", people were not watching it, even though it was in "dark" November northern hemisphere TV time...


Apollo 13

File:Apollo 13 - Earth during journey home.jpg
"Earth" from "Apollo 13" back to Earth; Gaia: this can never be a photo of Earth

Main article: Apollo 13

"And so it is that on April 11th, 1970, Apollo 13 blasts off with Tom Hanks and a couple of somewhat lesser known actors on board, but unlike the first two missions, this Apollo spacecraft fails to reach the Moon and instead drifts about for the next six days with the crew in mortal danger of being forever lost in space! Now that gets our attention! So much so that when three Vietnam vets hold a multi-city press conference in New York, San Francisco and Rome on April 14th, attempting to publicize the ongoing Phoenix Program in which they have participated and have firsthand knowledge, nobody can really be bothered with paying much attention. It's hard to be too concerned about the fate of Vietnamese villagers, you see, when Tom and the boys are clearly in trouble." - Dave McGowan (2010) - Wagging The Moondoggie, p.26[R 2]

Apollo 14

Main article: Apollo 14

"Shepard and Mitchell made their lunar landing on February 5 in the Fra Mauro highlands – originally the target of the aborted Apollo 13 mission. During the two lunar EVAs, 94.35 pounds (42.80 kg [=14, on Apollo 14] ) of Moon rocks were collected, and several scientific experiments were performed. Shepard hit two golf balls on the lunar surface with a makeshift club he had brought with him. Shepard and Mitchell spent 33​1⁄2 hours on the Moon, with almost 9​1⁄2 hours of EVA."[MSM 14]

Apollo 15

File:Apollo 15 flag, rover, LM, Irwin.jpg
Jim Irwin salutes the United States flag """on the Moon""", August 1, 1971 (88)
File:Apollo 15 Earth1.jpg
"Earth" from "Apollo 15" translunar orbit; Gaia: this can never be a photo of Earth
  • ...televised back to Earth, the camera operated by Worden.[MSM 15]

"Another controversy surrounding the Fallen Astronaut statuette that Scott had left on the Moon, arose later. Before the mission, Scott had made a verbal agreement with Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck to sculpt the statuette. Scott's intent, in keeping with NASA's strict policy against commercial exploitation of the US government's space program, was for a simple memorial with a minimum of publicity, keeping the artist anonymous, no commercial replicas being made except for a single copy for public exhibit at the National Air and Space Museum commissioned after the sculpture's public disclosure during the post-flight press conference. Van Hoeydonck claims to have had a different understanding of the agreement, by which he would have received recognition as the creator of a tribute to human space exploration, with rights to sell replicas to the public. Under pressure from NASA, Van Hoeydonck canceled a plan to publicly sell 950 signed copies."[MSM 15]


"The rock is a 9.614 kg (21.20 lb) olivine-normative basalt. It is named after mission commander David Scott, and it is the largest sample returned to earth [sic] from the mission, as well as the most intensively studied. It was collected by Scott on the rim of Hadley Rille, at station 9A. """Lunar""" sample 15555 is a coarse-grained, porphyritic rock with rounded olivine phenocrysts (1 mm) and subhedral zoned pyroxene phenocrysts (0.5-2 mm) set in a matrix of poikilitic plagioclase (up to 3 mm). """Lunar""" Sample 15555 Station 9A."[MSM 18]



A15 Space Porn Photo

Feather and Hammer trick

  • Gaia: "This must be an old vaudeville traveling circus magic trick. Not necessarily with a hammer, so hard to find in old books (if those tricks even got described in detail, many stayed secret), but this smells on all sides like an old Trick By The Voodoo People."

Apollo 16

Main article: Apollo 16

  • Category on WikiCommons: "Category:Apollo 16 moon photography (dump)" - 1845 photos...

Apollo 17

File:Schmitt with Flag and Earth Above - GPN-2000-001137.jpg

Main article: Apollo 17

  • Category on WikiCommons: "Category:Apollo 17 moon photography (dump)" - 3609 photos...


Other programs

File:Moon landing map.jpg

Lunokhod (USSR)

File:Soviet moonrover.JPG
  • Launch mass - 5,600 kilograms (12,300 lb)
  • Dry mass - 756 kilograms (1,66[6] lb) (rover only)
  • Power - 180 watts
  • Launch date - November 10, 1970
  • Although only designed for a lifetime of 3 lunar days (approximately 3 Earth months), Lunokhod-1 operated on the lunar surface for 11 lunar days (321 (33) Earth days) and traversed a total distance of 10.54 km.[MSM 19]

Luna (USSR)

Surveyor (USA)

See also




Extra material



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Jarrah White - MoonFaker
Deep Thoughts Radio
Famous analyses