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Aardschetenwappie is Newspeech, combining the Newspeech words in Dutch aardschetenwapper + wappie.

our linguiversity represents first an overhaul of the NAMES of the very languages in English. Such that we, Phor All Phonetically, as clearly and closely as possible talk about the same.


The fecking INVENTOR of the Decimal System

FOOLS of the day didn't optimally use his genius, yet in coinage it was done for and because of him

one of the last true Great Real Scientists

Cause Engineer

Meaning NO bullshitting, you've got floodings to fight, mister

hanging out and making friends, simply because he was a cool, clever, creative, versatile dude

Simon Stevin

thanks to him we KNOW 1-the Earth can never ever be Flat 2-we can never ever go to the Moon (as a result into Space, whatever, not possible, no way. EVER)

the guy freaking Newspeeched

the languages for the sciences and school subjects

for ever to come

meaning that the Dutch language is UNIQUE in having dedicated descriptive names for the sciences


  • scheikunde
  • wiskunde
  • natuurkunde
  • aardrijkskunde
  • aardwetenschappen
  • aardwetenschapper
Newspeech 01-03-2024 new Month

thanks to Kooten en De Bie


Schetenwapper a (Lysander) Spoonerism for the former


Scheten = Farts = Pedos = Furz (Fürze ??? kuttaal) =

Wapper = waver, someone who waves to get the BBQ burning

my extra layer now editing before publication, improving the whole lot to sky high levels, yeah, KISMET, why I do this, Divinspiration...


  1. Newspeak for "a tinfoil hat" = meaning NOW, especially since the Coronacaust ; "antivaxxer", basically
    • famous Dutch example, therefore I sympathize with the clearly keihardly working but not so talented (I can relate, I was exactly that type of footballer, combining weeks of pathetic failures with moments of Messi brilliance but always giving 129% compared to the rest. I mean compared to the next one on the pitch. Knowing me abit, you can imagine my energy levels, motivation and dedication when I play competitive sports that I enjoy and (try to be) good at....

Wout "Wappie - for not Wanting The Shots. Openly. My Deepest Respact for that" Weghorst

also Joshua Kimmich, Bayern München silent star player, yet outspokenly NOT in my body my Big Pharma opponent, I am not playing for Bayer, remember....

  1. BayerN MüNich - MüNcheN (not Münchhausen, thats something else, ok)
  2. Bayer - as in the Big Pharma ultragiant, related to BASF-IG Farben yaknow yaresourcesandsuch... Leverkusen, as in that town next to Cologne, 1. FC. Köln, beautiful stadium, had the joy to see Robin van Persie play with Arsenal against the local Red-Whites. Despite Bayern, Köln has the BIGGEST supporter share within Germany, yeah ?! Leverkusen has not, but is heading to win the Bundesliga for the very first time in 2024... so, quite KISMET, again and again...
  1. original ! = (Alles) Naar De Klote = 2nd half of 1990s Dutch Gabber scene (in which I was not a participant, my partying came not much later, but without ecstacy which is the quite literal hard core of Thunderdome to Mysteryland...)

wappie = uncontrolled Eye AM not Eye anymore twisting and turning balls in a happy face, totally off this world into the Mysteryland of Molly (meaning: XTC, pillz, snoepjes, (NotSoCalmManyCardsChewingCheeky)Candy...) mainly and maybe a line of periloco or speed (=Ritalin = whatever is so called "legal DRUGS"....)