The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

I forgot to mention in my previous post the idea of traveling in someone else's imagination. I have to give credit to "them", even if it isn't true, they managed to create something out of nothing that captivates everyone's imagination.
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

if NASA just could have nailed their psilly psyop with one quote, meant to be completely taken seriously....

did they or didn't they

with this quote ?
In December 2012, Curiosity's two-year mission was extended indefinitely
:shock: :ugeek: :?:

they did, in my humble opinion and our every day becoming longer history of psyop documentation at Fakeopedia proves that, because I didn't edit this page, neither any atm non-existing co-wikiworker.

enjoy more psyop documentation at the other RICH resource than the forum, Fakeopedia !

and the audio artistic excentricities on the outcast of podcasts Eye AM Eye Radio !
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Next points

1 - the Impossibility of Perfect Team Work

2 - the Incredulity of Engineering History (next post, first 1)

1 - they wanna make us believe, that a (state-funded) organization, military in origin, achieved full success, with staged veilures (nice ; veiled failures - failures veiled, fake failures) as Hollywood movies, nobody knows the originals, everyone is MARKED BY Tom Hanks (even I and I haven't seen the movie and heavily studied the Apollo charade in the deepest details)

no other organization works like this
and the bigger, more complex, more parties involving
they become

the more they delay

always, everywhere, all the time, with anyone

it's just human nature

except for Space Programs. They always know how to "catch" an impossible to step into "orbit" that "rides them" to their FIXED destination

right, FIXED. In a 4D environment. No matter if we have been there, and hopefully ever clearly from this thread we haven't, there are by definition, no discussion, no advanced physics needed, NO fixed points in a 4D environment ; Space. You could argue, 5D that also shape changes are caused by whatever radiation you can imagine, it's always more and more severe and more unpredictable than that. ALWAYS.

everything follows at least curved lines ("orbits"), 2D, but in motion, so 3D

which projects can and do run on time ?

those that are faked

if you need to pass a school project and you started too late, for even the plaster to settle, you need to steal or fraud your way through it.

(eh no, not my style, my mom and me made ehhh the most outstanding things, thanks to her learnings I am a painter now, so cool!)

it is NOT a question

WHY do they fake it?
what is their agenda behind that



so faking is their ONLY option.
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by Exit »

Grand Illusion wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:47 am
pasterno wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:56 am As a Catholic, I've noticed that the lunar cycle and the Sun don't play significant roles in the Bible. Moon worship, practiced in neighboring cultures, was prohibited in Israel. Deuteronomy 4:19, for instance, cautions against worshipping celestial bodies.
I was raised Catholic going through all rituals but then I finally broke out of it and realized something smelled fishy about the religion and all religions.

The way I look at anything forbidden in the Bible, is that it's really an advertisement to people about a behavior or idea that doesn't come natural to humans. The idea of worshiping the moon being forbidden would make people aware of something Pagan that they didn't realize. Then forbidding somebody to do something has a psychological effect (trick?) on the mind to make people want to do it more.

We see this with homosexuality in the bible. It's forbidden, but why does it need to be forbidden? It's a learned behavior. It doesn't come naturally to people. It's sourced from some demonic energy or entity that feeds off of the behavior. When you forbid people to do it, they become hip to the idea and the restriction part makes people want to do what is taboo.

Your second paragraph I understand. Forbidden fruits are always the sweetest, eg. So, a challenge, a temptation?
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

coming from the "chem"trail thread here,

but belongs here because this is not the planes part of the "what are satellite data coming from then?" question that needs to be answered if you embrace the stance of Impossibility of Space Travel. Not even the Ever part, but that is fundamental throughout.
pasterno wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:39 pm
aSHIFT. wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 1:44 pm Nice, mentalversity, at least 2 observe the same phenomenon, in this case a much easier, more logical, more sensible, and financially suitable solution for this "problem" that no matter what comes up with us, the ones """denying""", (well, GAIA's Laws indeed deny any species to leave their homeland, planet, moon, exoplanet, or whatever you call it, if you believe in them) the Possibility of Space Travel.

It was for me the hardest nut to crack also, having worked with "satellite" data, which involves much more than just the to-us-all-visible parts as Google Earth/Maps/Bing/whatever photo-"satellite" data...

monitoring of weather patterns, forest fires, urbanization, oil spills, deforestation & agriculture, sooo many applications more than just photos.

Those data I think are taken by those high flying military planes, in the end the NOAA's, NASA's, USGS's, Topographic mapping agencies, all of it, just like the military, even officially belong to "The State". NASA's origins ; NACA are military anyway.

It's the military who has control over airspaces.

The satellite acquisition programmes also explain those typical criss-cross hatched patterns in the skies, that absolutely are there and no imagination, CGI or "ghost planes", they are there.

Makes total sense, satellite data comes in grid format anyway.

I have just very minor experience with ArcGIS, but that is one of the standards in mapping and using "satellite" data industry...
What for me changed was GPS; Which is a time stamp mimicking a very fast moving "satellite" which behaves perfectly according to a mathemathical model.

And when I flew over a large ocean my GPS didn't work. (huh!)


I think "GPS" is just a deceptional mathematical intermediate step controlled by the US government.

The receiver sees a time code.

There are 3 parts to the GPS signal:

- A satellite ID (called the Pseudo Random Code)
- Almanac data (orbital information for all the satellites)
- Ephemeris data (the orbital information for the single satellite in question, including the very precise clock information necessary to calculate the distance)

The funny thing is, you don't need a satellite. Just a radio transmitter can send it. You can receive it as if it was sent by a satellite.

The satellite just exists in the model. Not in the reality. That's so funny.

It's a made up pseudo reality. My expectation is that some large radio antennas globally send out the "GPS signals"

It's quite an awesome magic trick. It just exists in the data reality.

What's also awesome they never break down! :lol:

I took a look at maps, a satellite cellphone coverage at GPS. And all the same nonsense.

I'm convinced it will be the same for other "satellite" services.
Good you help us learn; aiducation, on GPS.

My own experiences are

- we did fieldwork in areas in Spain in the late 90s where there was NO cellphone network (none of the operators) yet there was GPS signal.

fake satanlights on the GPS device, that should work as you describe, but using different frequencies than the then only Mobile Phone signal, when there was no internet phone signal...

also on oceans ships need to rely on GPS data, integrated in their mapping or not

Satellite data comes in various forms, as far as I can see it now:

1 - static - satellite surveys taken by high flying planes, as described by pasterno and me in the linked thread
2 - dynamic - GPS triangulation using ionospheric rebound, also "satellite phones" use this principle - see pasterno's post quoted above
3 - continuous - TV signals - comedic if you believe the official narrative, see below


the ridiculousness of beliieving "muh TV works so satellites really hang there at fixed places smack bang in the outer so-called Van Allen Belts..."

I outlined at the platform of one of those silly believers, the one who says to close up shop but apparently finds enough motivation to keep a dead blog going, Mark Tokarski

His claim

"muh TV works because the satellite installment guy pointed the center of our dish exactly at a car-sized object at 23,000 miles / 36,000 km distance...."

ok, let's look at that claim

1st question YOU should ask your satellite expert

how much does he know of astronomy
and what are the exact, but exact, else your TV won't work...

celestial coordinates of said "satellite" you claim hangs there and works all the time, without maintenance....


Right Ascension

just a basic 2D compass wind direction like 270 = West would be helpful

no, just "he points it south, and it works"


a 5 meter sized satellite receiver
23,000 miles out

is a 5 millmeter, or fruit fly sized object
23 miles out

even the little quakes a passing truck or loaded bus makes on the towers around me

should produce a (certain) loss of TV or any other dish based signal.

IF it were so specific to point to that fruitfly, 36 km far away....

but just bouncing off the ionosphere and they send the signals to the most accesible rim of Earth, the equator, again makes total sense, is the method, no

satan lights needed.
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

and to add to the pile of ridiculousness, a nice tidbit to share in these times of family and friend gatherings....

let the believers explain
in their own words

how it was possible

that "satellites" and even "manned" space travel

was possible

for 7 YEARS

without computers

just pen and paper

and Looney Tuning, sorry, Turing machines

because the microprocessor

i.e. the basis behind the whole computer idea, design, the root of it

was only officially invented

in 1964

and 5 years later they were bunny hopping on the Moon
twice in a row within 6 months, so easy it apparently was.....

with Alan "I don't remember going through the Van Allen Belts, we didn't go far out enough I think" Bean*, the second time, when nobody seemed to be interested. Meaning few believed it, that's simple. Real believed events of that magnitude catch attention, also the 2nd time, no Apollo 13 drama needed, you'd say......

*see how he DID NOT LIE there !?
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by napoleon »

the commies are a great inspiration for patriotic americans ,them evil commies pushed american ingenuity to the limit
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

napoleon wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:39 pm the commies are a great inspiration for patriotic americans ,them evil commies pushed american ingenuity to the limit
indeed, the totally psychophrenic dualistic madness the 60s and 70s programmings must have been

I only experienced the end of that in the 80s :

"The Soviets LIE about EVERYTHING"

"except with Space Travel, they beat us, even to the Moon (Luna, Zond)" :lol:

(and for me, I remember seeing it on TV, like so many, the "we cannot eat spinach" scam of 1986....)

napoleon, join the Pub and let's talk things there. I'll share a photo of Chernobyl there
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Re: The Impossibility of Space Travel. EVER.

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

I just randomly clicked one of those Type Locality minerals from Monte Vesuvio, that I climbed, from the coast in Ercolano (Herculaneum) to the summit of Vesuvius, 1375 m or so in 2.5 hours

I was the ONLY one who walked

some cyclists yes, it's Italy after all

but everyone else went up in buses, motorbikes and cars...

such a cool hike I had.

but the mineral I clicked....

a Fluorite, how Funny, looks sulphuric because of the color but doesn't contain S...

Named in honor of the French novelist Jules Verne [8 February 1828 – 24 March 1905], author of several adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), in which the characters enter the volcano Snæfellsjökull, Iceland trying to find a way toward the centre of the Earth.


author of the Space Travel Hoax, including the 11 m/s alleged "escape velocity" which is mathemagical absurdity if the force keeping us here is based on an acceleration, not velocity....

at least the mineral is real

Mindat is a database of recognized minerals, the so-called moon sites are also there... and you'll see the total lack of


that should be there
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