The Fan

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The Fan is one of 3 TIMElines and the LIFEline for you. Meaning, your life, yourself, you, your aCORE. is shaped by The Fan.

YOUR Fan starts with your Birth and can fan out into ...

The Fan relates to The Iluvial Fan ; the individual expotential of you, at the TIME we talk, meaning your alluvial fan of realizable opportunities, within reach, not ultracomplex or expensive to get to....

The Fan potentially, for the fools, four minutes after Fool's Day twenty twenty Four, relates to The AIluvial Fan ; the ugly, mindhive, mindless mania surrender to an avoidable Building of the Beast

The Fans

gaia's Fans

  1. aCORE. - oothenthicity
  2. aCARE. - 1st job
  3. aDORE. - 2nd job
  4. xPLORE. - 3rd job
  5. aWAY. - 4th job - geo & bio, play in the sand or forest, search for most beautiful pebbles, shells, plants, etc.
  6. aPLAY. - 5th job
  7. aPLACE. - know your place nd new places beyond first 5 jobs you did
  8. aRACE. - you start racing, running, celebrting your first 5 jobs succeeded
  9. aMAZE. - drawing
  10. aMUSE. - music making - not jobs, but may be skillz later in LIFE = GROWTH = LIFE
  11. aLOUD. - 6th job - talking
  12. aLIVE. - self consciousness, 7th job self care
  13. aLETTER. - 8th & 9th job - reading & writing
  14. aWARE. - 10th job - discover world beyond family
  15. aRISE. - 11th job - you learn to cook
  16. aHEAD. - 12th job - teach other toddlers

other TIMElines