PsyOp Introduction

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A psyop, or psy-op, abbreviation for psychological operation, is an event or a series of fraudulent, deceptive events used by the perpetraitors to manage, regulate, influence and control the perception of reality on a local, regional or worldwide level. A psyop is scripted out, planned and conducted with the help of multiple specialized parties. The group designated to carry the blame for the psyop is called target culprits. The major psyop and matrix of all psyops in recent history is 9/11. Target culprit of 9/11 was the muslim population of the world.


military psyops
"Scientific" psyops
"Accident" psyops
Society psyops


Internet researcher Lenon Honor described the fear-based mind control psyops as a process with as steps Trauma - Fear - Externalization of Power - Control.[1]

See also




External links