The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

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Grand Illusion
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

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Exit wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:43 am My only real gripe with the bible, and Christianity, is that it proclaims one has to go through the son to reach God. This is extremely disheartening to me. I can’t force myself to believe in Jesus dying for our sins and that to be ‘saved’ I have to. And I have tried! It just does not sit right with me. I would be a liar if I started praying to Jesus and not directly to God, I’d be trying to fool myself and I’ve never been able to do that nor would I want to. This is my main problem.

The other problem is being told, via the Ten Commandments, how I should live my life. I already knew those rules in my soul, my heart. If they aren’t written for those of us born with this intuition, who are they written for? The psychopaths? If so, what good will they do, the psychopaths aren’t going to take any notice. And the world is being controlled by them (my personal belief).
Classic middleman scam. You have to through this to get to that. Going through the Sun of God or Lucifer to get to the creator God. People should question that right off the bat. It’s not a big conspiracy that going through a medium to get to whatever you want is asking for trouble. If you want something you go get it yourself not rely on someone else or some book that you have no idea who wrote and have never met or talked with who wrote those words down.

The Ten Commandments to me are daring people to fuck up. It’s like that stuff shouldn’t have to be said. I think many of the Commandments such are hipping people to or making an advertisement for ideas of how to be sinful that they weren’t aware of. Like here are the taboos, now don’t do that or else. This makes people want to break the taboos more especially if they had no clue about those potential sins.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Samson79 »

Grand Illusion wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:27 am

Why are you saying the Holy Bible surpasses every book on the planet for it's details of events past, present and future? How can you verify what the Bible is saying is true? I think Gaia already pointed out how the Bible somehow leaves out Plato or Socrates or different countries surrounding where the Bible mainly is talking about.

I'm in complete shock you make dogmatic statements about the Bible here at Fakeo.

Do you realize how easy it is to fake the books? It's simply words on paper. Lies can be easily written down with barely any effort. Yet you see Ab's 11 year and counting, dedicated to the exposure of the lies and deceit fostered upon us and somehow you see all this and fall short on thinking maybe the Bible is bullshitting you on some level, at least. It's hard typing all this out on a because sometimes I feel I'm on a Bible or Christian website when I read Bibleologist material here.

Psylogical operations didn't just start in the 21st Century, they have been taking place for thousands of years and the Holy Bible is one the oldest Psyops. We can't take a book at face value here. Read between the lines. Book fakery should be first and foremost on the list of what we question here.
With respect, I think your missing the point, Im claiming the bible surpasses every book for that very reason, that it's core message has still survived through out all the time, all the different hands, all the different translations and that no other book can claim the same historical amount of scrutiny and still come out the most debated and talked about book in contraversial terms, one of the biggest green flags no one has mentioned is the fact it HAS survived all this time and that imho makes it all the more worthy to read, it survived all the anti-christian empires and wars, Hitlers book burning, it was taken out of schools and yet people still want to argue young children have a better deal now reading trannylove101 encyclopedo or bigbang-bs.
The reason the west was so civilized and set apart from the rest of the world was because this book was foundational to a healthy moral society, so from simple deductive logic, we could compare every other part of the world and ask why did they not achieve such a high level of abundance without banking usary, multiculturalism and perversion, because of the people, a people who took their bible seriously.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Samson79 »

Exit wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:32 am
Samson79 wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:07 am
PotatoFieldsForever wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 7:10 am In protestant countries, you have a culture of reading the Bible for yourself but not too long ago, mass were still held in Latin in catholic countries and I assume not everyone in the audience was familiar with it. Moreover, only the church had the correct interpretation. And if we trust history, it is the same church that compiled the Bible.

We live in a time when we can freely investigate the document, check the translation but if history is correct, at its core, it has been used to control the mass. Even today, it is still a book that is associated with the people in power.
In parts of history sure, also people were burned at the stake for putting the bible in the public domain, these people took that control off of the Catholic church and since then the bible information about wolves in sheeps clothing entering the congregations has been historically vindicated, on the premise they wanted to corrupt the bible but many copies were printed and allowed people to make up their own minds, which is what one of the major themes has been, if it is a document of non-effect it wouldn't of become the most read book since history began.
The main themes of Yeshua's ministry is based on love not hate or evil, it also showed where government and monarchy would eventually try to enslave the world (book of Samuel, where the Israelites demanded a King like other nations, how earthly kingship would become a menace to the worlds inhabitants and it details exactly the situation the world now, not a coincidence to seasoned bible readers but non bible readers claim authority on prophecy being a self fullfilling agenda or self fullfilling when looked outside of how many wars and movements of boarders and people make that virtually impossible, all variables considered, like plagues and natural disasters etc that man or the most powerful governments cannot control) but again it requires a full study from the individual and to evaluate its prophecy upon its merits of both warning and current impact as it was warned and by who.
The bible with all its errors and handling, language changes, deciphering, translational events etc has pretty much made it the only survivng book with a complete knowledge of God, his son and prophets today, no other book can come anywhere close to such a diverse historical path on survival.
It surpasses every book on the planet for its detail of events, past, present and the future.

How do you know people were burned at the stake?

Who writes history?

If you wanted control of the world would you use ‘history’ books to falsify/make up information? Write current ‘news’ to tell lies? If you were a psychopath intent on complete control, of course you would.

*edit: Grand Illusion, I completely agree with your last post.
How do I know? Because I can trust the prophets, who God used them to tell me in the past what would come to pass in the future and what they warned came true, accurately. So I don't have to doubt the truth, I can progress further into the truth.

I don't doubt my mum is my mum, or think my dad is a hoax or my own body is a psyop, the bible tells you who is who, who can be trusted and why, some people never accept a truth and will just keep on going while others will move on foward without doubts, having confirmed the truth.
Like a love letter written by someone you trust, warns you of danger, you assess whether it is who wrote it is who they say they are, which the bible helps you to do with 100% accuracy all the time every time.
The bible fortold who would be martyred and why. Why does the 10 commandments call out the people who govern you right now to be liars and murderers and theives? Why would the controlling element of government take a book out of study in a school if it was to control that child, that doesn't make sense, why would the historian intent on twistory not simply endorse it's capabilities to control, which is 100% what government is!!!????
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Exit »

Samson79 wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:34 am
Exit wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:32 am
Samson79 wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:07 am

In parts of history sure, also people were burned at the stake for putting the bible in the public domain, these people took that control off of the Catholic church and since then the bible information about wolves in sheeps clothing entering the congregations has been historically vindicated, on the premise they wanted to corrupt the bible but many copies were printed and allowed people to make up their own minds, which is what one of the major themes has been, if it is a document of non-effect it wouldn't of become the most read book since history began.
The main themes of Yeshua's ministry is based on love not hate or evil, it also showed where government and monarchy would eventually try to enslave the world (book of Samuel, where the Israelites demanded a King like other nations, how earthly kingship would become a menace to the worlds inhabitants and it details exactly the situation the world now, not a coincidence to seasoned bible readers but non bible readers claim authority on prophecy being a self fullfilling agenda or self fullfilling when looked outside of how many wars and movements of boarders and people make that virtually impossible, all variables considered, like plagues and natural disasters etc that man or the most powerful governments cannot control) but again it requires a full study from the individual and to evaluate its prophecy upon its merits of both warning and current impact as it was warned and by who.
The bible with all its errors and handling, language changes, deciphering, translational events etc has pretty much made it the only survivng book with a complete knowledge of God, his son and prophets today, no other book can come anywhere close to such a diverse historical path on survival.
It surpasses every book on the planet for its detail of events, past, present and the future.

How do you know people were burned at the stake?

Who writes history?

If you wanted control of the world would you use ‘history’ books to falsify/make up information? Write current ‘news’ to tell lies? If you were a psychopath intent on complete control, of course you would.

*edit: Grand Illusion, I completely agree with your last post.
How do I know? Because I can trust the prophets, who God used them to tell me in the past what would come to pass in the future and what they warned came true, accurately. So I don't have to doubt the truth, I can progress further into the truth.

I don't doubt my mum is my mum, or think my dad is a hoax or my own body is a psyop, the bible tells you who is who, who can be trusted and why, some people never accept a truth and will just keep on going while others will move on foward without doubts, having confirmed the truth.
Like a love letter written by someone you trust, warns you of danger, you assess whether it is who wrote it is who they say they are, which the bible helps you to do with 100% accuracy all the time every time.
The bible fortold who would be martyred and why. Why does the 10 commandments call out the people who govern you right now to be liars and murderers and theives? Why would the controlling element of government take a book out of study in a school if it was to control that child, that doesn't make sense, why would the historian intent on twistory not simply endorse it's capabilities to control, which is 100% what government is!!!????
I asked how you know the killing of Christians were true and you reply with this? You don’t actually know, you are saying you trust/have faith in the written history. That isn’t knowing.

Using the mum analogy is poor. The dad one and your body one, poor.

Anyway, you say all this in response to my simple question, AFTER your response above to napoleon, here:

You said:

“I actually prefer this stance.
Im now pretty much convinced everything as in EVERYTHING is potentially faked, deceptive or a hoax until proven otherwise, I think, quote me if Im wrong but how can ANYONE logically, truthfully or substantially argue fakery from the point of view of accepting credentials.
What I find strange is why anyone would argue any point of view by first offering expertise or authority when the substance of the claim should always provide for itself. This to me is why I think I have been banned from websites over the years, I have no credentials and these disinfo agents always try to get a headstart by claiming their credentials before making their claim, because it shouldnt matter if the claim is true, who actually says it, your 7 year old daughter, your grandma your next door neighbour...
It is no good trying to disprove a lie, its a lie and from these people until proven true. Strange that someone claiming the truth about the government lying would need a government endorsed indoctrination certificate or doctorate to make a claim more believable, that is wierd!!
While the truth will always account for itself, from any direction or level of intelligence, the truth can be scrutinized all day long as it cannot be disproved and speaks for itself.” End quote.

Can you reconcile the two replies?
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Exit »

I posted this in Scientism but it really belongs here:

“Jesus is a very important historical figure whose words and teachings live on to this day. A religion is named after him. But we don’t know his date of birth or where he was born. We do know of his death, his very torturous death which also lives on via jewellery and statues. Even films.

Buddha is also a very important historical figure whose words and teachings live on to this day and he also has a religion named after him. No torturous death with trinkets or statues of it. Yet we can know when he was born and where he was born.

Seems strange.

I hope you don’t feel offended when I point this out pasterno but I often find that when people point out/ask certain things about the bible, they are often met with something similar to what you wrote in your second paragraph. Words such as ‘symbolic’, ‘allegorical’, not in a ‘literal’ sense. These responses are apt to make the questioner/sceptic feel patronised. As if they, somehow, just don’t ‘get it’ because if they did, they wouldn’t ask such ignorant questions. And, again, I’m not saying you’re saying I’m ignorant, it’s just something that happens regularly to a fair few doubting, but open to education, people”.

The above was in reply to pasterno’s response (below) to my questions about the birth of Jesus story.


Pasterno’s response to my original questions is here:

“Regarding the question of Jesus being born in a manger, accompanied by three wise kings, a guiding star, and shepherds, my stance is one of open-minded skepticism. I'm unsure of the exact location of his birth. The specific details, such as the number of shepherds or kings, and even the date of his birth, are aspects I find doubtful. The story of the star could have some basis, but I view these narratives more as poetic interpretations rather than precise historical accounts. It's worth noting that the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas in January, which adds to the complexity of the traditional story.

To label the Christmas story as a complete fabrication seems too binary for me. I believe there's a general truth to it, albeit not in a strictly literal sense. What matters more to me is the symbolic meaning behind these texts. For instance, the Christmas story emphasizes that shepherds, humble figures, found Jesus first, followed by kings. This sequence is symbolic and akin to a parable.

As for the modern celebration of Christmas, it has diverged significantly from its origins as Christ's Mass, becoming more of a cultural appropriation by the new world order. This shift is another indicator that we are dealing with a new religion and not just a quest fro worldly power. Similarly, Easter, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Christ, has been appropriated into a celebration with bunnies and chocolate eggs”.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by aSHIFT. »

Yes, very good you opened that Scientism thread, was my idea too, and just before you. The failing internet (not supposed to happen in 1st world urban Colombia) postponed it but good you caught the same connection and did it.

Big Bang Brother is the cool combo coming up in last week's Newspeech score and I think it perfectly applies to this Scientism Church of Satanism.

Didn't Jesus warn the readers against
"False Prophets" - i.e. "the science is settled" - an intrinsically ANTIscientific (science is by definition NEVER settled) statement, making it imho Satanic - reversing Good - the Devil dressing up as and playing God
aSHIFT. - take control over your OWN life

the more we are, the more we share
the more we share, the more we are

listen to Eye AM Eye Radio
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Samson79 »

Exit wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:29 am
Samson79 wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:34 am
Exit wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:32 am


How do you know people were burned at the stake?

Who writes history?

If you wanted control of the world would you use ‘history’ books to falsify/make up information? Write current ‘news’ to tell lies? If you were a psychopath intent on complete control, of course you would.

*edit: Grand Illusion, I completely agree with your last post.
How do I know? Because I can trust the prophets, who God used them to tell me in the past what would come to pass in the future and what they warned came true, accurately. So I don't have to doubt the truth, I can progress further into the truth.

I don't doubt my mum is my mum, or think my dad is a hoax or my own body is a psyop, the bible tells you who is who, who can be trusted and why, some people never accept a truth and will just keep on going while others will move on foward without doubts, having confirmed the truth.
Like a love letter written by someone you trust, warns you of danger, you assess whether it is who wrote it is who they say they are, which the bible helps you to do with 100% accuracy all the time every time.
The bible fortold who would be martyred and why. Why does the 10 commandments call out the people who govern you right now to be liars and murderers and theives? Why would the controlling element of government take a book out of study in a school if it was to control that child, that doesn't make sense, why would the historian intent on twistory not simply endorse it's capabilities to control, which is 100% what government is!!!????
I asked how you know the killing of Christians were true and you reply with this? You don’t actually know, you are saying you trust/have faith in the written history. That isn’t knowing.

Using the mum analogy is poor. The dad one and your body one, poor.

Anyway, you say all this in response to my simple question, AFTER your response above to napoleon, here:

You said:

“I actually prefer this stance.
Im now pretty much convinced everything as in EVERYTHING is potentially faked, deceptive or a hoax until proven otherwise, I think, quote me if Im wrong but how can ANYONE logically, truthfully or substantially argue fakery from the point of view of accepting credentials.
What I find strange is why anyone would argue any point of view by first offering expertise or authority when the substance of the claim should always provide for itself. This to me is why I think I have been banned from websites over the years, I have no credentials and these disinfo agents always try to get a headstart by claiming their credentials before making their claim, because it shouldnt matter if the claim is true, who actually says it, your 7 year old daughter, your grandma your next door neighbour...
It is no good trying to disprove a lie, its a lie and from these people until proven true. Strange that someone claiming the truth about the government lying would need a government endorsed indoctrination certificate or doctorate to make a claim more believable, that is wierd!!
While the truth will always account for itself, from any direction or level of intelligence, the truth can be scrutinized all day long as it cannot be disproved and speaks for itself.” End quote.

Can you reconcile the two replies?
Reconcile what, I can't prove how the earth was formed scientificaĺly by creating a physical example, writing it down knowing it will be read by two people argueing over it in years to come, but I can know it exists? I have faith it had to of been created, that is how faith works.

Your not going to discredit faith in place of a lack of evidence as to proving you know the wind exists, but I ask you what colour is it, or what weight is it, show me where this wind is, I need to see this.....
I think your asking some one to hand you a smoking body of a martyr burned at the stake here, not going to happen, do I still believe people were burned at the stake for bringing the bible into the hands of the public, sure I do yes!! Can I prove to you I loved a deceased family member when she was alive? No. Does that mean Im lying or there was no proof, No.
The point is your trying to fit someone's faith into a scientific or literary context or principle coherant based on the same documented method of history but altogether leaving out the part were people can and do often "omit" information.
Am I allowed the same standard of faith used by fakeologists used to connect the dots based on the principle of a conclusion made where there is yet any historical proof to be offered? No.
That why it is called faith.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by Grand Illusion »

Samson79 wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:17 am
Grand Illusion wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:27 am

Why are you saying the Holy Bible surpasses every book on the planet for it's details of events past, present and future? How can you verify what the Bible is saying is true? I think Gaia already pointed out how the Bible somehow leaves out Plato or Socrates or different countries surrounding where the Bible mainly is talking about.

I'm in complete shock you make dogmatic statements about the Bible here at Fakeo.

Do you realize how easy it is to fake the books? It's simply words on paper. Lies can be easily written down with barely any effort. Yet you see Ab's 11 year and counting, dedicated to the exposure of the lies and deceit fostered upon us and somehow you see all this and fall short on thinking maybe the Bible is bullshitting you on some level, at least. It's hard typing all this out on a because sometimes I feel I'm on a Bible or Christian website when I read Bibleologist material here.

Psylogical operations didn't just start in the 21st Century, they have been taking place for thousands of years and the Holy Bible is one the oldest Psyops. We can't take a book at face value here. Read between the lines. Book fakery should be first and foremost on the list of what we question here.
With respect, I think your missing the point, Im claiming the bible surpasses every book for that very reason, that it's core message has still survived through out all the time, all the different hands, all the different translations and that no other book can claim the same historical amount of scrutiny and still come out the most debated and talked about book in contraversial terms, one of the biggest green flags no one has mentioned is the fact it HAS survived all this time and that imho makes it all the more worthy to read, it survived all the anti-christian empires and wars, Hitlers book burning, it was taken out of schools and yet people still want to argue young children have a better deal now reading trannylove101 encyclopedo or bigbang-bs.
The reason the west was so civilized and set apart from the rest of the world was because this book was foundational to a healthy moral society, so from simple deductive logic, we could compare every other part of the world and ask why did they not achieve such a high level of abundance without banking usary, multiculturalism and perversion, because of the people, a people who took their bible seriously.
You’re just making dogmatic statements with nothing to back it up. We have no proof of when the Bible was written. Why do you think you can figure out when the Bible was written? I’m almost speechless after having to ask those questions here at Fakeologist.

You talk about the Holy Bible being censored and taken out of schools. Then why when I stay at a Hotel here in America is there always a Holy Bible in a drawer in the Night Stand? Did the censors somehow miss that? I would think forget the schools, get the Bible out of the Hotels if it’s such a threat. Come on, this is nonsense the Bible is being censored.
Samson79 wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:34 am How do I know? Because I can trust the prophets, who God used them to tell me in the past what would come to pass in the future and what they warned came true, accurately. So I don't have to doubt the truth, I can progress further into the truth.

I don't doubt my mum is my mum, or think my dad is a hoax or my own body is a psyop, the bible tells you who is who, who can be trusted and why, some people never accept a truth and will just keep on going while others will move on foward without doubts, having confirmed the truth.
Like a love letter written by someone you trust, warns you of danger, you assess whether it is who wrote it is who they say they are, which the bible helps you to do with 100% accuracy all the time every time.
The bible fortold who would be martyred and why. Why does the 10 commandments call out the people who govern you right now to be liars and murderers and theives? Why would the controlling element of government take a book out of study in a school if it was to control that child, that doesn't make sense, why would the historian intent on twistory not simply endorse it's capabilities to control, which is 100% what government is!!!????
I love how you bring in mothers and fathers versus the bible in regards to trust. I can trust my Mom and my Dad because I have experience around them. They look/looked like me. The Holy Bible was written by people I have never met and will never meet. So trust them??? Okay…You lost me with that one. Most people build trust with those they have experience with not some blind trust you hand over willy nilly.

You seem to repeat the same dogmatic statements too. I just don’t get why. Explain evidence instead of saying the Bible is this or that, no questions asked. We can’t do that at a At a Bible website, Hell Yeah. Not here though.
Samson79 wrote: Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:50 pm Your not going to discredit faith in place of a lack of evidence as to proving you know the wind exists, but I ask you what colour is it, or what weight is it, show me where this wind is, I need to see this.....
I think your asking some one to hand you a smoking body of a martyr burned at the stake here, not going to happen, do I still believe people were burned at the stake for bringing the bible into the hands of the public, sure I do yes!! Can I prove to you I loved a deceased family member when she was alive? No. Does that mean Im lying or there was no proof, No.
The point is your trying to fit someone's faith into a scientific or literary context or principle coherant based on the same documented method of history but altogether leaving out the part were people can and do often "omit" information.
Am I allowed the same standard of faith used by fakeologists used to connect the dots based on the principle of a conclusion made where there is yet any historical proof to be offered? No.
That why it is called faith.
We can prove the wind exists and that’s because it’s energy. When we see the wind move leaves or flags, I wanted to type more examples but why do even have to explain wind is energy that can measured here? Like what is this?

Seriously, this isn’t complicated stuff. Really easy ideas that primitive man figured out and now here at Fakeologist we have no idea wind is energy, WOW!

Do you realize magnetism exists yet it's invisible? It's energy that can be measured using a magnet and iron filings. Invisible energy can be measured.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

Regarding one of the commandments: "Thou shalt not steal !"

Can you really claim the property of anything in this world ? Does a rat steal the grains ? If I look at how nature works, this commandment seems to go against it.
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Re: The Bible - the biggest psyop many here STILL believe in

Unread post by PotatoFieldsForever »

It may seem like a silly question but given that the commandments supposedly came from the same entity that created nature, I think the question is worth asking.
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