Megalosaurus fossils

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Megalosaurus fossils
Buckland, Megalosaurus jaw
Buckland hyena
Official name First account of a fossil
dinosaur named Megalosaurus
by William Buckland
Year 1824
Date 00/00
Place London
Place United Kingdom
Place Europe
Perpetrator/s William Buckland

Official summary

In 1824 William Buckland became president of the Geological Society of London. Here he announced the discovery, at Stonesfield, of fossil bones of a giant reptile which he named Megalosaurus ('great lizard') and wrote the first full account of what would later be called a dinosaur.

In 1825, Buckland was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[9] That year he resigned his college fellowship: he planned to take up the living of Stoke Charity in Hampshire but, before he could take up the appointment, he was made a Canon of Christ Church, a rich reward for academic distinction without serious administrative responsibilities.

Fakeology Analysis


Mainstream links

  • Wikipedia: William Buckland [MSM 1]
  • Wikipedia - Geological Society of London [MSM 2]

Fakeology Classification

Psience psyops

Dinosaur hoax

Forgery psyops

Myth creation psyops

Alleged victims


Hoax management

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Narrative Analysis

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See also





Mainstream links