Eye AM Eye Radio/musiversity

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Eye AM Eye Radio
principles philosophy
Dorians DJ G LALO melodisch Pic zang
Presential Lydians
Virtual Mixolydians

Eye AM Eye Radio as of 2024 offers all of yous a unique opportunity of aiducation, to not only better learn languages, but doing that with your favorite music, while understanding that favorite music better, with a novel concept 8 class course !

for the price of just 2 hours of private lessons of either language or music, at academic levels, PER MONTH !

which, if you really would book those 2 hours, that would, like physical training, not be enough to learn anything...

"I am working out" how often per month ? "2 hours"

ehh, that's no se que, but not "working out", you're not TRAINING anything, not AIDUCATING your muscles, nor mind, so better quit that expensive contract....

the only things YOU have to do is:

  • be interested in music and in learning either English, Spanish or Dutch better
  • have 2 hours per month available to have a good talk about what you'll see
  • connected through Discord, at Eye AM Eye Radio
  • become a Melodic Matron at Patreon.com/iamiradio
  • and learn, listen, learn, enjoy, learn and speak more, better, more profound and more harmonic

on top of that you are part of a unique start of a new form of education, which is extra cool, nobody takes away being the first in something ! EVER !


1 free intro session for anyone interested 00
13 musiversity sessions for those we vibe with 01-14
14 musiversity mixes for those who subscribe to this unique form of aiducation
1 musiversity manco ; Mastering Masters are highly Needed !
one absolutely unique set of presentations, physical relics and memories, and outstanding style, you've never experienced anything like this harmonious mix
  • 00 MUISCA GEMz & Hard Wisdoms & Light Music Theory INTRO - Gonzalo Jímenez de Quesito with Tropical G
  • 01 METRO - Metro Gnome
  • 02 MELODY - Melody Gibson & Melalody
  • 03 MOTION - RHYTHMZ with Schelvis Presley
  • 04 MOUTH - Valentina Rossini evt with smooth jhonnie
  • P 05 MOOD - Sym Phony & Gin Pentatonic with Josep Forchetta
  • P 06 MUHAHAHA - comedy, fun with Hill Bicks & Handfish Teeuwen' evt with The Real Hans Teeuwen, literally the most welcome human on this Eath to chill and let creativity flow on our balconies in this Monsanatorium, yeah, kom langs beste Hans, je bent de absolute top, no kidding.
  • 07 MOTIVE - Angerfish & Miss K9 .......
  • REFLECTURES .... MEANINGs, MANCOs, MOTIVATORs - MASTERING, MOTION PICTURE, who knows about this, please step up !
  • 09 MIXING - Manu Cão evt with Mini Chao y ojalá algun día con Manu Chao, who knows... said CalmCardCandyMan
  • 10 MODESTY - aCHANGE. ecos nomos - the virtue of a modest living, the more we are the more we share, the more we share the more we are
  • 11 MEANING & MARKETING - aMAZE. with gaia Y Askoman y La Banda ??????
  • P 12 MODELS - with Dirty Letterz + NEW, NON AI Tech is there to help, toolz, AI is NOT a Tool, YOU are the tool, MinAIonz ! , evt with Deja Vu Records evt with Nico Kubrick & Dani Riefenstahl
  • 14 MAGIC - THAT UNIQUE TOUCH - THA ULTIMATE - only all of us can see the magic


jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
aWAY. PRES-01-02 P-03-04 P-05-06 P-07-08 aWAY. P-09-10 P-11-12 P-14 P-CERT aWAY.
V-07-08 V-09 + V-CERT VIRT-01-02 V-03-04 V-05-06


  • conversions according to XE.com at 4:20 PM on 04-02-2024 ...
USD EUR COP level starting key description goodies aCERT. aCOIN. aGAIN. TIME
0 Minionians C- Content only, anyone with Internet can access free stuff
5.80 5.38 23.000 Ionians C that we don't aLIGN. does not mean you cannot profit from our musiversal learning methods, you still have access to mixes & some virtual aid AVAILABLE
(mar 2024+) !
14.04 13.03 56.000 Dorians D Disciplus, those actively helping teach while being a student at the same time teaching lessons, mixes, motivation
36 33 144.000 Phrygians E esposos / extended family members / excellent friends = pay half price to practice with their paying partners ! virtual aid, mixes
72 67 288.000 Lydians F Fairtile participants exercises, mixes, exam, certification, you'll see
144 134 576.000 Mixolydians G Growers & Advanced module participants - investors in elevating quality levels on all sides; the whole philosophy of the model becoming disciplus H1 2025
432 400 1.700.000 Aeolians A anyone combining aHEAD. & aWAY. aWAY. huge discounts H2 2024
864 800 3.400.000 Locrians B Benevolent package including train the trainer, make the mixer & craft the chef 2025+
innumerable Metalocrians H Those who understand this philosophy and can teach it doing all the work, but it0s cool, certified only by performing through aCERT. by the Lydians, Mixolydians & Locrians !
please compare this to $ 36 USD for ANY academic level private class, ONE hour of either music or language, nada más
  • meaning that at the very least, when you want to learn both a language and music, you need
    • piano, singing, 1 h 2x / week = 8 h / month
    • English, Spanish, accessible languages if you're studious yourself still 2x 2h / week = 16 h / month
  • meaning a minimum cost of a stunning $ 864 USD PER MONTH, meaning even the maximum package WE offer, still is HALF price of your minimum, go figure...
  • NOTE; this is not including any of the extra lessons included in this unique package, because there simply exists no comparison



00 MUISCA INTRO with Tropical G

  • let's see if we vibe and get somewhere, together. If not, let's not waste each others time. But if we do, we will grow
  • para los Colombianos, este evento

together cause together we matter

to gather we better

  • some background music theory and practice is shared in this free-for-all-interested intro session
  • if we won't continue the project, your wise words may be used to aiducate others, never in an abusive or wrong way, quite the contrary

Quadrinity of Base Music Stems

  3. SAMPZ

meaning, every kind of music, a series of harmonic or sub-harmonic progressions on some kind of rhythm, falls into these 4 categories

  1. SYMPHZ - <1920s - till the jazz combos, that time
  2. STRINGZ - everything that falls under Rock, or Rock bands or derivatives of, variations on, etc.
  3. SAMPZ - Hip Hop - using existing music, sampled, to make new music
  4. SYNTHZ - TECHNO sensu lato - in the widest sense - Synthetic Music, not "Electronic Music", it is based on Synthesized Sound, simple

Eye AM Eye Radio originz

  • main overview: Eye AM Eye Radio originz
  • what follows from the former, how the creator of Eye AM Eye Radio analyzes it, is NOT creating a New Music Stem, how could I, but I am making a Symphonic Mix of all three later ones, in the style, but NEW, of the first, most forgotten SYmphonic Style, where most music was played from Other original artists, not their own music, like the STRINGZ started with "jazz, blues, rock n roll, salsa, eso"


  • K-Rino - Annihilation of the Evil Machine - 2010 - YouTube - LYRICS
  • 90 & 75 E & A

  • Angerfist & MC Robs - Overdosis - 2024 - YouTube - LYRICS NOT YET - our first Dutch & English lesson !
  • 90 F

  • mixed soon !
  • no hurries
  • no worries


cluedemy, cludemy, cludemia

min. monthly private lesson hours needed to call it "training":

  1. languages - 2x 2 hours a week, imagine trying to learn Arabic or Japanese, let alone Basque or |.Ubuntu click languages = 16 h / month
  2. music - 2x 1 hour a week = 8 h / month
  3. physical exercise / martial artistic / SD - Auto Defendo - 5 h / week = 20 h / month

how much SELF study, training, exercise, etc. is needed from the student, who doesn't magically turn a polyglot, melodious maniac or MMA artist without dedicating their OWN TIME...

             aMAY.               aWAY.               aCOIN.         aGAIN.        aCHAIN.      aCHANGE.

masterclass V 9 M 6 m 6 mix 2x 1w aWAY. I

               P 14 M 9 m 9 mix     1x 3w aWAY. II     

maestroclass assist 1w aWAY. I

               P 14 M 9 m           lead aWAY. II       

muiscaclass ............ lead & organize

            musiversity          ambiaversity          aiconomy        againsville      arock


those who teach their skillz while learning otherz at the same time
  • first 1+4 modules
  1. Tropical G
  2. Lalo
  3. melody
  4. Pic
  5. zang & smooth jhonnie
  • second 4 modules
  1. Josep
  2. Alkirk
  3. dans
  4. KONTACTO & Pic's Punches ?
  • second 4 modules
  2. modesty
  3. Askomarketing
  4. Dirty Letterz + Nico Kubrick & Dani Riefenstahl + other new NON-AI Tech
  1. everyone who recognizes that we, together, to gather to better, can create pure magic


list of absolutely NECESSARY for this
  1. James
  2. xRIOS
  3. Mauro Peek Toto
  4. Josep
  5. Alkirk
  6. Lucho
  7. OutlawZH2
  8. King Henry I
  9. Dirty Letterz
  10. Nico Kubrick
  11. Dani Riefenstahl
  12. Yanice Yoplin


the right candidates
  1. Oscar
  2. .....