Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood: Business Partners

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Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood: Business Partners

Unread post by SaiGirl »

From Peter Toccalino

I wanted to ask you what your take on the Syrian war is - I followed it closely years back, and there was a lot of fake atrocity propaganda produced by Zionist-Muslim Brotherhood linked entities that was aimed at framing up the Assad government. At the time, the fakery coming from that side was being called out and deconstructed quite thoroughly in the alternative media. My impression at the time, though, was that the US-Israel-MB backed 'jihadis' were committing the real atrocities and that an actual war was going on. I think it was 2016 that I went to see a presentation by independent Canadian journalist, Eva Bartlett, on the Syrian conflict - she had been on the ground there for several months and did some very interesting reporting. One of the memorable things about the presentation, which was at McMaster University in Ontario, was that about four or five dodgy-looking Muslim Brotherhood guys showed up to interrupt and troll her, this resulted in some lively and heated arguments. It was clear to me then, that the MB is working hand in glove with the US/Israel ... so all these Gaza fakes, and the apparent Israel-Gaza collaboration, make a lot of sense when looked at from this perspective. I agree with you that they do seem to be ethnically cleansing the Strip, and not for the purpose of inviting the Palestinians back in to brand new homes, apartment blocks and infrastructure (I heard Phil in one of the interviews say he thinks they'll all be getting new homes etc but he may have changed his mind on this ... also said a similar thing about Lahaina ... but I think it makes way more sense that in both cases, they're clearing the natives out for good.)
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Re: Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood: Business Partners

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Qatar, USA CentCom and the Muslim Brotherhood finance, organize and deploy the psyops. The Zionists guarantee the cooperation of Western media.
"Al Jazeera" does the scripting and handles recruitment of cast / extras.
Just like in the psywar against Syria's Assad government.
The notorious "White Helmets" op, run by MI-6, was exposed as a NATO proxy after McCain and Lindsey Graham flew over there for the PR campaign.
Roger Waters even called them out as "false flag" from the stage during one of his concerts when they showed up.
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Research into the history of the region

Unread post by SaiGirl »

Referenced by Prof. Joe Atwill on the Fakeologist show FAK801.

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Re: Zionists and the Muslim Brotherhood: Business Partners

Unread post by Samson79 »

My take on this topic is that the zionist shares some morphology, history and heredity (as is with eastern occultic religion) with the ancient Canaanite peoples who interacted with the Israelites from the bible, these peoples moved closer to the epicentres of religion, empire (many) and commerce, due to geographical location.

The racial admixture in zionism is linked to the fundamental ethno-religious make up of Judaism which has absorbed Persian Greek Babylonian and residual admixure from their heredity on the principle of racial terms, thus all show a trait for worldly ambition based upon their own unique guidance, Islam Judaism and far east oral tradition and interpretation of how to plan a dominance based on this world or realm.

Just my perspective.

Another thing worth mentioning is the arguement that in Freemasonic authors who create the context of an all out mutual destruction of Islam and the west is to be accepted without debate. On the premise that authors such as Albert Pike and other high level masons would not be questioned on the contradiction in terms or publishing their plans in books and so create the perfect enviroment for future discourse and acceptance these are indeed the plans of the shadow governments.

The contradiction is seen in examples where the highest over reprisentation in wrstern governments would want to create the enviroment by importing Islam to defeat ultimately, plunder or slow the west with the pure intentions of Judaism being uneffected by this demographic slow war by creating climatic conditions where by resources are dwindled or decline management becomes fashioned from purely Judaism as the ethno-religious vehicle and where intense competition will likely create another window of opportunity for right wing factions to appear suddenly accross the western stronghold (which is what we are currently seeing slowly happen).

In regards to the Gaza fake war, it looks like Muslims have always been subservient to Judaism, both in Israel/Palestine and is yet another contradiction to the mutual war this time between these two religions as well. The Americans and English having simply been intellectually and materialistically, financially and by employement, being as close to complete plunder from both these religions working together.

The first whole-sale march and demonstration of the Gaza conflict was bought by the masses but strangely organized by people loosely affiliated to Palestine, not by Palestinians, showing both the intention of the narrative is not grassroots but also part of the unification of Muslims who side with Palestine and Judaism to create charity affiliations ie "not in our name" and shows the duality of Judaism to create the pretext, control the narrative but also shows how Muslims who have been nowhere to help Palestinians in 70 years would accept a post event peaceful march as somehow effective in securing Palestinian autonomy of it's land and thus resources.

So my opinion is the mutual destruction is a ruse, simply to create slavery not wholesale death, to create a strain on the west and keep it in check, to pick of the nontaxpayers but leave the rest to "compete" with Islam, but not to remove the westerner outright as effectively still the number one consumer and thus customer and source of income for both Judaism and Islam, both to use in the creation of strengthening their mutual diaspora throught out the world, which we see in Arabian mega cities or in Gulf states and Judaism to continue their free income and raise their over all populations in every country, which they govern in proxy and effectively hide under the veil of nationalist self determination instead of creating the enviroment where the west abandons all hope in the appeal or ambition to navigate a system that only plunders their self determination.
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