Andrew Bridgen and where the UK narrative is going?

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Re: Andrew Bridgen and where the UK narrative is going?

Unread post by Marfer »


Bridgen needs to check his script or get a continuity coach.

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Re: Andrew Bridgen and where the UK narrative is going?

Unread post by rachel »

I missed this one from Iain Davis, I'll copy the end bit.

The British Government?
...Sure, you voted to leave the EU but now you’ve elected to rejoin it. OK, so you didn’t vote to have policy decisions forced upon you by some remote oligarch run think tank either. Maybe world government isn’t what you thought you were supporting. But that’s all just too bad. Unfortunately for you, and the rest of us, if you voted in the UK general election, this is what you voted for, so you don’t have any right to complain.

Of course, the largest single group of voters didn’t elect any government at all and do have a right to complain. With 60% general election turnout—the turnout was below 50% in 59 constituencies—Labour’s paltry 20.4% of the total possible vote was resoundingly trounced by the 40% of the UK electorate who couldn’t be arsed to vote for anyone. The most popular choice in the UK, by a considerable margin, was no government.

Whether it was apathy, the wet and absolutely bloody freezing July weather—global warming eh?—or just the terminally depressing prospect of having to partake in the state’s quinquennial anointment ceremony, who knows? And frankly, who gives a damn?

The government was threatening us with violence if we didn’t comply and obey yesterday—a threat it can certainly back up by the way—and the government is still threatening us with the same today. Yesterday the government was blue, today it is red, what’s the difference apart from a Downing Street wallpaper change? It’s still the same government.

Globalist thinks tanks like the Trilateral Commission were controlling government policy yesterday and they still are today. Your “vote” meant absolutely jack-shit.

Still, It’s nice to imagine you have some sort of democratic oversight, I guess. That is, of course, if controlling what other people do is something that matters to you.

So what have we got as an alleged “government” at the end of the day?

About 20.4% of the electorate successfully imposed the tyranny of their favourite gang on the rest of us. Thanks to the absurdity that is representative democracy, this small minority have chosen Keir Starmer to be the consecrated talking-head fronting whatever policies the oligarchs want to foist on the rest of us. Of the remaining 79.6% of voters, about half wanted a different gang to wave flags for, but the other half didn’t want any gang at all.

A tiny minority, who certainly didn’t vote, think the idea of forcing someone else to do what you want by sticking a cross in a box once every five years is not only—literally—a box-ticking exercise, but also an absolutely appalling and morally bankrupt thing to do.

With 34% of the votes cast, Labour gets 64% of parliamentary seats because reasons. This means it doesn’t have to listen to anybody at all for the next five years. Although it will certainly be listening to a bunch of parasitic oligarchs because that is who government always listens to and actually serves.

The so-called UK government, which is really just a relatively minor “enabling” partner in the global public-private partnership, has absolutely no legitimate democratic mandate at all.

Which is yet another reason, in a very long list of excellent reasons, to ignore it completely.
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