It's The Muppet Show!

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by PatB »

I admit to not having read the whole thread and to arriving very late to this site. What I wanted to say was there was once a blogger in Southend who did similar work. Eventually, he was destroyed by the deep state and his site taken down under court order. Can't remember his name but it was an excellent site and one would be hard pressed to argue with your posts.

Thanks for your perseverance!
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by napoleon »

fakeologist has been monitored for years ,i wouldn't be surprized if it gets shutdown ,the joke that passes as cointel are in the discord and they couldn't do fuck all but invite shadow members of honeytrap skepticks websites

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Samson79 »

I know it's been mentioned before but just to drop this in the mix...

Could these people be of the same hatching, share either a sperm doner or egg doner?? Some of those could be half sisters easily, similar dominant physical features diluted by 50% on account of only sharing one parent not two.

Katie looks like a goblin now, the "bad seed" genetics showing in the ears and nose as ever keep growing through adulthood. :lol:
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

What can I say, other than it doesn't need to be overcomplicated. The reason they can do what they do is because there are very few people involved at the top level. I understand what I suggest in these pages is horrific in its implications, and probably why it is a self-keeping secret. But this is why the same brain-dead nonsense that no one wants keeps coming back again and again under a different name. Because it's the same set of people reappearing with different identities in exactly the same way Satan appeared to Abraham multiple times in the Book of Jasher.

CONJURERS OF REALITY - Amazing Polly (October 20th, 2023)
Talking heads conjure up ideas. Who funds them? Is a cult involved? I look at a study about the power of suggestion & more. SUPPORT MY WEBSITE here: ***thank you*** and God bless.

They have a simple plan and they put it into operation. Do you not remember during COVID when the rest of us couldn't get on a plane without taking the vaccine; Katie Hopkins was swanning over to the U.S. to chum up with Trump. Then off to Australia, and then apparently she got thrown out of the country. That's a cover story. Likely, she went there and had a meeting, passed secret documents the old fashioned way, then got pretend deported. She is a criminal, along with Trump, and all the other players I've previously mentioned.


Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health ... ic-health/

Operation Warp Speed

Trump, hand-in-hand with UK's government, started the whole COVID-19 VACCINE scam. This appears to have been PLAN B to get back on track after the EU Referendum vote result caused the UK to cancel it's turn in the seat as EU President.

I'm going to tell you, it's not like they didn't try to fix the EU Referendum; that'll be exactly why David Cameron's government ran the Alternative Vote referendum and the Scottish Independence referendum in the preceding years. Dry runs for the fix, Scotland the main point of attack it would seem. Added to that, whereas the usual turnout for a GE is 65%, it was over 90% in many regions for the EU Referendum. Do we think that's because everyone just decided to vote, or could it be because 25% of the ballots cast were postal vote dumps for REMAIN? They swung the vote, but not enough to win. If 50% of registered voters voted LEAVE, there was no way of REMAIN winning without having a 100%+ turnout. That would have been an absolute giveaway of the fraud and why instead they ran the fake murder of JO COX by 'WHITE SUPREMACIST' Tommy Mair. The point was to suppress the LEAVE turnout so the REMAIN dump had a better chance of succeeding.

This is where all the fit-the-facts point, but it wasn't until COVID-19 happened and the CORONAVIRUS BILL passed through the House of Commons and House of Lords in ONE DAY with no scrutiny and no opposition that the theory was cemented. And that's all I needed as confirmation. You know the Houses of Parliament have passed this law in the UK since; because before leaving the EU, that was the jurisdiction they would do all their dirty work to evade justice. Now they've been forced to write the same criminality into UK law.


Remember This Piece Of Legislation That Permits Agents Of The State To Break The Law? - UK Column (3rd November 2023)

We saw the 2020 U.S. election fixed in real time, they pulled Trump out, I figure, because they want him back in the White House for 2024. I also fancy if the UK result would have been REMAIN, Hillary Clinton would have likely been in the White House instead. She did win the popular vote after all. But since the REMAIN vote failed, they had to find a different way to skin the cat...Trump is the answer.

I remember back in 2016 Mark Blyth kept banging on about BREXIT and Trump. And it puzzled me, what has wanting to stay in a Common Law jurisdiction got to do with The Apprentice? But it is the PLAN B narrative...disaffected white people turning to racial hate. Blyth therefore appears to be another education embedded propaganda tool like Noam Chomsky, Jordan Peterson and Brian Cox. You can pick them out, they all have that Bertrand Russell notoriety about them.


And the UK propagandists are still going with the Trump-BREXIT narrative, because they've got no new ideas of how to get to where they want to be other than doubling down on the same old cobblers. This is all about the Grand Plan, rebuilding Babylon. They made it crystal clear with the symbolism used for the EU.

Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel, 1563, versus the Strasbourg EU Parliament
Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel, 1563, versus the Strasbourg EU Parliament
Symbol above the door of No.10 Downing Street versus the EU Parliamentary chamber
Symbol above the door of No.10 Downing Street versus the EU Parliamentary chamber
Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt (L) and Foreigner Minister Karel De Gucht sign the EU Constitution in the 'Orazi and Curiazi' hall at the Campidoglio, the political and religious centre of ancient Rome, today home of Rome's city hall, October 29, 2004.
Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt (L) and Foreigner Minister Karel De Gucht sign the EU Constitution in the 'Orazi and Curiazi' hall at the Campidoglio, the political and religious centre of ancient Rome, today home of Rome's city hall, October 29, 2004.

And this is why I'm not joking about the impact of BREXIT, because although no one told us, the Referendum was actually about killing MAGNA CARTA once and for all. ... carta.html
Shameful and Demeaning: The Annulment of Magna Carta

Today, 24 August 2015, marks an important date in history, one overlooked in this year of anniversaries (the Battle of the Somme, Waterloo, Agincourt, the De Montfort Parliament). For on this day 800 years ago, Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) issued a bull in which he described Magna Carta as 'shameful, demeaning, illegal and unjust', before declaring what we now call the Great Charter to be 'null and void of all validity for ever'.

The bull of Pope Innocent III declaring Magna Carta null and void (British Library Cotton MS Cleopatra E I, ff. 155-156)
The bull of Pope Innocent III declaring Magna Carta null and void (British Library Cotton MS Cleopatra E I, ff. 155-156)

We have this unique papal bull annulling Magna Carta, issued on 24 August 1215, on display in the British Library's Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy exhibition. When taking guests around, I often joke on reaching the bull that here the show ends, despite the fact that they have 800 years of Magna Carta's legacy still to encounter. (A brief history lesson: after King John died in October 1216, with many of the barons again in rebellion and a French army having invaded England, and with a new 9-year-old king, Henry III, on the throne, a revised version of Magna Carta was issued in order to get the barons back on side, reviving the document in a single stroke.)

King John was a particularly devious ruler, and he clearly believed that, by sending messengers to his overlord, the Pope, the kingdom of England would be rid of Magna Carta. John was right, to a certain degree; but little did he realise that Magna Carta incorporated an adaptability that made it useful in many different ways to succeeding generations. I suspect in any case that both John and the barons would be horrified if they knew we were celebrating their peace treaty 800 years after that event (the terms of Magna Carta in 1215 applied only to the elite of society, the nobles and barons). Pope Innocent may have shared their opinion, but his attempt to stop the Great Charter in its tracks only had limited effect.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

Guess who's back on Twitter? This article from two days ago... ... n-twitter/
Katie Hopkins and Tommy Robinson’s accounts reinstated on X after being banned from Twitter for years
6 Nov 2023

KATIE Hopkins and Tommy Robinson's accounts have been reinstated on X after being banned from Twitter for years.

Former Apprentice contestant Hopkins was banned from the social network in 2020 for breaking its rules on "abuse and harmful contact".

Katie Hopkins is back on Twitter
Katie Hopkins is back on Twitter
Tommy Robinson has also had his account reinstated
Tommy Robinson has also had his account reinstated

Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, also had his account shut down in 2018.

Yesterday evening Hopkins tweeted: "Thank you Elon Musk and thank you to all the Twitter family who have brought Tommy and I back to X.

"Know this. You are not alone. We are many. And we are stronger together.

"The fight for your freedom is back on."

Says Katie Hopkins, AKA Melissa Fleming, AKA Dame June Raine. Right. Interesting Katie was in on the fact Tommy Robinson also had his account reactivated...almost like she's in on the plan. Though you wouldn't expect anything less from the head of the United Nations Department of Global Communications, would you? Ans just in time for Remembrance Day. Fancy that.


Interesting, they put Katie's twitter account into the long grass while she was otherwise occupied with COVID. I'm guessing Melissa Fleming and June Raine have gone quiet with regards to voice and video appearance.

I was interested to see if Melissa had been active lately, and here she is from two weeks ago. I've put the transcript below, so you can read off the Katie/Melissa dialectic. This is pantheism, pan appearing in two forms . It becomes a fun game to spot the pairs, that's one of the reason I spot so many of them. I know what I'm looking for.

Video message by Ms Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, UN
(23 Oct 2023, hosted by UNESCO's YT channel)
Video message delivered by Ms Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications of the United Nations on the occasion of Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023.

Dear colleagues and Friends, it is an honor to address you at the UN Roundtable of the 2023 Global media and information literacy week. The theme of this year's commemoration is a timely and critical one, as the online landscape has only worsened since last year's Gathering. A key factor is that some of the largest digital platforms instead of stepping up to address online harm have lowered their guard rails, either by reducing or decimating their trust and safety teams.

This is especially worrying as our colleagues around the world continue to report grave impacts of weaponized miss and disinformation and hate speech. They flag information wars which distort actual events on the battlefield, or in humanitarian arenas. And disinformation is targeting our peacekeepers too. Lies that result in division, polarization and even violence. Online posts, as well are clearly turning anti-semitic, racist or islamophobic.

We've seen narratives created around climate change as well, designed to delay climate action. And we're even seeing conspiracies circulating around the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals] developed to generate controversy around our blueprint for a better world. We are worried how this FEBRILE online atmosphere is undermining democratic processes, a challenge we cannot afford to ignore as we head into a bumper election year in 2024; when more than two billion voters are eligible to go to the polls.

Meanwhile, a rapid rise in generative AI has set off new alarm bells in the information Integrity community. Disinformation actors have been given a potent low cost tool. Making it easier to create sophisticated deep fakes or AI generated news sites, programmed with false narratives. Disinformation and hate speech can now be created at greater scale, and can be more easily personalized, leaving absolutely no fingerprints. The Secretary General has made it crystal clear we cannot go on like this. We need to become more nimble, more targeted and strategic in our use of digital media, and in our information literacy tactics. Such as PRE-BUNKING.

At the department of Global Communications this will be a key preoccupation as we adapt the United Nations verified initiative to address climate disinformation. Moreover, as the UN system, we need to continue advocating to all other stakeholders to invest in robust digital literacy drives. Our aim should be to empower users of all ages to better understand how digital platforms work, how their personal data might be used, and to identify and respond to miss and disinformation and hate speech.

Particular attention should be given to ensuring that young people, adolescents and children, are fully aware of their rights in online spaces. Such user empowerment will be one of the key principles of the UN CODE OF CONDUCT ON INFORMATION INTEGRITY ON DIGITAL PLATFORMS, which my team and I are working on. The code will be presented at the summit of the future in September 2024, and will set a global gold standard to make the digital sphere more humane, and it will call for a firm global commitment to information integrity.

We look forward to Consulting with all of you as we develop the code at slash information integrity. Let's keep coming together to discuss, find ways forward and put our vision into practice.

I was going to underline sections, but that would have been nearly all of it. So let's go through some highlights. It starts with Melissa's fake tut-tut-tutting aimed squarely at X; the same X that just reactivated Melissa's alter ego's we can see where that dialectic is going. Katie will be used in an attempt to entrap people, because don't forget, the British Parliament enacted legislation that puts agents of the state such as Katie Hopkins, above the law. And we know, whatever the false flag they are planning, the UN's will appear like a white knight with its Online Code-of-Conduct.

I thought it was quite interesting she used the word "FEBRILE". A new one on me, and it would appear, Google Transcript.


Oh right, got to get a bio-state reference in. So predictable. Let's not forget about COVID-19, hey Melissa? Then she cries about people saying hurty words abut the Sustainable Development Goals, which are now so toxic she can't even say the words out loud. So like Kentucky Fried Chicken, let's just refer to the acronym, because no one with catch on what she's actually referring to. Then she talks about PRE-BUNKING narratives like it is something new. That's basically Labour's tactic for the last 30 years. How about instead Katie, we have a referendum to decide whether we do the SDGs, else put you and your mates in prison?

We can see they are gearing up for the 2024 US Election. I said back in 2020, Trump will win. The numbers tell us THIS IS A FACT...because it will make Donald Trump the 45th and the 47th President....else 9/11.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Marfer »

@rachel speaking of Tommy Robinson do you see a resemblance.

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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Samson79 »

rachel wrote: Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:49 pm I realise the Katie Hopkins / Dame June Raine match is a hard one visually. But it is the same voice, the same way of stressing words. She wears cosmetic contact lenses to change her eyes and on June, a no eyeliner look so her eyes visually looks a different shape.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 22.51.27.png

contact lens.jpg

See the contact lens line. I've not done much on age makeup when in fact I think that is the biggest reason why prosthetics exist. You think someone like June Raine is in their fifties when the person playing them might be in their thirties.

The next grab is from another reality tv show that ran in 2004, produced for the BBC. See the use of contact lenses to give the same sort of look as old June.


It is absolutely unbelievable the measures these people go to in order to change someone's appearance. And the fact very few truthers even want to mention this is because it's something they utilise themselves. From that perspective it just seems like a form of crony capitalism, and that would be okay if they stayed in their box, but they don't, they impact everyone else's life with their bullshit. So since they forced us to come to their freak show, let's have a closer look at the teeth.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 21.20.30.png

First of all, look at the general characteristic of the mouth, the smile shape; see they are the same. The teeth might appear like they are different, but again look at the general characteristic of tooth sizing. Now look at how the light catches parts of Katie's teeth, there are sections that appear more opaque and white (bottom shot). Look at the front two teeth, the one on the right looks capped, or more precisely it will be a veneer that is designed to remove the slight twist we see in the tooth above. It looks like it extends half way up on the left front tooth, then looking to the left, a veneer juts out and we can see if we look at the tooth above, it's actually to hide a tooth that is turned slightly the other way. To the right Katie's tooth has been extended to make it look longer, and from that we can work out that actually the two front teeth on Katie are marginally longer than on June. I'm going to suggest those four front teeth are part of a single unit, and that makes it easy to pop in and out, something like this...

Gary Archer veneers 1.jpg


And you can see from the 'Trading Ages' grab, teeth are a standard part of prosthetic makeup, as well as contact lenses. And again that was a reality show where the actor interacted with people in the real world to see if anyone could spot her makeup under the guise of "challenging perspectives and attitudes to growing older".
Having read the whole thread again, I suspect familiarity, related somehow however loosely, but the two women above have different teeth and not sure how you can fake the teeth.
I see similarities and sure some of these pairing ups could be genuine, but the teeth for me tells me they are not the same.

Also re: Brad Pitt....the scars on her (it is a ftm) cheeks are from implants to widen the mandible and widen out the natural curves from the lower part of the female skull. 100% scar tissue hair line scar caused by the thinnest sharpest scalpals in theatre.....(notice they call it theatre) and have folicle overlay to make it look more like a natural occurance.
Just my opinion.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by Samson79 »

Dame June Rain (What like April showers lol) looks more like a sister to Jack Straw for example, than being a double for Katie.

Jewish traits becoming known have caused many Jews to have rhinoplasty and other plastic surgery procedures imho.

I think these people all consider themselves one big family, all see themselves as royalty and all share family members by incorporating the technologies we afford them by not supporting our own families like in the example of HenryFord.

We invent the tools, build the infastructure and then get sent into war to kill eachother, rinse and repeat.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

@Marfer, that's a good spot, I'll have a post on that with a little extra I think. I want to do some more research on it first. It's funny, I've had Tommy Robinson on my list since 2018, but I didn't know how he fitted in. I had him linked with Owen Jones, they seemed part of the same crew back then, but then he went quiet, which could suggest he was filming under a different identity.

By-the-way, look at those hips and knees. Remind you of anything? He's a shorty too. Might be as well to link in recent observations I'm made regarding Doctor Who. It's just throwing up ideas about dress and what we can read from the choices that are made.


@Samson79, there are lots of posts with teeth examples throughout the thread. If it's an actor, then he or she will be wearing some sort of fake teeth, it's a given. It doesn't need to be a full denture, it's just enough to change the actors teeth so you can't use them to identify the person. It's exactly the same with ears...

Gary Archer veneers 4.jpg

You don't need to believe me either, Jonna Mendez mentions teeth in her video, Former CIA Operative Explains How Spies Use Disguises. And what the reader's got to consider, if they are prepared to play along with the scenario I'm outlining... Katie, June and Melissa are all as fake as each other, so therefore each will have something different built onto their teeth. It's about the common denominator. And while the teeth have aspects that are different. the common denominator with regards to size and spacing are the same.

I'm happy to throw up another example. The denture is made in the same way as standard dentures, the only difference, the teeth are veneers and designed to fit over existing teeth. So it starts with a replica created from a mould, clay is then used to add to the teeth, possibly to create crookedness in a single tooth. I'm guessing for ease of use, tooth changes will all be incorporated on a single piece.


Then the tooth creation process of positive and negative moulds to convert the clay tooth piece into enamel. Once completed, it's a perfect fit and can be slipped over existing teeth.


It's not one aspect that makes a person, and there are so many matches with Katie. I'm beyond reasonable doubt; I am using that as a legal term with regards to conviction. We are talking about one human person who plays multiple legal identities, and one of them is the head of the MHRA. And for what she has done under that guise she should be imprisoned for life. Don't forget the vaccine passports haven't gone away, she hasn't stepped down, the COVID vaccines are still being offered across the board in the UK, I've had two letters in the last few months inviting me to take up my "ANNUAL COVID JAB", something that does fuck-all by the statistics to protect anyone from anything, together with appalling safety data; all under her watch. And that woman when playing Katie Hopkins thinks the best thing for old people is a quick death; so no change there no matter what character she plays.

When were we first introduced to Katie Hopkins? On the reality television show, 'THE APPRENTICE'. What is the history of The Apprentice? It's a U.S. imported show, the original series featuring DONALD TRUMP. Fancy that, only the guy who signed the EXECUTIVE ORDER in the U.S. to hand the population of America over to the military industrial complex so they could experiment on them with a bio weapon.
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Re: It's The Muppet Show!

Unread post by rachel »

I don't know this guy, is he just another person pretending he's doing something? Australian lawyer Julian Gillespie trying to lay criminal charges about the use of GMO in the COVID-19 vaccines; relating to the Australian Senate thread.

The thing is he says in the first of the two clips the EU and UK have the same laws about GMO. So he passed all the relevant information onto EU MEP Christine Anderson two months ago and she has just ignored him. When one of his team was in England they had a meeting scheduled with UK MP Andrew Bridgen, but the leader of his party, Laurence Fox, got himself suspended from GB News and that apparently meant Andrew Bridgen had to cancel all his meetings, so no meeting took place...right. That would be the same Laurence Fox that was once married to Billie Piper, the woman who played opposite Christopher Eccleston in Doctor Who, you know, like the WHO that declared the pandemic, with the bloke who appears on UK News claiming to be Neil Ferguson of Imperial College.

Well we can guess why Andrew Bridgen is stalling, kicking the can down the street is the UK's answer to everything. Him along with John Campbell eager to pretend the public gallery of the House of Commons was full of people and something is being done. I don't buy that for a second. But what about Christine Anderson, what's her excuse for not moving on the information? This clip provides me with a clue.

This just gets worse and worse... Why does German MEP Christine Anderson mostly seem to speak in English? Is the woman in that video actually Christine Anderson, or is it a bodysnatcher? Because she seems to be parodying herself. She nearly starts laughing, and totally amuses Del Bigtree.

Wide Awake Media - German MEP, Christine Anderson1.jpg
Wide Awake Media - German MEP, Christine Anderson2.jpg

...Del Bigtree, who just happens to have an uncanny look of Dan Wootton when he smiles, you know the same Dan Wootton that was suspended from GB News together with Laurence Fox in the aforementioned incident which meant Andrew Bridgen MP cancelled his meeting with the Australian lawyer to discuss the above GMO revelations.


I've not done any study to know for sure these two are the same person, one is apparently American, the other a New Zealander I think. What I can say, both are plastic faces, and Del is wearing contact lenses to change his eyes, not sure about Dan.

And as for German MEP Christine Anderson, well it dawned on me this is who I'm looking at in the above interview, note the same jerkiness in movement...

Christine Anderson.gif
Christine Anderson.gif (3.54 MiB) Viewed 5158 times
Anne Diamond.gif
Anne Diamond.gif (2.18 MiB) Viewed 5158 times

That's Anne Diamond, another presenter on GB News together with Dan Wootton and Laurence Fox. Small world isn't it...and the same network Boris Johnson is due to join in 2024, just in time for the U.S. Elections. And an interesting fact about Anne Diamond, not like I'm calling her a bullshit liar or anything, but do you remember during the COVID lockdowns, there was one group of people that significantly stopped dying for no apparent reason?
rachel wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:19 pm If you crunch into the data of the chart below, there has been a significant fall in death rates of under 18s during lockdown against the previous six years. But this decline is almost entirely accounted for by one group only, that of babies aged between 0-1 year - 'sudden infant death syndrome'. It would appear then, cancelling all non-essential hospital services is very good for the health of infants.


But why have babies stopped dying during lockdown? Maybe because the bulk of what has been cancelled for this age group is GOVERNMENT MANDATED VACCINES.

And let me remind you what the World Health Organisation (WHO) say in the intro to their (now deleted) 2018 Assessment Report of the Global Vaccine Action Plan.


And back to Anne Diamond... Was she just given the task to come up with a cover for why babies were dying from Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), you know just like all the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) excuses we hear now after the COVID-19 jabs?

Anne Diamond: Cot deaths could be due to tiredness
Published: 21 May 2013, on UK 5 News channel

The campaigner tells Five News that some deaths might be down to parents simply being “knackered”.

I think cot death has to be something that we still talk about a lot. Back in 1991 we were losing two and a half thousand babies a year to cop death, that's five a day, and cot death was something that nobody really wanted to talk about very much because it scared mothers. That's what everybody used to say. Ad my line was, yes, but it's something that parents need to know about. And actually parents I found over my years of campaigning, parents are hungry for advice. They want to know, they've heard of cot death, they're already scared of it. And so it was it was the right thing to do was to launch the campaign which told everybody about the risks.
In those days co-sleeping was identified as a possible risk, but I think this research does show now that perhaps it is, to the sort of cot deaths that are happening now, we've eradicated so many of them. But the sort of cot deaths that are happening now, are happening in bed, a lot are happening on sofas a lot, in front of the television. I think it may not be just because some parents nowadays are smoking, drinking, maybe taking drugs. It may also be because we live such tiring lives nowadays, we're all knackered.

No mentions of vaccine adverse effects I see. And guess what significant thing happened for babies a couple of years prior to the 1991 date she quotes where "two and a half thousand babies a year" were apparently being lost to cop death in the UK?


The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine.

It protects against 3 serious illnesses:
  • measles
  • mumps
  • rubella (german measles)
These highly infectious conditions can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

Getting vaccinated is important, as these conditions can also lead to serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

2 doses of the MMR vaccine provide the best protection against measles, mumps and rubella.

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