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the 5 Cees to spend our valuable TIME

  1. Care
  2. Creation
  3. Construction
  4. Consumption
  5. Conspiracy

how do you spend the 168 hours any week (~1/4th of a lunar cycle) gives us ?


  • care for yourself - all care combined - aCORE.
    • including sleeping, feeding, washing, cleaning etc.
    • physical activities meant to strengthen you, not just for fun ; [[|#consumption]]
  • care for others - those dependent on you caring for them - aDORE.
    • children
    • family members, foster children, that old lady you pay a visit once a week
    • sick, elderly, extravalidated
    • pets including their cleaning and feeding


  • creating new things
    • ideas, concepts, proposals, scenarios - aHEAD.
    • art, meaningful creative expression of truthful messages - aMAZE.
  • helping others to create - AIDUCATION
    • creating an organic chain of creation - those inspired by your creations create organically onwards


  • building new things
    • the next step from creation, putting plans, ideas, scenarios
    • in ACTION
  • relies heavily on cooperation - nothing, ever has ever been invented and brought to life by one person alone


  • the passive times of the days
    • consumption can be filled by anything that stills the hunger for consumption from anyone
    • meaningful consumption, aligned with creation, construction or care, or awakening on / contextualizing of conspiracy is far preferred above brainless meaningless wasteful consumption of valuable TIME
  • do you prefer to go to Las Vegas or to La Vega ?


  • conspiracy is a cooperative plot to deceive someone or a group of people
    • we may well work our TIME aiding conspiracies that play in background we may not racognize at first glance....