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Newspeak is the term for newly invented language, coined by British writer and visionary Eric "George Orwell" Blair in his grand epic Nineteen Eighty Four (1949).[O 1] At Eye am Eye Radio we have come up with quite the selection ourselves, see (get value!), expand (bounce brains with us!) and score (= social credit !) below!


was the official language of Oceania

for an account of its structure and etymology see Appendix

Orwell, 1984, p.6 [O 1]

list of Newspeak

  • (nineteen eighty four: ?? ) - the mentalversity; 89 and counting
  • see score Winnie the Flu below
  • per 22 November 2020
Newspeak meanings and origins
come Bounce Brains with us for more mutual growth!
¶ aSHIFT. origin know more !
the Gaia Guidestones - nov 20 Georgia Guidestones + Gaia [Divinity] 14.4.49
MP-ULTRA - sep 20 MK-ULTRA + M & P [listen!] 13
Brave New Word - nov 20 Brave New World (1932) + New Word Order 14.4.49
the Learned Elders of the New Word Order - sep 20 the Learned Elders + New Word Order 13 + 14.4.49
serendicity - nov 20 serendipity [sign of Gaia] + synchronicity [idem] ...
... ...
¶ World War W '
World War W - mar 20 World War Wuhan, World Wide Web 03
the Great Remindset - nov 20 the Great Reset + Reminding us where we come from and need to rethink our thinking FAC 786
the Farmandroid Age - nov 20 (Animal) Farm + Android 14.4.2
the World of Maskedness aug 20]] the World of Madness + masks 14.1
Corona Craze - mar 20 Corona + Craziness / Craze 02

corporate onslavement - oct 20
the Anti Freeze Masons - nov 20
distorture - distortured
Farmageddon (Winnie the Flu)
Batmania - nov 20
Coronacaust - mar 20

Corona Cult - nov 20
Corona Coma - nov 20
Covid Coma - nov 20
Comodovirus - nov 20
scampanic - aug 20
Coronarrative - sep 20
dotcomniwar - sep 20
Weapons of Masked Distraction - may 20

Game of Clones - [ apr 20 Game of Thrones + clones 04
Take No Dosis - [ apr 20 Take No Gnosis + dosis 06
... ...
¶ the mentalversity origin know more !
the mentalversity - oct 20 1 - diversity of the mind
2 - diverse thought vs. university
join the mentalversity
@ Eye am Eye Radio ‼
self fullshilling prophecy - oct 18 "shill" + self fulfilling prophecy Piece of

schwabbed (Uncle Odd) - nov 20
schwabbers - nov 20
mortcage - nov 20

bouncing brains - may 20
abnormie (Winnie the Flu) - jun 20
Walmartians (Learnshare) - jul 20
expotential (Learnshare) - jul 20
electrickery (Learnshare) - jul 20
jewmatria (inlinebodychalk) - nov 20
mind matching - oct 20
immentality - nov 20

... ...
¶ psyopolitical origin know more !

psyopath - mar 16
falsassinated - oct 20
statheism - jul 06
Wahnsee Conference
Philthy Blanks

... ...
¶ twistory origin know more !
twistory - nov 20 twisted + history; the History Hoax, 14.3.2
Prenaissance- nov 19 pre + Renaissance Fomenko
Soapibor soap (stories) + Sobibor 14.5
... ...
¶ society origin know more !

meme -> usus
antisocial media
predictable programming

... ...
¶ (((they))) & them origin know more !

Animal Farmers- sep 20
Faux Forces - aug 20
niggajews - jul 19
Crazy Apes - jul 16

wombies - nov 20 wandering/web zombies (I word I hate) 14.4.1
New Normies - may 20]] New Normal + normies 09
enormies - nov 20 enormous normies ...
chickenbrain eaters - dec 18 NPCs; people who exist but (should) play no role in your life 06
... ...
¶ other origin know more !

Uncle Benno

... ...
on request

contra-devolution - oct 20

for friends

dotcomedian - oct 20

Newspeak scores

  • 1 scorer - Winnie the Flu - 20-11 & 24-11 2020
  • this is what SOCIAL CREDIT means!
Newspeak scores & social credit
rank Newspeak birth origin partly synonymous listen read scorer score /10
01 Corona Coma Nov 20 Bouncing Brains off air with Winnie the Flu Corona Cult, Corona Craze, Coronacaust, Coronarrative (# 08), the World of Maskedness Mollycast 14.4.49 - the Gaia Guidestones - 129 min of Brave New Words Mollycast 14.4.49 - the Gaia Guidestones - 129 min of Brave New Words Winnie the Flu 14.4
02 psyopath March 16 psyop + psychopath Crazy Apes, niggajews, Animal Farmers* [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 14
03 twistory II Nov 20 (that day's pride) origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 13.5
04 Soapibor II Nov 20 soap in Sobibor [ Patroncast 14.4.1] read Winnie the Flu 12.5
05 the Great Remindset Oct 20 the Great Reset = a New World Opportunity for US World War W, World of Maskedness, the end of the Transhumanist Age FAC 786 read Winnie the Flu 12
06 the Gaia Guidestones Nov 20 the Georgia Guidestones + Gaia; Divinity ... [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 10
06 serendicity Nov 20 serendipity + synchronicity ... [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 10
06 Coronarrative Nov 20 origin Corona Cult, Corona Craze, Coronacaust, Corona Coma (# 01) [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 10
09 wombie Nov 20 origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 9
10 self fulshilling prophecy Oct 18 origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 8
10 twistory II Nov 20 (that day's pride) origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 8
10 immentality Nov 20 (on the spot) origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 8
13 Animal Farmers Sep 20 origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 5
14 Shanksvillains Sep 19 origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 2
15 Soapibor I Nov 20 soap in Sobibor [ Patroncast 14.4.1] read Winnie the Flu 2
16 the Farmandroid Age Nov 20 origin synonyms [ listen] [ read] Winnie the Flu 1
  • the mentalversity vs. wombie immentality

Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty Four

File:Animal Farm Flag (Animated).svg
chapter 1
  1. Newspeak [O 1]
  2. Victory Mansions [O 2]
  3. BIG BROTHER [O 2]
  4. telescreen [O 3]
  5. Thought Police [O 4]
  6. Ministry of Truth [O 4]
  7. Minitrue [O 1]
  8. Hate Week [O 2]
  9. Minipax - Ministry of Peace [O 5]
  10. Miniluv - Ministry of Love [O 5]
  11. Miniplenty - Ministry of Plenty [O 5]
  12. Victory Gin [O 5]
  14. Two Minutes Hate [O 7]
  15. Fiction Department [O 7]
  16. Junior Anti Sex League [O 7]
  17. Inner Party [O 8]
  18. Enemy of the People [O 9]
  19. VAPORIZED [O 10]
chapter 2

  1. ... help counting and growing ‼


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Nineteen Eighty Four

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Orwell, 1984, p.6
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Orwell, 1984, p.3
  3. Orwell, 1984, p.4
  4. 4.0 4.1 Orwell, 1984, p.5
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Orwell, 1984, p.7
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Orwell, 1984, p.10
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Orwell, 1984, p.13
  8. Orwell, 1984, p.14
  9. Orwell, 1984, p.15
  10. Orwell, 1984, p.24




George Orwell

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