NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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so when you see ,crowleys scarlet woman babalon or bikini leia you to or the red dress woman ,we can look for the other clues she is babalon at ground zero ,the whore of a story a metaphor for all the gullible apes
so we see thelema again in star wars ,at ground zero and yes our leia is in her bikini ,inside jahbulon craft ,jabba the hut
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The Old Testament devotes considerable attention to describing the portable tent, or tabernacle, of the Jewish people built under the leadership of Moses. After the conquest of Canaan the tabernacle and its contents remained at Shiloh throughout the time of Judges. After Shiloh was destroyed (about 1050 BC), the Ark traveled through various Philistine cities and finally was brought to David's palace south of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and then into the holy of holies of the First Temple dedicated by Solomon about 952 BC.
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The First Temple geometrically resembled the tabernacle though it was twice as large and built of immense quantities of stone, cedar wood and lined with gold. [See Exodus 25-31; 35-40, Numbers 3:25 ff, 4: ff, also Philo (II Mos. 91) and Josephus (Ant. 3:122 ff). Moses built everything according to a pattern revealed to him on Mt. Sinai, Hebrews 8:5.]

After the First Temple was completed (I Kings 5-8), the Tabernacle of Moses was dismantled. It may have been stored in a room under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. There is some evidence that it may still lie there to this day.

Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and the First Temple on the 9th of Av 586 BC, the Jews were then taken captive to Babylon and the city had no center of worship until Zerubbabel and the returning exiles built the Second Temple, completing it in 516 BC.

The Second Temple, modest in comparison with its predecessor, was rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great beginning in 20 BC. Herod recruited 10,000 workman and set them to the task commencing in the 17th year of his reign. Josephus gives vivid descriptions of the Second Temple and its environs, and also records the terrible destruction by the Roman general Titus in 70 AD

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I Kings 6 ff, I Chronicles 22 ff. 3, Ezra, Nehemiah and Haggai describe the rebuilding of the temple after the Babylonian captivity. This is the so-called "Second Temple" which Herod the Great later greatly enlarged. Jesus was dedicated in the Second Temple, He cast out money chambers there on two occasions, and He taught frequently in the temple courts.

During the 70 year captivity of the Jews in Babylon and again in the diaspora, just ending in the last century, the Jewish people have centered their worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in synagogues around the world. Since the terrible destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in AD 70, temple sacrifices, offerings, instruction, and worship have ceased in accordance with an Old Testament prophecy of Hosea (about 746 BC):

"For the children of Israel shall dwell many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or teraphim. Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and they shall come in fear to the LORD and to his goodness in the latter days." (Hosea 3:4,5)
Israel's Future Third and Fourth Temples
Temple Mount Org › ...
According to many Bible scholars, the fourth or "millennial temple" )(Ezekiel 40-45, will be memorial, a teaching center to instruct men about the holiness of ...
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"millennial temple" Ezekiel 40-45 metarons vision to zerubabel was copied by kubrick and lucas who both have the new temple as space vehicles ,kubrick embraced taurus alignment ergo minotaur in the labyrinth mixed with oz,where as lucas used rosicrucian mythos of dorothy in oz ,to recreate zerubabels vision from metatron ,seeing as metatron was the star alignment on 911 or should i say solomons temple alignment ,they were both correct in telling you the vision via a space narrative ,allbeit not as succinct as showing you the stars ,because that would mean nothing to keep secret on how these angel or angles correspond to the artistocrats rosicrucian vision and religion upheld with the current level of 911 truth ,fucking didn't expect me though ,amateur fucks!
jlb made me laugh tother day with a comment about exposing shills ,basically he said have you boys exposed any yet ,i nearly spat my piss drink out all over my flat earth map when i heard that

so now you know what the countermeasures are for exposing 911 magic ,no mib or heartattack guns ,or fast acting pancratic cancer ,no the countermeasures are big up the mans website ,convince him the lad telling the truth is bad to the bone ,pile on a shitload of retarded americans and hope he doesn't put his foot down on making you read the blog
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“Return to Oz” : A Creepy Disney Movie That is Clearly About Mind ControlPublished 9 years ago on December 11, 2014By Vigilant Citizen

how do i know what will have to be ignored ,because i fucking read

When Return to Oz was released in 1985, the movie received a somewhat cold reception. While viewers were expecting a sequel to the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz, the movie ultimately delivered a much darker experience. While The Wizard of Oz featured munchkins singing about lollipops, Return to Oz features Dorothy being taken to a grimy mental hospital, strapped down on a bed to be electroshocked … and then things get worse.

Described by one movie critic as “bleak, creepy and sometimes terrifying“, Return to Oz is one of those movies that makes one wonder why they were marketed to children. However, when one understands the hidden underlying meaning of the movie, things make more sense. The movie is secretly about trauma-based mind control, the most sadistic practice known to man, so those behind it probably took sadistic pleasure in scaring young viewers around the world.

Return to Oz symbolically describes the horrific process of trauma-based mind control as experienced by a young girl. Also known as MKULTRA, mind control is about subjecting victims to trauma that is so intense it causes them to dissociate, or disconnect, from reality as a response mechanism to protect their conscious mind. The slave’s handler then creates a programmable alter-persona he can manipulate. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this article: The Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control). Through fantasy, Return to Oz describes the programming process of a young girl that has dissociated from reality into a world created by her handler.

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The Wizard of Oz: The Occult Elite’s Favorite Programming Tool

In my article on The Wizard of Oz, I explained how the movie was used in MKULTRA as a programming tool on mind control slaves. The same way Dorothy goes “over the rainbow” to escape to the Land of Oz, MK slaves, who are being brutally tortured are told to go “over the rainbow” and dissociate from reality to escape the unbearable trauma.

“The Wizard of Oz was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the Illuminati/Intelligence community’s trauma-based total mind control programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming, Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives.”
– Fritz Springmeier, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave

While The Wizard of Oz was chosen and twisted to become a programming tool, Return to Oz was custom-made to become an ode to mind control. Based on L. Frank Baum’s The Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz (books 2 and 3 of the series), the Disney production added several key elements to the tale to make it about mind control. For instance, in the books, Dorothy is not sent to a psychiatric ward to get electroshocked. Why was this unsettling bit added to the movie? Return to Oz follows the same basic script as several other movies used in mind control such as Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth, and even Coraline: An inquisitive young girl escapes reality to explore a fantasy land filled with fun and adventure, where no rules apply. However, in the world of MK, that fantasy land is actually a symbol of dissociation – the place where the mind escapes to in order to cope with trauma.
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now you see why i class any hasbeen 911 truther as dorothy

The journey of a girl who dreams of traveling somewhere over the rainbow?🌈 Sounds strangely familiar. The story of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz actually shares many similarities with Rey’s story in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Dorothy’s main companion in this film is Toto, a dog that she befriends in Kansas. The protagonist then tries to save Toto from the hands of Miss Gulch. Rey’s main companion in her film is BB-8, a droid who finds her on her home in Jakku. She saves BB-8 from men who try to capture him and sell him
🌈Return to Oz was custom-made to become an ode to mind control. Based on L. Frank Baum’s The Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz (books 2 and 3 of the series), the Disney production added several key elements to the tale to make it about mind control. For instance, in the books, Dorothy is not sent to a psychiatric ward to get electroshocked.
Why was this unsettling bit added to the movie? Return to Oz follows the same basic script as several other movies used in mind control such Dorothy is being prepped for electroshock.
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Dorothy, however, appears to be lucky. Right when Dr. Worley turned on the ECT machine, the power goes out. At this point, we are under the impression that Dorothy avoided being electroshocked due to a perfectly timed power outage. However, as the rest of the entire movie will clearly tell us, that is not the case. Dorothy did, unfortunately, get electroshocked, but it is subtly implied. In fact, the shock was so violent and intense that it caused her to dissociate from reality. The lights going out in the room symbolize her core personality going out. From this point on, Dorothy’s “adventures” actually represent her going through the motions of mind-control programming while being completely dissociated. What happens to Dorothy immediately after the blackout is relevant.
Dorothy’s alter persona appears out of nowhere to retrieve her.
we are now in oz fantasy a symbol of dissociation – the place where the mind escapes to in order to cope with trauma.

Another large comparison is the color scheme of both the protagonists’ homes. Following an incident with a tornado, the story of Dorothy takes viewers to the magical land of Oz. This is a colorful world outside of her home in Kansas. When Rey first travels outside of Jakku, she immediately notices the change in scenery, saying, “I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy.”
🌈Return to Oz

Walter Murch & Disney's Return to Oz gets a new documentary, ... Coppola and George Lucas (remember this, it will come into play later).
another homage to ozma programming

Roger Ebert noticed the differences and similarities between the two fantasy tales when Star Wars premiered in 1977.
“Star Wars is a fairy tale,” he wrote, “a fantasy, a legend, finding its roots in some of our most popular fictions. The golden robot, lion-faced space pilot, and insecure little computer on wheels must have been suggested by the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz.”

The Cowardly Lion and Chewbacca, The Tin Woodsman and C–3PO (both enjoy some oil for their joints) and the unintelligible Toto and R2-D2 (Two-Two). And where Dorothy follows Toto when he runs away, Luke follows R2.D2

Take one quick look at The Wizard of Oz, and you’ll find the exact same pattern in Dorothy’s companions of Toto, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman and The Cowardly Lion. Dorothy and Luke’s last names are even conceptually similar, descriptive and evocative, rather than plain old boring ‘Smith’; Dorothy Gale, whose life is changed by a tornado, and Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars.
so now you understand what star wars is and why the spaceship is the trade towers,herrods temple and solomons temple thrice combined

so now you understand what star wars is and why the spaceship is the trade towers,herrods temple and solomons temple thrice combined ,all fell on 911 ,but lucas made his solo-mans temple and magnum opus in 77 - oz ,liber oz ,wizard of oz

🌈Return to Oz

The movie begins where The Wizard of Oz left off. Dorothy is in her room and keeps thinking about the magical Land of Oz. Auntie Em is concerned because she hasn’t been able to get a good night’s sleep. What does she do about this situation? She decides to bring her to a “therapist” who specializes in electroshocking his patients back to reason. That’s great parenting right there.
Before Dorothy leaves for the ward, she finds a key with the symbol for Oz. It represents the key to her core personality – her true self.

At the clinic, we see Dr. Worley holding the key. This represents him taking over her mind and becoming her MK handler.
Dr. Worley tells Dorothy “I know exactly what will cheer you up!” and presents to her his electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) machine.

Dr. Worley tells Dorothy that his machine has eyes and a mouth. This foretells the fact that this machine will become an actual character in the twisted world Oz – the world Dorothy will be taken to while dissociating.

this is electrick damaged little girl is the hero of the wizard of oz !! dorothy ,so is it not ironic that the process that conjured up the story v.i.t.r.i.o.l. be used in exactly the same way to show that the fakeologist version of dorothy rey ,not only broke her controller and programming but now pilots the secret behind the ceremony that 911 was the millenium fall-con solo-mans temple

so george backed return to oz ,he made a space wizard of oz where the spaceship is j tobin plaza and they use oz schema at 911 ,i will embarrass all of you murican patriots individually if i have too
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Dorothy quickly finds the all-important Yellow Brick Road which will lead her to the Emerald City. In the world of mind control, the Yellow Brick Road is the path laid out by the handler for the slave to follow during programming.

“Monarch slaves are taught to “follow the yellow brick road.” No matter what fearful things lie ahead, the Monarch slave must follow the Yellow Brick Road which is set out before them by their master. For some slaves used as track stars, their Yellow Brick Road was the track they had to run. The Yellow Brick Road is the runway in which alters were trained to fly off from to exit their internal world and take the body. The Yellow Brick Road also pertains to the assignment that an alter is given.

To follow the Yellow Brick Road is to go down the road that has been assigned by command. The Yellow Brick Road programming is placed into the child’s mind via the Yellow Brick Road of the Wizard of Oz story. Remember the key words, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road.”Although Dorothy – and the viewers – are lead to believe that the Yellow Brick Road is the road to a land of wonders, it is actually the path the handler has laid out for the slave to follow during programming.

American Zoetrope (also known as Omni Zoetrope OZ from 1977 to 1980 and Zoetrope Studios from 1980 until 1990) is a privately run American film production company, centered in San Francisco, California and founded by Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas.
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In 1983, the Walt Disney Company found a director for their Oz project in ace editor/sound designer Walter Murch. It was a long time coming for Murch, who was there at the forefront of the remarkable American 1970s film scene but lesser known than such peers as Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Blame it on his unsexy role as the man behind the curtain of the Godfather films, Apocalypse Now, American Graffiti and Dragonslayer.

When Coppola left The Conversation with the script in disarray and scenes left un-shot to start work on Godfather II, it was Murch that assembled all the fragments into my single favorite movie of all-time. When Disney fired Murch from Return to Oz for falling behind just a couple of weeks into its production, George Lucas flew to England, declared the finished footage to be more than adequate, and then got the rest of Murch’s buddies (Coppola and Spielberg chief among them) to agree. Murch was rehired two days later.
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Only a few minutes in and audiences will have wondered why the charming musical numbers have been replaced by Dorothy being taught the merits of electroshock therapy. If your child found the witchy neighbour promising to euthanise Toto a little much then witnessing Dorothy strapped down about to have her memories of Oz zapped out of her head is a lot to take!

so you think i'm wrong
or just so correct it will retire an entire generation of pretenders ?
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Osama bin Laden. Born in Jeddah in 1957 , Osama bin Laden was born in 1957 to a Yemeni bricklayer.
yellow brick road
codename tim oz-man

The process in the scientific method involves making conjectures (hypothetical explanations), deriving predictions from the hypotheses as logical consequences, and then carrying out experiments or empirical observations based on those predictions.
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Operation Cyclone
Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan

Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken.[2] Funding officially began with $695,000 in mid-1979,[3] was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980
1979 to 1989 CIA programme
operation cyclone to fund ozma bin laden ,get to fuck twister operation funded ozma ,the wizard of oz,the same mechanism took dorothy to oz.

and this wizard of oz codename tim ozman caused these images on 911

What is the scientific method of prediction?
The prediction is obtained by reasoning or calculating from the hypothesis and knowledge of the experimental setup so that the prediction makes a declaration as to what sort of results are expected if the hypothesis works
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so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
anyone explained why they used crowleys liber oz numbers for the planes =no
anyone explained why they mirror the witch death celebrations in the wizard of oz when celebrating the death of ozma bin laden in timesquare =no
anyone explained why judy woods directed energy weapon and her twister turn things sepia and her copilot j hutchenson uses the wizard of oz magic repertoire ,ie yellowish stones = yellow bricks flying broom like the witch ,magic water that dorothy uses he makes float and his o point enrgy battery is modelled on a lightsaber
anyone explained why so sirius
as i said i made order out of chaos

i predicted all houseclowns masons and gatekeeping websites would ignore this even the ones that ab posts and claims to be psi-entific and logical
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please remember it don't matter what you belive about 911 ,it does matter that the man who owns feokeologist is still surrounded by frauds who cannot even read something they disagree with ,amateur as fuck what surrounds ab
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In the fourth volume of his piece of scare-mongering, Barruel singles out the Swedenborgian Masons for particular attention (esp. 4:119-51), because he sees them as the heretical glue that binds together a variety of what he calls “antisocial” (i.e. revolutionary) societies. He describes Swedenborg’s visions as “prophecies of rebellion” and his teaching as intended to “eradicate true Christianity from the minds of their dupes, and to make their New Jerusalem a plea for those revolutions” that aim to overthrow “the present churches and government” (4:132). The underlying meaning of the claim for spiritual regeneration is really “to sweep from the earth every prince and every king, that the God of Swedenborg may reign uncontroled [sic] over the whole globe. And that revolution which they saw bursting forth in France, was nothing more in their eyes than the fire that was to purify the earth to prepare the way for their new Jerusalem (4:126).
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Where in the Bible does it talk about the New Jerusalem coming down?
Bible Gateway Revelation 21 :: NIV. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband her consort
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kesil is orion in hebrew and where the new solomons temple of jerusalem is
the kessel run is where solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con mirrors the earth and sky on 911
and both look the same
oh and i didn't expect any houseclown to read the blog
after all i'm showing shitbag cointel they made toys from 911
24 years beforehand ,i just wanted to show ab he's been surrounded by houseclowns since day 1 ,cant even read the blog how about that for slapping clever apes psilly ,smj would be proud as fuck
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"Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back; then we could look up through the open space in Orion, whence came the voice of God. The Holy City will come down through that open space."6
From these visions we can learn four things:

There is an "opening" or stargate into "a region more enlightened"
Orion is a gateway between our universe and the dwelling place of God
The voice of God comes through an "open space in Orion"
The "holy city" will come to earth through the opening in Orion

now remember for all these allignments myths greaseball celestial magic all culminates with sirius above the towers as they fell,this is metatron in all religions arch angle ,solomons cube ,hermes trismegistus as above so below ,our george made as below so above
the holy city is the millenium fall-con(7 buildings of the twin tower complex) coming through orion ,orion is kesil in hebrew (the kessel run)in star wars is solomans claim to fame for his ship
metatron is the voice of god ,and george lucas uses metatrons vision to zerubabel of the building of the temple and all his companions as a basis for lukes journey through 911 (making george lucas the voice of god or metatron)
History. The Kessel Run was one of the most heavily used smuggling routes in the Galactic Empire. Han Solo claimed that his Millennium Falcon "made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs".
remember i couldn't and i would't have done this with honest fakeologists,but the dogshit i spoke to and saw pay people needed slapping ,patriotism wont save you either fucknuts
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can't find anyone to read your blog on air ab ,i did that by solving 911 ,and i never asked for a fucking thing ,only other fakeologists ,you tollerate swiss and murican masons cos they give you money
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play the game find me a man ,one that can read ,find me one of them good men you defend to step up ,cos you don't count ofcourse your'e honest ,the rest are not ,hence all the shite since tryptamine was editing smj or geris the swiss hacker or rollo upto simons bummerboys entering the frey
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oh and you won;t find anymen
cos your mods banned them
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