NASA lies - does that mean all things ball earth are up for debate?
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The Rosicrucians teach that all great religions have been
given to the people among whom they are found, by Divine
Intelligences who designed each system of worship to suit the
needs of the race or nation to whom it was given. A primitive
people cannot respond to a lofty and sublime religion, and
vice versa.
What helps one race would hinder another, and in
pursuance of the same policy there has been devised a system of
soul-unfoldment suited specially to the Western people, who are
racially and temperamentally unfit to undergo the discipline of
the Eastern school, which was designed for the more backward
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“In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned.
Heaven sought order.
But the phoenix can fly only when its feathers are grown.
The four worlds formed again and yet again,
As endless aeons wheeled and passed.
Time and the pure essences of Heaven,
the moisture of the Earth,
the powers of the sun and the moon
All worked upon a certain rock, old as creation.
And it became magically fertile.
That first egg was named “Thought”.
Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said,
“With our thoughts, we make the world.”
Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch.
From it then came a stone monkey.
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!”

so anyone explained why there is a tinman in the 911 museum=no
anyone explained why there is a witch shaped hole from the flight 93 plane in shanksville =no
anyone explained why there is a boulder shaped like the house that killed the witch in the wizard of oz ,placed over the shanksville hole=no
anyone explained why there is a shanksville memorial the same shape as glinda's wand =no
anyone explained why there is a psi fi film with all 911 events mirrored perfectly =no
anyone explained why they used liber oz numbers for the planes =no
anyone explained why they mirror the wizard of oz when celebrating the death of ozma bin laden =no
anyone explained why so sirius,goodluck for another year of fakeologists ignoring the blog

oh and i can expalin 911 backwards and forwards ,but ab can't find a fakeologist to read the blog,i did predict that also
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this religion is now mine ,come and take it back houseclowns
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the crown of stars is the zodiac ,the beast is the zodiac one animal ,the whore is one star alignment that all religions bow too solomons star metatron arch angle michael ,she rides this beast and services all the new religions christaianity ,islam,and judaism and their degenerates in one event 911

,unless you are thrice sighted you won't see the beauty ,same as the new temple of jerusalem solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con being terra-ism perpetuated by masons combing all three temples that fell on 911 solomons herods and the twin towers ,you can't say that if your working for a circus

talk about amateurs and weak minds
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millennium falcon toy serial number
model number 39110
theres only 9 numbers ,so i rarely get giddy with gematria,but in that you got ,
39 wizard of oz came out
93 flight number and liber oz number thelema 93 reversed 39
9th month sep
11th day,number of magick from crowley
110 floors
model no 39110 for the j tobin plaza spaceship,the ,millenium fall-con toy from kenner
when viewed from the gold sphere ,the ultimate prize in v.i.t.i.o.l. illuminism rosicrucian alchemy that spawned the wizard of oz
stand at the gold ball and look up !! illuminated to fuck !
come and play with us danny ,,,,,,same model number as millenium fall-con
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well they do not like their big secret getting out
they made a toy and space film from the events of 911 ,it was the chamber of reflection ceremony instituted by rosicrucian-babylonian-egyptian magic ,thats why they use oz ,kesil means orion or osiris and they treat you like dorothy in oz ,well they failed miserably with me
fucking shabby as fuck
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so we got bowman in the chamber on 2001 ,with paintings reflecting 911 imagery
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we got twins with precise hits on the gemini photos that took the sattelite images of the coptic countries that celebrate sep 11 as new year
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and orion and jupiter over the september 11 countries ,this is why i show that solomons temple became solo-mans temple the millenium fall-con

i told ya 911 toys and houseclowns controlled opposition do not mix ,i am however right so fuck you !!!! xxxxx
heres rosencreuz rebirth ,david bowman recreates it and even turns in the womb before breaching the alchemical cosmist womb
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According to Albert Pike, the Chamber of Reflection ‘should be one story below the lodge room; and if possible, underground, with no window.

The floor must, in any case, be of earth. On the walls should be brief sentences of morality, and maxims austere philosophy, written as if with charcoal.’ The room should be completely dark, and the walls painted black or made to look like the interior of a cave.
“This room is real, Ben
the treasure is understanding the secret destiny of america ,highlighted by this empty room
that room is the chamber of reflection,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is from national treasure ,the lads were expecting treasure ,but find a little room"the rosicrcucian chamber"

heres voights line “This room is real, Ben. And that means the treasure is real. We’re in the company of some of the most brilliant minds in history because you found what they left behind for us to find, and understood the meaning of it. You did it, Ben, for all of us ”

the treasure is understanding the secret destiny of america ,highlighted by this empty room? the empty room is the chamber of reflection

rosicrucians introduced the chamber of reflection degree the metaphorical alchemical illumination(finding spiritual gold) ,
but because this is a hollywood film there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow(rosicrucian illuminism) for the actors voight n cage ,remember the same process gave you dorothy in oz story “In chemistry, vitriol is iron or copper sulfate salts and their derivative, sulfuric acid.
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Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?

The name comes from the Latin for “glassy,” after the resemblance of iron sulfate to shards of green glass. Vitriol is symbolized alchemically as the “green lion,”green shards (emerald city) a poisonous substance that appears when metal is degraded by acid. Sulfuric acid, or oil of vitriol yellowy gold , was used in the synthesis of the lapis philosophorum- the Philosopher’s Stone. One unique peoperty of sulfuric acid is the dissolution of metals- all except for gold, on which it has no effect. leaving a gold sphere ,like koenigs” sphere in the centre of the j tobin plaza the tomb of rozencreuz

luke is literally and figuratively put in the centre of j tobin plaza solo-mans temple ,including merril lynch as r2d2 and the trapezoid building 7 as solo's carbonite trapezoid ,including the view from solomon building7 matching solo-mans view of the sarlacc pitt ground zero !!babylon!!
the millenium fall-con
this same process gave you lukes mirroring of ozama and 911 and what an american child would experience about 911 visually and narratively decades before in star wars alchemically of course. putting the initiate in the middle of the twin towers j tobin plaza the millenium fall-con
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Little is known about the precise origins of the Chamber of Reflection. There is some consensus that it first appeared in France around 1750, and the Hermetic nature of its symbolism indicates the direct or indirect influence of the Rosicrucians. Author and occultist Robert Ambelain goes as far as suggesting that the Rosicrucians deliberately infiltrated Masonic lodges in order to spread their ideas.ive walked you through 911 imagery and narrative in a trilogy of films from decades prior and shown you the v.i.t.r.ii.o.l. oz schema , you are closer to dorothy than jedis ladies ,just letting you know

In the center of the room is placed a small wooden table, accompanied by a stool or uncomfortable wooden chair for the candidate to sit on.

On the table the following items should be sombrely placed: a single lit candle, a human skull and crossed tibia (leg bones), an hour-glass, a small bell, a small loaf of bread, a basin of water, containers of salt, sulphur, and mercury, a mirror, papers, a quill pen and ink.
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In some chambers of reflection, there may be a picture or representation of a rooster instead of the mercury. dorothy's rooster

Lastly the alchemical cipher V.:I.:T.:R.:I.:O.:L.:, and the words ‘Know Thyself’ should be written somewhere on the wall
utuyty (1).jpgthe wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show , the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. acronym that is written on the chamber of reflection wall ,,,,,is symbolised by the v.i.t.r.i.o.l. fairystory it generated in baums novel and grafted onto the american psyche
the wizard of oz story is an alchemical journey who's origin is from this process of refining gold ,follow the yellow v.i.t.r.i.o.l. and the process till you get to the green shards of v.i.t.r.i.o.l. the emerald city then emerging from the chamber of reflection to see all your friends in a new light ,the self illumination process finding gold ,the alchemical illumination on 911 was always there on show,and the ceremony that inspired the wizard of oz journey dorothy took ,has been used by masons on the public ,in this masonic rosicrucian ceremony,

Dorothy: But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you?
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Both Dorothy and Luke live with their respective aunt and uncle, whom their have a similar relationship with, on a farm in a desert-like landscape, Tatooine for Luke and drought-ridden Kansas for Dorothy. They’re both young, idealistic and filled with wanderlust, expressed by Dorothy in ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, and in Luke’s longing glance at the binary sunset. Both have farm hands—Hunk, Zeke, and Hickory for Oz and C–3PO and R2-D2 for Star Wars—that go on to follow them on their subsequent adventure. Both are swept into the wider world when calamity strikes, for Dorothy a tornado, and for Luke the empire’s patrols, and soon after they find themselves on an path that’ll change their lives and the lives of whole worlds, forever.

It’s easy to take these kinds of comparisons too far, but at the same time it’s hard not to see the similarities between The Cowardly Lion and Chewbacca, The Tin Woodsman and C–3PO (both enjoy some oil for their joints) and the unintelligible Toto and R2-D2 (Two-Two). And where Dorothy follows Toto when he runs away, Luke follows R2. In fact, Lucas often talks about how he took facets of Luke’s personality and made them into characters, and that that’s how he came up with Luke’s friends and companions. Take one quick look at The Wizard of Oz, and you’ll find the exact same pattern in Dorothy’s companions of Toto, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman and The Cowardly Lion. Dorothy and Luke’s last names are even conceptually similar, descriptive and evocative, rather than plain old boring ‘Smith’; Dorothy Gale, whose life is changed by a tornado, and Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars.
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Freemasonic meaning of 9/11....................

Mason Masonry Masonic Freemasonry New World Order Conspiracy Novus Ordo Seclorum Stanly Kubrick Alchemy Twin Towers One World Trade Center Sirius Binary Star Precession of the Equinoxes The New Age Era Hexagram Great Year Occult Yukteswar Anno Lucis Golden Age Yuga Pentagon Pentagram Eastern Star Millenium Hilton Hotel Black Monolith Dog Star Police Dog
666 Decan Kundalini 2001 A Space Odyssey Blazing Star Inside Job Ritual Union of Oppositions Arch and Keystone Secret Societies Symbolism New Era 911
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Unread post by napoleon »

george lucas only progressed kubricks j tobin plaza
as a spaceship that would take flight on sep 11 2001
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1965 = gemini 11 images of coptic countries ,
that celebrate sep 11 2001 as new year
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two stars in gemini patch indicate
impact points of sep 2001
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jupiter = gemini = orion = in a space station
that mimics the construction of the twin towers in a film called
2001 a space odyssey ,over countries that celebrate sep 11 2001 as a new year 36 years before
the millenium fall-con

your either honest or your not !
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Unread post by napoleon »

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the millenium falcon is all three temples combined that fall and will fall on 911 ,this is after all a stylised rosicrucian hijacking of the holy books from antiquity
so herods temple ,solomons temple and the twin towers all make the millenium fall-con space ship ,babylon and new jerusalem under one spell pr psipher that is rosicrucianism
“locallising a myth for the entire planet,localising it for the end of the millenium 31 mins,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,george lucas

when you splice the past solomons temple ,destroyed by nebudchadnezzar on 911,and herrods temple destroyed on911 with the modern day solomons temple ie the twin towers ,which were also destroyed on 911 through narrative that sadam hussein funding of terra-ism, sadam declared himself the reincarnation of nebudchadnezzar in the 70s
,,,,,,,,,,,,, you get solo-hans temple ...................the millenium fall-con
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Take one quick look at The Wizard of Oz, 🌈and you’ll find the exact same pattern in Dorothy’s companions of Toto, The Scarecrow, The Tin Woodsman and The Cowardly Lion. Dorothy and Luke’s last names are even conceptually similar, descriptive and evocative, rather than plain old boring ‘Smith’; Dorothy Gale, whose life is changed by a tornado, 🌈and Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars.
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Coptic New Year: A Tribute to Martyrs

The Coptic New Year, also known as Nayrouz, is a holiday observed by Coptic Christians (9/11). It marks the start of the Coptic calendar and is a time of reflection, prayer, and remembrance. One of the most profound aspects of this celebration is its tribute to the Coptic martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for their faith over centuries of persecution.

The Coptic Church has a long history of martyrdom, with countless believers enduring suffering and death rather than renounce their Christian faith. The Coptic New Year serves as a solemn reminder of this legacy and the sacrifices made by these brave individuals
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Genesis 10:1
What does Genesis 10:1 mean?
This verse introduces what is sometimes called the table of nations. In addition to listing some of the descendants of Noah's sons, the chapter also mentions the lands and nations that formed among these descendants. This is the purpose God intended for mankind in His commands after the flood: to repopulate the earth (Genesis 9:7). As part of His will, God had promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood (Genesis 9:11).
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Revelation 10:1
And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
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the trigger for 911 was an allignment of aldebaran , Pleiades through osiris belt all the way to sirius the rainbow star ,

God continues in verses 31-33, "Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades or
loose Orion's belt? Can you bring out the signs of the zodiac" (the Mazzaroth) "in their season or guide Aldebaran and its train?" (Aldebaran in AlderAAn-HAL)
the brightest star in Taurus, the Bull that pulls or leads the zodiac across the sky.

Do you proclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine
the laws of nature on earth?" The RSV reads "Do you know the ordinances of
the heavens? Can you establish their rule on the earth?"
What does the star Columba mean?
Noah's dove
Columba is supposed to represent Noah's dove, sent out from the Ark to find dry land, and which returned with an olive branch in its beak, a sign that the Flood was at last subsiding. To complete this Biblical tableau, Plancius even renamed Argo as Noah's Ark on a globe of 1613.
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What does the constellation Columba represent?
Its brightest star is Alpha Columbae (sometimes called Phact, from the Arabic for “ring dove”), with a magnitude of 2.6. In 1612 Dutch cartographer Petrus Plancius introduced this constellation on a celestial globe he made and represented it as the dove that the biblical figure Noah released from the ark
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