The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

There is wisdom in the Bible, I don't think that anyone is denying that but there are also dogma, preconceived ideas of the world that could mislead us in our understanding of reality.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

And if you don't want it, don't read it, nobody can force you, just accept the consequences of your action and maybe think with yourself? Why this resistance?
Because I don't understand why people believe it to be true when we are surrounded by deceptions, how can people here not distrust that document when there is no proof for any of the stories it contains ?
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Exit »

My only real gripe with the bible, and Christianity, is that it proclaims one has to go through the son to reach God. This is extremely disheartening to me. I can’t force myself to believe in Jesus dying for our sins and that to be ‘saved’ I have to. And I have tried! It just does not sit right with me. I would be a liar if I started praying to Jesus and not directly to God, I’d be trying to fool myself and I’ve never been able to do that nor would I want to. This is my main problem.

The other problem is being told, via the Ten Commandments, how I should live my life. I already knew those rules in my soul, my heart. If they aren’t written for those of us born with this intuition, who are they written for? The psychopaths? If so, what good will they do, the psychopaths aren’t going to take any notice. And the world is being controlled by them (my personal belief).
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by pasterno »

PotatoFieldsForever wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:12 am
And if you don't want it, don't read it, nobody can force you, just accept the consequences of your action and maybe think with yourself? Why this resistance?
Because I don't understand why people believe it to be true when we are surrounded by deceptions, how can people here not distrust that document when there is no proof for any of the stories it contains ?
You seem to see it black and white, as if every believer is uncritical to what is written, as if they have to shut down their brains, which they don't, the opposite.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by pasterno »

Exit wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:43 am My only real gripe with the bible, and Christianity, is that it proclaims one has to go through the son to reach God. This is extremely disheartening to me. I can’t force myself to believe in Jesus dying for our sins and that to be ‘saved’ I have to. And I have tried! It just does not sit right with me. I would be a liar if I started praying to Jesus and not directly to God, I’d be trying to fool myself and I’ve never been able to do that nor would I want to. This is my main problem.

The other problem is being told, via the Ten Commandments, how I should live my life. I already knew those rules in my soul, my heart. If they aren’t written for those of us born with this intuition, who are they written for? The psychopaths? If so, what good will they do, the psychopaths aren’t going to take any notice. And the world is being controlled by them (my personal belief).
I understand you here, I have a similar feeling, I think I take it less literal. I see the Jesus, also as a symbol for love, which is is sometimes harder to see in the old testament. I think we need softness, sacrifice, love, to understand God, I think that's what it means. Not ONLY pray to Jesus. I pray to God directly. Saints. Mary. It's intermediary praying. And every souls has a different character. You can also pray via deceased family.

You seem to take it very literal. Jesus can also mean to say: to understand God you need to get close to me.

The 10 commandments is not the essence of Good living. It's the words, like you say, which we feel in ourselves. God's will in words. I think you need to see it in perspective.

Reading the bible doesn't mean reading 100 times the 10 commandments per day. It's part of giving words to God's creation. Like all the other texts. Just the 10 commandments don't make us grow as humans.

I could be wrong here. But I see this a lot, many people around me refuse to read the bible for in my opinion futile reasons. And they are extremely convinced about it. It's either obsession about some story. Or a belief. And based on that throwing all away.

Why should I read fairy tales? So Jesus can walk on water how does that work?
I know about Good and Bad why do I need the bible?
How does sitting in a church every week make me a good man?
So if I confess, my sins will be forgiven? That's easy!

And I feel I have zero impact on them. Close friends that I trust and they trust me I won't convince.

Let alone anonymous people on a forum.

I guess it's very personal. Free will.

I have been that guy for many years. And then it changed and I opened up.

Not because 1 person convinced me of something. Are debunked something. It's not just a rational calling.

It's also spiritual.

I can just say there is something there.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

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pasterno, that some people say “So if I confess my sins, I will be forgiven. That’s easy!”

That response is surely spoken by people who have no real understanding of sin and forgiveness, I think. This is particularly poignant to me because I am reminded often of ‘when you point a finger at someone, there is always three pointing back at you’. Sometimes sins can go unnoticed by oneself, quite easily. It’s happened to me very recently and realising how much they were weighing me down, really burdensome, the relief when they were lifted was welcome. The sins I’m personally talking about here are the ones which come under judgement (of others), anger (at others), feeling revengeful (at others). I’ve been pushed to the limit by a couple of people for a long time and believed all of those feelings were reasonable but the time comes when you have to search yourself and make things right with God/yourself. Then I start to see the parts I played in the feud. It’s then that forgiveness from God and my forgiveness to them puts things right with the world, my tiny piece of it anyway.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

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You've touched on a profound truth regarding sin and its burdens. Indeed, the weight of our wrongdoings can be heavy, often clouding our judgment and impacting our relationships. Recognizing our own faults, rather than solely seeing the shortcomings in others, marks the beginning of self-awareness and spiritual growth.

Your emphasis on the personal journey towards acknowledging and feeling remorse for our sins is key. It's a process of introspection and honesty, not just with others but also with ourselves and with God. This acknowledgment paves the way for genuine repentance and the seeking of forgiveness.

The act of confession, whether through formal sacraments or in heartfelt prayer, is not just about seeking absolution. It's a step towards restoring balance — a dual restoration that mends both our personal relationships and our connection with God. By confessing our wrongs and asking for forgiveness to God, we open the door to healing and reconciliation, both with those we've harmed and with the Divine. It's a journey of returning to a state of grace, where our burden is lifted, and we find peace within ourselves, with God and in our piece of the world
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Exit »

pasterno wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:05 am @Exit

You've touched on a profound truth regarding sin and its burdens. Indeed, the weight of our wrongdoings can be heavy, often clouding our judgment and impacting our relationships. Recognizing our own faults, rather than solely seeing the shortcomings in others, marks the beginning of self-awareness and spiritual growth.

Your emphasis on the personal journey towards acknowledging and feeling remorse for our sins is key. It's a process of introspection and honesty, not just with others but also with ourselves and with God. This acknowledgment paves the way for genuine repentance and the seeking of forgiveness.

The act of confession, whether through formal sacraments or in heartfelt prayer, is not just about seeking absolution. It's a step towards restoring balance — a dual restoration that mends both our personal relationships and our connection with God. By confessing our wrongs and asking for forgiveness to God, we open the door to healing and reconciliation, both with those we've harmed and with the Divine. It's a journey of returning to a state of grace, where our burden is lifted, and we find peace within ourselves, with God and in our piece of the world

Perfectly explained and beautifully expressed pasterno, thank you.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Samson79 »

napoleon wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 4:41 am makes no difference to me ,didnt hinder ab once at his past 4 years of research ,or mine ,just meant anyone with whos controlled with credibilty had to argue with boogieman or jlb ,psilly fuckers
i am a fakeologist
I actually prefer this stance.
Im now pretty much convinced everything as in EVERYTHING is potentially faked, deceptive or a hoax until proven otherwise, I think, quote me if Im wrong but how can ANYONE logically, truthfully or substantially argue fakery from the point of view of accepting credentials.
What I find strange is why anyone would argue any point of view by first offering expertise or authority when the substance of the claim should always provide for itself. This to me is why I think I have been banned from websites over the years, I have no credentials and these disinfo agents always try to get a headstart by claiming their credentials before making their claim, because it shouldnt matter if the claim is true, who actually says it, your 7 year old daughter, your grandma your next door neighbour...
It is no good trying to disprove a lie, its a lie and from these people until proven true. Strange that someone claiming the truth about the government lying would need a government endorsed indoctrination certificate or doctorate to make a claim more believable, that is wierd!!
While the truth will always account for itself, from any direction or level of intelligence, the truth can be scrutinized all day long as it cannot be disproved and speaks for itself.
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Grand Illusion
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Grand Illusion »

pasterno wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:34 am
Grand Illusion wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:27 am
Why are you saying the Holy Bible surpasses every book on the planet for it's details of events past, present and future? How can you verify what the Bible is saying is true? I think Gaia already pointed out how the Bible somehow leaves out Plato or Socrates or different countries surrounding where the Bible mainly is talking about.

I'm in complete shock you make dogmatic statements about the Bible here at Fakeo.

Do you realize how easy it is to fake the books? It's simply words on paper. Lies can be easily written down with barely any effort. Yet you see Ab's 11 year and counting, dedicated to the exposure of the lies and deceit fostered upon us and somehow you see all this and fall short on thinking maybe the Bible is bullshitting you on some level, at least. It's hard typing all this out on a because sometimes I feel I'm on a Bible or Christian website when I read Bibleologist material here.

Psylogical operations didn't just start in the 21st Century, they have been taking place for thousands of years and the Holy Bible is one the oldest Psyops. We can't take a book at face value here. Read between the lines. Book fakery should be first and foremost on the list of what we question here.
Have you read the bible?

It brought me to "fakeology". It is about Truth and distincting falsehood from Truth.

[/b]1 John 3:18
18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

1 John 4:6
6 We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.

2 Timothy 2:15
15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

John 1:17
17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Those most critical on the bible never engaged with it. Never read properly. Just fragments.
And to me it comes across as naive. The bible in the broad sense is the opposite of dogmatic. It's distinction. And our inability to do so.

Especially the Gospel. Especially John. (if you start to read)
I have read parts of the Bible. The parts I have read are fables or allegories or the Book of Revelation that has some truth. I’ve brought this up before why do I have to read the Bible to get to God and his ideas of how to live my life? The whole idea that God has tasked certain individuals who we can’t verify to give his message to his people. Do you not see the pattern of a middle man scam here? I would think you would see that people came up with the idea how about we hijack spirituality from people and insert a middle man whether the Bible or Priests in between people and God. Why do I have to read a Book to get to God? That’s absurd.

God would communicate his message to his people directly or show truths to them without telling people to write it down in a book then have those people read that book. Do you see how ridiculous that is? It’s like saying God can’t communicate to his creation because he somehow screwed that up so his solution was dictate his message to a select few to write down in a Book, then hope that people read that book, LOL! Nonsense!

If God wants me to realize anything, I will. There are angels, guardian angels, jinns and demons. This place is filled with spirituality and you can figure it all out without a book. It’s not complicated. Even the primitive tribes like where I’m at in America, realized demons existed and their temptation and that’s why the tribes had Shamans. They didn’t have to wait until the white man showed up with the bible and trained them how to read.

The Bible was the Psyop before the word Psyop was invented. I’m glad Gaia has brought this topic to the forefront to allow us to dissect and extrapolate ideas of how we have been duped by this book of Magic?
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